16 - An Easy Choice

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While Luna Jeon and Taehyung had been enjoying a warm Omega bonding moment, tensions had risen at the Moon Ridge compound.  

Luna Jeon dropped Taehyung off at home and got one last hug as they both exchanged numbers so he could contact her if he needed to talk. Taehyung had been thinking the entire way home about staying with Jimin at Moon Ridge. The more he thought about it the more sense it made.

There was a reason Taehyung didn't stay with his own Pack and that's because he felt extremely uncomfortable there. The Alphas always made him uneasy with their stares and a majority of the Omegas were snobby towards him. They always saw him as an outsider. He knew the ones that he called mom and dad were actually aunt and uncle, but they were the ones that raised him so to him, they were mom and dad. Sure he had a few friends there but he preferred to stay with his brothers in the city and hang out with Jimin.

First Taehyung wanted to talk to his mom about it, then his brothers before he made a final decision. He also had to accept the fact that if he agreed, that would mean being around Jungkook and Deeya. There was tension and uneasiness where both of them were concerned. Especially with Deeya, as he had severely damaged her pride as an Alpha and knew she would not forget it as quickly as he hoped.

As Taehyung waved goodbye to the Luna and headed to the apartment, his phone went off.

Jimin: hey honey buns, closing shop for 2 weeks. Pack Alpha wants all members at compound.  I need you with me!!!

Taehyung slid his phone back into his pocket and made his way into the apartment.

"Hey losers I'm home!" Just then Tae's mom walked out of the living room. 

"Hey, hon you need to come to the living room. Family matter" His mom's face had a hint of worry which caused him to worry. Tae followed her into the living room and saw that everyone had gathered there.

"What's wrong?"

The Luna let Namjoon fill him in on what was going on. "We got word that the Rogues are planning to attack Moon Ridge again.  They've been able to strengthen their numbers supposedly.  Their plan is to severely disable the largest pack in the area so the others will be easier to overtake. Dad wants us all back at Moon Ridge by the end of the day."  

"Whoa..." Taehyung couldn't believe that the Rogues would even dare to attack again or how he kept getting drawn back to Jungkook.  He turned to his mom who stood up.

"I talked to your dad, since the majority of our younger Alphas will be at Moon Ridge helping out, the older ones will stay back and keep watch on the compound.  I've offered to help Luna Jeon since there will be extra mouths to feed and responsibilities.  Taehyung,  I know you didn't have the best experience there, but you staying here alone is not an option and I know you won't be happy at Steel River.  So...you're going to have to come with us."  Tae's mom had just unknowingly saved his sanity.  

"Oh thank God! Luna Jeon asked me earlier if I wanted to stay there.  I was going to wait to talk to you guys about it first but I guess I don't have to now.  Jimin will be there so I should be fine."

Their mom breathed a sigh of relief. "Ok then, you guys go grab your stuff and pack.  Alphas will be camping outside near the pavilion so make sure your gear is good to go.  We'll all ride there together."

As Taehyung was in his room packing and making sure he had all that he needed for the next week or so, he heard a gentle knock at the door. "Yeah?" 

"Can I come in?"  It was Seong

"Sure Seongii." Tae gave a quick smile and went back to making sure he had everything.

"Hey Tae I wanted to talk to you for a minute before we head out."  Taehyung looked at him confused.


"Are you sure you're going to be ok at Moon Ridge?  Jungkook and his girlfriend will be there."

"Yeah, I thought about that.  I should be fine Seongii.  Jimin will be there plus Jungkook will be out with you guys.  I doubt Deeya will want anything to do with me.  I'll be fine because me going to Steel River is NOT going to happen."

"Ok, but if you have any issues mom and Luna Jeon are there.  Also, I think you and Jungkook need to have a talk, there's something going on with you two.  I'm not sure what, but you two should probably talk about what happened in the hospital."

"Not you too Seongii!  Why does everyone keep thinking there's something between us?  He has a girlfriend for fuck's sake, yes she's a bitch, but still.  I barely know him and I don't remember much before I woke up the next morning.  Can we please not talk about this now?" 

"Ok, pup. Let's go and get this over with" Seong gave Tae a smile and left to load up the bikes.

Taehyung came out to the living room where everyone was waiting on him.  The Luna was giving last-minute details before they all left. "I'll ride with Kai, Taehyung you're with Seong since Namjoon has extra gear loaded on his bike." 

"Ok, mom" They all headed outside after making sure the apartment was situated. Tae climbed on behind Seong and wrapped his arms around his waist as much as he could. "I kinda need to get my helmet on and operate the bike Pup, loosen up".  Tae ignored his brother for a minute as he hugged him even tighter.

"Thanks for worrying about me Seongi, Love you."  Tae nuzzled his nose into the side of Seong's neck since they didn't have their helmets on yet.  Seong gave up trying to get him to relax his hold.   He turned and brought their foreheads together, breathing in his brother's scent. 

"Love you too Pup, now loosen up, time to ride."  Tae giggled, put on his helmet and held on to his brother's waist. 

Properly this time.

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