24 - She's Back

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Taehyung and the Lunas watched the Alphas disappear into the tree line.  Putting on Jungkook's hoody and zipping it up, he disappeared into it.   The sleeves were long, but it smelled like him and that's all he cared about.   Turning to walk back towards the house, Tae's mom placed her arm over her son's shoulder.  "How are you feeling hon?" 

He looked at her with bloodshot eyes, his headache still pounding away. "My head really hurts mom." 

"Taehyung, me and Luna Jeon wanted to talk to you for a minute ok?" 

"I know mom, can we get back inside first?"

Taehyung and the Lunas entered the quiet house and walked directly to Jungkook's room as Tae crawled onto the bed.  Cradling his mates pillow against his chest, the Lunas sat next to him. 

"Mom, this whole mate thing is driving me crazy!" 

"Crazy how?"

"Why am I so clingy with Jungkook?  I hardly know him!  It..this is so embarrassing, please don't judge me!"

"Taehyung, we won't  judge you hon."  His mom could tell he was freaking out over having found his  Mate, to them it was funny, but they both knew he was having a hard time with everything.

"My wolf, like really really likes Jungkook.  I can't believe I kissed him, which is... God, he's a good kisser, but I hardly know him. Part of me wants him and the other part still thinks he's kind of an ass.  Sorry Luna Jeon.  Why is this so hard?  I thought finding your mate was supposed to be a good thing, all of this is stressing me the fuck out!  Ah, sorry!  See what I mean!? One minute it's, Yay you're my mate, next it's who the hell are you?   I'm such a mess guys."  Taehyung buried his face into the pillow.  Kissing Jungkook was not something he thought he'd do so soon.  Laying next to him, staring into his eyes, it was if a part of him had known Jungkook for years and was comfortable with him.

The Lunas couldn't help but burst out laughing. 

"Honey, We all go through something when we first find our Mates, I told you it's different for everyone.  You two really need to have a time where there's just the two of you so you can talk and bond."  Luna Jeon was being serious now.  

"She's right Pup, this has been hard on you hon.   All that's going on with not only yourself but with the Packs, you two keep getting forced apart.  That could be one reason things are so confusing for you right now.  Jungkook has known for some time that you were his mate, it's just as difficult for him too."

Taehyung cracked a smile in the middle of his mini-breakdown.

"There's something else guys,  you know how Dr. Kim said it would take some time for my wolf to heal?  I don't think that's true.  Last night while I was sleeping with Jungkook, I heard it mom, my wolf.  It's still weak but being next to Jungkook is helping faster than what the Dr. said.  My eyes only turned blue once my wolf recognized Jungkook as my Mate yesterday.  He's what's turning them blue.  I notice when we're close their blue, but if there's distance between us, they will go back to normal."

"I see, Tae,  Alpha Jeon and Seong are trying to find out what kind of Omega you really are.  You shouldn't be able to attack Alpha's or have your eyes shift colors.  We don't know of any Omega that's able to do that. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I  know.  But I can't help it mom, my wolf is doing weird things to me."

"Weird things like what Taehyung?" Luna Jeon felt they needed to know everything that Taehyung could tell them.

"I think I might have mind linked Jungkook last night." 

Luna Jeon looked at Tae's mom.  "You shouldn't be able to do that either, only Mated pairs do that. Unless, unless you two are a bonded pair." 

"Oh my,  I think you're right Mi-Sun." Lune Lee smiled at Luna Jeon.   

"What's that?"  Taehyung did not understand what the two Lunas were talking about. 

"Bonded pairs can do everything that Mated pairs can, plus no matter what they do, once they meet, they are continually being brought together until they recognize each other as Mates.  Once you recognized each other as Mates it's like an instant Mating.  You love each other, you protect each other and so on.  But it still doesn't explain why your eyes change color."

"I see."  The tips of Taehyung's ears turned red as he knew that's exactly what he felt towards Jungkook but had a hard time admitting to himself.   The Lunas already knew how the two felt about each other from watching them interact.  Jungkook never hid how much he cared for Taehyung.  For Taehyung, the Lunas felt his hesitation.  His mom knew there was a part of him that was afraid to love.  He would have to heal that with Jungkook's help.

"Enough for now dear,  we both want you to rest, ok?  Being in Jungkook scent will help alright?"

Taehyung shook his head, his eyes were getting heavy. "You want me to send Jimin in to stay with you?"  Tae nodded at Luna Jeon.  Both Lunas could tell he was in pain and that he needed Jungkook with him to help him feel better.

Luna Jeon found Jimin and asked him to sit with Taehyung in Jungkook's room.  Jimin was uneasy being in an Alpha's room but he needed to be there for his friend.   After he finished helping Chin, Jimin made his way to the room.  Jimin looked in to see Tae hidden inside Jungkook's hoody, only his nose and mouth were visible.



Jimin made his way inside and sat next to Taehyung on the bed.  Taehyung slowly set up wrapping is arms around him to keep Jungkook's scent close to him.  It was enough to calm him but not change his eyes. 

"Why are we in Jungkook's room and not mine?  Did I miss something?"  Taehyung sat crossed legged facing Jimin, his back against the headboard clutching the pillow again, he removed the hood.  

"He's my mate MinMin."


Jimin's yell caused Tae to blush the most adorable shade of scarlet. 

"What did you just say?"  

Taehyung looked at him again.  "Jungkook is my mate, Jimin."

"Hold the fucking boat Mulan!!   When did all this shit happen, and where was I!!" All the yelling brought Chin to the door.  "What's all this noise? Taehyung why aren't you resting?"  

