Chapter 3

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Once Chris realized who was in front of him, he couldn't stop smiling. It was none other than one one of his best friends: Alex Ambrose.(Lokis03277)

The man of a thousand crazy thoughts at once has come around to hang out with his friend and to eat some delicious pizza. It was a weekly thing where Chris and Alex hung out to catch up on the important things going on in their lives.

Chris:" Welcome, Alex. You still look as shook as I know you."

Alex:" I can say the same about you, Chris. Still busy inking up new people?"

Chris:" Definitly. Gosh, today was busy. 9 customers and the tattoos got more complex with every single person."

Alex:" Sucks to be you, man. Fortunately I have the fortune of freelancing."

Chris:" Is that why you didn't answer my calls?"

Alex:" Yeah, probably. Also, you know me and Smartphones don't mix."

Chris:" You're a weird man, but that's what I like about you."

Alex:" Hey, we're both weirdos. Remember our first time out?"

Chris:" You were telling the worst jokes ever while I tried to hook up with a dart board. When Maria told us, I was so embarrassed."

Alex:" I didn't even drink any booze, yet I did stupid stuff."

Chris:" Don't blame it on your age, man. You're younger than me. And don't even think about calling me Grampa."

Alex:" Your loss then. Anything interesting happening lately?"

Chris:" You could say so. There's this girl-"

Alex:" Morgan?"

Chris:" No, not Morgan. It's-"

Alex:" Brittney!"

Chris:" No! She's called Felicia Hardy-"

As soon as those words left Chris' mouth, Alex couldn't help but to facepalm at this.

From the looks of things, Alex had his very own encounters with her and they didn't bode well for him most of the time.

Alex:" You're joking."

Chris:" What do you mean? I'm serious."

Alex:" Freaking hell, don't you know who she is?"

Chris:" Alex, you're not making sense right now. What am I missing?"

Alex:" What I'm going to tell you may sound crazy, but bear with me, Chris. Felicia Hardy is actually the master thief Black Cat."

Chris:" Stop joking, Alex. What do you really wanna tell me?"

Alex:" I'm serious right now, Chris. Black Cat has been all over the news recently and she's right here, hiding in plain view."

Chris:" And how do you know?"

Alex:" I've had my fair share of run-ins with her as well. Trust me, she's more than meets the eye."

Chris:" Now you really gotta be kidding me."

Alex:" I'm not. And even if I was, I wouldn't- wait...

You get it, right?"

Chris took a deep breath and leaned back on the bench. So for the last few days, Felicia has been stealing all around the city, yet she disguises herself as a normal member of society. This really was more complicated than he thought as he and Alex talked more about their encounters with her and what else was happening, touching on the subject of how their alter egos have never been spotted in the same area at the same time or how they took down two different gangs in the city. The were both vigilantes, but Alex took a more direct and confrontational route to his role. Chris on the other hand just started this journey a short while back.

Alex:" You really stabbed her in the shoulder?"

Chris:" Yup. I knew she would just take it before she kicked me off the building."

Alex:" That's rough. I thought you were a gentleman."

Chris:" This normal version of me is. The Abyss is a whole different creature."

Alex:" If we merged, we would be The Abyss Demon. What about that?"

Chris:" Science is freaky enough on its own, man. Let's not play god with our own bodies."

Alex:" Alright alright, I got you. Let's relax and devour the pizza. I'm starving."

Chuckling, Chris opened the pizza box and both of them grabbed a slice, toasting to each other before they ate. Hangouts like these were the fun and relaxation both of them needed when another long week was so close to being over. Of course they kept everything they talked about in mind, but it wasn't the dominating part of the day.

Returning to the appartement building after a nice day out, Chris was more relaxed now as he ascended the stairs. Several sources of noise could be heard, but that was a given due to so many different people being in the same place. He knew Morgan had to work longer, thanks to an emergency at work, so he hoped everything would go well and she would stay safe. After all, it was always worrying when something happened to his friends. Little did he know that he would have female company in a different form as a door opened next to him, revealing another neighbour: Brittney Kark.

Brittney:" Chrissy! I haven't seen you home this early."

Chris:" Hey there, Brittney. I just met with a friend of mine after work. You also seem to be doing well, hm?"

Brittney:" Oh yes, I am. I can't really complain about my situation. You look a little tired though. Long day?"

Chris:" Lots of work. That's the thing. Wade is home with Abby and their son Harry. Luther will be back by sunday, so I had to tackle everything on my own."

Brittney:" Awww, poor baby. Do you have a moment though?"

Chris:" That depends on what you need from me."

Brittney:" Come in and find out. Trust me, I have no ill intensions with you."

Chris:" Riiiiight."

Eventhough this exchange felt a little strange, Chris followed Brittney, taking a short look around until his attention landed on a table with a bottle of wine and a glass.

Chris:" Have you been drinking?"


Chris:" What did I t-"

Brittney:" Shh Shh, stay calm, Chris. I know what you told me. And I'm trying to follow that advice. In fact, you've always been so good to me. Do you know how long it has been since I had a genuine conversation with a guy?"

Chris:" I can only imagine and I'm sorry. Ever since Paul...y'know, things haven't been the same."

Brittney:" Yeah...You're right. I can count on you, right?"

Chris:" As much as anyone else can."

Brittney:" What if I'd ask you to keep me company? Just for the night. Is that okay with you?"

As much as he wanted to decline and move on with the evening, Chris knew he couldn't leave Brittney alone. Her husband Paul left her just last year for a younger woman. It broke her heart and she has been consuming alcohol to cope with this problem. That evening was another one of those and it hurt to see her like this.

Chris:" Alright, I will stay for the night. Not out of pity or anything. I'm just doing what I can to be the good neighbour you know me as."

Brittney:" Awww, look at that soft side. I knew you wouldn't be able to hide it much longer."

Smiling from how adorable Chris was to her now, Brittney finished her last drink and tried to get up, only to find herself stumbling.

Brittney:" Ooop, I'm a little tipsy hehehe."

Chris:" Let me help you."

Chris got in front of her, turned around and showed his back to her. Brittney looked confused at first before she got the idea, climbing onto him and holding on for dear life.

Once both of them were ready, Chris knew exactly where he had to go as he navigated through the slightly dark appartement. It was around 9 pm and then sun was slowly setting already, especially because Brittney had her blinders down for the longest time.

Brittney:" Gosh, you're comfy."

Chris:" I hear that a lot."

Brittney:" Because it's true. I could cuddle you forever."

Chris:"...Help us all..."

Brittney:" What was that?"

Chris:" Nothing. Anyways, whatever happens, it will stay between us."

Brittney:" I'll try to keep my mouth shut when my friends ask. Believe me, they're so nosy."

Chris:" I figured, because you basically tell each other everything."

Brittney:" They're my best friends after all. Now, please lay me down carefully."

Chris nodded and did exactly what the blonde said as he put her down on her bed. He didn't think much of it, only to be caught off guard when Brittney irked him to stay exactly in the current position and move his head closer.

Brittney:" Do you know now what kind of company I mean?"

Chris:" Very much so. But...You're tipsy and I don't wanna make it seem like I took advantage of you."

Brittney:" I appreciate the concern, but I'm not that drunk to lose control of myself. Just give me this night, okay?"

The softness of her words and the begging expression in her eyes were enough to get Chris to give in. Not that he was a softie in and out or anything, he was doing Brittney a favor by taking care of her. Let's just say that things got heated during that might between them.

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