i am tired of being here

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I am really fucking tired of my parents stealing money from me. I don't mind them using my card, but at least ask. My dad has spent most of my check already and I just got paid 2 fucking days ago. I only have $90 left and I still have to pay the cable bill and light bill which will leave me completely broke afterwards. And I wasn't able to do any grocery shopping so we have no food at the house.

On top of that, they asked if they could borrow some money to get something to eat. I said yes, and I went to work. They withdrew $20 out of an ATM and then proceeded to go to Dollar General and spent nearly $70. So i expected to find food in the house when I got home but guess what wasn't here; food. There is still nothing to eat. So what the fuck are they using my money for, cause it certainly isn't food. And it's not even just when they ask me. It's also when I'm sleeping. Early in the morning they will straight up take my card out of my wallet to use it, and I'm sick of it.

And I don't know how I'm going to keep getting to work considering I'm the only one who puts gas in the truck anymore and I'm nearly broke because they wanna keep stealing money from me. I'm literally over it.

I know they are my parents but I'm the one who works 50+ hours a week for that money, not them. I understand my dad only gets paid once a month, which is always on the first. But that is no excuse as to why I am the only one paying for everything.

I pay the lights, water, gas, cable, gas for the truck, and I'm the only one who buys food. My dad only pays the rent, and this month I had to pay half of that because "he didn't have the money."

You get paid on the first, rent is due on the first. You had the money. You had just got paid. So please explain to me why I had to pay half the rent, especially knowing that I'm trying to save us money for a new car, and knowing I had multiple bills coming up that I had to pay BY MY FUCKING SELF.

He never buys food, or if he does its him and my mom going out to eat while I'm at work. Which I don't have a major problem with. I like to go out sometimes too, but damn, I still buy food for the fucking house.

Next two weeks I'm going to have to live off McDonalds food since I get 1 free meal. Don't know what I'm gonna do on days off and I don't know what my parents are gonna do for the next two weeks.

My dad will probably bitch about not having food in the house, but if you didn't fucking steal over $300 from me, we would fucking have food in the goddamn house.

I can't keep doing this. I can't keep putting in overtime, I can't keep killing myself over this job when my parents are just going to steal the money I earned, the money I worked so hard for. I have to find somewhere else to go. I can't keep doing this.

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