62. Appa?

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"If I let you know about the darkness inside me, would you still cherish me the way you're doing now?"


The constant buzzing of her alarm made the woman groan and abruptly get up from her beauty sleep. She turned off the alarm and then got up from her position, stretching out a little and then her gaze fell on the end table placed right beside her bed.

"What's... that?" She took up the small beige-coloured box kept on the table. It was beautifully decorated with red ribbons and a small note which read, 'For a beautiful potato.'

She chuckled looking at the note and mumbled "Idiot!" whilst opening up the box.

To her surprise, a perfume was kept inside it. She took it in her hand and checked the label, but there wasn't any brand name on it instead it had an inscription of her name, 'Y/N' and some cute printing of a tiger lily. It didn't take her long to get the meaning of the flower– 'Please love me.'

By the looks of it, it appeared to be a customised perfume, specially made for her. She carefully observed the glass bottle and her eyes widened when she saw real, twenty-four-carat gold flakes inside it.

"What in the world?!" She exclaimed, overwhelmed by emotions.

"He literally has money growing on trees!" She tutted, glancing at the glass bottle in disbelief.

She abruptly got out of her bed and made her way towards Jungkook's room, only to see it empty. She strolled towards the kitchen and her eyes made their way towards the small sticky note on the fridge.

'I know you must be searching for me and your next words will be: No! I can't have that! -_-
Don't you dare return it to me because I won't take it back. I would love it if you used the perfume.'

She giggled reading the note and she could imagine his expressions saying all that. There was another note stuck right beside it which read,

'Sorry, I was called for work. I might return home late, please sleep, don't wait for me. Also, don't be suspicious like the other day, I'm definitely not having an affair when I have such an amazing wife! (who just yesterday became my girlfriend lol)'

The woman couldn't help but blush while reading it. It all felt too soft, funny yet calming. Especially the words 'girlfriend', and 'wife' gave such a boost of joy inside her system. She smiled ear to ear and then walked back to her room to complete her morning routine.

Just as she got out of her walk-in closet while changing her clothes, her phone rang catching her attention. The screen read 'Yoora' and the woman knew why she was calling.

"Hello." She greeted with a grin on her face.

"Well, you'll love to have a piece of information. Where shall we meet?" Yoora affirmed, jumping right to the topic and they decided to meet some restaurant.


Walking majestically like a queen, her heels creating that 'click' sound while she strolled and spotted her best friend sitting at the centre table of the high-end restaurant. The lawyer wore her usual black suit, her long wavy hair loosely tied into a ponytail, while her friend adorned a similar-looking style with the difference that she wore a peach colour. Both of the women radiating their own charm.

As soon as Y/N came in front of her, she got up from her seat and shook hands with the lawyer, a grin plastered on both of faces.

"How's life with the idol?" The hacker asked, making the woman smile.

"It has been anything but wonderful." She affirmed and they took their respective seats, the waiter took their order and now, the atmosphere turned cold.

"I hacked Jaehoon's device as you said, but his location is the usual one- the law firm, then the penthouse where he resides and the playschool where his niece is studying. Nothing peculiar." She uttered, sternly making the woman scoff.

"That only implies one thing..." She pinched the bridge of her nose and took a long before speaking further.

"He must have two devices." They spoke in unison, unfazed by the affirmation.

"Well, he appears to be like any normal person." She tutted, sipping her iced americano.

"He isn't, you're well aware of that fact." The lawyer let out a scoff, even imagining him as a 'normal' person was tough for the woman.

"Yes. Nevertheless, there's something unusual happening with Black Bullet." The hacker informed, making the lawyer's brows knit in perplexion.

"What exactly?"

"We're getting tips from an anonymous person about the gang's secret bases. It appears like someone is betraying JK and the gang's internal base is getting hollow." She continued giving the details, that made a wide grin appear on the other's face.

"Well, that's a golden opportunity for us to end this." She cocked her brow at the hacker, who seemed to be enjoying the beverage.

"Yup, there might be a mission up for you anytime soon." She informed, making the other's eyes widen in aghast.

"Me? Girl, I was long transferred to the law department there's no way they'll send me for a mission out of all the capable agents out there. Has Jinyoung finally lost it?!" She uttered in disbelief and lightly tapped her fist on the marble round table and the other nodded, shrugging.

