15 - The Talk

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Luna Jeon and Taehyung arrived at a cute out of the way restaurant.  It was in the business center but since it was Saturday it wasn't that crowded and for that Taehyung was thankful.  He really didn't want to be anyplace with a lot of people right now.   He only left the house once in the week he had been home from the hospital and that was because Seong had forced him to get out and go with him to the grocery store.

 As they entered, the Luna went straight to an out of the way area towards the back with a lovely view of a courtyard.  As they sat a waiter was there in an instant with menus and water.

"Order whatever you want hon."   After giving the menu a quick glance Tae decided to get the avocado bacon burger and house fries.  the Luna ordered her 'usual'.

"You must come here often?" Tae asked since she seemed familiar and comfortable with the place.  

"Ohhh, I know the chef!"  She gave a wink and a smile.  Taehyung returned the smile and allowed himself to relax a bit.  "You know your mom and I have been friends since college, I was pleased that she asked me to talk to you."

"Really?  I didn't know you two knew each other."

"Oh yes,  we still chat occasionally but being Luna's, it keeps us pretty busy"

"Well, I really appreciate you talking with me.  Sorry if I'm a bit nervous, this is all new to me"

"Don't worry sweetie, I'll try to answer all the questions you have"  with that their food arrived pretty quickly as there weren't very many customers.  They chit-chatted during their meal which also gave Taehyung a chance to think of questions to ask.  After the waiter took their plates away, Luna Jeon ordered dessert to share and tea.

"Ok dear, it's time for us to get a little serious here, that's why I ordered dessert.  Your mom told me about the suppressants you were on and a little bit about what happened to cause you to go on them."  The Luna's voice had changed to where it was low but also very soothing which helped keep Tae at ease.

"Yeah, I figured she would let whoever she found for me to talk to know,  I didn't know she meant you."  the Luna just gave him a soft smile, "So what's your first question?"

"I don't really know where to start.  The doctor said that my first heat might not be so bad.  After that, he said I would need to find someone to help with it,  I -I don't know if I can handle all that, being with someone like that.  I'm afraid it will just bring up too many painful memories."

The Luna was extra mindful of the Omega having learned what all he had been thru.  "Well, it's true dear.  Our first heats are usually bearable and we can mostly handle ourselves on our own, by that, I mean we can masturbate to relieve the tension of the heat.  After our first heats, things get difficult.  Our bodies are ready to mate and at that level, no amount of masturbation is going to help.   We actually need an Alpha to help us as the pheromones they give off during sex help satiate that need.  With Alphas, they can be with either Omegas or other Alphas. If we're unmated during our heats, we don't have to actually be knotted or marked.  That's usually reserved for when you recognize each other as mates.  Not having someone to help you during heats can be extremely painful.  Our bodies and wolves need extra time to recover due to the amount of tension that we would go through in that case."

"I understand."  Once again Taehyung was comfortable with the information he was receiving. It was if he already knew the answers to the questions he had.  Hearing them from someone else just made them easier to accept. 

" What was it like for you when you knew that Alpha Jeon was your mate?" 

"Ohhh,  lol, it's different for everyone.  For me the moment I saw him I knew and my wolf knew.  His scent was intoxicating and there was this pull to go to him and just be with him.  Before we actually mated, every time he came near me I just wanted to embrace him and nuzzle in his scent.  But like I said, it's different for everyone.  And once you mate it's like you become complete.  You can sense and hear what the other is thinking or feeling.  Omegas are special in that they can also calm their mates with their scent.  Also, the mating bond helps us heal faster, just having that physical contact with them releases certain chemicals that aid in healing."

Taehyung felt so much better and grateful for having talked with the older Omega.  He knew he should be asking more questions but he just couldn't think of anything at the moment.  He got up and hugged her. "Thank you so much Luna Jeon!!"  

The Luna couldn't help but laugh. "Your welcomed dear, it was my pleasure"  The young Omega had certainly won her over with his gentleness.  

"Actually Taehyung, I talked to your mom before meeting with you and we both think it would be a good and probably safe idea for you to come to the Moon Ridge compound for a bit, just until you've experienced your first real significant heat.  After your first heat, the next one will be more intense and it will happen soon afterward since you're not mated.  We have more older Omegas than your pack and they would be happy to support you.  Especially with how tense things still are with the Rogues.  I've mentioned this to Jimin and he would be happy to stay there with you, but the final say is up to you."

"Wow, uhh...I need to think about that.  It's just been me and my brothers for so long."

"I understand hon, take as much time as you need.  But you need to realize and I don't want to scare you but going into heat around Alphas can be dangerous and your brothers would have to leave the house or you would have to go elsewhere.  Once the scent of an Omega in heat hits, Alphas can't help but go into pure instinct at the point.  It's impossible or very difficult for them to control the mating drive at that point." 

"I understand."  Luna Jeon reached into her pocket and gave Taehyung a bottle of what looked like perfume. "Here, this is Calla Mist.  It helps lessen our Omega scents.  Just spray on your neck where your scent glands are and you should be fine."

"Thank You!" Just then the message alert on Tae's phone went off. 

Jimin: Please Please Please stay at the packhouse with me!! Pleeeaase

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