60. Identity Crisis

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"Love makes life worth living."


Morning came up sooner than the male expected. He wished the previous night to go longer and unending. The inexplicable feeling of holding the person he loves closer to his heart, the joy he felt after kissing her, the contentment that coursed through his heart when he got to know how possessive and jealous she can be for him and of course, her beautiful face when she's deep in slumber, arose a butterfly inside his gut. The way her long, luscious hair spread across the white mattress was truly a sight worth watching.

All he wished for this moment to stop so that he could admire this masterpiece of beauty in front of him.

A small smile automatically crept upon his face and his eyes dazzled and shined with joy. Coming out of his trance, he steadily withdrew his arm from her waist and she turned her side, mumbling feebly like a kid in her sleep. He pecked the corner of her shoulder and got up from the bed and brushed his jet-black hair with his hand whilst wearing his milky-white shirt. He made sure to not make noise in the process, to not disturb her sleep.

Soon, he strolled towards the balcony to clear his head, whilst taking a wine glass and some alcohol. He needed to calm down and think of everything, especially what he heard from Y/N last night, which was lingering in his head like a mantra.

He let out a sigh and took a sip of the wine and pondered, looking at the front. The house was surrounded by greenery and beautiful flowers, which made him feel at ease. He stood there for a while and just as he was about to gulp another glass of the alcohol, Y/N snatched it from his hand, the corner of her lips curved up into a sly smirk. He didn't expect her to wake up so soon and this action of hers, made him flinch.

"Drinking right as the first thing in the morning... What's bothering you?" She inquired, taking a sip from the same glass.

He gazed at her from top to bottom, who was dressed in his white shirt and shorts which obviously did not fit her body, still, she radiated charisma. Her face reminded him of the scenes of yesterday, the hot session surely wasn't leaving his head, he wanted more of it and it was genuinely, a tough task to control himself throughout the night.

He brushed off his thoughts and took calculated steps near her and whispered in her ear.

"I wouldn't be so much bothered if a certain someone didn't leave me hanging after making out, yesterday night." A bright shade of crimson flushed on her cheeks and she looked everywhere but him. Well, seeing this side of the vicious and bold Min Y/N, was surely a rare sight.

She vividly remembers what happened the previous night and it was truly something arousing. She wasn't in her senses and it all happened in the heat of the moment. In all honesty, she enjoyed every moment of the events of yesterday night.

But she was no less, she didn't lose her composure and folded her arms towards her chest, the glass in her right hand tilted a little and she stared into his soul.

"Who changed my clothes?" She asked, giving him a stern look and obviously, trying to flip the topic.

"Me of course." He uttered, confidently, until he understood her expression. She looked at him as if he was some pervert.

"Hey! I- I didn't look anywhere. I just-" She chuckled and didn't let him speak further.

"Shut it. Accept the fact that you just like to see me naked, pervert." She teased and now it was his turn to get flushed up.

"I'm not a pervert!"

"Yeah... You ain't one but you're surely an idiot." She mocked again whilst laughing, teasing him was always a different level of fun for the woman.

"Don't forget that you were head over heels for this idiot last night." He counterattacked that just widened her grin.

"As far as I remember, you were the one who kissed me." She spoke, spitting facts. A whole zoo danced in her stomach as the events of last night flashed upon her head like a movie.

"Can't argue with you." He shrugged his shoulders and gazed at the front, his mind switching to different thoughts. She too glanced at the beautiful garden from the balcony, the breeze strucking her face giving her tingles and an alien sense of joy.

She wanted to enjoy this feeling more until this man started his questionnaire and that wasn't good because she remembered their make out yesterday, but not what she said to him before that. She just hoped she didn't blurt out any weird things that would complicate the situation more.

"My dreams... They don't stop. They haunt me every day." He tutted, sighing and she glanced at him, in a lack of words. She didn't know what to say in this situation because she was aware of the truth and the revealing it might make her appear like a lunatic. She's afraid if Jungkook would even believe her or not.

"I guess, it's just stress. You should rest up for some time." She suggested, taking a sip of the intoxicated liquid and he questioned further.