"That's kind of a mass mission. Almost all of our capable agents, including you are summoned for it. It's Black Bullet we're talking about, the mafia clan which has been running for generations. Also, that sword, we need to get it out at all costs, it's a national treasure..." The hacker spoke out facts whilst taking long pauses in mid, she was uncertain as to how her friend would react to all this because it's been a while since she's been called up for an important mission like this and she definitely didn't wish her happy married life to be at splits if something happens to her.

"Then I guess, it's a do-or-die case then." Y/N affirmed, a strong sense of bravery visible on her face, her eyes had the fire of rage. There's no way she would turn her back on this.

"Yeah, I'm just letting you know  beforehand so that you mentally prepare yourself." Yoora took the other's hands in hers and rubbed calming circles on it, care and worry were visible in her actions.

"Also, we got a lead on what the underboss looks like. I'll let you know when I get the vital information." Y/N glanced up at her friend and the corner of her lips curved up into a wicked smirk.

"Interesting." She muttered, playing with the glass of her drink.

"Take some more rest, Y/N. You appear lethargic. Has Jungkook been taking good care of you?" Yoora suddenly flipped the topic as she observed her face, it appeared pale from usual as if she's been so tense.

Well, she just dealt with a huge case and it's natural for her to appear tired but Yoora observed she was looking more tense, as if so much has been happening with her lately.

"Yeah, he is good to me." She affirmed, portraying a small smile and Yoora glanced behind the other's back, her eyes lit up immediately and she grinned whilst looking at her friend.

"I guess it should be the opposite, you're taking good care of him because just look at his face glowing as if he's been super happy lately. Just look at the afterglow!" She teased, waving towards the person who was walking towards them and Y/N glanced at her back.

"Speak of the devil." She muttered, shaking her head.

Jungkook walked up towards the two of them along with Taehyung, Jimin and Somi.



Life had been anything but tiring for me lately. Yes, I feel joyful because our relationship took a step ahead. It's just, everything appears to be a mystery to me at times. I didn't know if I'd live or not, I just wish whatever time I have, I want to cherish it to the fullest.

The time is running, so am I.

I was busily encircled in my thoughts when Somi's voice brought me back to reality.

We all sat at the same table, with the guys sitting in front of the ladies, since they took a break from work and coincidentally, we all came up to the same restaurant.

"I'm sorry for my behaviour the other day, I was just trying to tease you." She apologized.

"It's alright." I spoke, smiling towards her and glancing at Jungkook, he seemed to be busy munching on his meal.

Well, she seemed well aware of our relationship because she's a part of the family and that makes her my sister-in-law and Jimin, my soon-to-be brother-in-law. I couldn't help but chuckle at the small world. It seems like I have some greek gods and goddesses as my in-laws.

We spoke for some more time, exchanging information about how our lives were going on and didn't realise it was an hour already.

Momentarily, I glanced at Taehyung and then Yoora, who sat in front of each other and my best friend seemed to be disliking his company, while Taehyung seemed love-struck, I could see those heart eyes of his.

I looked at Jungkook and he too, seemed to be noticing the two, a smirk formed on his face that made him appear ten times hotter than he already is.

Y/N girl! Cool down! Not the time to think of R-rated things.

I brushed off my thoughts and then saw, that Yoora was leaving. She bid us a goodbye whilst displaying a fake smile and I observed, that Taehyung's expression withered like a flower.

"She doesn't have a liking for celebrities but she loves the guys who have an umbrella ready during rainy season. It's going to rain today, you know what to do right?" I wiggled my brows towards Taehyung and I could see, he was blushing.

"Hyung is in love~" Jungkook teased and Jimin and Somi laughed along, making Taehyung look like a red tomato.

"Stop it, you all!" He exclaimed, embarrassed due to all the teasing and momentarily left the place, ready to grasp his chance with Yoora.

Come to think of it, they would make a pretty couple. He's handsome and Yoora doesn't look less than some model.

"You love the role of a cupid?" Jungkook asked, making me giggle and I nodded, giggling along with Somi.

"By the way, how many more cousins do you have working in the industry?" I questioned and shook his head.

"It's only Somi, others are all in business." He informed and I nodded in affirmation.

