45 - Delegation of Power

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After the excited Omegas had calmed down in the kitchen. Chin wrangled Jimin to help him with breakfast. The Elders had business to attend too, but would wait till after breakfast.  Alpha and Luna Lee asked Chin how Taehyung was doing.   He let them know he was still sleeping and that  he had spoken to Jungkook for a bit and briefly explained what was going on.  Chin told them that the two would probably sleep for most of the day. The parents were glad that Chin was there and monitoring them. For now, all the parents wanted to check up on their sons.

The Lees asked Namjoon to gather up his brothers and meet them out under the pavilion. The morning was nice enough that they wanted to enjoy the weather and talk some place privately. The Jeon's meanwhile gathered themselves and made their way to the holding quarters to talk to their son. They were beyond disappointed and hurt, knowing that Dongjun would resort to killing his own brother for a title and position he had no business occupying.

As the Elder Lees led their sons out to the pavilion, Kai and Seong asked if anyone had heard how Taehyung was doing? Their parents let them know that Chin checked on them earlier and that he was still sleeping. Luna Lee asked how Jimin did throughout the night and Kai let her knew he slept like a baby, snoring the entire time. Their parents had already discussed things earlier, they just wanted to fill the guys in on what was going on. Alpha Lee stood as he motioned for the others to have a seat.

"I want to talk to you guys, namely Namjoon and Kai about something serious. I just ask that you keep what I'm about to say between us until an official announcement is made.  First, Dongjun will be banned from the Pack. Second, me and Alpha Jeon have been discussing this for some time now and want to fill you two in. We are both very proud with the way all of you have handled yourselves during the rogue issue.  All three of you have stepped up when needed and shown excellent leadership skills.  Namjoon, I'll start with you.  Feel free to decline what I'm about to say, I don't want you or Kai or Seong for that matter to feel obligated in any way. Alpha Jeon would like for you Namjoon, to succeed him as Moon Ridge Pack Alpha."

Namjoon wasted no time in thinking or hesitating. It was if he knew this was in the works.  Especially seeing how Dongjun acted and carried himself.  But he wanted to make sure his own Pack would have a good and qualified leader. He lowered his head, trying to hide his excitement. He felt his brothers boring holes in him with their stares.

"Yes, sir. I'll accept his offer on the condition that our Pack has a good replacement."

"Kai, that's were you come in. I want you to lead our Pack when I step down as Alpha."

Seong was overjoyed for his brothers and patted Kai on the back. The large Alpha was dumbstruck. He did not expect any of this; he knew he wasn't really their son, so the offer was a shock. Kai looked over at Seong.

"Don't look at me, bro! I think you'd make an awesome Pack Alpha! Both of you!"

Kai had to take some deep breaths so he wouldn't fumble his words. "Uh..are you sure you want to pick me Alpha?" Kai wasn't sure it was a good idea. He knew how he could be.

"I'm 100% sure Kai. I've seen how you've stepped up and how you've dealt with things."

"Then all I can say is, yes. I accept."

Luna Lee clapped happily! "I'm so proud of my boys!"

Alpha Lee turned to Seong. "Seongi, I know Pack Alpha isn't something you were never interested in but I value your knowledge and advice. I hope you can offer support to your brothers. I know they'll appreciate all the help."

"Of course dad!"

"What about Jungkook dad?" Namjoon was curious as to why Jungkook wasn't interested in being Alpha. Their dad chuckled.

"Jungkook was never interested in being pack Alpha.  Plus, he's still young. That's why we were all surprised that his brother would take such steps against him. Alpha Jeon understands Jungkook not wanting to be Alpha, he doesn't want the position to be something that's forced on him. He wants him to enjoy life."

"I understand dad. So what happens now?"

"Tomorrow the surrounding Pack Alphas will meet and formally ban Dongjun from our area. He will effectively become a Rogue. His parents are talking with him now, how that will go is anyone's guess. Namjoon, Alpha Jeon would like it if you could move out here to Moon Ridge, but he understands if you need time or don't want to jump into the position just yet. We're both still young, so it will be awhile before we hand over our positions. In the meantime we'll teach both you and Kai the ropes on being Pack Alpha, so there's no hurry. Right now I have a feeling all of our attention is on Taehyung healing and getting better. Namjoon, you my young Alpha have a new Mate to bond with, so there's that also. After Dongjun is taken care of, me and Jeon will talk to all three of you later. Seong, you're still an important part and your brothers will need your help. Now, let's head back inside for some breakfast! We'll talk later."

