33. I'm an Idol

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"I stay in the fire of music videos,
I stay in the world of glamour,
I stay in the games of beauty business,
I stay in long practices of dance and music,
I stay in pounds of makeup,
I stay in scandals, breakups,
I stay surrounded by flashes of lights,
I stay stressed many a times so I cover it up by always smiling,
I stay in everyone's heart,
But deep inside mine I'm always idle,
Do you know who I am?
I'm an Idol."



There are some moments in life, where you feel a cold chill run blisteringly down your spine. On inside you feel hot but on outside you have your skin-hair all risen up. That's the exact moment you knew- you f*cked up and have been caught up in some deep inescapable sh*t.

This is the exact thing happening with me.

Jungkook was staring me like I've stolen his banana milk or something. To be accurate, his eyes showed pure shock but his expressions were contradictory. His lips soon curved up into a smirk.

"What's this y/n?! And wait how can people be so talented? I was thinking deeply for a minute when did I ever had a shirtless photoshoot? Looks like you're really thirsty."
The devlish- kinky smirk never left his from his strawberry red soft lips.

I knew he'll not leave this great opportunity to tease me. Afterall I was the one playing till now, but now the 'wild draw four' uno card belonged to him. Certainly the chairs were unexpectedly flipped.

God! I can't believe I'll be caught in a situation as embarrassing as this!

"Give my phone back." I said sternly and expressionlessly though I was screaming inside.

"I bet my original abs are better than these edits. Do you want to witness those? I'm pretty sure it's your die- hard wish. Am I right?" The smirk still plastered on his face.

My eyebrows crouched all tensed, still I tried to remain calm.

"Give my phone back or I'll -"

"Hurt me? You can't . I'll shout and everyone will know the truth. You don't want that right?" He said mocking me.

"What do you want?" I said tensed.

"Do it with me right now, right here!"

I can't beleive my ears of what desire he was having. Boy.. you're having a career dispute right now! The heck? You seriously are making me go red.

If this is a tease....be ready to not be able to get up from bed for a couple of days.

I'll unassemble you into peices as J-U-N-G-K-O-O-K and put them on a museum display! The next day there will be news titled 'wife kills force-married husband because he was h*rny!'

"You've gone insane! I won't-" . He cut me off while speaking, again.

"You're more needy, you know. Fine I'll shout.
Hy--- "

I tightly placed my hand on his mouth to stop him from doing any childish blunder else we're both a dead meat!

But man's eyes portrayed pure lust...

Naturally, we did what couples normally do.. use your wonderful BBC imagination author won't spoon feed you.

"It's so hard..." I whispered.

Surprisingly I never expected this guy to be so good!
It would be a lie if I say that it wasn't harsh.

He left earlier to his room in the morning so that no one sees us together.
I can't believe I actually slept with someone whom I can only imagine standing beside me, in my dreams.

I woke up early morning soon after he left and got out of my room only to witness two brothers chatting.

I was technically eavesdropping their conversation because why not?

"Good morning Jungkook! " The tall handsome hunk said with deep morning tone.

"Good morning Joon-hyung"

"How was last night? I told you to take good care of Y/N." Namjesus smirked.

I, on the other hand, was laughing internally because the younger guy whom I slept with, was unbothered and was going to spill the tea.

"It was aw--- wait how did you know?" He jolted his eyebrows and his eyes widened.

"Ofcourse I saw you getting in her room and I made sure no one else passes from that path last night. You owe me one."

"Huh? Really? Thanks hyung I know you're a life saviour." He said cutely.

My eyes widened in shock. Now I really feel like getting teached by Jungkook in the field of 'cuteness'. He can make even dirty talks sound cute! How?!

I got out of my thoughts when Namjoon spoke further.

"Did you use the special item? I hope you wouldn't have committed a sin to haunt you in future."

I saw Jungkook getting extremely flustered and more of nervous. So in no time I jumped in between their chats like wonder-woman protecting her hubby.

I instantly locked my arm around his neck in a friendly manner and he bent a little downwards to match my height. I touched him, not too close, not too far, just for a show for Namjoon.

"Ofcourse we used it! Thanks for the special gift." I smiled towards him my hands still locked in Jungkook's neck.

"Don't worry I have no intention to have kids now." I said all confident.

Jungkook's jaw dropped listening to my comment and he stared with widened eyes in my my direction.

