20 - MATES

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This time, his mom screamed his name using her Alpha voice to snap him back to reality, it worked. She hated doing that to her son, but he was in distress and unresponsive.

The shudder that went through his body was visible to everyone in the room. Tears started to run down his face and his breathing became labored and heavy. Taehyung was on the verge of going into a full-fledged panic attack.

*Cough* *Cough*

Taehyung looked down at the crumpled body on the floor that still struggled to breathe, eyes widening in disbelief. His head snapped back to where his name had emanated from as he stared at the Lunas, the terror growing in his eyes.

"Tae Honey, it's ok, just breathe baby." His mom's voice was full of fear; his expression unreadable. The shaking was getting worse. He tried to talk, but no sound would come out. His eyes darted about the room, causing his mom to become more concerned.  Luna Jeon quickly motioned for Jimin and Chin to get behind her.  She was unsure what Taehyung would do in this state.

"M- m -mom..." came the faintest but most heart-wrenching plea. His mom slowly took steps towards her son. She was halfway to him when Taehyung fell into a full panic attack and darted out the door before she could reach him.

Under the pavilion, while the Alphas and Elder Alpha Lee enjoyed their beers. Jungkook suddenly doubled over in pain and fell out of his chair.


His voice was heavy with pain and his body was shaking. Jungkook couldn't see or focus on anything but the intense pain. The Elder rushed to his side. 

"Jungkook? What's wrong?!" The other's gathered around them, all with looks of genuine concern on their faces.

Jungkook was gasping for air as he tried to respond and move. "I - I - I don't know... something's wrong, something's really wrong!" He doubled over as another wave of pain wracked his body.

"Namjoon, run to the house and get the Lunas!" the Elder commanded, trying to comfort the young Alpha on the ground. As Namjoon turned to leave, everyone on the compound heard it. The Lunas both screamed in unison.


Everyone under the pavilion looked towards the house. The only thing moving was Taehyung, running full speed across the compound.

"Go!" the Elder shouted. They all took off running towards their young brother. The Elder helped Jungkook to his feet, but he was still unsteady. Others around the pavilion stood, too shocked and confused to move. His brothers had a difficult time trying to catch up with him, but Taehyung collapsed before he could reach the thick tree line surrounding the compound. Seong reached him first. "Tae, Pup, what's wrong?"

Taehyung was on his hands and knees, his fingers digging into the soil. His body heaved violently from sobbing as he began to hyperventilate. The wild and lost look in his eyes caused Seong to grab him and hold him. "Tae, I need you to calm down and breathe. Tae you need to breathe!!"

Taehyung couldn't respond, he was too far into the panic attack to hear anyone. The rest made it to him. The Elder gently took hold of Tae as Seong stood out the way to give them room. "Pup, look at me, I need you to calm down and breathe ok, Tae look at me!" Taehyung still didn't respond and Jungkook was getting antsy seeing the state of his Mate. The Elder looked at Jungkook, moving out of the way, motioning at him to come over.

Jungkook sat beside Taehyung on the ground and pulled the panicking Omega onto his lap. He wrapped his arms around him, placing Taehyung's head into the crook of his neck, weaving his fingers into the soft grey hair.

"Tae, I need you to relax and breathe, okay. Just relax, it's okay, you're safe." Jungkook's voice was very gentle as Taehyung slowly began responding to it. "Keep breathing Tae, you're safe now." Jungkook stroked the Omega's back with one hand while the other tangled into his hair, his thumb caressing Tae's temple. The Omega's shaking stopped and his breathing evened out.

The Lunas had finally made it to him and stood watching the two with the rest of Tae's family, trying to catch their breath. 

"What happened?" Tae's dad asked the Lunas. 

"Deeya hurt Jimin, before we could get to them, Taehyung attacked her."

Gradually Taehyung started coming out of the panic attack. His arms that had been at this side rose and wrapped around Jungkook's neck as he pulled himself closer into the Alpha. His sobbing became a series of soft whimpers. Jungkook continued to whisper to him, which eased him even more. 

"Tae?" his mom spoke quietly so she wouldn't startle him and knelt next to him but didn't touch him. Jungkook stopped rubbing his back and pulled away from him just a little. He took his hand and raised Tae's face by his chin to look at him. With grey hair covering his face, all the others could see was from the nose down, but Jungkook was close enough to see his eyes through the tufts of hair.

The eyes that stared back at him were the most beautiful electric blue eyes he'd ever seen, Jungkook gasped at the dramatic change in eye color.

Taehyung buried his face back into Jungkook's neck and inhaled deeply. The whimpering and shaking stopped. His breathing almost normal. "Tae, are you okay?" Jungkook asked in a low voice, getting a slow nod from the Omega.

"Taehyung, hon are you all right now?" his mom had to ask for herself. Tae turned and opened his eyes that were barely visible through all the hair, but said nothing. He didn't have to.

She slowly stood up, not breaking her gaze with her young son. "Taehyung, your eyes..."

Taehyung became worried again and buried his face next to Jungkook's, tightening his hold and whispering in his ear.

"Please Junie, don't let me go. Please don't let me go."

Jungkook held him closer. "I've got you, you're okay." Their foreheads now pressed together, Jung's hand wrapped around the side of Taehyung's neck, his thumb caressing his jawline.

"What's wrong mom?" Seong asked, worry present in his voice. His brothers and dad were getting worried, both Lunas just looked at each other as they both had seen the same thing.

 "They're, They're..." Luna Jeon couldn't even form a sentence she was so shocked.

"They're what mom?!" Kai asked loudly trying to snap his mom out of it. He knelt down to touch Taehyung, but he flinched and grabbed onto Jungkook even tighter, still keeping his face and eyes hidden from everyone. Jungkook patted Taehyung on the back.

"They're blue."  Jungkook said what the Lunas couldn't, he took another deep breath. "His eyes are blue."

"That's not possible." Seong spoke, looking at the Lunas.

Alpha Lee knelt down and placed his hand on Jungkook's shoulder. "You need to tell them son, it's time." Jungkook sighed and whispered into Taehyung's ear. 

"You know, don't you?" Taehyung slowly shook his head, his voice still nothing but a whisper. "Yes, it's ok to tell them."

Jungkook looked up at everyone. "Taehyung... Taehyung is my Mate."

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