Jimin was pissed that no one bothered to tell him what he felt was valuable, need to know information.  "Did you know Tae and Kookie were Mates?"   By this point Jimin was standing in the middle of the bed with his hands on his hips, Chin couldn't help but laugh.

"Yes Jimin, Jungkook told me last night."  Jimin turned to Taehyung, still pissed.  If steam could come out of his ears, it would have.

"Talk hooker!!"  Taehyung couldn' help but crack a smile as Jimin glared at him and finally plopped back down on the bed.

"I didn't know until I had the panic attack.  He held me to calm me down, that's when I knew.  Actually, that's all I remember after Deeya pushed you out of the chair,"  Tae was a little embarrassed but Chin became worried.

"Wait, you don't remember what you did, or that you ran out of the house?"  Taehyung looked at Jimin then back at Chin. "I remember Jimin getting pushed to the floor, the panic attack starting then the next thing I knew Jungkook was holding me outside and, God he smells so fucking good,  I mean really good." 

"You don't remember!!" Jimin was yelling again and Tae was wincing at the pain his voice was causing.  Chin needed to shut Jimin up and talk to the Lunas.  "Jimin will you stop yelling for Christ's sake." Chin walked over to Taehyung and placed his hands on his shoulders.  "How bad is your headache hon?"

"Not too bad now that I'm back in his in bed." 

"Back in his bed?  Did you two sleep together last night?  I feel so betrayed TaeTae."  Jimin was pouting, but he was teasing even though he was still a little pissed.

"Jimin, go get Tae some Advil and water, now."  Jimin left reluctantly, stomping like a little kid.  Chin turned his focus back to Tae.  "I think you should lie down and get some rest Tae, leave Jungkook's hoody on ok?  It has his scent and it will help you sleep, all right?"  Tae shook his head and curled up into bed and was quickly asleep.  Chin rushed to the door to intercept Jimin and his lack of volume control.  

"Jimin, listen.  I'm not sure what's going on with Taehyung but him not remembering what he did concerns me.  Just stay with him and make sure he gets some rest ok?  I need to9 talk to the Lunas."

"Sure Chin Chin, is he going to be okay?"

"Yeah, but make sure he gets some rest."  Jimin nodded and went into the room.  Chin went to find the Lunas.  They were in Luna Jeon's office talking, he went in even though Luna Lee was on the phone.  When she finished they both turned their attention to Chin.  "Lunas, sorry for bothering you but something's not right with Taehyung."

"Something like what?"  His mom was concerned, especially after her phone conversation.

"He doesn't remember what happened last night!  All he remembers is Jimin being pushed out the chair and Jungkook holding him outside."

Luna Lee took a seat and asked Chin to shut and lock the office door. "I just got off the phone with Dr. Kim.  He said that Dr. Moon and the pharmacist where Tae got his meds from worked as a team.  The pharmacist would give Moon illegal drugs to force young Omegas into heat and suppress their wolves.  Afterward, they sold them and the 2 would split the money.  They suppressed their wolves to keep them even more submissive than Omegas already are.  Moon wanted Tae for his mate.  They arrested the pharmacist but are keeping it out of the press for the privacy and safety of the victims.  Dr. Kim also said that Tae may experience severe headaches as the suppressant leaves his system and he connects with his wolf.  He said they are both weak and need to rest.  Tae's wolf being forced to act is making things worse."

Luna Jeon and Chin sat for a minute to process what they had just heard.  Luna Jeon spoke up. "Did you mention anything about Taehyung  attacking Alphas?" 

"No,  I know Dr. Kim has his best interest at heart but telling him that didn't seem right." Luna Lee didn't want her son to turn into a lab rat or go thru anymore than he already had.  Both of the Lunas trusted Chin as he was basically the house mom and already showed how much he cared about Taehyung.

"How is Taehyung, Chin?" His mom just wanted to make sure.  

"He's finally sleeping, Jimin is with him.  Getting Taehyung to just rest might be an issue.  What do we do about Deeya if she comes back?"  Chin had many run-ins with the female Alpha and he was not fond of her at all.  If she never came back it wouldn't hurt his feelings one bit.

"We'll take care of her if she shows up."  Chin was glad that the Lunas would deal with her.

"Ok, I'll check on Taehyung."  Chin headed back to Jungkook's bedroom and could hear the laughter from the two Omegas.  He opened the door to find the two in bed watching videos on Jimin's iPad.  "I thought I told you to rest Tae bear?"

Taehyung looked at Jimin and back at Chin. "I'm hungry, is there anything left from breakfast?"  Chin could only laugh, he was glad Tae was up and wanting to eat something. "Sure, come on I'll heat something up for you."  Tae and Jimin followed Chin to the kitchen island.  The two young Omegas took a seat, Taehyung putting the hood back on and resting his elbows on the counter, his face in his hands, he watched Chin work his culinary magic.  As they watched Chin, they laughed and chatted, the happy sounds bringing the Luna's out of the office.

"Tae? Why aren't you resting?"  His mom was a little concerned but like Chin she was glad he was up.  "I'm hungry mom."

"I'm glad you're eating something Taehyung." Luna Jeon had a seat at the island while Tae's mom stood behind him and rubbed his shoulders.  Chin turned from the stove and set a plate of food in front of Tae. 

"Ohhhh Chin Chin this smells so go-, wait, what's that smell??"  Chin thought something was wrong with the food.

"What smell Tae."  Tae's mom being an Alpha, sniffed the air.  "I don't smell anything hon.  Are you sure it's not the food?"

"No, it smells like, uggh!  I don't know but it's getting stronger.  You guys don't smell that?"  Everyone looked at each other with confusion on their faces.  

Hearing footsteps behind them, the group turned to see, Deeya walking in. 

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