"I wonder what you meant by those two hundred days." He murmured and the woman choked on the wine she was drinking, making the contents fall on his milky white shirt. She coughed continuously and he worriedly patted her back.

"S-sorry... I'll just quickly wash up and then we can talk." She uttered, hysterically moving away from him and he knew she was hiding something, he definitely caught on to her weird actions but he controlled his urge to ask more.

She appeared uncomfortable to answer anything and so, he'll wait for the right time to ask everything that's bothering him.



Just as I felt everything was getting alright, these damn dreams of his started to appear! I earnestly, can't have a peaceful life.

The stern and cynical look he gave me while questioning, certainly meant he has caught hold of something and I'm afraid if he gets to know the truth, he might...

Abandon me.

Coming out of my reverie, I swiftly made my way towards the lavatory and changed into a new set of clothes. I glanced at his shirt in the basket which was stained by the bloody red wine and that's when I saw the brand.

Dolce and Gabbana.

That was a freaking branded shirt which costs millions! Fuck.

My mouth went agape when realisation hit me and I gazed at the material, my hands quivered due to trepidation and I let out a sigh closing my eyes for a moment to calm down.

Steadily, I walked out of the restroom with a distressed look plastered on my face. There stands the man whose expensive shirt I just destroyed and I'm certain, paying back for it would cost me a fortune.

"What happened? Are you alright?" He asked, concerned and I shook my head in denial showing him the white piece, now stained with red.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to blotch it, I'll pay back for it." I muttered and his brows knitted together in perplexion.

"I have hundreds of these in my closet. Doesn't matter and more of that, do you really think I'll ask you to pay back?!" His voice became a bit louder, he sounded hurt by my words. I didn't mean to offend him but looks like he was hurt.

"Still it doesn't feel right to destroy such an expensive piece of clothing. Trust me, I would've kept it separately in my closet and barely worn it, if I had one." I looked down and played with my fingers, staring at the stain and he couldn't help but burst into a loud cackle of laughter, his bunny teeth on full display, his eyes squinting and nose scrunching like that of a toddler.

I couldn't resist myself from smiling at this overloaded cuteness.

"I'll buy you some and you can decorate them in your closet." He teased and laughed again whilst holding his stomach. After two minutes or so, he finally stopped giggling and glanced at me.

"Alright, let's do this. I'll give you one task to do and if you did it, I'll consider that you've paid back. Deal?" He proposed his idea and I instantly nodded agreeing to his statement.


Oh! Now I regret agreeing without knowing the task because the corner of his lips curved into a devilish smirk and I'm certain there's something mischievous lingering in that peanut-sized brain of his.

"So, I want a peck here." He shamelessly pointed towards his cheek whilst bending a little forward towards my level.

I swear my expressions drained and there was pure shock visible on my face.

When did he become so blunt?!

Soon, the shocked expression subsided and a smirk formed on my face. Well, there's no way I'm going to miss this opportunity. He looks yummy though.

In a snap of a second, I pulled him by the collar towards myself and whispered in his ear.

"Do you wish to have something better?" I can see his face flushed up to the deepest shade of red and I wasted no time pulling him towards myself and giving a kitten lick on his lips, his eyes widened in the process but nevertheless, he gave in and we both were smiling ear to ear when I pulled away.

He was so flustered that he hysterically walked outside his room without speaking anything further, I chuckled observing his behaviour and took a last glance at myself before moving out.

Oh... I just noticed...

The timer stopped moving.

My smile fell to rock bottom and I checked again.

It really did stop moving at fifty days more!

This only means one thing...

Jungkook loves me...?


I walked outside the room only to meet with the flustered bunny patiently waiting for me at the table. He even prepared the dishes and the food. I'm certain considering his cooking skills, he ordered the food.

I chuckled and sat in front of him, he smiled back. We had our breakfast in silence and just to break the dead silence he suddenly asked something which wasn't expected of him. In all honesty, I was taken aback.

"Y/N, have you ever been in a relationship with anyone before?" He asked nonchalantly and I gazed at him for a moment and shook my head as 'no'.

