6. You can Handle Him.

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"My mama once said 'Marry a rich man'
I replied, 'Mama, I'm that rich man.' "



I remember Mrs. Jeon called me today though I didn't even knew her. I was shocked by her revelations in my past life, she came up with a turning point in my life,  an agreement which will change our destinies forever but this time I know what I have to do.

I have planned things and I'm going to execute them very meticulously. Each step further from this point are like a ladder to my ultimate goal.

It's her.

She is ready with a big bomb ready to drop anytime and I'm ears for the amazing tea to get spilled.

"It's Mrs. Jeon . I'm waiting at  The Ten cafe near your residence. I have already made an appointment with you by contacting Hangang Law Firm. It's urgent. Please do come." She said in her usual super dominating voice She's the same as before- overbearing, cold and bossy.

I informed my temporary guests- Mr.Kim and Jisoo that I have some important work and I have to go out.

"Sister take care of yourself. Be safe!" Jisoo said with a beautiful smile on her face.

"You look the prettiest when you smile so don't cry over things in the past , everything will be alright." I said in a matter of fact voice whilst patting her silky hair.

"Ms. Min you should go now. I'll take care of this place. " Mr. Kim joined the conversation.

"Thankyou sir. These are the extra keys. If you need anything , just order . I suggest you to stay at home for some days. " I replied giving him the house keys, with a professional smile plastered on my face.

"Yes, miss . Thank  you."


I saw the evergreen beauty Mrs. Jeon sitting in a black dress, covered with luxuries from top to bottom.

She said with one of legs crossed while sipping her expensive Coffee waiting patiently for me. Her Chanel earrings, YSL clutch, Rado watch.She looked like a Goddess of Wealth. Everything about her clamoured opulence. Honestly she seemed like a walking World Bank with millions of dollars inside.

This great personality personally called a nobody and a minimalist person like me , who doesn't even comb her hair at times. Definitely she yearned something very special , which was only available with me.

"Hello Y/N." She said assertively, with one of legs crossed while sipping her expensive coffee waiting patiently for me.

"Nice to meet you ma'am." I bowed in ninety degrees to show respect. Afterall, no matter how much I dislike her, still she's older than me and this is the least amount of respect I can show to anyone.

"You're so formal, I like that attitude. Since I don't know your preference of coffee, I ordered a Cappuccino for you. Please drink it, we have a lot to talk." She said in a polite yet bossy manner. Her overbearing attitude always annoyed me, this is why I didn't like her much.

"Thankyou ma'am . What's the deal so urgent to call me on an off-hour?" I got straight to the point which was extremely rude on my part. A fake smile never left my face.

"You're quite arrogant. I see. My SON would like you!" She put the coffee on the table and raised her voice being all cheerful, which I cared less.

The same lines as before. Let's play dumb and go with the flow . I know what cat she's going to disclose out of her bag. I smirked internally.

"Ma'am you can see I'm not much free-"

"I know. I'll get straight to the point.  I want you to marry my son !" She answered staring straight into my eyes, almost gawking into them and I can hear her mind ordering me to say 'yes' that instant.

"WHAT ARE YOU SAYING?!" I got up from my seat all shaken up.

"I know it must be sudden to you but you have to do it." She ordered me calmly while sipping her coffee as if it's her everyday job to boss around.

"Why? WHY SHOULD I?! We live in a democratic nation , plus I'm a lawyer ma'am . You can't force me to do anything against my will!" I said getting annoyed.

"Well you're trapped here. Do you ever wondered how your brother got the money to send you abroad for education ?How did a nobody like him who's just a journalist got soo rich overnight? I was paying for every single thing of yours on the agreement that you'll marry my son when you get twenty seven." She snapped back at me and threw the agreement papers on my face.

I knew this is gonna happen. I'll not cry this time. I tidied up myself and said in an ice cold tone.

"What do you want me to do ma'am ?" I asked raising my brow and clenching my jaw.

"Marry him ? Who's he ? Is he a criminal? Is he a drunkard? What is his occupation?"

I know everything. Acting skills ×2

"You're strong. You didn't look bothered or scared at all. This attitude will suit the daughter in law of the Jeon Family." She appeared to be a bit surprised by my reply and so got impressed and said while smiling at me.

"You're totally the type of the girl which can handle a childish boy like him. He's a handsome man. He's Jeon Jungkook." She answered, more like flexing about her son.

Knew it! I mentally laughed at this drama. Even the lines are same.

"JUNGKOOK?! The guy from the world famous boy band BTS?" I questioned trying my best to act surprised.

"Yes that Jungkook. I want you to be my daughter in law. If not remember you and your brother's jobs are in my hands." She replied savagely. Sometimes , I can't understand whether she's threatening me or she really want to make me her daughter in law.

I have to agree on this since my poor ass can't pay this lump sum amount of money. Moreover my brother will lose his job if I don't agree to it.

"I-  I agree. But please can I talk to him for a moment? I just want to know if he's also ready." I said after deeply thinking for sometime.

"I thought you will throw tantrums but I guess you're smart enough to foresee the consequences. You agreed. I like your mature nature. Keep up with the barbaric attitude. Girls with big mouths are quite attractive!" She said being all impressed.

"Don't worry I'll arrange a meeting with him today then you can exchange rings and sign the contract. Please drink your coffee. You need some time to encapsulate the things which just happened." She said in a soft tone. Wow! Even her 'softness' appears to be dominant!

I agreed on the contract because I want to save him, the love of my life. Moreover, I am like a crow - Baepsae , with small legs . I have to work hard everyday for success. Still, I get crushed by these long legged storks who are born with a silver spoon in their mouth. They do not have to fear anything.

It appears like money could win everything.

This is why I wanted to be a Lawyer. I wanted to protect those crows with small legs. When nobody supports them , I am like their last expedient, their last hope for Justice. I am like their knight with a golden armour protecting them from the storks ,who are ready to crush the commoners with their power.

I thought to myself and after some serious rounds of discussions we formally parted our ways. She didn't forget to ask to drop me at my place but I declined with respect, after all this fuss you expect me to get compatible with you?

No never!

The buttons are doing a great job though- 😆 (I'm a big pervert)

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