34. The Watch

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"These smiling faces have hidden the darkest truths,
Every face is full of lies."



I went outside the house with my constantly ringing phone and in a moment my mood changed to all serious. This call sure meant
important to me because afterall, my boss, the president of Hangang is personally making a call. Definitely there's something huge going on in law firm in my absence for a few days. I picked up the call.

"Hello Sir Good-"

"Y/N there's something critical I want to discuss with you. I know you're in Itaewon, can you return to the firm in an hour or so?" His voice demanded an instant ans
wer and ofcourse one can't disagree to whatever he's asking. If 'dominance' was a person, it sure would be my boss- Mr. Jung.

"Sure Sir I'll be back right away." I answered.

With this I cut the call and the phone's home screen displayed the aesthetic wallpaper of Jungkook from 'Spring day MV'.

I started walking back to the house when flashes of last night started stricking in my head and his words started ringing in my head like an alarm.

"You know.. For Sua.. I was... I was like a song when she listened everday on repeat mode and when she got bored, she stopped listening to me and placed me in an old playlist which she's probably never going to see again."

The way he described his pain, was so agonizing. I was numbed by these words yesterday. I didn't knew what to say that time. Maybe I wasn't in my right mind. I again saw the wallpaper shining still, sparkling beauty on my broken, shabby device.

"Some songs are evergreen- they never get old or brooding. We listen to them almost everyday. To me, you're that song. Saranghae" I said looking at my device chuckling sadly.

I returned back after some minutes only to witness a cooking coconut head. He noticed me and smiled while looking at me. Now this is new! What happened to him? I brushed out my thoughts and looked in the direction where he was pointing. Oh! So bunny is happy because of food.

"Wow! This looks so tasty." I expressed my opinions about the freshly cooked food. It's aroma was making me drool.

" I cooked it!" He said all proud.

I take back my words, bunny is happy because he want to show-off a little. I was controlling my laugh looking downwards because I was going to making his pride fall from the peak.

"Mr. Jeon you think there's a fool written on my face? You can never cook this good food except instant noodles." I stood all tall in front of this proud man and as expected, boy became a puppy in a second.

He opened his mouth to say something but we got interrupted by the intruders. Honestly I was shocked to see them appearing out of nowhere.

"That was fast! Me and Jin hyung cooked it. How do you know he can't cook?" Yoongi said with a suspicious expression. He stood beside Jin.

I bet this guy could land up being a spy at this rate. He's always throwing daggers of suspictions on me as if I'm the one who is responsible for the scandals his bandmate has landed on!

Do these people know telepathy or what? They always show up at the wrong timings!

I quickly answered back, coming out of my thoughts.

"I..... I also watch run bts and in the soop you know.. You can't ignore the fact that I'm also an army."

"Reallyyy?!" The world wide handsome, greek god figure finally spoke. His voice indicating curiousity and a bit of surprise.

"Can't I be? Why you guys are startled?"

"You didn't appear like a fangirl. NEVER. This is the first time I'm witnessing a fan who this close but still maintaining distance. For once I even thought that you have zero knowledge about entertainment world." Min Suga said unbothered.

I got addled whether that was a compliment or an insult. Nevertheless, if it's said by him, surely it means a lot to me.

"You're wrong. There are so many people like me. Thankyou for the appreciations!" I said ignoring the two chocolate brown orbs staring at me, craving for some attention.

"Who's your bias?" Jin asked curiously.

"Anneoyegaseyo jeonun Bangtanun hwangguem makne Jeon Jungkook imnida~"
(Hello! This is Bangtan's Makne Jeon Jungkook)
I replicated the cute way Jungkook said these lines once, though it didn't appear that good but yes I did say this in front my idols without any hesitation.

There was dead silence for a minute. Their jaws were dropped. I wondered did I sound that level cringe?

Jungkook finally secured his chance to speak.

"You looked so cute!" He said showing a beautiful smile on his pale face. That smile was everything I need right now to deal with difficulties. Unknowingly a smile crept upwards on my lips too.

The shocked duo swapped their eyes from me towards him. Jungkook sure will have to give a hell of an explanation to them after saying this to me. Just now cat was suspicious and now this bunny is giving compliments at the wrong situation.

The atmosphere sure turned awkward and so, to not raise anymore inklings about us I changed the topic.

"I'm sorry guys but I have to go to Seoul for today there's something important . I've been called by the higher ups. I'll leave now . Please take care of yourselves. Everything will be fine, trust me." I spoke confidently though I was feeling a bit anxious from inside.

Maybe it was because of what happened just now. Our little secret was about to get revealed.