"Guys, you're coming for Bright and Arina's wedding, right?" Jimin changed the topic, making all heads turn towards him.

"Yes, she's the bridesmaid after all." Jungkook tutted, smiling.

"Really?! I would love to see you in a beautiful dress. You look absolutely stunning!" Somi exclaimed, excited about the wedding and I laughed along. From the corner of my eyes, I saw the two guys smirking to themselves as if they'd already imagined us wearing a dress.

Damn, their brain and imagination is surely legendary.

With a few more random talks, we bid goodbye to each other and the celebrities of the room went back to work, leaving me alone for the whole day.


With no work piling up on my shoulders today, I decided to meet Sarang. I have this strange feeling of affection towards her, I don't admire kids much but she makes an exception.

Strolling towards the school, I called Jaehoon and asked him if I could take the girl out with me for a while. He appeared to be more than willing and so, here I stood with her, softly holding my hand.

"Your hands are cold." I spoke whilst rubbing her hands with mine and wrapped her neck with my red scarf. She wore really thin clothes and according to the temperature, it was freezing cold.

"Let's buy some clothes for you." I affirmed, but she shook her head as 'no'. Gosh! She was shivering due to the cold.

"Uncle says to not take things from others." She spoke out in her cute voice and I gently picked her up in my arms, making her flinch.

"I'll explain it to your uncle, ok?" She nodded and hugged me tightly, searching for some warmth. She felt so cold, I was afraid she might catch a cold at this rate. How can this bastard who claims to be her uncle, leave her alone in such a cold atmosphere?!

That asshole.

As much as I wanted to let out a curse, I stopped midway because there was a kid with me.

I made her sit in the car, making sure the seat belt was securely wrapped around her and drove towards the mall.

Momentarily, we reached our destination and in an hour or so, I brought some warm clothes for her. I don't have a nice choice in clothing, especially for kids but with the help of the shop attendant, I'm certain I picked up some nice outfits according to the little girl's liking.

I made her wear the peach-coloured fluff coat which we just purchased and she looked cute in it. Every time I look at her, I can see a little female version of Jungkook. I couldn't help but imagine, how would it be... To have a kid with him? A blush crept upon my cheeks by the imagination and I instantly brushed off my thoughts whilst walking towards the girl, who silently sat where I told her to.

I wanted to give her a treat and so, I chose a café that would be pleasing to a kid. Kids love dazzling things, right?

I was walking towards her, with two cups of hot chocolate expecting her eyes to lighten up seeing it but to my surprise...

She was crying.

My brows knit in confusion and I glanced in the direction where she was looking and my heart shattered at the sight.

She was silently sobbing and looking at a lady who was joyfully feeding her daughter some pastry, they looked happy. That's when realisation struck me.

She must be missing her mom.

Without wasting a minute more, I walked up to her and took her in my arms. She stopped crying when she spotted me, but her reddened eyes clearly showed her pain. I brushed off the tear stain from her cheek and made her sit on my lap.

In a moment, I took the spoon and scooped some hot chocolate blew it a little to cool it down and motioned her to sip it. She awkwardly stared at me but I just smiled, I didn't like to see her cry. She looked miserable.

Once she was done drinking the hot chocolate, I made her eat some chocolate pastry, which she had been eyeing for a while. I guess she likes chocolate.

"Thank you, ma'am." She expressed her gratitude, bowing a little like a grown-up girl from a sophisticated high-class family. I looked at her in disbelief, she truly seemed far more mature than her age.

"You can call me aunt." I affirmed and she nodded, smiling. I stared at her expression for a while. She finally smiled, her rosy cheeks flushed up with a pink shade, her bunny teeth were on full display and of course, those dazzling doe eyes of hers surely melted my heart.

Before I could say anything, she wrapped her tiny hands around my waist and snuggled her face closer to my stomach. Her gesture felt warm, soothing and comforting. I patted her back and then took her in my embrace.

It was already night since the time I took her out with me and I was driving back towards the place which Jaehoon mentioned but I noticed, she was asleep.

I covered her up with my blazer and in all honesty, I didn't wish to leave her. I wanted to spend more time with her and look at her adorable face. The way her long lashes rested upon her porcelain skin and the cute little pout she made while sleeping was pleasing to the eyes. I don't know why I'm being so close to a kid, who's basically a stranger but I can't help but care for her.

