58. The Diaries

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"The day I found you, I found how beautiful life is and now I want this moment to stop, to feel your heartbeat slapping against mine."



The bright sunlight shone onto my face, making my brows knit in uneasiness but soon my eyes flickered open and I gazed at my right side only to get a little surprised by the man sleeping with me.

Well, I totally forgot that last night Jungkook slept with me.

His face digged into the crook of my neck and I can feel his warm breath brushing on that region and his arm over my midriff, which made me a bit uncomfortable. I tried to break free from this super close and intimate position but this man is so heavy! He didn't move an inch from his position. I lightly tapped on his shoulder that made him wiggle in his sleep and asked him to shift. His brows knitted together in uneasiness and no way he's going to wake up soon. Nevertheless, he removed his arm off from my waist. I swear my back is definitely going to hurt due the way I slept last night.

He was sleeping soundly on his back and I could see his muscular arms and broad back, his thick jet black hair ruffled, but they still appeared attractive and that huge tattoo on his arm... Oh! It sure was a drooling sight right as the first thing in the morning! How can such a cute looking face possess such a dangerous figure?!

Only Jungkook can relate.

Soon, my mind replayed the memory of last night. He appeared panic-stricken and I clearly remember he was sweating so much as if he had witnessed a ghost. I wonder, did he had a nightmare? He was sobbing in his sleep. Was it that scary? Steadily, I caressed his head and softly covered his body with the duvet and made my way to do my morning routine.


It's already ten in the morning and he's still sound asleep, I guess he didn't sleep well last night and so, I let him be. I didn't go to wake him up and continued making the breakfast. I was toasting the bread whilst brewing some coffee when I heard the sound of feet dragging. I turned around and saw that he woke up, scrunching his nose and rubbing his eyes.

"Good morning." He wished in his husky morning tone and I smiled, asking him to have breakfast.

Well, when was the last time we had a peaceful start of the morning like this? It might appear normal but for me it felt so different, so peaceful and so beautiful. I hope every morning of us starts this way- a morning with just the two of us talking like normal married people, without any tension, without any phone calls from the higher ups and without any stress of being late for work. I'm glad I took off from work for a couple of days, as in, to calm our minds and come up with a new energy. At least for a few days, I'll be out of my messed life. I just want to rest.

In a few minutes he returned back, after completing his morning routine and sat on the chair. His lips curved up into a small smile when he saw scrambled eggs, toasted bread and coffee placed in front of him. Well, for a busy man like him, having breakfast in the morning, that too home-cooked was a rare luxury.

"Thank you for the breakfast." He uttered cheerfully, taking me by awe because of this overload cuteness of his.

"Eat it before it gets cold." I ordered and he nodded, relishing the food. A satisfied moan made its way from his mouth due to the taste of the delicacy. I guess, he really liked it. I chuckled observing his cheerful expressions and then ate my share of the breakfast.

It was all silent between us throughout this time of us eating together and then, I took the plates to wash them, towards the sink. It wasn't awkward, rather I liked this serene atmosphere. Of all things, I don't want any sort of problem on my off-day.

He too, followed and leaned on the kitchen platform just beside me, his expressions portraying he was deep in thoughts about something. I was washing the dishes when he chose to speak first and break the silence between us.

"I had a nightmare yesterday." He rasped and I replied 'I know' whilst continuing my work and he continued, explaining his weird dream.

"I'm having this same nightmare for the past three months. Every time, I see a woman who's crying on someone's grave. It was bearable when I couldn't make out her face but last night I saw who she was." He muttered in a robotic tone and I looked up at him inquisitively.

"Who?" I raised my brows and he continued whilst sighing deeply.

"The grave was mine and the woman who was crying, was you." The porcelain plate I just washed automatically fell from my hands and shattered into a thousand pieces, making him flinch. I didn't move an inch from my position but I was stunned more than him. My eyes widened like ping-pong balls and I snapped back at him and stared. I'm certain my gaze intimidated him.

"You scared me!" He exclaimed and bent down on his knees to pick up those bits and pieces of the porcelain plate.

"W-what exactly did you... see?" I stuttered, hysterically bending to his level and he gazed at me, perplexed.

"Just what I told you. I always have the same dream. I had the same reaction yesterday, when I saw you there. I mean I know it's just a dream but why does it appears so realistic?!" He explained, confused about everything and I let out a sigh looking everywhere but him.

