22 - Stay

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Jungkook quickly made his way to Jimin's room where Taehyung was staying and knocked on the door. Chin opened it holding his finger to his lips letting Jung know that he was still sleeping. Jungkook motioned for Chin to step outside of the room.

"Thanks Chin, did he wake up at all?"

"No, Jimin crawled in bed with him when he started whimpering again, it helped a little, but Taehyung is really hurting. They're both in there sleeping. What's going on with him Jungkook?" Jungkook was still hesitant in broadcasting that Taehyung was his mate, why he didn't know. It's not like people wouldn't find out eventually, especially since Deeya would no longer be the one by his side. Jungkook felt a need to be very protective of him.

"He's my Mate." Chin smiled and rubbed Jungkook's shoulder.

"I see, this changes things. Did they tell you what happened between him and Deeya?"

"No, not really. Where is Deeya anyway?"

"Alpha Jeon sent her to stay with her sister. He thought it would be better if she wasn't here, actually I would love it if she never came back!" Chin realized what he had said " Oh! Sorry, no offense hon."

"None taken, I need to talk to her anyway, she needs to know what's going on." Jungkook figured he would talk with her after they finished dealing with the rogues. "Hey Chin, I'm going to clean up my room real quick and see about moving Taehyung over there. Do you and Jimin mind staying with him till we get back from camp? I know his mom is here but she's busy helping my mom. We head out in scouting teams in the morning after breakfast."

"Not a problem hon. He really needs you right now. You two also need to spend time together to strengthen your bond before you mate."

"I don't think strengthening our bond will be an issue. I'll be back in a few. Thanks Chin." Jungkook left to get his room ready, on the way there he passed his brother, neither speaking nor looking at each other.

Jungkook was thankful he never let Deeya fully move in, all she had was clothes. He opened the windows to let in some fresh air as he changed the bedding, swept and cleaned his bathroom. Being the Pack Alpha's son had a few benefits like his own private suite. Thankfully when she left for her sister's, she took all of her stuff.

As Jungkook took trash out to the dumpster he ran into his brother again. "So I guess it's true, you finally found your mate." Dongjun leaned against the fence next to the dumpster, arms across his chest with the usual smirk on his face. He enjoyed giving his younger brother shit every chance he could. Jungkook didn't want another confrontation, and it was getting late. "Yeah." A single word response and he dumped the trash and turned to head back.

"He's pretty hot, you better mate him soon, or you'll be fighting Alphas off left and right. I also hear he's a feisty little handful!" Jungkook couldn't bring himself to reply, he had more important things to focus on at the moment. "Too bad you're getting rid of Deeya, she's a nice piece of ass." Jungkook clenched his fist but kept walking.

After giving his room a once over, he made his way back to Jimin's room, passing his mom on the way. "Hey hon, how's Taehyung?"

"He's sleeping. I thought it would be better to move him over to my room, Chin and Jimin will stay with him. I wanted to ask his parents before I did it. "

"I see, and what are you going to do about Deeya?" Everyone that talked to him had to mention her.

"I will talk to her when we get done with the rogues, let her know everything. So what happened earlier between those two?"

"Hon, I'm not sure, if his mom hadn't stopped him, I think he would have killed her. I've never seen anything like it."

"Shit, she got into it with him and Jimin earlier before he even made it into the house."


"Yeah, Taehyung had just arrived and was with Jimin when she started giving them shit again. They both asked her to just leave them alone."

"I see, I'll handle her if there are any more issues. Jungkook?"

"Yeah mom?" Luna Jeon led her son back to his room to talk to him privately for a minute.

"I need to talk to you for a bit, close the door." Jungkook closed his door and joined his mom who sat on the edge of his bed. "I want to talk to you about Taehyung, I know he's your mate now, but he will need you to be very patient with him, do you understand?"

"Yes, I already know what he's been through."