"WHAT?! Really?" His eyes widened in surprise and I again nodded in affirmation. I have no idea where this conversation is heading.

Is he in the mood to ask me about my life? If yes, then I definitely am going to ask him back a load of questions that have been lingering in my head for days.

"Why?" He questioned, inquisitively.

"Well, I was way too focused on my career. Other than that, I always had unrealistic expectations of men, the type of men that don't exist in reality. In short, a certain 'Prince Charming' that only exists in books." I explained, earning a chuckle from him.

Shortly, I picked up the dishes and made my way towards the kitchen as he stopped talking and appeared to be deep in thought. I kept the dishes in the sink and just as I was about to turn, he lightly pushed me towards the kitchen counter, his buff body towering on mine.

Well, that's hot.

My brows knitted in confusion and I stared at him. He bent a little to match my height and looked at me as if I were some alien.

"Then will you let me be your 'Prince Charming' ?" He confessed, smiling ear to ear.


I almost screamed, my mouth went agape but I was too stunned to even speak. I was speechless, star-struck, flabbergasted, in fact, all synonyms of 'shocked' would be unable to explain my emotions at that moment.

Receiving no answer from my side, he steadily cupped my cheek and brushed the cheekbone and those swift movements were enough to take my breath away. His lips were inches away from mine, his minty breath brushing my mouth.

He steadily gave in and was about to attach his lips to mine, but I turned my head to the other side.

"I'm sorry, it was sudden." He apologized shyly scratching the back of his neck.

"What relationship do you have with Jeon Somi?" I inquired, taking him back by surprise, his face drained of colours and suddenly became stern.

"You met her?" He questioned back and I nodded.

"She said you mean special to her, do you perhaps, like her?" I questioned, straightforwardly.

"What in the world, Y/N?! Literally, one moment ago I gained all the courage to propose to you and you think I'll be dating someone else?!" He raised his voice, certainly offended.

"Then who is she to you?!" I asked again, jealously clearly audible in my tone.

"She's my cousin and Jimin hyung's long-time girlfriend. They're going to get engaged next year." He revealed and my eyes widened in aghast. I looked everywhere but him due to embarrassment.


What the actual fuck, Y/N you bish!!

"I'm sorry." I lacked words, pure shock was visible on my face.

"Min Y/N, I'm not liking, dating, having sex with someone else or cheating with you. I'm sorry for giving you the wrong ideas but the only woman I want to get involved with, is you. Will you-" He spoke, ever so confidently but I had different plans. I wanted to be transparent with him and I wished him to have the same transparency with me.

"I work for the Intelligence Agency of Korea. They have spies in every field and I'm one of them, working as a lawyer." I revealed the truth and not a hint of surprise occurred on his face. He was calm as if he knew already. Sensing my expressions, urging for an explanation, he spoke further.

"You have friends from the Intelligence Agency and there's no way someone working in that field would befriend you until and unless you all work in the same occupation. I expected that, in fact, I'm glad you told me yourself. If you're afraid it'll bother me, then no, I'm not bothered by what work you do." He displayed a tight-lipped smile taking my hands in his. I still couldn't believe it, he was so calm about all this.

"That's my truth... What's yours?" I asked, my curiosity at its peak. I have so many questions and only he can answer.

"What do you mean?"

"I know what you did to Ji Ahn, the grandson of Kingston Group. Who are you exactly, so influential, that even Kingston Group means nothing to you? Sometimes, I feel I know nothing, absolutely nothing about you!" I raised my voice losing my composure and now I could see his expression faltering.

"Y/N I-" He was about to explain but dang!

The doorbell rang.

I glanced at him and walked over to open the door and I saw a kid standing there, a way too sophisticated kid.

"Hello, aunt! I'm K. Arthur Jeon." He bowed in respect, addressing himself and I just blankly stared at him for a moment.

How does he know me?

And wait.



The son of the CEO of Kingston Group.

What in the freaking world is he doing here?!

