61. Confession

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"Let the raindrops shine through the window, let's get drenched in this rain of love."



The whole day passed out like that. Y/N didn't expect Ruby to be so talkative and polite. Her son, Arthur was truly like a fluffball lingering around her because somehow she came out to be an interesting person for him. As for Jungkook, he appeared happy today, happy to meet his nephew and someone whom he can call 'family'.

It didn't matter to the woman what relationship he had with the Kingstons, as long as he was truthful she didn't mind his decision to leave the family.

Presently, Jungkook and Ruby were discussing their lives and about the anniversary event to be held in two weeks. Y/N felt brooded in the talk and so, she started to play with Arthur.

"Which school do you study?" Y/N asked the kid curiously, who sat on her lap. He appeared way too well-mannered and sophisticated for a six-year-old.

"Montessori Academy." He portrayed a cheeky smile and answered whilst eating the chocolate, making the woman go deep in her thoughts.

"Do you perhaps know this girl... She might be your classmate... Sarang?" She inquired as she remembered that little girl, she studies in the same school too.

"You know her?!" Arthur jumped squealing as if he had got his favourite candy making all the heads turn towards the two.

"Uh.. yes." She replied awkwardly.

"She's the top scorer of our class and she doesn't like to make friends. I want to be her friend so bad!" He stomped his foot in annoyance, his nose which had the stain of dark chocolate cutely scrunched and looking at him now, the clear similarity between him and Jungkook was visible.

Literally, two bunnies.

She steadily took the wet wipes and wiped the kid's nose and cheeks, who beamed with joy. Jungkook gazed at the two and a sudden thought crossed his mind,

'Is this how she'll look with a kid... Our kid?' A deep shade of crimson flushed upon his face even by the thought of it and Ruby couldn't help but chuckle looking at the lovestruck boy. She could see the chemistry between the two and she's certain now, her brother-in-law got married to one of the finest women out there.

Meanwhile, the information Y/N got to learn about Sarang was capable of giving a pang in her heart. It felt weird for some reason to her. Even though she had only met the girl twice, she had a soft corner for her. She pitied her and if possible, she wished to give her all the happiness.

"Whom are you talking about?" Jungkook joined the chat and Ruby too, gazed at the lawyer.

"There's a kid whom I seem to know, who studies in the same class as Arthur." She answered, portraying a tight-lipped smile, making Jungkook's brows knit in confusion because it is astonishing for a vicious woman like Y/N to know any kid, heck even remember the name! That's close to impossible.

He was truly curious now.

Who exactly was she talking about?


The evening quickly flashed by and it was time to bid goodbye to the mother-son duo. Honestly, there were many confusions, many things which weren't revealed and many questions which still remained unanswered but Jungkook didn't wish to rush things. He was slowly opening up and he was glad Y/N was being cooperative.

Steadily closing the door, she turned around to meet with the bunny eyes who stared at her as if she were some alien.

"Which kid were you talking about?" He asked, inquisitively.

"She's Jaehoon's niece... Sarang." Y/N took long pauses in between to answer the said question, she was sceptical as to how the male would react. To her surprise, he didn't show any reaction, instead, he portrayed a small smile and nodded.

"Can I... Uh... Spend some time with her? She just appears lonely." She spoke further whilst playing with her fingers.

"If that makes you happy, then of course you can. But just make sure to stay safe from that nutcase Jaehoon." He uttered the last sentence sternly but that was enough to brighten her face with a beautiful smile.

"Thank you!" She instantly hugged the male, making him stunned. He slowly wrapped his arms around her back and pulled her closer, feeling her warmth.

Momentarily, she pulled back and it could be seen she was flustered. "I'm sorry." She apologized for her behaviour just now and the male chuckled, nodding his head but what she said afterwards made a zoo appear in his gut.

"Also, what you said before... Does it still count?" She muttered, staring deeply into his brown orbs that portrayed millions of emotions at this moment.

