42 - A Ruthless Betrayal

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Dongjun and the Alphas from Daegu went to an empty cabin on the outskirts of the compound to discuss their plan.  He was glad Deeya was staying with her sister as he didn't want her around clinging to him or getting in the way by starting shit again with the Omega.  Luna Jeon was right to send her to the doctor, Deeya had indeed lost the baby.  She didn't seem that affected by it when she found out.  As they left the clinic, Deeya made it a point to let him know she no longer wanted anything to do with the Pack. 

Dongjun figured with her gone, he could focus on what he wanted and that was to be Pack Alpha. He didn't need or want any opposition or competition. He figured if he could get rid of his brother and the stronger members from Steel River, his place as Leader would be set. His father would have no choice but to choose him as his successor.  If it meant killing them, so be it. Dongjun had never really cared for Jungkook, even when they were kids.  Dongjun was happy and content being an only child, but his mom wanted another one.  

He had gathered six of the strongest Alphas he knew; they were all True Alpha's which meant they were aggressive and more dominant. Dongjun assumed his brother and those from the Steel River Pack were just regular Alphas. They would be easy to get rid of.  Seeing how the group acted to protect Omegas, he had the perfect plan.  While they went over the details one more time, Dongjun called a few more Alphas who were to meet them at the base camp in the woods.

They would wait until the middle of the night and kidnap one of the core Omegas of the pack. Jimin was an easy target and Dongjun knew he would be alone, plus the Alpha's could have some fun with him afterward if they wanted.   Besides, Dongjun had his eyes on a pretty grey-haired Omega.  With the plan now set, it was time to put it in motion. They would snatch Jimin and take him into the woods, they would split up to lure the others out, surround them, then attack.

Now was the perfect time.

The group on the porch called it night after the fire had reduced itself to smoldering coals. The Alphas's were buzzed but not drunk and Jungkook only had 1 beer.  By the time they made it into the house, they could tell that everyone else was asleep, so they quietly went to their rooms. It was only midnight, but they were all tired.

Having settled in for the night, Jimin decided to watch a few videos then sleep.   He found his earbuds so he wouldn't disturb anyone. Comfy pillow, BTS video playlist, he was all set. Propping his iPad against the wall, he laid on his stomach with his back to the door. After the second video, Jimin got an uncomfortable feeling but brushed it off and went back to bopping to the music video he was watching. 

Dongjun and one other Alpha crept into the house as they made their way to Jimin's room. Dongjun knew Jimin never locked his door and tonight was no different. They had sprayed themselves down with a damping agent to hide their scent. Before Jimin knew what was happening, they swiftly grabbed him.  A strong hand muffling his screams, they quickly made it out of the house and into the woods.

{Heeeelllp mee!!}

Taehyung shot up in bed. Fear stabbing his chest. He knew something was wrong.   He turned to Jungkook and was literally on top of him, shaking him to wake him up.

"Kookie! Get up! Something's wrong!"

Taehyung startled Jungkook awake, thinking something was wrong with his mate.

"Fuck, what is it!!"

"It's Jimin!" Taehyung dashed out the room running and yelling for Jimin. Jungkook right behind him. Once they reached the room it was empty, Jimin's earbuds by the door. Taehyung started to panic.

"Go get my dad, now Tae!" Taehyung ran to the Alpha & Luna's room while Jungkook searched the house calling for Jimin. Not finding him, he woke up Taehyung's brothers for help.

"Jungkook!" Alpha Jeon was storming from his room,  calling him to the kitchen as the others followed. Tae's parents and Chin entered the kitchen also, all with a look of concern and worry.

"What's going on?"

"Jimin's gone!" Tae was trying not to panic. But he would have no choice. Everyone stopped as they heard a blood-curdling scream coming from the woods. It was Jimin.

"MinMin!!" Tae was about to run out the door but was stopped by Chin.

"You guys get out there and bring him back!"   Alpha Lee commanded the others to get him. Jungkook quickly kissed Tae on the forehead, then ran out of the house, shifting as soon as he did.

{God, please be careful Kookie!}

{I will, we'll bring him back}

It took the Alphas 30 minutes to find Jimin. They had tied him up and gagged him and sprayed him with the agent to hide his fear scent.  Otherwise they would have found him in no time.  He was lying on the ground, gagged, hands tied behind his back against a large oak tree.  Other than being terrified, he was unharmed as far as they could see. Four of the Alphas from earlier standing around him guarding them.  Seeing four against four, the brothers didn't see any issues they shifted back into Alpha form.  Kai moved towards the group.