"You're so savage girl! You're perfect for handling a shy boy like him." RM sounded like a proud dad.

"Let me tell you a secret.He isn't shy at all.
He was soo goo---"

Bunny boy didn't let me speak further and stuffed bread in my mouth to make me stop spilling more dirty-details.

"You should focus on collecting evidence." He said sternly but his ears were all red. Naturally he was so flustered.

Namjoon understood the tension rising between us all and so being the mature man he is, he showered some enlightening words to make us comfortable.

"I understand. Y/N is so open. You're good at teasing . I'll take you on my team. " His dimple smile was visible .

"I know. You're totally the savage guy with sharp brains! I idolize you."

RM left and Jungkook didn't say anything. He appeared pissed or more of a little hurt by my words maybe. Was he?

I couldn't grasp his thoughts this time. He just started cutting onions removing my arm from his neck and not saying anything or making any eye contact. Is he angry?

"What happened ?" I asked confused.

"Nothing" He said still focused on cutting onions which ofcourse was out his league.

I held his hands with the knife and was teaching him how to do chopping. He was not saying anything. I was behind his big, no huge tower body holding his hands like a small kitten.

Honestly, I was confused what he was feeling because I can see only his back but still I tried to talk making him a bit comfortable or more like 'blush'. Afterall I'm a pervert for a reason.

"You're so jealous. Aren't you?"
I got to the side still holding his hand and whispered in his ears and placed my chin on his shoulder. I knew he can't turn his head else we might lock lips.

His ears turned all red and instantly he jerked me off and started practicing social distancing.

" Y-yahhh! Don't do that, potato! Someone will see us." He shouted in a low voice and peeped here and there to see whether someone was here or not.

"Weren't you the one who wanted to do something to me last night?"
I spoke while crossing my hands to my chest.

"I'm amused by your level of confidence."

"I'm a pervert you know." I said unbothered and all innocently, smiling.

"Pervert?! Only your words are pervy, don't you remember last night?"

How can I forget last night? He played the 'Jungkook card' and I still was a bit embarrassed of whatever happened.

"Shut up!" I said defending myself.

"Oh really?! You were so nervous and shy that you didn't let me touch you.You're so good at lying. Moreover I had to sleep on the couch. With this big body ahhh! It pains! I can't spread my long legs on the couch at all because of you ! Potato!" He said revealing what actually happened last night.

"Don't spit the truth. Atleast I saved your face in front of Namjoon. You should thank me instead." I said in a matter of fact voice.



(Flashback to last night)

Jungkook's uncontrollable desire was making him lose his last two braincells too. He was coming closer and closer to your face. Your lips were just inches apart. He was about to lock his lips with you, until he saw your state.

You were not making eye contact with him and was shaking due to nervousness. At least that's what he thought by seeing your actions.

"You look cute when you're shy." He said to tease you more. Afterall, he was not in the mood to leave a single chance to not make you frustrated.

Little did he knew, his tiny-little revenge was affecting you emotionally. You are bold and open-minded many a times , but there are certain things in which you are very sensitive and this was certainly one of those things.

"I'm not shy." You said sounding a bit hurt from his words.

"You are." He said unknown of what unexplainable emotions you were feeling.

In an instant you turned all serious, you were not annoyed by him. Rather you felt a little hurt and thus your eyes reflected mysterious emotions for him to comprehend . He crouched his eyebrows in confusion. You spoke further to make things crystal clear with him.

"Mr. Jeon I can see you still haven't moved on from Sua and it's understandable." You chuckled sadly

"How do you know-" he said taken aback from your words.

He could now understand, where this was going and how his words must've hurted you.

"I saw you crying while looking at her picture . I see you love her that much. But.."
You continued speaking the facts and he listened patiently.

"Let me tell you once again she never liked you , leave love aside . She is jealous of you and trust me her company must be finding ways right now to make your image go down!
I know it must be so tough to forget the person you made so many memories and future things , cheated on you . But You. Must. Move. On." You held both of his arms, your eyes peircing into his.

His lips parted a little to speak something but you cut him off again. Moreover, he was in lack of words right now.

"I can feel you are in a dilemma because you love her a lot but I .. I am just a huge responsibility set by your parents, when you yourself aren't ready for marriage and stuff." You said looking downwards controlling your tears.

Out of all times, you did not intend to cry right now in front of him and make him even more guilty than he already is.

