57. Dreams

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"I've started to live without me. The day I found you, you're moving round in circles in my mind."


Y/N was flabbergasted by the sudden attack by an unknown person. Her eyes went wide open and she remained in the same position between the two males for good two minutes. At this point, those dazzling lights and flashes increased to an infinite amount capable of blinding her and so, she soon regained her composure glancing anywhere but the two males.

The moment just now, made a long-forgotten memory flash up in the corner of her mind when she saw Jungkook.

'He appeared the same back then too.' She pondered.

She shook her head and soon, Taehyung approached her and inquired if she was alright. She could sense rage plastered on his expression when he threw a deadly glare at the person who pushed her.

Well, security was tight but delusional fans of Sua who were quite upset with the verdict were pouring their anger on the lawyer. That person was instantly pulled backwards by the security but Taehyung's expression didn't budge. He was super angry.

"I'm alright, don't worry." She patted his shoulder whilst portraying an assuring smile but looks like he wasn't calming down.

"I'm alright, brother." She assured which made him pretty surprised and he peeked at her.

"What did you call me?" He asked, surprised.

"I heard I remind you of your sister. So, I'll call you that." She whispered in his ears and instantly, made him smile ear to ear. Both forgot that they were surrounded by cameras.

"Let's go." Jungkook rasped and broke in between the lovely moment sensing all the cameras just a few meters away from their faces. He knew what this scene might lead up to.

Y/N nodded and they broke their way from the exit. Arina and Bright went in their car while the Bangtan boys and their management were seated in their personal cars. Meanwhile, Y/N and Jaehoon stood there to walk everyone out and now, they walked towards the underground parking lot where their vehicle was parked.

As the woman walked side by side with the male, the click sound of her sharp pointed heels was audible. It acted like music to his ears because of the way she always walked so confidently and gracefully, her signature style, those heels, made her appear a hundred times prettier than she is. He smiled to himself but soon, his smile drifted off as he saw his phone buzzing and he knew he's been called up for work, his actual work.

He picked up the call and his subordinate told him that the 'boss' has summoned the male. He listened and swiftly cut the call replying with a short 'Alright' so that the woman in front doesn't suspect him. She stopped in her movement and gazed at the man for a moment.

"What happened?" She asked, curiously.

"Uh... Sarang did something, again." He scratched the back of his neck, thinking of all ways to make his lie appear convincible. Surprisingly, Y/N believed in it asap and nodded her head in agreement, allowing him to go before her.

He was about to walk away but she held his hand pulling him back. He glanced at her hand on his and then at her. Her eyes seemed softened and warmth could be felt from her hands.

"Take care of her." She muttered, almost sounding as if she was requesting him by her expression but that look subsided away as soon as she left his wrist in a minute. He nodded to her 'request' and soon drove off in his vehicle. Well, now only Y/N was left here alone and without her car. Well, that wasn't an issue for the woman because she was aware the law firm will send a car soon.

She informed her assistant and was waiting patiently, standing at the very corner of the parking lot when she noticed a whole group of cops bringing the people found guilty- Mr. Lee and Sua. It must've took them an eternity to bring the two because the reporters clogged the whole place, after the verdict.

Oh! How satisfying that sight of the two of them bound in cuffs was for the lawyer! Her lips curved up to a vicious smirk and her face brightened up looking at the two of them appearing so helpless and devoid of everything- be it fame, respect, or money. All her efforts paid off today.

The imbecile woman saw the lawyer standing right in front and so, being the rowdy ass she was, she started yelling rude words. What else can we expect from Sua?

"THAT BITCH! YOU'LL ROT IN HELL!" She tried with all her force to free herself from the boundations but couldn't. She wiggled in the tight hold of the officers but her voice doesn't seem to die down. Y/N's smirk widened and at this point, she couldn't help but enjoy the look on Sua's face.

"You took away my Jungkook from me! You fucking whore!" She yelled, derogatory and the lawyer scoffed whilst folding her hands towards her chest, amused by her statement and that confidence still flowing in those unchivalrous words of hers.

She took calculated steps near the woman and her height hovered upon her.

"I didn't take him away." She tutted courteously, more of, mocking Sua, making her roll her eyes. She glared deep into the lawyer's dark brown eyes.