Jungkook too walked up and stood beside me, the kid squealed happily and hugged his legs and he picked him up in his arms.

"I missed you, uncle!" Arthur exclaimed, smiling widely and Jungkook pecked him on the cheek, completely forgetting my existence.

My jaw dropped looking at the two and my eyes widened in aghast when realisation struck me like a truck and that's when I saw his mom walking towards me.

"Hello, I'm Ruby Jeon. I'm sorry, Arthur must've startled you, he was very excited to meet you." She spoke politely and took my hand for a handshake. I awkwardly smiled towards her and gestured for her to come inside.

I silently stood beside Jungkook who warmly welcomed the mother-son duo and we all sat in the living room. I nervously fidgeted with my fingers. I had no idea how to react in such a situation. There was so much going on in my mind until Ruby's voice brought me back to Earth.

"I hope we didn't interrupt you both." She tutted, glancing at the purplish marks on my skin and I instantly covered them up with my clothes. That was truly embarrassing! I looked everywhere but her for a good two minutes and I could see Jungkook smirking while sitting beside me.

This damn brat!

"How do you know her?" I questioned the male, straightforwardly, earning a chuckle from Ruby.

"I can't believe you haven't told her about our family." She spoke, catching me off-guard.

"She's my sister-in-law and Arthur is my nephew." He explained and I couldn't help but gasp at the sudden information.

How's that possible? As far as I remember, there are only two legal heirs to the Kingston Group- one who committed suicide long ago and the other who died in a tragic car accident six years ago.

"He's the third son of the Jeon or fairly put Kingston family. Man, you really should use your full name! It's K. Jeon Jungkook." My suspicion came to an end when Ruby confirmed everything.

This all sums up to one thing - Jungkook comes out to be legally, the only heir to Kingston Group. This is why he's so influential.

I stared at Jungkook with glossy eyes.

I felt betrayed.

Hell betrayed.

How come I don't know a thing about all this?!

"Y/N, I wanted to tell you everything, please understand. I'm not a part of the family. I've been an abandoned son of that family since I was twelve and I have absolutely no wish to return." He explained his part and my brows knitted in perplexion.

"The family puts up a lot of pressure for the sons and daughters to take up business and I didn't want to be a part of any of that. My passion has always been music and so, I left my family long ago. This is why my name is never mentioned with them." He sighed and I closed my eyes for a moment to engulf everything I just heard.

"Momma! She's so pretty!" The kid exclaimed joyously and his mother accompanied him.

"Yes, she is!" I portrayed a tight-lipped smile towards the duo.

I gazed at her and her son for a while and looking at the two of them now, it just makes me gloomy how is that little kid living without his father? Must've been super tough for Ruby to handle everything.

"I'm sorry for my outrage, I was just caught off-guard." I deeply apologized and she smiled politely.

"It's alright! I understand. Our family tree is kind of twisted but don't worry, you'll get used to it soon. Also, congratulations on the official four months of your marriage! I'm sorry, it happened in such a hurry that I wasn't even aware but nevertheless, it's good to see Jungkook with a woman he loves." She giggled, enthusiastically and I was speechless at this point.

I forgot four months have passed since we've been together. So much has happened that it appears like a dream to me, especially after listening to his proposal...

If this is a dream, please never wake me up.

"Thank you." Jungkook replied bringing me out of my reverie, his cheeks flushed up to red.

"Also, you both are invited for the celebration of the anniversary of the company." Ruby affirmed, placing the invitations on the table and I glanced at Jungkook, his jaw clenched with rage.

Looks like he doesn't like his family.

"Mom has specifically mentioned that you must bring Y/N along with you." She informed. I could sense the tension arousing in the environment.

Truly, this is more awkward than the confession I just heard.

Well, I'm loving the character buildup of Jungkook. 👀

He's still our cutie patotie kookieee!
*The amount of cringe I got while writing this 🤦*

Y'all "GOLDEN" album is truly a golden masterpiece by the golden maknae. I admire how versatile Jungkook's music is. Truly, the definition of an artist!

Also, you can also watch this ff on YouTube. Link is in my bio.

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