You knew he was a bit childish, but still you wished him to understand you, your perspective, your feelings. Maybe you started expecting something from him.

Though initially your goal was to just save him from this mess , whether he loves you or not. But now, your own aim was getting blurred by the new feelings arising in your heart.

You decided to say everything you wanted him to understand about you and he on the other side listened everything silently, sometimes giving shocked expressions.

"We might indulge in skinship but what's the use of it?! In the end we are just doing nasty things for our pleasure. You are jealous of others because of your lust towards me. Maybe I am attractive now but what about future? I want to spend my life with you, only you !

No matter who you are, your face , wealth nothing matters. I just want you ! THE REAL YOU and I expect the same from you. Let me make this clear...

I love the normal twenty four year old man named Jeon Jungguk from Busan, not the superstar Jeon Jungkook from BTS.
I don't want you to fu*k me , I want you to make love with me!"

You said making an eye contact with him for a spilt second. Those beautiful brown orbs of yours glistened with hopes amd dreams.

He couldn't speak anything because he didn't knew whether he should be happy that there's someone loving him so purely with all her heart and soul or sad, as he only broke this angel's heart.

Jungkook realised how low he went in the name of 'tease'. Maybe it was fun for him, but it was hurting you. The only thing he could do was to apologise.

"I'm sorry." He said in a low cracking voice. If he spoke further he knew he might breakdown again in front of you which he did not wanted to do.

You both somehow managed to control your tears.

You understood that you made the environment more awful than it already was. But you weren't feeling culpable for it.

You knew you were right and this is what exactly that has to be done to make your relationship work.

A relationship with a lack of understanding is a sham.

Better to make things clear with each other rather than to regret in future.

There was a moment of deep silence amongst you both until you spoke to break the silence.

"You can take your time, I'll wait for you. Even if you don't want to stay with me after this case and all, it's fine. I'll not object. I just want you to be happy. But please don't break my feelings by showing this lustful side of yours . Please!"
You said everything confined in your heart.

He was just staring deeply into your eyes. Inscrutable emotions unlocking in his heart. But the only thing he could do now was to apologise for everything from the beggining till now. He now understood, how much you must've been suffered because of his constant mood swings and jerky attitude.

"I'm sorry Y/N. Really sorry. I didn't mean to do anything I was just teasing you.

About Sua you're right. I said that I want to start a new life with you but deep inside I was feeling empty beacuse I still have her in my heart. I was really thinking you as my responsibility.
It's natural if you want to be mad at me. "

"No I'm not mad at you. I just wanted to make things understandable between us that's it." Your lips curved upwards showing a rare beautiful smile beacause you felt happy that at least he apologized, he was honest.

" So, can we start with being friends?" You proposed this idea as you felt the need of naming this relationship.

Even if there's a chance of separation in future but still till the time you're with him, you wanted to enjoy it to the fullest and make memories to cherish.

"Really?! You're probably be my first ever guenuiene friend!" He said all happy , but behind his smile there was a dark room of sadness which wasn't visible to much people. But he knew it and was bearing it all by himself- the dark room of loneliness.

"You have your hyungs . Don't say this in front of them they'll eat you alive!" Your jaw-dropped listening to his statement.

"They aren't friends they're family." He said stating facts. He really does love his hyungs a lot.

"Can I rant a bit?" He asked.

"Rant a lot. It helps in relieving stress." You said assuring him.

"Yes I really do want to relieve stress, else my mind might burst after whatever things are happening lately with me."

"Sure. I'll listen without any judgements." You said giving him an adorable smile.

"As you know I started training from a very young age. I barely went to school or university. I wanted friends in my life but people always came near me for pictures , for autographs, for my touch but nobody ever asked to be my friend.

The only person who ever talked to me in school was.. Sua. Maybe that's why I started to develop feelings for her." He said with sadness audible in his voice.

You understood why he loves her so much even though he knows she cheated but still, he remembers his past- the teen, shy Jungkook waiting for a friend to hold his hands and give him the tour of the school. The friend having lunch with him, chatting with him during classes, the friend with whom he could laugh his lungs out even on silly things.

This all sounds easy to us..

But for Jungkook, it is a rare priceless luxury- to be able to live like a commoner.

'The golden makne'- a small title with a huge responsibility. The amount of pressure he must be holding to maintain this title was truly admirable yet pitiful at the same time.

He continued further and your heart started to become heavier and heavier listening to his agony.