"What do you think you'll be able to live happily with him? I'LL FUCKING REVEAL TO THE MEDIA THAT YOU TWO ARE MARR-" She screamed, yet again, but her words got cut off by an extremely hard slap by Y/N. Her fingers were imprinted on Sua's face and she just laughed it off glancing at the cops who were intimidated by her. The lawyer's last nerve just busted out at the other's insulting words.

"Me? I'm not good at all but is there a law saying only good people can catch bastards and bitches like you?" She scoffed, her smirk widened.

She was alright as long as she was involved.

How dare this bitch involve Jungkook in mid, especially after what all she has done?

She sure had lost her mind considering how absurd she was sounding right now.

"Open her up for a moment." She ordered sternly and they followed without further say. Well, they were aware of the power of the ace and also her influence as the best friend of the vice president of the Korean Intelligence Agency.

Sua just lost her mind, she was about to scratch the lawyer's face unknown of the fact that she doesn't even stand even one percent of her ability.

Y/N swiftly held her wrist and pushed it back toward her. She took a few steps closer, her heels making a clicking sound which was audible because everyone was silent as if they can't see anything. Mr. Lee was standing like a statue. Well, for someone who recently lost his only son and his whole empire, his behaviour was expected.

Again, she tried to throw hands but this time another slap, harder than the last one landed on her face.

"YOU BITCH!" She screamed, putting her hand on her reddened cheek but Y/N got a little too carried by emotions and so, another slap made its way on Sua's face.

"Do you know how much loss the company had to suffer because of you?" The fourth slap made blood ooze out from the corner of her lips.

"This is for making that guy go through such torment!" She gritted her teeth in fury and a final, fifth slap landed on Sua's face.

"Ahh!" She moaned in pain which the other cared less and now, she tightly clenched her hair into her fist and pulled her towards herself whilst twisting her arm backwards. The lawyer wickedly placed her chin on her shoulder, her painful moans paid no heed to her anger.

"I took him away from you? Tch. He was never yours in the first place, you insolent piece of filth!" She roared and pushed her toward the cops and they once again, cuffed her. Her face turned reddish-purplish by now due to all those harsh slaps that just landed on her face.

"You all didn't hear or see anything, did you?" She shot a sharp glare toward the poor cops, her tone was laced with urgency, and she urged an instant answer. They shivered under her gaze and just shook their head as 'no'.

"Good." She wickedly complimented and walked dangerously close to Mr.Lee. Her eyes blazing fire and her words were as sharp as a wielded sword ready to behead someone.

"Rot. In. Hell." She pressed on each and every word of hers and gritted her teeth in fury.

"Take them away!" She ordered and the cops instantly took the two away in the police vehicle.

She was about to move away from the place when she noticed manager and Jungkook standing in front. Her feet couldn't move forward because fear struck her system. She was afraid if Jungkook saw what happened just now, he might get furious and she was correct.

He appeared furious.

Hell, furious.

He took calculated steps near the woman and tightly held her shoulders, making her whole body tremble a little.

"What did you do just now?" He inquired, coldly.

"Nothing." She rasped nonchalantly and deeply stared into his eyes. His expressions turned stoic and it was evident he was angry. Y/N stiffened a little under his touch because she thought he must be offended after he saw what she did to Sua.

The woman was unaware he was burning with rage due to something else.

"What if she hit you, somewhere?!" He asked with a louder voice that echoed throughout the empty parking area, making the woman flinch. But she was stubborn, she instantly jerked off his hands and let out a wry scoff.

"You really think she'll be able to hit me, out of everyone?" She questioned, rolling her eyes irritated by him.

"What if she did? What if something happened to you? What'll happen to us? We're married for god's love!" He screamed, his patience hitting its last point, making the woman go speechless and her eyes widened in surprise.

He's acknowledging their marriage.

He was angry not because of what she did to Sua but because Y/N was being stubborn.

She couldn't utter a word against him now, she was in a lack of words. That stern expression of his, that rage, and above all the possessiveness and worry he just showed left her in a daze.

"I-" She finally gathered up the courage to speak something but instantly got cut off by speaking as he pulled her by tightly holding her wrist and made her walk along with him, towards his car.

"W-wait my assistant is bringing the car-" She stuttered, flustered by his actions. He didn't stop on his track but continued speaking whilst glancing at manager who was standing just a few meters away from the couple, witnessing the whole scene.