What if he gets to know that?

Just as I was about to speak something else to change the topic, he softly held my palm and gave the final blow of shock to me. The air suddenly felt thick and I could feel beads of sweat on my forehead.

"Y/N, how much time... is left?" He asked in a low whisper.


"It's already eleven, don't you have to go to work?" He questioned, normally and I breathed out relieved.

"Oh that! I took off from work for a couple of days." His lips curled up into an 'O' and he nodded. I'm pretty sure he saw how tensed I got just now and so, to not let him put up any questions, I swiftly changed the topic.

"Jaehoon saw the picture of our wedding." I spoke sternly and he jolted up from his position, his mouth went agape by the information he just got to hear.

"He saw what? Wait! Do we even have a picture?!" His reaction was the same I had when I saw the picture. I nodded with a tight lipped smile and continued.

"There's more into the story. The opposition had the picture, Jaehoon stole it before they leak it. You understanding it, right? Someone gave it to them and it must be someone from your family because our wedding was held at your place." I uttered confused by this whole situation but Jungkook's brows ceased and crashed. Soon a lopsided scoff made it's way from his mouth. I swear sometimes I think he's a bipolar by the way his expressions flip by a total three sixty degrees in mere seconds.

"I think I know who has the balls to do that. Don't worry, I'll deal with it." I observed his hands turned into fists as if his blood was boiling in vexation. I was about to ask who he's referring to but his device rang and he went outside to talk over the call.

I washed the dishes and momentarily, he returned back with a bouquet of roses in his hands. I gazed up at him and truthfully, I'm amazed how fast he manages to bring stuff. He didn't even go outside the house! How did he get that?!

"Since when are you hiding it in here?" I asked, keeping up a stoic expressions, my arms rested towards my chest and I suspiciously cocked a brow towards him but he just smiled, his bunny teeth on full display.

"Congratulations on winning the case, Mrs. Jeon!" He exclaimed joyfully and handed me the magnificent bouquet, I couldn't help but chuckle at his gesture, a deep shade of red crept upon my cheeks, not because of the flowers but the way he addressed me was truly, satisfying to hear.

"Good morning, you got the information so early!" I teased, giggling and he laughed along.

"Well, I wanted to congratulate you with something special but yesterday, I only got flowers. So, I brought them, I hope you like it." He muttered in his soothing voice. I receive hundreds of bouquets every month but this one would surely be special because the person who gave it, is my husband.

"Thank you." I expressed my gratitude, smiling ear to ear, admiring the beauty of the flowers.

"We've been called at the company for the celebration of winning the case in an hour. You're the main guest and so, get ready. We must attend it." He spoke out and I nodded, agreeing to his statement and soon, made my way towards my room to choose my outfit. Well, I did expect that today I'll sleep like a pig or spend some time at home but I guess that wish will remain unfulfilled.


Jungkook saw her figure moving away towards her room and a thought crossed his mind. He ain't dumb, he sensed there's something wrong with his woman when she reacted so weirdly about a mere dream. Well, he was scared too at first, but not like Y/N.

'What exactly is she hiding?' He muttered to himself, his hands rested in the pockets of the lower he wore. Momentarily, an idea crossed his mind when he got reminded of something related to her.

'The diaries!' He exclaimed and then sprinted towards his room to read the bundle of handwritten journals.

[A/N: The portion written in the diary would be mentioned in Italics.]

Taking out the diary dated nine years back, he opened up it's first page which read:

You're too strong to let the world break you.

His lips automatically curved up into a beautiful smile seeing those words. Her handwriting was truly the definition of 'aesthetic'. He can imagine Y/N saying this to herself everyday. He was impressed thinking that even the teenage Y/N was a girl with a strong mindset.

Oh! How wrong he was to think that.

His bubble broke when he flipped the page and read the first account of her life which was titled as:

The two strong pillars have become extinct.

He was perplexed by the title but he understood what it meant when he read the account. It mentioned the sudden death of her parents due to a car accident.

I hate these friends of my parents!
Dad was busy searching for this unknown lost relic. When I last talked with him he sounded so excited, he mentioned that he found out the treasure. Dad and mom were about to come home when they were called to meet their friends. I don't know who are these 'friends'? All I know is that they were going to Busan and suddenly, the truck hit their vehicle. Had it not been them going to Busan to meet their friends... I'm certain they would've been alive!

