41 - Strangers

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The two slept until about 9pm. Taehyung was free from nightmares and had a peaceful sleep while in his Mate's arms. But now he was done with lying around and being shut up in the bedroom. What Taehyung needed was time next to his Mate to rest and heal. Feeling much better, he wanted to get up and be around his family and Jimin. He was still a little clingy, but not like he had been earlier.

Taehyung began to stir but found his movements restricted by a pair of strong yet loving arms. Jungkook had awakened when he sensed his Omega's breathing change.


"Yeah baby?"

"Let me up."



"No and don't call me Alpha either."

"I'm tired of being in the bedroom, please? Can we at least sit out on the deck in front of the fire pit?"

"Okay Okay, help me up!"

Taehyung wiggled out of the Alpha's arms and walked over to Jungkook's side of the bed and held out his hand. Jungkook grabbed it but pulled him down onto the bed for a kiss.

"Stay close Tae."

"I will, I will. Thanks babe." Jungkook kissed him on the nose as the two got up and walked towards the front of the house. Chin saw them from the kitchen.

"Come here you two!"

Jungkook rolled his eyes as they changed course to the kitchen.

"How are you two doing?" Chin had a somewhat serious look on his face, but it was only one of concern. Tae stood close to Jungkook.

"Good Chin, we're heading out to sit in front of the fire pit."  Jungkook reached for Tae's hand as the Omega made sure the hoody was covering his eyes.

"Nice! Mind if me and Namjoon join your two?"

"Not at all Chin, we're over the whole mating thing." Jungkook was still protective of his mate, but would allow the family to be near him. As Tae and Jungkook made it outside, Namjoon was already sitting there stoking the fire.

"Hey you two!"

"Hey Namjoon," the two responded in sync, making Namjoon laugh. They sat off to the side on the other bench.

"How are you feeling Tae bear?"

"Better, thanks."

Chin came out with a beer for Namjoon and snuggled next to him. Soon after that, Kai and Seong joined them. Tae attempted to hug them, but Jungkook stopped him. He couldn't help it as he was still slightly protective of him. The group sat and enjoyed each other's company, Taehyung mostly just enjoyed being in front of the fire.  Jungkook relaxed a bit on his protectiveness since it was just family around.  

"Babe, will you be all right if I head inside for more beers?"

"Yeah Kookie, I'll be fine, my brothers and Chin are here."  With a kiss to his Omega's forehead, Jungkook went inside to get some more beers.

As soon as Jungkook disappeared through the door, Taehyung growled.  Kai and Seong noticed as Tae pulled the hood down further over his face. 

"Tae bear what's wrong?" All the Alphas became concerned but Taehyung wouldn't respond. Chin got up from his seat and moved to sit next to him.  Placing a protective around him he too started to look around to see if he could detect anything.

Taehyung let out another growl as Jimin came stomping towards them from the trash dumpsters. He had cleaned his room earlier and was taking out the trash.  Something or someone had pissed him off!  Seeing everyone on the deck, he swiftly hopped up over the side and made a beeline for Kai.   Even though Jimin was an Omega, he was still very agile.  He plopped down on Kai's lap and crossed his arms over his chest with a growl also.  With both Omega's now growling, the Alpha's were on alert. Jungkook meanwhile had been stopped by his mom while in the kitchen so he was momentarily distracted but could sense his Mate's uneasiness. He was trying to wrap up the conversation with his mom as fast as he could.

"Hey! Hey! Pup, what the hell is going on with you two?" Kai was at a loss to what was happening.

Jimin pointed towards the pavilion. Before anyone said anything, they saw Dongjun coming towards the house with 6 unknown Alphas. Taehyung raised his head, those on the porch heard another low growl coming from him.

Dongjun walked onto the porch with the Alphas. The males gravitated towards Taehyung, making his brothers uneasy.   Jungkook cut the conversation short with his mom and headed back to the deck and his Mate.

"Hey guys, these are some friends of mine from Daegu.  Guys, this is the group from Steel River."  No one was fond of Dongjun, but they didn't want another confrontation either. The brothers nodded but said nothing. Taehyung was keeping an eye on all of them. Two of the males took an interest in Jimin and him.

"And what's your name cutie?" One of them asked Jimin. Luckily Kai would not let anything happen to him. 