"Wait a minute." He tutted and rushed towards his bedroom, leaving the perplexed woman at a standstill. Soon, he returned with something in his hand. Well, he carefully hid the 'thing' at his back and then walked up to her.

"What's that?" She asked and he handed her a brand new phone. She tried to return it but her efforts came in vain when he didn't even let her speak.

"I should've bought you one before but everything was a mess. Your device broke because of me that day, that's why a new one." He explained, remembering the day when he got kidnapped and the ill-fated things started to happen. She stood there stunned, she couldn't react to all this because it was surprising for her that he remembered that.

"Oh also, take this too." He handed her a nonstick frying pan.

"You were so mad about it the other day, remember? I searched so much for a non-stick one! Gosh! It's like they have a scarcity of nonstick frying pans in the stores." He complained, making her giggle and a blush crept upon her face. She didn't expect him to remember something as small as this.

'He remembers.' She pondered gazing at the pan and then at him, it wasn't costly but to her, this mattered more than anything because he remembered the smallest of things which she even forgot, that she got mad about it.

He softly took her right hand in his and observed it was marred with numerous scars, cuts and blisters, the most striking one was a recent one which she got when she held the knife that day while fighting. He caressed the scar and his eyes glistened, tears ready to spill anytime because he was aware of the fact that, since the day she got married to him, the only one getting hurt was her and he was always unable to protect her.

He felt guilty.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He apologized for the nth time, a singleton tear made its way from the corner of his eyes and brushed through his cheekbones towards his soft plum lips.

"Shh. It's alright." She shushed him up and wiped off the tears. He sniffled whilst biting his lips. All this time, Y/N had the widest place on her face, this all felt ethereal to her just like a dream.

And he had one more thing to gift.

The most important one out of all.

"You'll definitely like this one." He scrunched his nose and opened the box, which revealed a brand new Army bomb.

'He even remembered that.' She chuckled, glancing at the brand-new device.

[A/N: Y'all check out chapter 22-24 again, to have a recap. :) ]

He joyfully switched on the button which made it glow to a purple colour and Y/N couldn't help but be in awe with all these sudden 'gifts'. She couldn't even say 'no' to all these because she was aware he might get offended.

She smiled and took the device in her hand, the purplish light glowing on her face, her eyes dazzled with joy.
Momentarily, she kept the things on the table and then glanced at him, who seemed to be patiently waiting for an answer.

"What if I say no?" She wet the dryness of her lips and teased, trying to get on his nerves.

Truly, her remark left the male stunned but he quickly gained his composure and held her by her shoulders.

"Then, I'll do everything to make you mine." Confidence lashed out from his voice and by the looks of it, he was certain, his feelings felt genuine and that was enough to melt the woman. Her eyes glistened and she bit her lips.

"Oh! Please stop!" Her eyes softened at his confession and she lightly hit his chest, trying her best to not break down at a joyful moment like this.

"I won't." He murmured and she smiled widely, the deepest shade of red crept upon her face.

In an instant, she leaned in and pecked on his cheek mouthing a 'yes' in his ears, her face adorned with a wide toothy smile.

He didn't reply but instead, pulled her by her waist, instantly crashing his lips on her. The intensity of the moment gave a pool of butterflies down to her gut and her heart racing uncontrollably.

Her eyes widened in surprise but slowly, she gave in, her lips struggling to match the intensity of the other. He wrapped her arms around his neck and continued the movement. Steadily, he pulled her up by her waist and her legs wrapped around his torso whilst continuing the heated moment, their tongues fighting for dominance.

His hands worked wonders when it made contact with her bare skin, he tenderly caressed her waist and made her sit on the kitchen counter, without breaking the kiss. It wasn't long since he thrust his tongue inside her mouth, relishing the insides as if it were his favourite candy, earning a soft moan from her. She never knew this cute bunny-like boy could be so enchanting and she could feel him hardening on her belly.

