27 - Quiet Time

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The hoody Jungkook had wrapped around Taehyung that morning stayed on all day.   Whenever he would feel overwhelmed or stressed, he would bury his face inside of it and inhale.   The Alpha's lingering scent calmed him to where he could function again.

It was now 9pm. Taehyung and Jimin finished helping Chin with everything. The three even started the prep work for breakfast the next morning, cutting the time Chin needed to spend in the kitchen in half.  Taehyung felt a headache coming on when things started to slow down for the evening. Jimin suggested they stay up watching movies, but Tae talked him into taking a raincheck.

Taehyung needed rest, thoughts and feelings had been running through his mind all day since Jungkook left.  He couldn't tell if the feelings were from him or his wolf.  So many things made him feel unsure.  The nagging feeling of missing Jungkook floated around often, his mind drifting to the kiss the two shared that morning, brought a smile to his face.

He found the clothes he had set out earlier but wanted to wear something of Jungkook's.  Searching the closet for comfortable clothing to sleep in, he found a pair of sweats and a t-shirt, sniffing to make sure they smelt like him.   After a steaming hot shower, Taehyung relaxed a little.  Drying off and getting dressed, he crawled onto Jungkook's side of the bed. 

The table lamp cast a soothing glow about the room.   Grateful for the warm light, he slowly looked around, hugging the Alpha's pillow against his chest again.  Alone in his Mate's room, Taehyung closed his eyes.  Inhaling deeply, he took in the Alpha's scent.  It was pleasantly soothing with a hint of Sandalwood, his mind settling down, he focused on Jungkook.  The soft-touch on his cheek, the feeling of being wrapped in strong arms,  breath on his neck from being nuzzled by the Alpha, soft lips brought together in their first kiss.  Taking another deep breath, Taehyung relaxed his shoulders, the tension from the day fading.  Taehyung needed to know how he really felt about Jungkook, not from the point of being mates but how he himself felt about him, not his wolf.   Looking back on all the times they had been next to each other, Tae couldn't help but think back to what Chin and Luna Jeon had told him earlier. 

'The Goddess has a way of causing things to happen that keep bringing you two together.'

'They are continually being brought together until they recognize each other as Mates. Once you have recognized each other, it's like an instant Mating. You love each other; you protect each other and so on.'

The truth of Chin's and Luna Jeon's words were so true, every time the two were together, Jungkook was loving and comforting.  He felt safe and protected whenever he found himself in Jungkook's arms.  Jungkook cared for him deeply and he could see it, the twinge in his heart undeniable.

{Jungkook, I miss you.}

//Base Camp//

The Alphas spent the day running perimeter around the boundaries of the Pack grounds. Having shifted for most of the day, fatigue caught up with them.  Since they were still within pack boundaries, a few of the Older Alphas that guarded the pack house ran food out to the camp. Everyone was grateful as the meal provided them with full bellies.

Jungkook remained quiet throughout the day, making sure he avoided his brother at all costs. He tried to stay focused while they were busy, but once everyone settled for the evening, his mind wondered back and forth to his new Mate.  Finding it too distracting, he thought of searching for his dad but saw the Elders were busy.  They had a few small campfires started around the camp. Finding an unattended one, Jungkook sat down.  Soon feeling a presence getting closer, he turned to see Namjoon walking towards him, his eyes reflecting the firelight.   Jungkook placed another log on the fire. Thankful for the company that he hoped would distract him from his thoughts.

"Hey Namjoon."

"Jungkook, mind if I join you?"

"Not at all, I could use the company."  Namjoon chuckled, he could tell from the look on Jungkook's face what was going on in his head. Namjoon sat near him, putting another log on the fire as well.

"Don't worry, he'll be ok.  The Lunas will make sure he's looked after.  He has Jimin to get him into trouble and Chin to get him out of it."  

Jungkook laughed.  "Is it that obvious?"

"Yup.  Don't worry, we won't give you too much shit for it."  Both Alphas laughed.