His breath hitched when he read that because the 'friends' she was talking about were his parents.

There's a reason why his mother wanted to make the two of them get married because she lived in this guilt of being the 'killer' of Y/N's parents. Mrs. Jeon blamed herself for the that incident because had been if not for the Jeons to meet the Mins that day... Y/N's parents would've been alive. They wanted their daughter to get married to youngest son of the Jeons and this is why Jungkook and Y/N were bound to get married. Jungkook knew it all, he has seen his parents blaming themselves for the accident. This is why he agreed to marry Y/N, of all things, he wanted his parents to be happy and out of that burden.

His eyes glistened when insecurity rose in his mind, giving a pang on his chest. What if Y/N decline his feelings if she gets to know the truth? Nevertheless, inquisitiveness took over the insecurity and he turned the page only to get astounded by the information. He noticed that the date of the entry is almost after a year the last entry was made. The title read:

I'm dead

Dear Diary,
I'm sorry for not writing stuff here for quite a time but things had been horrible for me. Where should I start? Uh... That's hard to think...
I left my highschool from Korea and now, I'm here at California to start a new chapter of my life. Although, it's kind of suspicious how brother got so much money but that's a story for another day.

My time in Korea was so awful, the memories still haunt me. You know... She bullied me so much! I remember, that horrific day she used the scissors to tear my uniform and chopped my hair. She... She even clicked pictures making me a laughing stock for everyone. I remember I jumped right in front of the car to take my own life and had been on bedrest for two months. Had it not been for Mr. Bang to help me out that day, I'm certain I wouldn't have been alive.

I realised something vital in all this time, I have to be strong to deal with such heinous monsters. I'll never forget those faces- Kang Eunha and Kang Hoyeon. They'll pay back tenfold of what they did to me. I embark this as the start of my new life. From this day on, the old Y/N is dead, now it'll be the rise of vicious Y/N who'll do anything to provide justice to people.

I have decided to become a lawyer, so that I could help people like me. This marks as the end of my suffering.

This was it. Jungkook couldn't read anymore, he bursted out into tears while reading her diary. He noticed how every page was crumbled and many parts of the ink was smudged.

'She must've cried a lot while writing this.' He pondered, sobbing. Warm embers trickled down his cheeks, even his nose turned red but soon, he again opened the diary when realization struck him hard. He noticed three names...

Kang Eunha and Kang Hoyeon.

"They're the heirs of Heavens Group." He mumbled to himself, his jaw hardened and his teeth gritted when he saw their names, he knows what he should do now. Then he gazed at another name that left him shook.

Mr. Bang.

"Bang Pd? How?!" Without wasting a second anymore he dialed his number and within two calls the elder picked up the call.

"Jungkook, when will you come here-" He enquired but the younger cut him off from speaking any further, he wanted to clear all his confusions today.

"How do you know Y/N?" He rasped in his deep voice, his tone laced with urgency but the elder chuckled thinking of it as an absurd question.

"Are you drunk? She's the top lawyer of the country, everyone knows her."

"Did you help her before? I mean... Did she... She tried to commit suicide?" Jungkook asked straightforwardly, taking long pauses in between each words. He didn't know if the 'Mr. Bang' she was talking about is the one he knows but he wanted to confirm.

"So, you finally got to know that. Took you long enough to get that information." The elder sighed, making the idol gobsmacked. It felt as if everyone knows something about Y/N, except him, who claims to be her lawfully wedded husband. Mr. Bang strolled towards a secluded corner from the crowded area and continued to narrate the past.


It was raining cats and dogs, thunderstorms and lightening was evident in the sky. Not a single soul could be seen on the road due to the heavy rain except this high-schooler, who walked like a soulless being. Her clothes were shred into pieces, making her innerwear visible and there were evident scratches throughout her body, blood oozed from them which she cared less. She only walked and walked, the rain acted as if, helping her cover her tears. Even her hair were disheveled and appeared as if they've been forcefully chopped out.

She halted on her steps for a moment until she spotted a car moving at high speed and losing all her strength and hopes for the future, she jumped right in front of it. The car, being at high speed, hit the young teen. Her blood splattered across the bonnet of the vehicle.

