Chapter 2

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It was still the same night as before, but Chris was back in his appartement now. He had a very nice time with Morgan, but the poor woman had to get up early in the morning again. Not that he was better off at the time, but there always was a little something he would do to calm his mind before going to bed. Chuckling softly, the young man grabbed his guitar and thought of a song he could play without annoying everyone. The good thing was that he took the acoustic guitar now, because it fit the mood much better and after a good bit, he started playing and singing.

Music. It wasn't just a rhythmic sound or anything, it was more to him. If anyone listened right now, they would immediatly feel the emotions and the determination Chris put into it. He was easily recognizable, thanks to his voice and style...well, and thanks to the live shows he plays every weekend. Many have somehow heard his songs by random chance maybe, but Chris didn't let the success get to his head. He was too grounded for that. He rather took it easy on that and kept things real, unlike others who did it for the money without even writing their own material. After five long, but well used minutes, Chris put the guitar back down and sighed in happiness.

Chris:" Nothing beats a good jam session every now and then. Gosh, this was great. But it's past midnight already and I have lots of work to handle tomorrow. Sometimes I'd damn my job haha."

Smiling, Chris finally went to bed to catch some sleep before the long work day ahead of him. He honestly was more excited than anything, but after an altercation earlier that night, he knew he would be sore all over.

Chris:" It's the price we pay for what we think of as justice."

The next day has finally come around as Chris was already at work, taking care of one of the many customers.

Chris:" It's not gonna take too long, trust me."

Customer:" I do. This studio is the nicest I've ever been in, if I may say so."

Chris:" Thank you. We try to keep a clean record most of the time."

Customer:" And the times you don't?"

Chris:" Let's just say that things can get a bit out of hand every now and then."

Customer:" I-I see. I never knew that."

Chris:" Believe me, just very few people know what it means. It can go either way though."

Customer:" Can we please focus on the tattoo again?"

Chris:" Very well, Miss."

Morgan:" Chris, stop putting ideas in the poor lady's head. You're supposed to be workin'."

Yes, Morgan decided to come by during her break and see how Chris was doing. The two always did that and it showed, due to how the two just laughed it off.

Chris:" You sound like a mom who's not even concerned about her kid."

Morgan:" That's because I know you can handle things yourself. But you don't need to mention your explicit services when there are so many people around."

Customer:" E-Explicit? Oh dear..."

Chris:" Hey hey, stay with us, okay? Just a few more minutes and you should be done."

Morgan:" You've been at that for how long?"

Chris:" Two hours. This young lady was here once, just having a look. And today, she decided to get inked."

Morgan:" Cool. I remember when you did mine on my b---"

Chris:" We keep most things private here, Morgan."

Morgan:" Riiiiiight. Anyways, I'll see you later, Chris. Stay safe, okay?"

Chris:" I can't promise anything in that regard, but I'll try. See you soon, Morgan."

Morgan smiled softly and then left the tattoo studio again to head back to work. She was going to be busy and exhausted when she'd get home, but being a caretaker was her passion. Chris understood that very well, because he felt the same way about everything he did.

Customer:" Your girlfriend is a nice girl."

Chris:" Hmm? Oh, she's not my girlfriend. We're neighbours actually and very good friends."

Customer:" Really? You're exchange right now was lovely to see actually. It would be a shame to let it go to waste."

Chrus:" Don't get me wrong, Morgan is a great person and everything. But neither of us has shown any romantic interest in the other."

Putting the finishing touches on the tattoo, Chris hoped the customer was just playing. Yes, he loved Morgan, but more like a sister he never had, apart from other friends that he was still close with. He was sure she was already seeing someone and if not, maybe dating just wasn't her style. Only Morgan knew and that was fine.

Chris:" Alright everyone. The ones that are finished and have paid can go now. The rest can go eat lunch, if they like. I will open up again in an hour."

The customers nodded and soon went their own way while Chris went to his backroom. Eventhough not too much happened yet, his head wasn't playing along very well right now.

Chris:" I shouldn't have fought on that rooftop."

