21 - Family Talk*

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"Taehyung's...Taehyung's my Mate."

Everyone became silent. No one knew how to respond or what to say. Taehyung's brothers all looked at each other, then back down at their brother curled up in Jungkook's lap. Why everyone had gone silent Jungkook didn't know, being Mates wasn't that big of a deal. Maybe since it was Taehyung, they were overly concerned.

"Come on, Let's get you two up." Alpha Lee helped Jungkook stand as Taehyung would not let go. Once Jungkook stood and had a better hold on his Mate, Alpha Lee patted him on the shoulder. 

 "Tae?" His dad's voice was gentle as he reached out a hand to touch Tae's.

"He might have passed out." Jungkook spoke while looking at the Elder who gave a soft smile.

"We need to get back to the house, we have a lot to talk about, plus I need to make sure Deeya is ok." Luna Jeon didn't know what to make of what had just happened. She was in shock just as much as everyone else.

"What's wrong with Deeya?" Jungkook asked his mom.

"I'll tell you when we get back. Let's go."

Walking back to the pack house, no one said anything as Jungkook carried Taehyung.  As they got closer, they were met with stares, especially the site of Taehyung in Jungkook's arms.  A few feet from the house, they could see Alpha Jeon standing in the doorway, visibly worried. Jungkook made his way up the steps, Chin rushing towards them. 

"Tae, hon are you ok?"

Jungkook stopped and blocked Chin from his Mate causing him to look at Jungkook with a questioning glare. Alpha Jeon watched and stepped in. "Jungkook, you need to let him take Taehyung to the room to rest, Chin and Jimin will stay with him. You need to come to my office so we all can talk." Jungkook didn't understand why the Elder Alphas were being so accommodating with what was going on. He reluctantly complied, knowing it was for the best.

"Be careful with him Chin." Jungkook carefully transferred Taehyung into Chin's arms and the older Omega walked back to Jimin's room.

Alpha Jeon turned to the rest of the family and motioned everyone to his office. Dongjun, who returned to talk to his dad was asked to leave.  After everyone found a seat, Alpha Jeon took a minute to gather his thoughts.

"Someone please explain to me why my Pack house is in chaos?" The Lunas both looked at each other and figured they should be the ones to tell what happened.

Luna Jeon spoke. "All I know is, Deeya knocked Jimin out of his chair and that's when Taehyung snapped and attacked her, but.."

"But what??" Alpha Jeon was trying to remain calm.

"I've never seen anything like this. No Omega has ever attacked an Alpha they way Taehyung has. Never.  And his eyes." Luna Jeon didn't know how to continue. "He had the eyes of an Alpha, hon. His eyes were red."

"What is Taehyung?" Alpha Jeon turned to address his parents, his patience almost at an end.

Alpha Lee stood up and went to one of the windows, the wooded scenery was peaceful and calming as he gazed out to gather his thoughts. "We don't know."

"How can you not know? He's your son!" Alpha Jeon raised his voice. Alpha Lee turned to look at him with a smile on his face hoping to ease the tension.

"No, he isn't. Taehyung is my sister's son.  She died during childbirth and his dad was killed the day Taehyung was born. We took him and raised him as our own.  My sister would never talk about her mate and I never met him.  All I know about his father is that he was Wolfen and my sister..." Alpha Lee trailed off, memories of his sister were always painful. "She was different, an Omega but special, no one talked about it. So you see Alpha & Luna Jeon, we aren't sure what Taehyung is other than our son.  His wolf is trying to heal, strengthen and connect with Taehyung after having been suppressed unintentionally. From what I've seen, Tae's wolf is triggered when someone he loves is threatened or in danger. But having his wolf force itself into action weakens both of them. Other than what I've told you Jeon, that's all I know." 

 Alpha Jeon didn't have a response to what he had just heard. He also had never heard of an Omega attacking Alphas or their eyes going red. Alpha Jeon turned to Jungkook.

"Jungkook, what's your relationship with Taehyung?" Jungkook straightened up, now was not the time to be intimidated.

"He's my Mate."

Alpha Jeon let out a sigh.  "I see.  How long have you known?" 

"Since the night of the pack party."

Alpha Jeon let out a soft chuckle "I should have known when I saw you carrying him to the hospital."  The older Jeon raised his hand to rub the back of his neck.  "Why didn't you say anything?" 

Jungkook glanced at Alpha Lee who gave him a smile of support. "Because Taehyung hadn't recognized me as his Mate until now. I didn't think it right to force it on him and it wasn't the right time to tell anyone, with all that's going on." Alpha Jeon walked towards his son and patted him the shoulder and gave him a smile. He couldn't blame him, he would have done the same thing. Forcing the mate bond was never good, it could lead to rejection. He was proud that his son took others well being into consideration, unlike his oldest. He saw no reason to keep him from his newfound mate any further.

"Go be with your Mate son, he needs you." Jungkook thanked his dad and left.

Alpha Jeon looked at his wife and turned to Tae's family. "I think there might be someone who may know what Taehyung is if she's still alive. She was old when I was a pup. I'll send word to see if she's around."

Seong stepped in, "Excuse me Alpha Jeon, but I've asked my mentor also about what my brother could be, I should hear from him in a few days," Alpha Jeon smiled. "Unless your mentor has knowledge of the Old Way Tales, I doubt he would have the info we need."

"He is, His ancestors were Pack Shamans."

"Good, Good,  Please let us all know as soon you do, we're about to be family after all.  Alpha & Luna Lee, I'm sure you'll want to check on your son.  Now, let's get some rest, we have a lot to deal with." 

"How's Deeya?" Luna Lee was curious as to how she was. 

"She'll be all right, some bruises and shaken up but fine. I sent her to her sister who lives close by and explained what happened from what Jimin told me. I thought it best that she and Taehyung have some distance between them. For some unknown reason, she has a terrible habit of targeting Omegas. I'll deal with her after the rogue issue is over." Alpha Jeon excused himself and everyone left to get some rest.

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