The family stood, their mom giving each of her sons a huge hug. Kai scooped her up and carried her into the house, all smiling and laughing.


The Jeon's made their way to the holding quarters. Before they got within sight of it, Luna Jeon had to stop. The Alpha felt his Mates uneasiness, turning to her, he wrapped her in a hug. The large Alpha nuzzled her to help calm her down. "Mi-Sun, are you going to be all right doing this?"

"Yeah, hon. I'll be all right it's just...where did I go wrong as a mother. Dong almost killed his own brother."

"I know babe. But you can't take responsibility for that. You have always been an excellent mother. What Dong does with his life is his responsibility."

The Luna smiled and tapped his arm, letting him know she was fine to continue. Approaching the holding quarters, the Alpha guards greeted them and led them both inside. Dongjun was in a holding cell, doing push-ups. Sensing his parents he stopped and stood against the bars, the smug look on his face was cold and unsettling. The Alpha approached to inform his son of what would happen.


"Old man. Save your breath, I already know what you're here to say. Tomorrow I go before the other Pack Alphas to get banned from the area."

His dad was hurting at the fact that he was effectively loosing his first born.  The fact that Dongjun didn't seem remorseful or to care just made things even more painful. "Dongjun, did you... why? All I want to know is why?"

Dongjun smirked and glanced over at his mom. "Because old man, you've gotten too soft. You baby Omegas like they're some damn jewel. They're not, they are meant to serve their Alphas, keep house and bear pups. You've been so worried about equality and compassion that this Pack has grown weak. Me becoming Alpha would have changed all that. Omegas would know their place and this Pack would have gone back to being feared and respected. Like it should have been to begin with."

His mom could no longer tolerate his callousness. "But Dong, we didn't raise you to be so cold and ruthless!"

"No, you didn't, you raised me to a weakling like Jungkook. Luckily I finally woke up. Don't hate me because I truly know what it means to be an Alpha, a real Alpha. The sooner I'm gone, the better off I'll be."

Elder Jeon realized at that moment that the one before him was not the son he had raised. The happy giggling pup that would hug and sit on his lap was gone. The pup that would pepper his mom's face with kisses before bedtime was gone. Nothing either of them said would ever reach his heart.  As much as it pained them both, they would need to let him go.

"Dongjun..." his mom's voice was pleading with him, but he didn't care. His mom was just an Omega, nothing more.

"Save it Omega."

His mom was left speechless. She didn't know whether to be hurt or furious. But he was her son. The Luna quickly gathered herself and approached the bars, the Alpha behind them glaring at her.

"Dongjun, if one day you're able to pull your head out of your arrogant ass and find an ounce of compassion or Wolfen humanity, our door will be open to you. Until that time, I wish you the best." With that, his mother turned and left.  His dad looked at her and knew it best to let her go. Even though she was an Omega, she was strong. The Elder Alpha turned back to his son.

"Tomorrow at noon, the others will arrive and we'll meet at the pavilion. The guards will take you to your quarters where you can gather what you need then you'll be presented before the area council. There, their votes will be taken and you will be escorted off the compound."

The Alpha gave his son one final look, then left to join his wife.

Dongjun was glad the 'family reunion' was finally over.  What they didn't and wouldn't know is that as soon as he left, he was headed for Japan where he already had a high ranking position waiting for him with another Pack.  With that Pack, his position as Pack Alpha was all but guaranteed.  As for Deeya, she meant nothing to him. Especially now that she had lost the pup she was carrying. He knew that since the first one she was having was an Omega, there was a solid chance of the rest of her pups being the same.  Dongjun wanted Alpha pups, not what he considered weak, useless Omegas.

The Jeon's were silent as they made their way back to the pack house.   The Alpha had his arm around his Mate, comforting her. Luna Jeon turned to look at him. "I'm fine dearest."

"Are you sure babe? We loosing our son."

She stopped and looked at him, seriousness all over her face. "It's like you said my love.  He chooses what he does with his life. Yes, we are losing our firstborn, but we've gained so much. Jungkook is a Great Alpha and has a wonderful Mate.  My mother's intuition tells me that when the time comes, he will step up as pack Alpha and be there for Namjoon at a moment's notice. You've found a true and worthy successor to lead this Pack that you have worked so hard to establish.  Dongjun will be fine, he always has been, hopefully one day he'll grow up."

The Alpha leaned down and gave his Mate a deep yet tender kiss.  She was right, they both had a lot to be grateful and thankful for.

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