"Thanks Namjoon, I appreciate it.  What about you, how's your Mate dealing with you being gone?" Namjoon smiled, he's head lowering as memories started to flood his consciousness.

"She's dead Jungkook.  She was killed a year after we Mated."  A heavy sigh leaving the older Alpha, he stretched his legs out beside the fire.

"Shit, I'm sorry, I didn't know."

"It's ok, it happened a long time ago.  The wound has healed, but the scar will always be there."   A few minutes of silence passed between the two. 

"Do you think you'll Mate again?"  Jungkook had heard of others who had lost their Mates to death finding new ones, so it was a possibility.

"I never really thought about it. How are things with you and Taehyung?"  

"Um, I'm not sure.  We haven't talked much.  Our bonding time keeps getting interrupted, but I know I care about him.  I guess some things just take time."  Jungkook found a stick and started poking at the fire, the conversation making him uncomfortable, but glad he had someone to talk to.

"Yeah, from what I saw before we left, he cares about you to Jungkook.  He just needs time.  It's hard for him to open up, I'm sure the whole mate thing is freaking him out.  A part of him must trust you and be comfortable with you.  He kissed you, that's major for him.  Just give it time and communicate.  If there's one piece of advice I can give that I hope you take to heart, it's to communicate with each other.  Let nothing in the heart go unsaid.  If you truly feel it, say it, the other will understand."  Namjoon gave him a warm smile.  

Jungkook now understood why Taehyung was so affectionate towards his brothers.  They all loved each other dearly, and it showed.  A part of him wished he had the same relationship with his brother.  

"Thanks Namjoon, I really appreciate it.  I will try to keep your advice in mind."  Namjoon rubbed the young Alpha's shoulder, the two sitting quietly enjoying the fire and the night.  Jungkook's mind drifted to Taehyung.  Just then he thought he heard something. 

"You say something Namjoon?"

"No.  Must be the night sounds."  Jungkook tried to shrug it off, but couldn't.  It sounded like Taehyung's voice.

//END Base Camp//

About to drift off to sleep, a gentle knock at the door perked the Omega up.  "Come in."

Chin entered the room, sitting in front of Taehyung after placing a hot cup of tea on the bedside table for him. "Hey beautiful, how are you feeling?"  

"Tired, I think I did too much today."  Chin couldn't help but laugh because he knew it was true.

"So what's on your mind, my dearest Pup?" 

"Thanks for talking with me, I just need to talk to someone that's not my mom, Luna Jeon or Jimin, I don't need anyone wigging out on me right now."

"I totally understand."

Taehyung took a deep breath while squeezing the pillow, "I suck at this Mate thing Chin."

"You don't suck dear, it's just a new experience for you.  Like I said earlier, you two had a rough start. You and your wolf are both trying to heal Taehyung.  You need to be patient with yourself first.  Jungkook understands this."  

"I'm just afraid Chin, I've never thought of being this close with someone before.  What if I'm too fucked up from my past that I can't open up to him? Part of me feels so safe and comfortable with him, and part is still... Shit, I still can't believe I kissed him, not just a peck on the cheek kiss, I mean a 'hope you have condom'  kiss."  

Chin was thankful for his high level of self control that the didn't burst out laughing.   "Taehyung, have you seen the way Jungkook looks at you?  That young Alpha has all the patience in the world for you, dearheart.  Trust me, I've never seen him care about anyone the way he does for you and it's not just because you're his Mate either.  He's just waiting for you to become comfortable with him to show you fully."

"I know, it's just shit, I don't even know.  I think the thought of my heat coming has me really freaked out."  Chin picked up on Taehyung's uneasiness and fear and moved to give him a hug. 

"I, I don't want my first time with my Mate to be when I'm some mega horny, slick covered nympho.  I want it to be just us, because we want to, not because our out-of-control hormones are making us, you know?"

