46 - A New Life

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The Steel River Pack made it back to the pack house, Kai sat the Luna down so the Elders could make their way inside. Namjoon wanted to talk to his brothers for a bit and called them off to the side where the fire pit was located.

"What's up Nam?" Kai thought he might be having second thoughts about everything.

"Hey, I wanted to talk to you guys to real quick, alone."  The brothers all found seats and focused their attention on Namjoon.  "I think I'm going to move out here once we get back to the city. Seong the Apartment is yours if you want it. Kai, I'm not sure what your plans are now either."

The three brothers sat and discussed things.  It seemed that everything was changing with them. They all knew that Taehyung would now live with Jungkook. Namjoon felt it best to move out to Moon Ridge so he could learn all that he could from Alpha Jeon. Kai also decided it would be best to move back to Steel River and patch things up between him and his Mate. He also wanted to learn all that he could before the time came for him to take the reins as Pack Alpha. Seong, not wanting to stay in the huge apartment by himself would move onto the college campus which only made sense. He could get free housing right across the street from the college.

So it was agreed. Once they got back, they would help the other move to their new homes and Namjoon would place the apartment up for sale.  He would still oversee his real estate business but would turn over ownership of the bars to Kai. The bond between the brothers was thicker than blood and they each knew that they would do whatever was needed for the other.  Having everything settled, they hugged and congratulated each other, then headed inside for some much-needed food.

As they entered the house, Kai and Seong went to sit across from their parents. Namjoon walked over to Chin, who was busy at the stove. Walking up behind him, Namjoon placed a hand on Chin's back.

"Hey babe, I need to talk to you after breakfast."

Chin turned to look at him. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, everything is fine." Namjoon gave him a quick kiss to the side of his head and joined his family at the dining table. Jimin entered and busied himself with helping Chin. He took coffee to the table for everyone as Alpha and Luna Jeon walked in. The Jeon's sat next to the Lee's.  Luna Lee rubbed Luna Jeon's back as she knew the meeting with their son was no doubt stressful. Mi-Sun smiled at her, letting her know she was fine. Alpha Jeon addressed the brothers.

"Alphas, I want to talk to all of you after breakfast." They nodded and Chin let them know breakfast was ready. Chin texted Jungkook just in case to see if he was still awake and wanting to eat but he didn't get a response. That sat him at ease because it meant he was sleeping. Chin made a simple breakfast of scrambled eggs with meat and pancakes. There was extra on the stove if they wanted any. Breakfast done, the Alphas all headed to Jeon's office. Chin and Jimin cleaned up and the Lunas went outside to chat.

Inside Alpha Jeon's office, he thanked them all for coming and got straight to it. Namjoon let him know that he was thrilled by the offer and had accepted it. Since they were all there, Namjoon also let him know that he would very much like to move out to Moon Ridge. That way he could learn more and get to know the Pack members and vice versa. The brothers let their dad know the plan of everyone moving out of the apartment. Kai said he would move back to Steel River so he too could learn closely and he felt it was time to patch things up with his Mate.

The Elders were relieved that the young Alphas had all accepted the offers, and Alpha Jeon asked that Seong be an active part of the Pack as their historian and record keeper. Seong was shocked but also excited and let Alpha Jeon know he couldn't wait to get started. Again the Elders thanked them and dismissed them to enjoy the rest of the day.


"Yes Alpha Jeon?"

"Stay for a minute." Namjoon went back and had a seat.

"Namjoon, thank you. Seriously, you have no idea how much it means to me to have someone I know I can trust and that will be a good leader to take the lead once I step down."

"Thank you Alpha for the offer.  I was surprised when my dad told me."

"Well, you're a good leader. Since you're moving out here, you're welcomed to Dongjun's room or you can have one of the larger pack cabins next to the pack house. I know you and Chin will probably want some privacy so the choice is up to you."

"Wow, okay. I'll talk to Chin and ask him what he wants."

"Sounds good. Welcome to the Pack young Alpha!" Jeon hugged the young Alpha and sat down to finish up his work.

Namjoon headed straight for Chin who was finishing up in the kitchen. He grabbed his Mate's hand. "Leave it babe, we need to talk."  Namjoon led a shocked Chin to his bedroom and motioned for him to sit on the bed.

"Namjoon, what's going on?" Namjoon sat next to him, taking his hands in his.

"Chin, I'm moving out to here to Moon Ridge."

"Okay...?" Chin immediately sensed there was more than just that.

"Alpha Jeon wants me to follow him as Pack Alpha."

Chin just stared blankly for a few seconds. Next thing the Alpha knew, Chin had closed the gap between and had him embraced in a hug. Chin pulled back, a huge smile plastered on his face.

"Are you serious?!"

"Yes. I'll move out here to start learning from him so when he steps down I'll be ready to lead the Pack as Alpha, my beautiful Luna."

"Luna....oh shit. I'm going to be a Luna?" Again Chin had Namjoon trapped in a hug. The Alpha rubbing his Mate's back.

"So future Luna. Do you want to stay in the pack house or do you want one of the large cabins next to it. Think carefully because we my wonderful Omega, still have to mate." Namjoon had a lustful look in his eyes. Chin simply smiled at him.

"I want our own cabin...Alpha."

The two brought their lips together a deep and passionate kiss.

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