7.Why did you do this?

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"Don't give the pen of your destiny in someone else's hand."



"If there's nothing else I'll take my leave now. " I said sternly.

"Save my contact dear. You must call me Mom now" Mrs. Jeon swiftly replied, though she's arrogant but a but of warmth could be heard in her voice, maybe because I agreed so easily that's why she's being a bit nice.

"Yes ma'a ...Mom" I answered according to her request, honestly I didn't mean 'mom' as I don't feel the connection of a mother and daughter and I feel we'll never have that sort of thing observing her rude nature.

"I'll be waiting for you today . Please wear this as a gift. As for your brother , he's in the States and I have already informed him about the situation. You should talk to him ." She said with a warm smile. Strange enough.

Nevertheless, the gift was a white dress- the dress brides wear and it's the like the most happiest moment in any normal couple's life.

But maybe this isn't going to happen with me.

Still I am happy that at least he is alive. He will definitely get angry but I'll handle it somehow.

"Sure I'll take my leave now." I smiled sadly.

Though I wanted to marry him, I love him and I already know what's going to happen but still...

Still, I wished for a happy and joyful marriage, with all my family members' best wishes towards us. That's how every girl wish right? I'm no exception.

Sadly, I have to sacrifice these for harmony between us and I guess it's for the best. Life doesn't always go how we plan it right? Even if I know the future, our destiny is still in the dark, who knows whether this time I'll be able to win or not? It scares me. The pain, the memories, the havoc, the tears, everything is still feels fresh in my memory.


I got inside my apartment only to be welcomed by Jisoo and Mr. Kim happily talking and cooking, I smiled looking and them, reminiscing the memories with my Brother.

"Unnie! You're back! Please eat.. we made something delicious for you." Jisoo said in a cute tone.

I was in a very gloomy mood and I lost my appetite, but seeing her talking so sweetly towards me, I felt to not worry them with my own personal affairs and thus I ate the food.

They are really good people. I believe if more people as caring, kind and honest like these exist, the world would have became a Beautiful place where every person is happy.

Happiness cannot be earned. It doesn't come with how much wealth, power or luxury a person has.It is attained when a person is contended and honest from inside. Sadly, people like this are becoming extinct from today's world.

Sometimes, even the people with all the wealth and fame in the world , cannot get happiness because they never tried to understand the simple joys which are found in everyday things like nature, friends and family. The smallest of the things are capable of giving the biggest of joys to someone.

I ate the lunch and went straight to my room and called my Brother, who is six years older than me. Like last time I couldn't control my tears.

I am myself, the real me who's afraid even of the smallest things, like a little girl only in front of my Brother.

As expected, he was apologizing to me.

"Bro-brother did you really not think of me when you signed the agreement with Mrs. Jeon? How can you do this? " I stuttered whilst controlling my sobs.

"I'm sorry Y/N. Try to understand. I didn't had any other choice left. After our parents death we were really in short of money back then- " He said in a low tone trying to give explanations which, at this point, appeared to be excuses to me.

"I HATE YOU BROTHER! YOU COULD HAVE DONE SOMETHING ELSE! WHY SELLING YOUR OWN SISTER?!" I yelled my vexation cutting his words off. I bit my lips trying hard to not control myself, but I couldn't. I ended up crying hard.

Both sides went silent for sometime. He was in lack of words and I wasn't in the mood to listen to anything. Only my sobs and cries were audible and he listened. For good ten minutes this remained still , I was still in a gloomy state but crying over what's done won't change the fact that I'm sold like a thing, a doll...

And guess what? This doll has the power to change the unforeseen. And this time I'll write my destiny with my own hands. I thought to myself whilst harshly wiping off my tears, they aren't worth it. I have to be strong.

"Y/N, I know my deeds are unforgivable but please don't hate me." He finally spoke trying to console me begging for forgiveness.

"It'll take time for me to recover from the wounds you have given me. What is done is done . I agreed on marrying her son, I can't go back on my words now. But answer me with honesty, how a super rich woman like her know us? " I asked suspiciously.

"She is an old friend of our mother. When I met her, she lured me with money and I fell in her trap. I was too innocent. Moreover the shock of our parents' sudden demise broke me inside out. I couldn't think of anything else back then. I-I am really very sorry Y/N." He explained, I can hear him crying over the phone.

I know Brother. This wasn't your mistake, it's our fate and now I have to break this cycle of sadness . I'll bring a revolution!

Brother though I am extremely angry on you but I really wish you to be here. I need someone to hug me tightly right now.

"Everything will be alright Y/N. I wish you great happiness on this new beginning of life. " Brother said making me come out of my thoughts, it felt like a virtual hug. Even if he's so far away, still some words of consolation made a small smile appear on my face.

"By the way, I believe Jungkook is a good guy. I have met him personally in an interview and I think that guy is really humble and down to earth." He said in an attempt to change the topic, he knew talking further would only increase the arguments.

'Yes he is, to others, will not appear in that list.' I thought to myself.

"I'm happy as long as he treats me well." I replied with a faint smile.

"Of course! Why not? My sister is one a million. She can do everything except for cooking-" He cheered happily.

"And that's the most important thing to coax a man! I'm screwed!" I said getting annoyed.

"Don't worry I'll talk to him about that okay?"

"No need. He'll think I'm a brother's baby, which I'm not!" I answered scoffing earning a laugh from him

"Ha ha! Finally you are normal again!"

"That doesn't mean I forgive you! Trust me I'll make you get married to a plump woman as a punishment!" I said stomping my feet.

" I don't care about figure as long as she loves me~" Brother mocked back as if singing a song. I can hear his sinister laugh which made me grit my teeth in frustration.

"You- "

"Y/N you should get ready for your marriage. Be happy, I know it's sudden but it's the most important day of your life. I'm sorry I can't come there because of my work ,but I'll make sure to meet you guys after clearing my schedule." He said cutting me off earning another scoff from me.

"Work is more important than your own sister's wedding, that too to a person whom I don't even know! I don't know what medicine you took before signing the agreement." I said sarcastically.

"I'm sorry Y/N, please forgive me . Y/N , what happened in the past was because I was compelled due to the situation but in future if that guy doesn't treat you well I'll make sure to teach him a great lesson." I can sense extreme seriousness in his voice, which somehow succeeded in making me feel safe.

"I know Brother you'll protect me . Just make sure to come back safely as fast as possible. " I answered and after sometime of chaotic talks and loads of cursing on each other, we ended our call.

Everything is happened so fast, I was still in a dilemma that I am getting married. With this I got into my dreamland, a peaceful good night sleep.


I prepared everything for the case . I'll win this time. Sara you'll get justice. As for Jisoo , I was in no mood to let her go before the case hearing I thought to myself, whilst getting ready for the D-day that is,


Presently, I'm preparing for the meeting with him. Jisoo and her brother are in the other side of the apartment so they aren't aware of what's happening with me.

I wore that super expensive dress gifted by Mrs. Jeon- my soon to be mother in law.

It looked sophisticated. My hair were tied in a fancy bun with some accessories on it and I wore the costly jewelry, suiting well on my caramel skin tone . The look appeared simple yet very Beautiful. Most importantly the whole outfit costed more than my whole existence on Earth!

I don't know why I'm getting chills, I'm well aware what's going to happen, still the past is repeating itself and nobody likes to even reminisce the pain they've gone through once, but I...

I'm living in it.

I took a last look of myself and with a deep sigh I went to the place as before...

Jeon's residence.

No words, just JK in black.

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