the time we got threaten at work

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To elaborate a bit on the post I made on my MB, we did get our lives threaten at work the other day.

So on this particular day I wasn't even suppose to be at work. However, that day I didn't have any clean non-work clothes. So I had my work pants on, and my BTS meal shirt. We eneded up stopping my McDonald's and one of the other managers asked me if I could work since there was a parade that day.

I agreed on the condition I could work grill, so that's what I did.

Well one of the managers, Ryan, at one point called Matt and I to the office and told us to gather all the crew and take them to the back storage area, so we did. He then explained the situation.

So this man supposedly went through the drive though. He comes back but this time inside.

A girl named Amelia saw him but she was creeped out by him so she had Ryan deal with him instead. When Ryan goes to him (and he described him as having herpes, but in the eye), this man says that someone needs to call the cops because he is feeling "homocidal"

Ryan was confused at first because he pronounced it as "homo" instead of "homi"

So Ryan repeated what the man said and the man replies with "not suicidal, homicidal."

He then accuses us of putting some type of drug in his drink for him to feel this way.

Ryan wasn't taking the man that seriously, but he also wasn't going to risk all of our lives on that either.

Ryan and Matt stayed up front to finish the orders that had already paid and I stayed in the back with all the teens.

Obviously everyone is okay. The guy was taken into custody.

Honestly, you could tell some of the teens were kinda scared, but they really used humor as a way to cope.

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