23 - Leaving Again

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Jungkook's nose began to itch as it was being tickled by hair. He opened his eyes and squinted from the bright sunlight. That meant morning and that meant he would have to head out soon. He looked down to see the top of a grey head.  Taehyung had latched onto him like a koala bear. Jungkook tried to move causing Tae to let out a whimper and snuggle into him even more. With his free hand, he ran his fingers through Tae's hair, another whimper leaving the Omega.

"Tae?" Jungkook needed him to wake up, but it wasn't working. "Baby, I need to get up." Tae whimpered and held on even tighter. All Jungkook could do was smile and breathe in his mate's scent. Just then there was a knock at the door. This time he untangled himself for the Omega koala and sat up, hiding Taehyung under the covers. "Yeah?"

His dad opened the door. The Alpha's scent startled Tae, causing him to curl up and move against Jungkook's side. Feeling his mate's nervousness, he looked down. "It's okay" with a gentle rub to the back of Tae's head, Jungkook turned to his dad. "Yes, Sir?"

"We need to get ready to head out. Everyone's in the dining room, Dongjun is out helping with the base camps. Those heading out need to eat a heavy meal before we go." The Elder had to smile at the Omega hidden under the blankets, curled in a little ball. "How's he doing?"

"He's still exhausted, been whimpering a lot, Chin said he's in pain.   I think he'll sleep for most of the day."

"It's probably a good thing. I know you hate to leave him right now, but we have things to take care of."

"I'll be out in a minute. Thanks dad."   Alpha Jeon smiled and quietly closed the door, leaving the two alone again.

"Tae, baby, I need you to wake up, come on. We both need to eat something." Tae eventually peeked out from under the covers, his eyes filled with tears.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong?" Jungkook didn't need to go out on a scouting mission worrying about his mate, he needed his mind to be clear and focused. "Talk to me Taehyung, what's wrong?"

Again, Taehyung refused to talk. Jungkook laid back down and brought their foreheads together so all that he could see were Tae's beautiful blue eyes. He was wondering why he was being so emotional all of a sudden. Taehyung moved away from him, but still held his gaze.

"You knew this Taehyung.  We have to scout the area first.  We'll be gone for a few days, we should have things under control by then, okay? Chin and Jimin will stay with you while I'm out." Jungkook looked at Taehyung.  Something felt off with him.

"Taehyung are you ok?"  

Taehyung sat up looked away. "We're Mates?"  His voice was so soft that Jungkook almost didn't hear him.

 Looking over at him, Jungkook smiled.  He hadn't realized how out of it Taehyung was as he thought he was doing better.  "Yes, we're Mates Taehyung."  

Taehyung grabbed the side of his head and yelped at the sharp stab of pain. Jungkook was getting worried and moved closer to him, putting his arm around Tae's shoulder.  "Taehyung what is it? Talk or I'm getting your mom." Taehyung just sat there. Jungkook moved to get out of the bed but Tae grabbed his arm.

"I just have a migraine from yesterday." After a few deep breaths, Taehyung felt better. He looked at the Alpha again.

"I take it you're ok with us being Mates now?" Jungkook was still worried.  Taehyung shook his head yes as Jungkook rubbed his back to get him to calm down. "Tae, I need to get going." Taehyung held onto Jungkook with a death grip, an unknown fear not allowing him to let go.

"Are you feeling okay, you're acting weird?"

"I - I just have a bad headache and I'm exhausted. I'm always clingy like this when I'm hurting. I'll be fine. Besides, my wolf is the one being weird, not me." Taehyung could tell he was one shade away from looking like a tomato.

"Your wolf is worried about me huh, what about you?" Jungkook eyed the embarrassed Omega.

Taehyung's blushed and looked away from him. "I - I've never really had the chance to talk to you. Even at the hospital, you left, but I understand. Besides, I thought you were kind of an ass since you were with her."

Jungkook took Taehyung's chin in his hand, turning his mate's head to look at him. "You're talking to me now. I didn't want to leave when you were in the hospital, I had no choice. Plus, I'm no longer with 'her'.  I'm with you, my Mate."

Taehyung looked into Jungkook's eyes again.

As he started to move to get up, Taehyung surprised him. Their lips softly met and began moving against each other in a loving dance. Taehyung moved closer bringing their bodies together, his hands making their way around Jungkook's neck pulling him deeper into their first real kiss. Their breathing picked up as the kiss intensified. Jungkook's free hand made its way from Taehyung's back down to his waist, gripping it firmly. Jung was loving the warm lips as his tongue slid out, licking them, seeking entrance. Taehyung willingly gave permission as the kiss became more passionate. Their tongues sliding back and forth, exploring the warmth of each other's mouths, causing the Omega to moan.