He sat down and lit a cigarette to start off his own break, hoping to relax a bit. Whoever he just messed with last night, she really knew what she was doing during the fight. Sure, Chris was fit and knew how to beat someone up, but that woman got him good there.

Chris:" I gotta hand it to her though. Her punches really did a number on me. I guess I need to step it up again."

Looking at nothing in particular, Chris enjoyed the solitude he felt around him right there. He surely wasn't a social butterfly at all and a lot of people knew that from the way he behaved a lot of the time. His hometown of El Paso didn't treat him well after all, but the young man pushed on nonetheless. Chris made more enemies than friends in his life, but those friends he had mattered to him incredibly much.

???:" Excuse me? Is someone here?"

This new voice immediatly caught Chris' attention as he put his cigarette down on an ash tray and headed to the front again, being met again by the brunette who visited just the other day.

Chris:" Oh hey, it's you again."

???:" Hi. I know it's your break and everything, but I wanted to bring back your umbrella."

Chris:" Thank you for remembering. Just put it anywhere."

Felicia:" I think introductions are in order. I'm Felicia Hardy. Nice to meet you."

Chris:" A pretty name for a pretty woman, if I may say so. I'm Chris. Chris Johnson...but you seem to know that already haha."

Felicia:" It's hard not to know. You're over all the radio stations, because people request your songs."

Chris:" I wouldn't say I'm famous though."

Felicia:" Are you sure about that? I mean this isn't exactly your first rodeo so to speak."

Chris:" Someone did her homework. Yeah, it's not my first time. What can I do for you though?"

Felicia:" A lot, I think. I'm a little cold right now. Do you mind...hugging me?"

Well, that certainly took a turn as Chris looked at Felicia, trying to see if she was serious or not. The fact that she had her arms spread out already was adorable to him, but they really just started talking to each other...technically. Taking a deep breath, Chris gave in and so, they embraced each other in a sweet hug.

Felicia:" Thank you. I usually don't do this, but you look like someone who likes to cuddle."

Chris:" It's no problem at all. I do like to cuddle sometimes, believe me."

Felicia:" Your girlfriend must love that."

Chris:" If I had one, maybe."

Felicia:" What? Are you saying that you're single?"

Chris:" Yep. Not my proudest announcement, but here we are."

Chris couldn't see it, but Felicia had a smirk on her face. There was something going on in her head and that plan was immediatly set off when she got on her tip toes.

Chris:" Gah! What's that about?!"

Felicia:" I marked you as mine for future reference, Chris. I can see that you're tired of waiting for the right girl."

To be honest, Felicia was right. Chris had enough of trying and failing so many times. He just wanted to settle down and start a nice family with a loving girlfriend/wife. But he didn't expect Felicia to just lick his ear like that. Once they broke the hug, things didn't exactly stay calm or anything. Felicia giggled as she backed up a few steps.

Chris:" Are you alright?"

Felicia:" Peachy. Why don't you have a look~?"

If this was just a game to her, Felicia already unveiled that she would play dirty to win. Just hiking up her dress a bit was more than enough of a trigger for Chris who just stood there, holding himself together as best as he could.

Felicia:" What's the matter? Lost your breath?"

Chris:" I think you should go."

Felicia:" Awww, really? It was only ten minutes."

Chris:" We can talk more later as long as you tone it down."

Felicia:" I will try, but I can't guarantee success. I'll definitly see you again, Chris."

Giggling to herself and leaving the studio, Felicia was sure she was Chris' attention in more ways than one. Apparently she was a big tease and didn't mind using her charme every now and then. Chris was left, giving a frustrated sigh at what just happened.


Later that day, Chris found himself in the park. It was still sunny outside, so this really helped boost his mood a lot. He had a big box of pizza next to him as the day really tired him out and left him very hungry.

Chris:" Nothing beats a good slice of New York pizza. Urgh, but I gotta wait. Hopefully he's on Time for once."

???:" Well, you sure ain't gonna eat without me, are you? Also, I'm just as busy as you, man."

Turning left, Chris was met with someone he was all too familiar with as the two smiled at each other and bumped fists.

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