"Even on my graduation day everyone cheered for others but not me- why? Because they never thought of me as a friend!

As success started to come near me, the more I lost the people close to me. Even if they just talked to me, with these malicious humours and toxic fans those few good people lost their peaceful lives... Because of me.

I have fans but no friends."

He smiled sadly while looking at you. You could hear his inner voice of loneliness. No matter how much people say they love him, but for Jungkook he craved for that one person to whom he can share his feels without getting judged of being a public figure.

"Sometimes I wonder.. Am I a player or a pawn in this business?"

After a long silence you spoke and tried to console him a little.

"None. You're a normal human and you have a life too. You shouldn't be sad thinking of old souls. What happened is all gone, what you have is your present.

So, Mr. Jeon from this moment till death do us apart I'll be your best friend. You can share your feels with me I'll listen without any judgement." You gave him an extremely attractive assuring smile.

"Really?" He asked all excited.

It appeared as if the cheerful bunny was alive again in the previously accquired body of a sad bunny.

"Yes. If you feel frustrated and want to shout, you can shout on me. I'll listen patiently. You can relieve your stress in this way-"

He didn't let you finish and hugged you so tight, as if there's no tomorrow. It was aghasting for you and so you froze on your spot like a statue. You hugged him back after a couple of minutes.

That hug was so full of happiness and joy that for a moment you both forgot your own problems and were just enjoying the moment.

The two dejected souls found their escape door of reality filled struggles to the mesmerizing world of laughter and smiles, by relying on each other.

"I can't breathe." You pointed out unable to escape from the muscle bunny who's hugging you so tightly.

He slowly removed his arms from your neck and looked in your eyes.

"Thankyou for being my friend y/n. I'll do my best to move on from Sua. I'm sorry for everything."

"I'll wait for you."

You both chatted for sometime and then Jungkook slept on the couch because he didn't wanted to make things more uncomfortable between you both.

'It would be lie if I say it wasn't harsh.' With this y/n meant that it was so rough for her to see her one and only bias sleeping in front of her and she can't do anything.

We did what couples normally do after having a heated argument that is
the male had to sleep on the sofa as a punishment.

"It is so hard...

To see you in pain. Be happy please. I want to see you smile more often from now on." She whispered softly to the sleeping figure of Jungkook, while laying on the bed.



(At present)

"Fine I accept my defeat! This should be between us okay?" I said all frustrated. Afterall, he revealed the truth.

" I don't want to lose face. So deal!" He said showing thumbs up towards me.

"Ahem! Ahem! Ahem!"

In the midst of our childish fights we both forgot that there are six more grown up men living in this house and they might hear something or to be exact they cloud have heard everything.

We hysterically spinned our heads to see who was fake coughing.

"I heard you nasty souls!" He marched towards Jungkook and held his ear.

"You think you can fool me huh?!" Namjoon said scolding him slightly.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Hyung!! It pains!" He shouted.

I could not control my laughter viewing the hilarious scene in front of me. Seeing Jungkook getting scolded is nothing new, but everytime someone scolds him I just can't control my intense laughs.

"I'm sorry Mr. Kim please leave him." I said still laughing.

"Y/N seriously you too?" The taller said looking at me.

"It was my fault in the first place. I shouldn't have reminded him about last night had I known he would spill the beans." I glared at Jungkook. He looked back at both of us like a small puppy begging for forgiveness.

"I was also joking. It's good to see you guys talking with maturity.I'm a proud dad now!

All I would say is to beleive in each other. It might take time but I think you guys are made for each other." Namjesus showed us his dimple smile which can be the motivation to start a good day.

When he finally left I looked here and there to check if there's anyone else. Luckily only Namjoon heard us.

I thought the atmosphere would remain calm after the chaos but I forgot..

Bunny loves to seek revenge.

"I got beaten up because of you potato!" He said pointing at me ready to pick a fight. Boy sure loves to annoy me.

But it's nice, as long as it's you.

I smiled internally.

"You deserve it Idiot!"

Before he could say anything our little chaos- session was disturbed by a call on my phone. I checked the caller ID.

"Excuse it's an important call . We'll talk later." I said with my expressions turned all serious in the spilt of a second.

For all the peeps waiting for some intense hot 🔥 scenes let me say something in general (21+ ahead) -
We never like guys.. who go only 1 round. 🌚

Something funny..
When puberty hits you like a truck.

But I'm still the same potato.🙂

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