"Managernim, please bring her car back." The elder nodded and threw the car keys towards the raven head, which he swiftly caught with one hand and his other hand tightly clenching the woman's wrist. He didn't give her a chance to speak anymore and pushed her towards the front seat and locked the door with a 'bang' sound and started driving the vehicle.

"What's wrong with you?!" She asked, flustered witnessing this side of him but no answer came back from his side.

He was unlike him right now, the patient 'Gguk' was replaced by the angry 'Mr.Jeon'.


The car ride which felt like forever finally reached its destination after an hour or so. Well, throughout the time period Jungkook and Y/N didn't share a single word, instead he was ignoring her and she was unable to understand him at all. Her fatigue and lack of sleep kicked in and so, she slept without pestering him anymore.

His anger died down over time and he was finally back to his normal self, regretting shouting at his woman. Well, he was carried away by emotions when he saw her fighting there alone and he couldn't do a thing to help her out. His insecurity of not being a 'good' husband kicked in and it became practically impossible for him to control his emotions.

Once the car was parked in the garage he stared at the woman sleeping peacefully, a small smile crept upon his face. Steadily, he tucked her hair stain at the back of her ear but that little gesture made her wake up from her slumber. She wiggled in that uncomfortable position and slowly opened her eyes, only to see Jungkook staring at her as if she were some piece of art. A little squeal left from her mouth seeing him dangerously close to her face and he instantly got out of the vehicle, flustered due to the moment.

She silently followed him inside the house and soon got inside her room to have a relaxing bath. Well, after all the hassle of a week a shower and a good sleep was a must.

In some thirty minutes or so, she came out of the bathroom and changed into her comfy clothes - a white V-neck t-shirt that revealed her collarbone paired with black shorts and her hair was tied into a messy bun which gave her an absolute comfort feeling.

As she was doing her night care routine her phone buzzed and she saw her assistant was calling her. It was eleven at night and a call so late meant something serious must've happened. A look of distress made its way on her face but she soon picked up the call.

"What happened, Jina?" She inquired, sternly.

"Ma'am congratulations on winning the case!" Jina squealed cheerfully only to receive a cold-hearted reply.

"Cut the crap, what the hell happened for you to call so late at night?!" She asked again, this time her anxiety increased. She didn't want any other problem at least for tonight.

"Uh.. ma'am... You were pushed by that person in front of the whole media and that video is getting viral." The assistant informed taking long pauses in between.

"Yeah, so?" The lawyer cocked her brow weary of what the other is about to speak.

"Netizens are shipping you with Jungkook and Jaehoon."

"Huh?!" She didn't understand what the other is trying to imply here.

"In short, your social media DMs are filled with millions of 'I love you' and billions of 'I hate you' because they think you're like.. uh.. stealing their idol from them." She explained making the woman's eyes go wide in surprise.

She didn't give a single flying fuck about the hate, what she cares about is, Jungkook's image shouldn't be faltered in all this.

If they choose to hate her, she'll pay no attention to it but if they dare to subject it to her husband, she'll take strict legal actions.

Funny to think how comical some 'fans' are... The woman who just made their idol free from all the serious cases is been hated just because he helped her.

What'll they do if they get to know their idol is married to the woman they're pouring all their hate on?

Utter chaos.

She shook her head as if to brush off all the negative thoughts and spoke further.

"Jina mute the comment section, if it gets too hectic, delete my social media account. It's only work-related, not even needed by me. Do what you feel is the best." She groaned in frustration and replied back to her assistant and cut the call, not in the mood to hear any serious talks for now.

She made her way out of her room only to see Jungkook sitting in the living room and talking to someone. By the looks of it, he seemed to be in the middle of some serious conversation and she guessed what it might be- the video that was getting viral.

"Give me a break for fuck's sake!" She muttered to herself and walked towards the male whilst patting him on the shoulder. He instantly cut the call and glanced at her.

"Did I disturb you?" He shook his head in denial and gazed downwards unable to match his eyes with her. Her brows crouched in perplexion because of his behaviour but then she noticed droplets of warm salty liquid flowing out from his beautiful brown orbs, wetting those thick lashes of his.

"W-what happened?" She asked worriedly, getting on her knees in front of him and cupping his face into her palms.

"I deleted my social media." He muttered, nonchalantly.

"WHAT?!" She screamed, goggle-eyed by what she just heard but he explained further giving a pang on her heart.