 "He's with me!" Kai growled his response causing the male to back away, his arm snaked around Jimin and pulled him closer. The one near Taehyung was a little more ballsy as he reached out to take the hood off. Before anyone else could react, Jungkook had made it out of the house and lunged at the Alpha, pinning him against the side of the house. The other Males tried to help, but Seong and Namjoon blocked them.   Jungkook had rushed back as quick as he could after sensing his Mates anger.

"Don't fucking touch him!!" Jungkook's Alpha voice was intimidating.  Even to the other Alphas present.

"Chill out! Shit!"  The male struggled to get out of Jung's hold.

Chin stood up and pulled Tae behind him.

"How about you guys go elsewhere, the porch is full."   Kai was done with them as he continued to hold on to Jimin.  Dongjun glared at his brother as he approached him, Jungkook released the Alpha and started towards his brother also. The unknown males backed away quickly as Jungkook got in his brother's face. 

"Take them and leave Dongjun." Jungkook was close to attacking but kept it under control. Smirking, Dongjun threw his hands up.  "Chill little bro!" Looking at his friends they all walked off. Everyone on the porch relaxed.

What none of them knew was that the Elder Alphas had seen the whole thing from the small deck area outside of Alpha Jeon's office.

"Tae are you ok?" Jungkook was next to his Mate. Taehyung sensed his anger and nuzzled him to calm him down.

"I'm fine Kookie."

"You want to go back inside?"

"No, I'm fine."  Taehyung sat back down as Jungkook retrieved the beers he had sat down inside the front door. He handed them out to the others. "Thanks again guys!"

Jimin turned and gave Kai a hug. "Thanks big guy!"

"No problem Pup!" Kai had no issues protecting Omegas from harm, Mate or not, plus Jimin was like family.

"Can I stay on your lap?" Jimin gave Kai his adorable pout and wolfy puppy eyes.

"Sure Pup!" Kai placed a large hand on Jimin's hip to keep him from falling off.   Seong chuckled at the two of them as Kai gave him a look.

The group enjoyed the rest of the evening without being bothered.


// Alpha Jeon's Office //

The Elder Alphas were talking and enjoying some aged cognac.   It was rare that the two could relax and just enjoy a drink together.

"You know Lee, you've got a fine group of Alphas supporting you."

"Now Jeon, hopefully Dongjun will come around and realize what it means to be a leader. Jungkook is turning into a fine leader himself, he's protecting what he cares about, we've both seen that!"

"Yes Lee, but I have serious doubts about Dongjun. He has never shown Omegas any kind of respect. I don't know where he learned this from. I made sure to always show every pack member under my care, respect. I just don't understand it, and Jungkook, he's still young and I'm not sure he's interested in being Pack Alpha. Yes, he's an excellent support and I know he would make a great leader, but it's not something I want to force on him."

"I understand my friend."

"The incident with Dongjun and your sons earlier started me thinking. They have already shown that they would be great Pack leaders, have you decided which one will follow you?"

"I've talked to Namjoon about it and he has accepted to take the lead whenever I step down. Kai and Seong would no doubt support him."

"I see. If I were to talk to Kai about taking my lead, do you think he would be receptive?"

"Jeon! Are you serious!?"

"Yes. This pack needs a strong Alpha to lead it. I saw Kai the other day and just now. The way he protected Jimin, solidified my stance on things. I know he is a True Alpha Lee, all of your son's are but they hide it very well.  They have shown great self-control, understanding and compassion towards others around them."

"So you know?"

"Yes my friend, don't worry. It's not something I wish to broadcast. Jungkook, I will talk to Jungkook again to see if it is something he is interested in. If he isn't, do I have your permission to talk to Kai? With Namjoon and Kai being like brothers, I can see it bringing our packs closer together, strengthening them equally."

"Wow Jeon, this is serious. Your decision to pick a successor other than Dongjun will cause issues."

"I know but Lee, I don't see any other option at this point. Not unless he matures. I will not subject my Pack to his attitude nor the Omegas to his brutality."

"I understand Jeon, I understand.  All we can do as parents is set the foundation for them, what they build on top of that, is up to them. Yes, you have my permission to talk to my boys if you'd like. Even though Kai is not my true son, I treat him as such. He's a good Alpha with an equally good heart, he just comes across as harsh and unapproachable most of the time." Elder Lee had to laugh as he knew how much of a softy Kai really was.

"Thank you Lee. Before you guys leave, I'll talk to them. If you would join me for the conversation, that would be great."

"Of course!  Of course!"

The Elders enjoyed the rest of their drinks, then called it a night.

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