28 - Thinking of You

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After Chin left, Taehyung noticed the two had talked for almost an hour,.  His body was crying out for sleep.  He grabbed the pillow from his side of the bed and laid down, clutching the pillow against his chest tighter.  Not able to sleep right away, he gazed out the window into the night.  His mind going to Jungkook again he closed his eyes.  

{I hope your ok Jungkook.}

{Taehyung?  Is that you?}

{Jungkook?  You- You heard me?}

{Holy shit!  Yeah!  How is this possible?}

{I-I-I don't know.  Oh God, are you ok?}

{Yeah, I'm fine, just tired.  How are you doing?}

{I'm all right, tired.  How are things out there?}

{Everything is all right so far.}  

There were a few minutes of silence between them, the shock from being able to mindlink quickly faded.



{I talked to Namjoon this evening.}

{Mn, That's funny, I talked to Chin this evening too. I have a feeling they told us the same thing.}

{Ha ha ha, Chin is pretty awesome, so's your brother.}

{Yeah, loosing his mate changed him.  He's more caring.}

{Hmmn, he mentioned that.  Are you sleeping in my room?}

{Yeah, I'm wearing some of your clothes to bed, hope you don't mind}

{Nope, everything I have is yours baby}



{Can we talk when you get back?}

{I was going to mention it if you hadn't}

{Good.  Jungkook?}

{Yeah Tae?}

{Please be careful out there, I mean it.  Stay close to my brothers and our dads if you can.  I don't trust Dongjun.}

{I know.  I'm in a scout group with Kai and Namjoon, I'll be fine Taehyung.  I need you to get some rest though.}

{I will, Kookie?}


{I miss you, I really miss you.  This is me saying that, not my wolf.}

{I miss you to baby.  I'll be back soon, rest now, ok?}

Taehyung wrapped the hoody around him and snuggled into the pillow, sleep taking him over in minutes.  

Jungkook rolled over, fighting for comfort inside his tent, a smile present on his face.

Taehyung slept for most of the morning, waking when he heard pounding on the door.

"TaeTae get up!  The foods almost gone."  Jimin was making sure he didn't miss out on breakfast.  Rolling over he grabbed his phone, it was 10:30.  His head felt better but there was still a dull ache.  

"Come on in MinMin you dork!  Why are you knocking? I'm the only one in here!"  Jimin walked in and sat next to Taehyung.  

"You look like hammered shit Tae bear."

"Yeah, Yeah. Let go, I'm starving."  The two walked to the kitchen, Taehyung hidden from view inside Jungkook's hoody.  They entered the kitchen and took their favorite spot at the kitchen island.  Their plates already waiting for them, the food still hot.  Just then Chin entered, bright and cheery.  

"Morning my lovies!"   He leaned against the stove, finishing his 3rd cup of coffee.

"I love you Chin, your food is so delicious!"  the young Omegas wasting no time in clearing their plates.  

"Glad you enjoy it!  Today for dinner were having homemade pizzas!  You two want to help make dough and get ingredients chopped?"  The two clapped in excitement.  Jimin left to shower.  Chin moved closer to the kitchen island to see how Taehyung was doing.

"How you feel Taehyung?"

"Much better, Thank you again Chin for the talk.  It really helped."

"Glad I could help,  are you wearing Jungkook's clothes?"

"Yeah."  Taehyung felt the faint blush cross his cheeks.

"Good, his scent will help you deal with him being away."  Taehyung smiled as Chin left to do other things, leaving him alone in the kitchen.  He closed his eyes and concentrated on Jungkook, feeling that he wasn't busy he linked him.



{Just making sure.}  Jungkook laughed through the mindlink.

{Everything is ok,  we're going past the boundary today to scout.}

{Ok, be careful.}

{I will, gotta go baby.}

Taehyung felt a hand on his shoulder, it was his mom.  Taehyung turned to hug her.

"How are you feeling Pup?"

"Better mom, thanks."  The Luna hugged her son from behind as he rested his head on her shoulder,  Luna Jeon joined them. 


"Morning Luna Jeon."  Taehyung sat up.  "Uh, Jungkook says everyone is doing ok, they're going past the pack boundary today."

Both of the Lunas looked at him, shocked.  Taehyung sighed.

"I told you we could mind link.  He told me before you two came into the kitchen."

The Lunas couldn't help but chuckle, no longer having any doubt that the two could in fact mindlink.  His mom spoke first. "Well Tae, congratulations on being bonded with your mate." 

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