"Thankyou so much. Please go and return safely." Jungkook said without caring the shocked duo is going to interrogate him after I'm gone.

I quickly returned back to my room and started searching for my office-wear. I put on my black pants and tucked my white shirt inside it.

While buttoning up the shirt my eyes landed on the clock..

"The clock.. oh god! It slipped my mind! How much time is left?" I looked in the mirror and spoke to myself.

It showed one hundred days more.

Just a hundred days?! God! This is so less time and wait-

"WHY IS THE TIMER'S COLOUR CHANGING TO DARK RED COLOUR? Is this some sort of indication that I'm losing time?" I again looked at my reflection in the mirror and spoke horrified.

Before I could think about this anymore. My phone rang again. I knew this is by my assistant who's calling me to know when I'm going to reach.

I ignored the call and took my files along with my black blazer in my right hand.

I was basically sprinting in the halls of this big mansion until I bumped into Jungkook again.

I straight away ignored him and about to go when he pushed me back holding my wrist, bumping my head into his stone-hard chest. I was so close to him. Even if he's home, not going anywhere special, still he smelled so good. The vanilla scent of his was so alluring!

Bold, no doubt, but I'm busy! Why do nice things happen when I'm heck occupied? God you don't like to see me enjoying life do you? I cursed internally.

"Cover up your neck. It's inappropriate. I don't like that." He said sternly and sounded pissed.

"Huh-" I crouched my eyebrows in confusion.

He didn't let me finish speaking and started to button up the two buttons which I forgot buttoning up because of that damn phone ringing constantly.

More of which, I was scared of that clock thing and I wanted to run away from my room as fast as possible. Being alone even one more minute started giving me chills since that clock is changing colours!

He even tidied my collar like a mom sending her kid to school. When he was done with his mumma-work he stared deeply into my eyes.

Pissed Jungkook sure is scary. Even I got the chills. For the first time ever in these four years of my spotless image of a merciless, diplomatic woman... Someone was this much dominant on me.

He pulled out the blazer from my hands and put it on me.

"Now you look like Lawyer Min." He proclaimed.

He didn't shout, he didn't reveal his anger, he didn't even say anything rude.

His actions, his expressions, his eyes....those were enough to scare anyone.

Duality sure is no joke.

He spoke further to make me come out of my thoughts. My lips were sealed till now.

"Be grateful that everyone else is busy in some other works or it would have been embarrassing for you, if they saw you like that."

"It's just two b-buttons you know.. it wasn't that vulgar." I spoke smiling sheepishly not making an eye contact with him.

"Who said it was vulgar?" He walked even closer, leaving no space between us.

His breath was blowing on my lips. He turned to the side and spoke in my ears giving me a chill down my spine.

"You have no idea how hot you look with your collarbone exposed. I don't want others to see your body and lust over it. I don't like it. Call me possessive I'm okay with that." He said deeply staring into my soul. My cheeks flushed with blush. Never expected him to sound this serious, yet his voice had that sexy tone!

"Why are you-" I wanted to enquire why is he so serious out of the blue? Did something happen while I was gone?

He again cut me off and changed the subject. What exactly happened to him? Is bunny metamorphised into Mr.Jeon?

"How much... Time.. is left?" He asked with shaking voice.


He held my left wrist and started putting up a watch into it. I couldn't protest. I seriously couldn't.

"I mean you have to go to office right? How will you know how much time is left unless and until you have a watch for yourselves?!"
His expressions suddenly returned back to cute bunny smiling innocently. I'm sure you are bipolar at this rate.

I looked at the watch. It sure was so attractive. But then I noticed it was his watch- the watch he's a big simp for! For once he'll give his kidney but can never give his watch to anyone! What has suddenly gotten inside him? I was goggle eyed at his actions.

"This watch is so expensive I can't wear it. Moreover it's yours. I'm sorry "

"But I want you to wear it because you don't have one. It's a unisex watch, it'll definitely look great on you. It's a request. Please" . He asked with puppy eyes and as always I can't say 'no'.

"Can I go now mommy?" I joked.

"Haha. Sure. Don't overwork. Drive safely." He laughed a bit and patted my head.

I ran away from that place and when I went outside my heart was racing on it's highest speed. Blood rushed on my cheeks. This side of him.. sure was making me go weak in the knees. If I would've stayed any longer there, I might've ended up looking like a tomato!

Finally I took the car keys and drove to Seoul. It sure was a long ride, but it gave me time to meticulously plan further things.

Tie up your seatbelts for a thriller ride.

*Meme time*

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