I swiftly dialed Jaehoon's contact and informed him that I was taking the girl with me to my place. I just didn't have a good feeling to leave her all alone in that penthouse and hopefully, he agreed to my request.



In an hour or so, they arrived home and the woman gently took Sarang in her embrace, not intending to disturb her sleep and walked inside the house. She motioned the guards to bring some cold medicines because she noticed her temperature was high and she was having a fever.

The little fluffball wasn't ready to leave the woman and she couldn't help but sleep with her on the couch. It was eleven already and she was about to call Jungkook about the little girl staying here, until she gently covered herself along with the girl and she snuggled closer to her embrace mumbling softly, "Mommy".

Her eyes softened whilst staring at the kid and she pecked the top of her forehead, brushing her rosy cheeks with the back of her hand and tenderly caressed her back, pulling her even closer to herself as if the kid's some teddy bear.

Once she was certain the kid's in deep sleep, she called Jungkook.

"Hello..." There came his voice, he sounded tired.

"I took Sarang with me, she was sleeping and I couldn't leave her alone because Jaehoon seemed to be stuck in some stuff." She informed, uncanny of his reaction. He didn't speak for a moment and she asked again, thinking maybe the call got disconnected.

"What does she like? I should bring something for her." He questioned, his voice suddenly sounding excited. Well, he was excited to meet this child who had the attention of his dear wife, who doesn't spare a glance at kids.

He knows she doesn't like kids.

"As far as I know, she likes chocolate." She answered and with an "alright" coming from his side, she hung up the call. She didn't expect this reaction from him. She thought he might get pissed because the girl was Jaehoon no, Poison's niece but Jungkook seemed rather cool about it.

Y/N tried to move a little but the girl wasn't ready to leave her and so, she slept in the same position along with her, a strange feeling of affection was coursing through her system.


Steadily dialing the passcode of the door, the male got inside his house with a box of chocolate cake in it and the sight in front made a wide toothy smile appear on his face.

He smiled to himself, looking at the sight in front– his wife embracing a beautiful kid, who seemed to be a copy of him and hugging her as if she was the most precious person to her. He didn't wish to disturb their sleep and so, he made a mental note to meet the two in the morning.

He kept the box on the table in front without making a noise and was about to go but his foot collided with the table end, making the glass vase kept on it shatter into pieces.

The loud voice made the woman abruptly get up from her deep slumber and she flinched looking at the male in front.

"What happened?" She asked, getting up from her position and making sure to carefully make the kid sleep on the couch.

"I broke the vase, by mistake." He answered and she shook her head in disbelief muttering an 'idiot' directed towards him.

"Why don't you sleep in the bedroom?" He questioned.

"I was waiting for you." He nodded, portraying a small smile.

Before she could utter anything else she noticed, his eyes glowed seeing the little kid behind her back, who was wide awake by now.

"She's Sarang, right?" He asked for confirmation and the woman nodded, earning a huge smile from him. He swiftly walked towards the girl and bent to her level, on his knees.

"Hi! I'm–" To his utter surprise, Sarang hysterically ran away from him and picked up the huge piece of the shattered glass from the cold floor before protectively standing in front of Y/N.

It happened so suddenly that the two elders couldn't even react.

"What–" Her words got stuck in her throat when she heard the little girl sobbing, the glass piece in her tiny hand was pointed towards Jungkook. His eyes travelled towards the kid, bewildered and a gasp left from his mouth.

Her eyes shaken by horror, lips quivering due to trepidation, her whole body trembled yet she tightly held the glass piece that pierced through her skin, making blood ooze out from her hand and pointed the object towards the male. Tears made their way from her doe eyes, yet she stood protectively in front of Y/N, as if ready to slit Jungkook's throat...

And what she afterwards made both of their worlds crash.

"Appa... Don't kill her, I beg you!"

Was anyone expecting the twist? 👀
I loved writing this segment truly! And a little spoiler for you all... There's gonna be a huge twist in the next update. Stay tuned! 😉

Meme time!

Lmao! This is so accurate!

Also, the part where the tiger lily was mentioned is actually inspired from an irl event. Gosh! This man out there is raising my standards day by day. 🥹

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