Momentarily, pulling away from the long, heated kiss he breathed out and glanced into her hooded eyes, pure love visible in those black orbs. He brushed his palm on her cheeks which were flushed up to crimson and her hands rested on his shoulders. She appeared shy and this was truly, the moment which he wished would last forever, that smile, that charisma, that shyness in her expressions, it wasn't something that the usual Y/N would do.

He wanted to make her feel this way, every day, every moment he spends with her.

He smiled ear to ear and muttered, "I like you, Min Y/N." She was speechless after the hot session and this was the last string left in her.

"I want to do everything which normal couples do. Although we're married let's take this slow. Can we start with dating?" He asked, instantly earning a 'yes' from her.

He stood still in the position as before, standing between her legs and it would be a lie if she says that her pussy wasn't throbbing for some friction. This was too hot to handle.

"Will you be my girlfriend, Y/N?" He displayed his bunny smile whilst asking her out, making her astounded for a split second.

Momentarily, she returned the gesture with the same enthusiasm. She didn't expect this. Certainly, it felt so pure, so warm, so lovely, so beautiful, so genuine.

"Yes!" She exclaimed, nodding continuously and the male couldn't be happier.

'This is what love feels like.' He thought to himself portraying his signature bunny smile and pulled her into a warm hug, caressing her hair and rubbing soothing circles on her back.

Truly, this was felt the happiest day in her life for a while.

Slowly parting from the warm hug, he smiled and gazed at her with his dazzling eyes. She was overwhelmed with happiness. It felt for a moment that, every misery, every pain, every suffering was subdued while spending some moments with him.

"Y/N, can you cook that fried rice? It was honestly, the best one I had in a while." He scratched the back of his neck, shyly asking her and that let out a soft giggle escape from her mouth.

"Of course!" She beamed with joy and got down from the kitchen counter, ready to fulfill his request whilst staring at her ring.


The night came sooner than expected and it was becoming chilly, after all, winters came up and it was freezing cold outside. Snow could be seen raining in the form of petals and nothing could be more comforting than getting rolled up like a burrito in the duvet and sleeping like a pig, that was exactly what Y/N was doing.

Meanwhile, Jungkook couldn't sleep yet, it was too early for him to sleep and so, he once again took out the diaries. No matter how much he consoled himself saying that 'it's her personal thing' his curiosity suppressed his principles.

He bookmarked the page where he last left reading and now, he was reading the next entry dated eight years back.

"She must be nineteen at that time." He uttered, flipping the pages and a Polaroid picture fell from it.

The picture was of the teen Y/N, her hair cut short into a boy cut and looked totally like a boy. He smiled caressing the picture with his thumb and read the diary further.

The entry was titled:

The most handsome boy I've ever met.

A pang of jealousy struck through his heart. Even though that's her past, he couldn't help but be jealous of the lucky guy she was talking about. He wished for once that maybe if they had met in better circumstances, he would've cherished her to infinity.

[A/N: Text in italics means the part written in the diary.]

Today, I can finally walk after two months of elongated bedrest, I don't know if I should be happy or not. This is not what I wished for initially, I wanted to die, to end everything and be at peace but looks like life had different plans for me.

I still vividly remember how much my brother cried when he met me and I promised him one thing that I would never take such a hazardous step again. He informed me that I'd been admitted to a university in the States and I must leave this country asap. Everything is happening pretty fast and I don't know how this new chapter of my life would fold up.

Just when I packing all my luggage, I found a pendrive. By the looks of it, I didn't think it belonged to me and when I asked my brother, I got to know it was given to him by the hospital staff. Curiousity surged through my system and I intently stared at the small device, only to see the logo of 'Bighit' embarked on it.

I felt this must be important and I must return it. I went to the company to return the device and I was informed to meet Mr. Bang, yes the man who saved me in his office. It was a small company but the people there were sweet.

