Chapter 7

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With Vulture officially behind bars, New York has become a little safer in the last few days. Many citizens were really thankful that one of the most notorious criminals has finally been taken down and even the news exploded as soon as it was announced. Of course there were various other crime lords in the dark underground, but they haven't fired their shot just yet. They knew who was involved in taking Vulture down, so suddenly coming out and cause mayhem wouldn't be the smartest thing to do.

For now, Chris was back at the tattoo studio as he cleaned the machines while Wade took care of the incoming appointments for the time being. The two talked about the whole situation as well, but they had to be careful to not let Luther hear. Otherwise both of them could've been in big trouble. Thankfully it was kind of a slow day at the moment, so there weren't any big interruptions.

Wade:" You still have to be careful when you're out there. Remember the last time you got seriously messed up?"

Chris:" I was ill prepared back then and they had the numbers advantage. I'm glad I can still walk."

Wade:" That's what I mean. Don't get into any fights unless it's about the city's safety."

Chris:" You sound way too much like Morgan right now."

Wade:" Hey, we just care about you, Chris. You know yourself better than anyone else, so think before you move."

Chris:" You're right. And I'm glad nothing else is happening out there right now, so that I can have a break."

Wade:" Yeah, you deserve it. By the way, what about that lady that got your interest?"

Chris just looked at Wade with a raised eyebrow before they both chuckled. Wade remembered the last conversation when that topic came up and now Chris had to face the question head on.

Chris:" Well, we're slowly warming up to each other. The last time we met, she just straight up flirted with me. And no, it wasn't even subtle."

Wade:" Looks like you're quite into her as well though. What's her name?"

Chris:" Felicia Hardy. Pretty little lady with a very interest personality in my opinion."

Wade:" Sounds adventurous. Ne careful not to get a case of cat scratch fever."

While Wade was laughing at his own joke, Chris just thought about it for a moment. It couldn't possibly be that his co-worker saw him with her out there fighting crime together, right? No, that seemed way too close to home to be true. Of course others had seen the vigilante and the cat burglar together in the same place, but that didn't really mean anything to the bystanders most of the time. So how could Wade know who Felicia was? Or did he just really make a joke?

Wade:" Alright, man. I'll leave you to it now. Can't have the machines on standby any longer."

Chris:" Right. Give me another hour, then they're all up and running again."

Wade:" Sounds good. And-"

Just when Wade wanted to remind Chris of something, the two were suddenly interrupted when the door opened and Felicia of all people walked in.

Felicia:" Excuse me?"

Wade:" Welcome to Venom Ink. What can I do for you?"

Felicia:" I'm looking for your co-worker. Is he here today?"

Wade:" Yes, he is. Chris, you got a visitor."

Chris:" I hear ya."

Chris got up from his seat and went to the front of the studio, a small smile finding its way to his face as he saw Felicia.

Chris:" Good morning, Felicia. What's up?"

Felicia:" Hey there. I just wanted to see how you're doing. Are you alright?"

Chris:" Oh, that's nice of you. Yeah, I'm doing pretty well. I've been keeping myself entertained so to speak."

Felicia:" I can tell. I might have a question for you, if that's okay."

Chris:" I don't mind. Hit me with your best shot."

Felicia just had to giggle at that remark. Having met Chris over and over again, she knew his mannerisms a little better and got used to his statements as well. But they still cut through in an unexpected way. Nonetheless the young brunette regained her composure and looked right at the taller man.

Felicia:" So, I was wondering, if you'd like to go out some time."

Chris:" Name a time and a place and I'll be there."

Felicia:" You're cute. Let's say Friday, around six pm near IL Punto?"

Chris:" Sounds perfect, if you ask me. I'll be there right on time."

Felicia:" Great. I hope you can put up with me dir longer than just a few minutes haha."

Chris:" You're not bad, Miss Hardy. C'mon, you're pleasent company all around."

Felicia:" Charmer. I'll see you on Friday then, Chris."

Making her way back out, Felicia knew that Chris was still watching her for different reasons, so she decided to tease him a little.

In return, Chris could just chuckle and wave at her until she was out of sight. Now the stars did align very well and he had a date this week. Unfortunately for him, Wade wasn't far off after that exchange.

Wade:" That's the infamous lady you're so attracted to, huh?"

Chris:" Don't even get me started."

Wade:" She seems to be the perfect fit for you though. I know Morgan is going to have questions as well when you get home, so be prepared for anything."

Chris:" I know, I know! Geez, even the cops weren't that nosy last time."

To put a stop to that, Chris just pressed a button that showed the studio was now in full business again before he disappeared to the back again.


With work finished and the studio back in its original state, Wade and Chris just chatted away for another few minutes. Apart from Felicia's visit, their day was still interesting enough with various requests and questions they had to answer to make their customers happy.

Wade:" I still can't believe you had to tattoo that guys' foot."

Chris:" It was bad. Real bad. I don't wanna do it again. What about you with that old woman's ear?"

Wade:" Definitly not the best thing I ever had to do. I prefer doing sleeves."

Chris:" Fair. So do I, unless it's back or front tattoos."

Wade:" You just like it when young women come around."

Chris:" I just do what I can, man. It's noth-"

Unfortunately while talking to Wade, Chris bumped into someone along the way. It didn't happen very often to be honest, but this time may have been for a reason. So when he looked the person, he saw another beautiful woman.

(Kate Mara)

???:" My bad. I should've watched where I was going."

Chris:" No no, it's okay. It was my fault."

???:" I guess we both got distracted there."

Chris:" True. Are you okay though?"

???:" Yes, I am. Thank you for asking. Just a little shook up, but it's not too serious."

Chris:" Okay, I'm glad."

Chris helped her back up and gave her purse back as well before they apologized to each other again and went their own ways. Wade watched the exchange too, just waiting for his friend.

Wade:" Ladykiller or...?"

Chris:" Shut up."

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