"I know but, Taehyung and I had a chat after he got out of the hospital. He's afraid of going into heat Jungkook. It could trigger his PTSD, he's not ready to mate just yet. Do you understand?" Jungkook appreciated the fact that she also cared about his mate's well-being. "It's ok mom, I plan on taking things very slow with Taehyung. Plus Alpha Lee already talked to me earlier and asked me if I would stay away from him when he goes into heat."

She smiled and caressed his cheek and laughed.

"I get it mom. I'm not a sex-starved Alpha. Whatever he needs me to do, I'll do." His mom couldn't help but hug him. "I'm happy you two found each other." Jungkook hugged his mom and went to check on his mate. "But don't be so rough on Deeya when you talk to her. You two were together for a while, even though it wasn't the best of relationships."

"I'm just going to let her know that I found my mate and wish her the best, me breaking up with her is something I should've done before now, I just..." Jungkook's mom pulled him in for another hug. "I get it, trust me. Ok, that's all I wanted. Go find Taehyung, he needs you. If Deeya comes back, I'll handle it." Jungkook hugged his mom once again and followed her out of the room.

He reached Jimin's room, but the door was still closed. Jungkook was about to knock when Alpha & Luna Lee suddenly opened it. "Oh, sorry, I can come back." Jungkook was always respectful to his Elders, but he had a special respect for the Lee Elders. "It's ok hon, you have every right to be here, we're just leaving, he will be asleep for a while." Luna Lee was trying not to talk so loud and motioned for them to step outside the room to chat. "I was looking for you two. I was planning on moving Taehyung to my room but I wanted to ask you first. Chin and Jimin said they would stay with him until we got back."

"Ok, I know you'll take good care of him son. Your mates now." Alpha Lee had no issues with Jungkook any longer and the Elders left to get some rest, but not before they both gave Jungkook a hug.

Jungkook walked in as Jimin was moving back to his own bed, Chin had Taehyung's stuff ready to go. "Hey Min, did Chin tell you about staying with Taehyung while he's in my room?" Jimin, who was exhausted, half asleep and in pain from his scuffle with Deeya, yawned and crashed onto his bed. He wasn't paying attention to Jungkook, he just wanted to sleep.

Jungkook was careful as he lifted Taehyung off the bed. As soon as Tae felt arms around him he whimpered slightly. "It's okay baby, it's just me." Tae wrapped his arms around Jungkook's neck and rested his head on his shoulder.

Jungkook smiled. "I'm taking you to my room, don't worry?" Taehyung didn't speak but pulled himself closer and nuzzled into the young Alpha's neck. Jungkook walked slowly so he wouldn't jostle the sleeping Omega in his arms. Once in his room, he placed him on the side of the bed where he had already pulled the covers back.

After getting him situated, he knelt beside the bed and gazed at the beautiful Omega that was now his mate. It relieved him that Taehyung finally recognized him as his mate, he just wished the circumstances had been better. A tender smile made its way onto his face as he gently brushed the hair out of Tae's eyes. Not wanting to wake him but also not being able to resist, he gently stroked his cheek with his finger. Eyes still closed, the warm touch made Taehyung speak.

"Stay." That one word was enough.

"Yeah baby, I'll stay." Taehyung smiled in response. Jungkook was planning on sleeping outside with the others but he couldn't refuse the request. He closed his door, changed into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt then crawled in next to his mate. Taehyung, facing away from him, was gently pulled into Jungkook's chest as he wrapped his arms around him from behind, nuzzling his face into the back of Taehyung's neck. Taehyung turned over to face Jungkook and finally opened his eyes to look at him.

"My God your eyes are so blue!"

Taehyung moved closer, bringing his arms up to rest against Jungkook's chest. "Why are they blue Tae?"

Taehyung looked at him more intensely, almost as if he was looking directly into his soul.

"You're not going to answer me, are you?"

Taehyung said nothing but continued to stare deeply into Jungkook's eyes. He snuggled back into the Alpha inhaling his scent and closing his eyes. Jungkook pulled him as close as he could.

{I need to sleep} Taehyung unconsciously mind linked Jungkook.

"Ok, sleep, I'm here."

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