I was walking through the corridors and I stumbled across a room, which most probably occurred like a dance room. I didn't have any interest in celebrities but the boy who was practicing his lines whilst dancing smoothly caught my attention. I couldn't help but admire his skills, he was so talented and those doe eyes that were covered with his hair made him look endearing. I stood there for a moment and observed, that he most probably forgot a line and missed a step, resulting him in getting scolded by the trainer.

I vividly remember what that man said to him, "At this rate, no one would ever watch your performance and with this hairstyle of yours do you think anyone would like to see you? You look ugly."

I clenched my fists in anger, even though that boy was a stranger but he was practicing hard, why did that mean man said something so demotivating to him? In all honesty, he looked ethereal and I'm certain there would be a day when people would love him because of his cuteness.

Ignoring what I had seen before, I returned the pen drive to Mr. Bang and thanked him for everything he had done for me.

"I hope you will return with a new spirit and energy." He affirmed with a smile on his face.

"I will and I promise you, I'll pay you back tenfold for what you've done for me." I assured the kind man and I've made up my mind, I will definitely turn out to be a new person when I return here someday.

My work here was done and I was walking back towards the exit but I tripped over my shoelace that got opened somehow and I knew I'd have a great fall today, but I didn't feel the cold floor.

The guy I was admiring a moment ago, held me from falling.

This was the time I clearly looked at his eyes, they were so pretty.

Steadily, he helped me gain back my composure and then gazed at me. Oh! I still had bandages adorning my hands and legs. I tried to hide those because pity was the last thing I wanted but he didn't speak anything but just bent downwards and tied my laces.

"How did you get hurt?" He asked me. That voice, I can clearly understand he just cried and my eyes softened because I knew why was he crying.

"Accident." I lied.

"Take care of yourself." He muttered and walked away, not giving me a chance to thank him. It's been a while since somebody talked so sweetly to me. I wish he was my friend, life would've been easier.

Just as I was about to go, I was met by two more guys who appeared to be the same age as me, maybe a year or two older.

"Are you Min Y/N?" One of them asked and I nodded in affirmation.

"Bang PD ordered us to see you out." He informed, gazing at my bandages.

"He's Jimin and I'm Hoseok." The sweet guy introduced and I portrayed a small smile towards them. These two appeared to be like some idols or maybe trainees, they were too attractive to be a commoner. They guided me towards the exit and it was time to bid goodbye.

"Does it hurt a lot?" Jimin asked, softly and I shook my head.

"Not anymore."

"If I may ask, do you know this boy with doe eyes who sings so well?" I inquired and they looked at each other as if trying to recognise whom I was talking about.

"Are you perhaps, talking about Jungkook? He's known for his doe eyes." Hoseok muttered and that's when I got the name of the boy.


A beautiful name for a beautiful soul like him.

"Tell him he's the most handsome boy I've ever met. He has a beautiful voice and I would really like it if he continues music." I smiled towards the two of them and then walked away.

Truly, today felt so amazing! I hope my days remain like this. I don't want to get bullied again.

I hope I'll have a happy life ahead.


Jungkook closed his eyes for a moment to engulf everything that he just read, it was only now he remembered their meeting. So much has changed throughout the years and this diary of hers, somehow, brings back nostalgia.

He sniffled trying to hold back his tears because the woman he got married to, admired him from the time no one was even aware of his existence. He felt lucky to have her in his life and at this point he was certain he would do everything to make the happiest woman alive.

"You'll have a happy life, Y/N. I promise you." He muttered, sternly.

Well, this is not a filler chapter. If you notice carefully all the events of 'Deja vu' which were mentioned before, sums up this chapter. I hope there won't be any confusions. 🥹

I know you guys mustn't have expected me to update so early, but here I am writing cuz your potato is getting inspired to write more and more. Haha.

Did anyone notice, that the MV is inspired by 'Romeo and Juliet' so beautiful! 👀

Random comment I stumbled across:
"Jungkook after doing champagne confetti seven days a week- was it too much?"

If you know, you know 🌚😏

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