The owner of the car, Mr. Bang, hysterically came out of the vehicle and worriedly looked at the girl. He couldn't even look at her because of how defiant she appeared. Without wasting a minute anymore, he carried the girl towards the hospital.

The doctors mentioned she had severe injuries on her head, legs, shoulder and there was a huge scar that'll remain life-long on her back. For Mr. Bang, he took responsibility of the accident and had a talk with the girl's family - her brother. He understood their situation and so, he provided all her hospital and medical treatment bills. He was glad that at least she was alive.


"Trust me Jungkook, that's the first and the last time I've seen Min Y/N that vulnerable. That broken teenager turned out to be the most successful lawyers of all time." Mr. Bang sighed and tutted, proudly.

"You m-mean.. she-"

"Yes, she did try to take her own life and it took her a year to heal from the incident. Till date she's scared to death from scissors because of the trauma." He explained, making the younger baffled. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead when he heard her painful past. Unable to stand on his feet anymore, he slouched on the nearest chair with a 'thump' sound. His lips quivered to speak or ask anything.

"Calm down, Jungkook. She's alright now and I'm certain she's happy to be with you out of all people. I can't forget her fascinated expression and that joy on her face for the first time in a year, when she talked about you. You mean a lot to her, I can see that. Till date, the only man I've seen her being this cheerful with, is you." The younger listened to everything but he was speechless and so he hanged up the call, thinking hard when was the first time they met?!

"Ahh! This is so trusfating!" He complained, clenching his hair but jolted upon his seat when he heard the knocks on his door. He instantly, wiped off the tears from his face and sprinted to open the door.

[A/N: That word is changed on purpose, if you know, you know :) ]

"How long will you take to get ready?" There came her voice, laced with urgency. Her tone held that authoritative aura but no one could make out she was such a soft and sweet human before. He instantly opened up the door and pulled the woman into a hug, not letting her speak a word anymore.

"W-what are you doing?!" She asked, flustered.

"Stay like this for a while." He requested and she couldn't help but give in. His head buried in the crook of her neck and he inhaled the soft scent of the sweet cocoa butter body lotion she always wore. He smiled realising that she's there, in his embrace, patting his back and alive.

He parted from the hug and then the woman started her inquiries.

"Why aren't you dressed up till now? What were you doing? I'm waiting since half an hour!" She huffed, annoyed by his actions and he mouthed a 'sorry' towards her and then his eyes made their way towards the outfit she wore.

It's only now he carefully observed her outfit. She wore a cream coloured one piece satin bodycon dress which was sleeveless and had strips supporting the shoulder area and a significant portion of her back was visible. Her look was beautified with the pearl necklace and matching earrings she wore, carrying minimal to none makeup. Her look all in all screamed 'goddess'.

He noticed the huge roses tattoo on her back and now he understood, what was the 'accident' she mentioned the last time he saw it. But the problem now wasn't the tattoo but the coquettish dress she was wearing. At this rate, he's certain every guy there would be drooling over her and he definitely won't like anyone to lay eyes on his woman.

"What are you wearing?" He inquired, looking straight into her eyes.

"Clothes. What else?" She mocked, teasingly but he didn't seem to be in a mood to joke. Sensing the tension and that look on his face, she continued.

"Well, you mentioned it's a party. It's been long since I wore something different than my usual outfit... If it appears that weird, I'll change." She explained and he couldn't help but fall for that 'innocent look' of hers.

"No! I mean you look amazing! Yeah. You can wear anything you want." He smiled and her lips lowkey curved up into a smirk, when she noticed those jealous expressions of his.

Afterall, Min Y/N loves teasing Jungkook.

"I'll wait for another ten minutes, else I'm leaving you alone here." She joked and made her way towards the living room and he gazed at her gracious figure, specially that beautiful tattoo of black roses that covered half of her back.

"Min Y/N, whoever gave you such tremendous pain would pay back for their sins. I'll make the Heavens fall!" He vowed to himself.

Every piece of the puzzle is slowly getting flipped.
*tries to sound poetic, but fails miserably TT*

Look who's back after a month? Yeah, that's your lazy potato in the house! Sorry guys, I was busy and caught up with my YT channel and personal life. Don't worry, updates will be regular from now on.

Meme time!!

I swear my reaction was the same that day. This man is becoming soo hot day by day! 🥵

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