"I can't see those people making such comments on you, it's making me guilty for everything that happened because of me. I'm sorry you're getting hate because of me. I'm really sorry." He apologised, tears trickling down his porcelain skin and the woman couldn't help but melt at those expressions.

"Shh... It's alright. You know, for people like me who're so busy in their lives, some mere comments made by anonymous people don't affect much. I don't even check my social media, my assistant does it for me." She shushed and assured him, securely holding his palm, trying to make him feel better in every way possible.

But looks like he was trapped in guilt and this is why he sounded so gloomy. His apology touched her heart and she felt so glad to have him in her life- someone who cares so much for her.

"I... I've always been a burden on you. I'm sorry. I-" She didn't let him speak a word anymore and pulled him into a bear hug, her arms wrapped around his shoulders and she patted his back, trying to calm him down. The warmth of her body worked wonders on his distressed state and it created a soothing effect on his mind.

After good two minutes, she pulled backwards and gazed into his eyes.

"We'll deal through whatever happens ok? Let's sleep, you appear so tired." She spoke in an assuring tone making him scoff.

"You always speak my lines." He uttered, sulking like a five year old and both of them giggled at his statement, finally appearing normal.


Clenching the sheets of the duvet he groaned in sleep, tears trickling down his face and beads of sweat could be seen on his forehead.

There came the same dream again.

He could vividly feel the pain and emotions of his dream- a woman's back could be seen, crying her eyes out in that thunderous rainy night. She seems to be mourning and wailing in front of someone's grave. Her agonising screams and cries always echoed in his brain. He could neither see her face nor hear for whom she was crying so much.

It was always the same dream for the past three and half months.

But something was different today, he could hear what she was saying...

"Jungkook! Please wake up!" She cried and sobbed hard whilst touching the grave.

It was his grave.

"N-no..." He wiggled in his sleep and gritted his teeth in extreme anxiety.

And he could finally see who she was...

Her face appeared so pale, so dense and her eyes were reddened due to tears. He has never seen her this broken and he couldn't even imagine, the woman he considers the strongest of all would ever end up looking this fragile.

"No!" His eyes shot open and the dream shattered. That dream always felt so realistic, as if he stood living in it and now that he has seen the face of the woman of his dreams...

There's no way he'll be able to sleep peacefully.

He hysterically woke up and picked up his cushion and blanket. Not wasting a second anymore, he sprinted towards his wife's room, situated just in front of his and started loudly banging the door of her room. It was getting hard for him to breathe. Definitely, he was struck by a panic attack.

Sensing the loud voices coming from outside she instantly opened up door only to see Jungkook in a very defiant state - his hair was disheveled, eyes glistening, lips trembling due to anxiety, beads of sweat can be observed on his forehead and he was panting, as if yearning for breath. He wasn't wearing a shirt but that didn't distract the woman instead she got anxious for the male.

She worriedly held him by his shoulders and started rubbing his back unable to understand anything.

"Are you alright?! What happened?" He shook his head unable to explain anything for now.

"Can- can I sleep here for today, Y/N? Please?" He requested, stuttering and she could make out he was scared. She nodded and made some space for him on the bed. She knew considering his situation right now it won't be a good idea to let him sleep on the couch, he might get anxious again.

He slowly sat on the bed and slept at its very corner, curling up like a ball as if hugging himself to sleep. Her eyes softened looking at his state and there was no way she would let him suffer like this and so, slowly she slept beside him and wrapped her arms around his torso. Her soft breaths trickled around his broad back and it helped in calming him down.

Steadily, he turned around and saw her face just inches away from his. A pinkish hue made lightened up on his honey tone skin. She caressed his cheek, smiling beautifully and he carefully wrapped his arms around her waist, making sure it doesn't make her feel uncomfortable. The huge tattoo on his hand till his shoulder and those eight pack abs sure was a drooling sight but the woman was too tired to enjoy the view.

"Sleep well." She cooed and he nodded. His lips curved up into a small, satisfying smile and pulled the duvet to cover their bodies.

He felt contented that she is there, beside him... alive because...

The woman he saw in his dreams was Y/N.

I woke up from my imaginary coffin 💀. I'm aware it took me an eternity to update the book. Guys, I was busy in updating another book which will be uploaded here soon.
You guys better vote else I'm snatching your photocards.

My man is becoming so bold these days. 😏

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