"Yes, that's why it's important for you two to talk before it gets to that point.  If it's one thing I've learned, that's to always talk.  Be direct in what you say, don't assume or leave the other guessing trying to figure out what you mean, say it from the start.  If your fearful, tell him.  If you care about him, tell him.  If you need time for yourself, tell him.  If you love him, tell him Taehyung.  Don't worry about how you think it will sound to them.  If it's from the heart, then baby say it."  

Taehyung was on the verge of crying. He finally had someone he felt he could talk to that understood him on some level and could relate.  Taehyung knew that Chin, being a male Omega would understand.  Yes, Jimin was one also, but he needed someone that was more grounded and level-headed.  

"God, Thank you Chin, seriously, Thank you.  But can I ask you a favor?"

"Sure Taehyung, what is it?"

"If my heat happens before I talk to him, will you keep him away from me, please?  I don't care how much I beg, cry, curse whatever.  I don't want my first heat to be the first time we're together.  I don't think that's a good idea, I really need to just go through it alone so if any of my shit comes up, I don't want to relate it to or blame Jungkook for any of it.  He... he doesn't deserve that."

"Tae, lovey,  going through your heat alone can be brutal, you understand that don't you?"

"Yes, Luna Jeon talked to me about it.  She said the first one I could probably handle myself because it wouldn't be that bad, but the one after that would be worse."

"Ok Tae, I promise to keep Jungkook away from you when the time comes." Taehyung gave Chin a huge hug.  He knew if Chin needed help, his brothers would be there also without question.  Tae suddenly inhaled Jungkook's scent more than he had been causing his eyes to give off a light blue tint.  He looked up at Chin and started to speak.


"What is it Chin, why are you staring like that?"

"Your eyes, they changed color."

"Shit...um, sorry.  You're not supposed to see that." 

Chin needed a moment as he couldn't believe what he was seeing.  "Tae, sweetie, I'll be right back.  I need to grab something drink ok?"  Chin needed out of the room and some fresh air.  He quickly walked to the front of the house and stepped outside for a minute.  

"This can't be real.  He can't be...he.  OK Chin breathe, now is not the time to be a drama queen.  Keep your shit together!"  Chin calmed himself and returned to Taehyung.

"You ok ChinChin?"

"Yeah, lovey.  Taehyung, I need to ask you something?"


"Your eyes, they turn blue because of Jungkook's scent, am I right?"

"Yeah,  everyone saw it when I recognized him as my Mate the other day."

Chin assumed Taehyung was an Omega like himself.  The other possibility was too far-fetched. Plus Chin cared for the young Omega greatly. He couldn't explain the bond he felt between them, but he knew he could trust him.  If his hunch was right...

"Taehyung, I'm going to tell you a secret, okay?  Not every Omega can do this so, please don't tell others. Okay?"

"Okay Chin..."  Taehyung didn't know whether to worry or what.

"You can actually control your scent to cause your Mate to release pheromones that will cause you to go into heat."

"What??  Why would I do that?"  Taehyung was about to panic.

"Just calm down and let me explain.  After your first natural heat, the following heats will be brutal and painful if you go through them alone.  They can last for days.  By triggering your Alpha to send you into heat,  it will be less painful and more enjoyable for you."

"Really?  So I won't be at the mercy of my hormones.  How do I do that?"

"You have to communicate with your wolf, they will tell you. This information is not something to share, I need you to understand that."

"I understand Chin, why didn't Luna Jeon mention this when we talked about my Heat?"

"It's not information that is shared, only certain Omegas are taught this."

"I see, God thank you Chin!"  Taehyung gave him another huge hug, grateful for the information he had just learned.

"But I'm serious Taehyung, don't be afraid to talk to him, about anything.  You two are Mates.  Communication is key to a successful relationship." 

"I will Chin, you know you sound a lot like my brother Namjoon.  You two would so get along."

"Yeah, well it's getting late.  Get some rest Tae bear.  Sleep in the hoody Jungkook gave you, It's heavily scented so it will help you to relax tonight while he's gone, ok?"

"Thanks Chin, for everything."  Chin and Taehyung shared one more huge hug.

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