That was enough to snap Jungkook back to reality as the pleasurable sound immediately started sending blood rushing to areas that were not his brain.  Jungkook pulled away from the kiss and stared into his mate's eyes, his thumb caressing the swollen lips he was already starting to miss. Jungkook had to chuckle. "I remember when you wanted nothing to do with me, I had to beg you to look at me, and here you are kissing me." Tae hit Jungkook on the shoulder for teasing him.

With a heavy sigh, Jungkook pulled Taehyung into a hug and inhaled as deep as he could. "I need to go eat, you want to come with me?" Taehyung shook his head. The two got up, Tae grabbing his backpack as Jungkook grabbed some clothes and changed in the bathroom. While Tae waited for him to come out, he set some clothes out to change into. He would shower after breakfast. Jungkook came out in sweats, a t-shirt and a hoody. "Ready... hey your eyes are grey again."

Tae slowly shook his head and winced a little. "Are you sure you're okay?" Jung walked over to him. "You never answered me why your eyes keep turning blue."  Taehyung only stared at him.

"We should go so you can eat."  Taehyungbegan to move towards the door, he knew he needed to put some space between them for his eyes to go back to normal.

The two made their way to the kitchen and into the dining area where the rest of their families were already eating. "Tae!!" Jimin shouted, happy to see his friend awake, but a little lost as to why the two of them were together.  Jung just smiled at Jimin as he found a seat. "How are you feeling Tae Tae?"  Taehyung winced and grabbed his head as Jimin's voice was louder than it needed to be, causing him to wobble a little.

"You ok Tae Bear?" Kai had stopped eating and focused on Taehyung. "Yeah...I just have a terrible headache."  Taehyung's eyes had started to water due to the pain. He gingerly walked over and set next to Jungkook, but not too close. The Lunas both observing the young Omega as was Jimin because Tae ignored him.

Jungkook was shoveling food into his mouth as soon as he sat down. He glanced over at his mate sitting there with his head held down. Jung figured he would try to get Tae to eat something, so he loaded his fork with food. "Hey, you need to eat something, have some of mine."  Taehyung pushed the fork full of food away that was being offered to him. "I'm not hungry anymore, I'll eat later." Jungkook looked at him for a few more seconds, sighed and went back to eating. He needed to get as many calories in as possible.  All the Alphas had huge plates of food, as they would need to use a lot of energy.

Taehyung turned in his chair so his back was to everyone and laid his head on Jungkook's shoulder, closing his eyes. Jimin gave the two a look but returned to eating after Chin kicked him under the table.  Everyone was a little concerned but figured Tae was exhausted from the previous day. 

After the Alphas had finished eating, Alpha Jeon and Lee stood up, Lee going outside to get gear together while Alpha Jeon talked. Chin worked on clearing the table and Jimin went to the kitchen to wash dishes.

"Ok guys, it's time to head out. We already set up base camps in the woods so we can head there instead of meeting at the pavilion. Once we get to camp, we'll break up into scout teams. We'll shift most of the time to cover more ground." As the Alphas got up to leave, Jungkook gently shook Taehyung, who looked up at him.

"Your eyes are blue again."

"I know."

Jungkook could already feel the sadness in them. He nuzzled into Tae's ear and whispered to him. "Hey, don't worry we'll be fine. Get some rest, okay?"  Taehyung shook his head, afraid that if he spoke he would cry.   Taehyung didn't know why he suddenly wanted to hold on to Jungkook and not let him go.

Taehyung and the Lunas followed the Alphas to the front yard to give their loved ones one last hug before they headed out. Taehyung gave Namjoon and Kai bear hugs as best he could, telling them to be careful and that he loved them. Next, he gave his dad a hug, telling him the same thing. His dad patted him on the back, telling him to get some rest. Next was Seong's turn, Taehyung gave him an extra-long and close hug while nuzzling into his scent as he loved to do. This caused one Alpha to get annoyed.

Before Taehyung ended the hug he whispered into his brother's ear, "Love you Seongii, please be careful for me?" Seong looked at him a little concerned. "You going to be ok, Pup?" Taehyung shook his head and gave him another hug before wiggling out of his arms. He saved the best hug for last. Jungkook.

Walking up to him, he wrapped his arms around the young Alpha and buried his face into his neck to breathe in his scent. Jungkook took Tae's chin and raised his face. "Your eyes are blue again." Taehyung stared at him and gave him a quick kiss as he knew others were watching. "You be careful out there, I mean it Jungkook." Jungkook gave him a quick kiss back. "I will." Taehyung was reluctant to let him go, but he did. Jungkook took off his hoody and wrapped it around his Mate, giving him one last brief kiss.  Before Jungkook walked away to head out, Tae grabbed his shirt and pulled him down to whisper in his ear.

"Please be careful, I'm serious, and stay away from Dongjun. I need you to come back." Jungkook was confused by what he meant.

"I will baby, get some rest, see you soon." One more brief kiss and the Alphas headed out.

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