"Nod your head if your ok Pup?"

Jimin nodded, tears still falling down his dirt smeared face. Kai was done with the group. They all shifted into Alpha mode and the attack was on. More Alphas suddenly came out of the trees, one of them being Dongjun. The only difference was that these Alphas, had knives.

The knife wielding Alphas targeted Jungkook, Namjoon and Seong.  After a brutal 20 minute fight, Dongjun and his group pulled back and circled them to see what damage they had caused.

Seong and Jungkook had been viciously stabbed and were trying to guard Jimin as Namjoon and Kai protected them. Jungkook was losing consciousness from the amount of blood  he had lost as Seong held onto him.  

That's when they heard it.

Taehyung was sitting with the others in the kitchen, waiting for them to return. He had closed his eyes to concentrate on Jungkook, to see if he could find out anything when sharp pains in his abdomen made him double over.

"Noo! Fuck!!"

Taehyung straightened up, panting, holding his stomach.

"Tae, what's wrong?" His dad was right at his side.

Taehyung couldn't respond. He just looked at them, his eyes blazing red.

"They're - They're going to kill him!" 

With a loud growl, Taehyung was out the door before they could stop him. The Alpha's were right behind him, but they weren't able to get to him in time. He was nowhere to be seen on the pack grounds. The Elders took off towards the treeline and where the scream came from.

Taehyung, acting on pure need to protect his Mate, shifted into his full wolf form for the first time.  Running full speed, the monstrous sized wolf crashed into the treeline, the scent of his Mate's blood was strong as he ran directly to him.  Its huge paws thundered on the ground, branches and twigs snapping underneath. Taehyung felt Jungkook slipping out of consciousness as he let out a howl that shook the trees and thundered through the air. The great wolf burst from the trees and into the clearing. Teeth bared, snarling, it crept in front of the injured Alphas, never taking its fiery red eyes off the attackers.  The large wolf was hunched down low, disguising its immense size as it formed a protective barrier between the two groups.

The strangers shifted, figuring with their numbers they could take the large beast. The brothers banded together, putting Jungkook, Seong and Jimin behind them.

The attack against the great wolf was immediate.  Before Namjoon and Kai could act, there was nothing but a snarling mass of fur and teeth.  Soon smaller wolves went flying as the large wolf latched on with its jaws and flung them. The sound of ripping flesh and snapping bones filled the clearing.  Most of unknown Alphas were too injured to continue with the attack or dead, their necks having been snapped like twigs. Soon the attacking mass settled.

The only two left were the large wolf and Dongjun who had shifted back into his Alpha form. Both his hands held bloodied knives. The wounds on the large wolf were visible but didn't hinder it at all.   Dongjun tried to run into the tree line but was met by the glares of the Elder Alphas. Seeing that he was no longer a threat, the large wolf turned to the severely injured Alphas. It slowly walked towards them, whimpering. They had already untied Jimin who was trying to comfort Jungkook. Hearing a growl behind it, The wolf turned to see the Elders subdue Dongjun and two of his partners. The large wolf slowly walked towards Seong and knelt down, the other's giving the beast plenty of room. Placing a large paw on his leg, Seong gasped as the wolf's eyes went from red to a beautiful shade of gold. Seong began to move, his injuries healing to just scratch. The large wolf then made its way to Jungkook. He was barely hanging on, the wound to his abdomen was too great for him to heal on his own. The large beast let out a painful whimper as it laid down next to the Alpha and placed its huge head in his lap. It looked at him with the same gold eyes. The others could only stand and watch in amazement at what was happening.

The large wolf continued to whimper as it stared at Jungkook. Slowly Jungkook responded, the most severe of his wounds stopped bleeding as the color returned to his face. His eyes opened. The large wolf set up and began licking Jungkook's face.  As he tried to stand the others rushed to his side but he waved them away.

By now Jimin was safe in Kai's arms. The Elders had Dongjun and his partners tied up while Namjoon had a firm arm around his brother Seong, seeing how he was still unsteady.  Everyone watching the surreal scene before them.

Once Jungkook could stand on his own, the large wolf looked up at him and let out one more whimper before it collapsed on the ground. It shifted back into its human form, but Jungkook had blocked the person from the other's line of sight.

"Jimin, give me your hoody." Jimin quickly tossed the hoody to Jungkook, who knelt down to cover the naked body from view and picked them up. When he turned to face everyone, the color left their faces.

It was Taehyung.

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