(Ch:1)Kusuke. Get rid of them.

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He had arrived early to school, early enough for other people to pester about their problems in the most uneccesary ways. Kusuo Saiki was a psychic. Another lifeform which was superior to the human in many ways, but, unlike how many people assume, he was not perfect. Strict limitations with his powers were a must-have, and it was not particularly rare for him to completely ruin a country or the whole planet in his sleep. Kusuo had the tendency to dissappear in the crowd, the attention of other people were just annoying, no matter what kind it was. As a child, he even destroyed a whole nation, just for the sake of his privacy that was about to get ruined if he didn't destroy it. Anything was possible with his powers. From mind reading abilities, to telepathy, and other things. Every single ability had its limitations, and that was okay. It was for the best. 

It was a normal, early morning at PK Academy, a private school where lots of interesting people were gathered to study. Kusuo Saiki went to school there, but only because his family had to move due to an incident that had happened in a certain neighborhood. Kusuo never showed any emotions, due to the lack of surprises and trust of other people. He never managed to feel many happy things in his life, because of those unfortunate powers he was born with. He called himself spoiled, which indeed, was the case. He felt like a puppy that got fed by its owners. Just like the dog that lost its ability to hunt, he lost the ability to get excited of something. The only thing in life that brought him joy was his sweet tooth that forced him to buy expensive candies sometimes, specifically his delicious coffee jelly that he craved so much every day. 

A certain Sky-blue haired male, about the size of a middle school girl, was the first one to talk to the unimpressed Psychic. The fact that Kusuo could read his mind, was nothing new to him. He could visually see what people think about, and thus, it showed often what people intended to do before they did it. "Hey~ Saiki-kun! Have you learned for the test today?" the Chuunibyou spoke, a wide, genuine smile spread over his face. That was Shun kaidou. A pretty weebish, but really nice guy from Kusuos class. He was a chunnibyou, which directly is translated to "eight grader syndrome". It sounds bad, because it is. He forces himself to be more popular by pretending to be a superhero fighting against an organization that didn't even exist, but his friends played along with him, thus only strengthening his Chunnibyou. Kusuo didn't reply to Shun's words, his eyes aimlessly looking through his green tinted glasses that were there to block out a power he named the "Medusa"-look. If anyone would know that kusuo was a psychic, they would be really glad that his glasses were on his nose, and not somewhere else. The mere thought of attention sickened the pink haired male, but he didn't want to seem too rude, knowing that it will do the opposite of his intention, attracting more attention.

If shun would've been anyone else, this would have been a private matter, but Kusuo had to reply anyway, didn't he? 

The psychic never used his actual voice. He was always using something he called his "telepathic" voice, which is just an imitation of his real voice, projected into other people's minds. This method saved energy, was much faster, and helped kusuo to get his point across without either stumbling over his tongue, or others understanding it differently. 

Kusuo was about to use his telepathic voice on Shun, who was still waiting for a reply, but the sight of Shuns mind had disturbed him. He already had seen a lot. So much in fact, that NOTHING on earth could make him feel this uncomfortable like he was now. A really graphic image was floating over Shun's head. It wouldn't be a problem for the pink haired male, but.. 

The image was showing the following:

Sexual intercourse. Not much of a problem actually (just that it's extremly disgusting for kusuo), the problem here was: it was between kusuo and Shun. 

The psychic was frozen in place, a wave of shock and disbelief was crashing over him while he watched the whole scene with the worst details ever. Not a single word has escaped him, and not a single muscle on his face seemed to be fazed, but his inner self started to get annoyed already. Attention was the worst thing in his opinion, but what's even worse than that is when someone falls in love with him. That already happened a few times in the past with multiple females, and it was easy to shake them off, but with shun, it was a different scenario. Kusuo didn't know if shun was.. What was the term? Gay. He didn't know it he was gay or if he liked females too, and to his disadvantage, Shun didn't know either. 

Since the pink haired male didn't give the smaller male a proper reply, Shun started to question if the question he had asked was a sensitive one, or a private matter. If he would know that kusuo could read minds, and all of that crap, he probably would've never gone to school to avoid him at all costs. But since he didn't know THAT, he just kept on thinking what Kusuos strong arms could do to him. How his long fingers would brush over his skin and puncture his shaky breath out of his body. Kusuo was grossed out by the thought of sexual intercourse, especially when it's someone he doesn't even want around. But kusuo knew it was just a silly little crush, so he gave Shun a few weeks to cool off. Most crushes have an average time of existing for.. About a week or Two? Kusuos vision on love drastically changed whenever he looked at the girls who tend to crush on one guy after another every day. But he never met a guy with a crush. He assumed it'll be all over soon, eventually.. 

Kusuo gave him a week to forget about him, then two, just to see if the stupid little crush would dissapear eventually. But it never did. In fact, he even found out why Shun had a crush on him. 

It was a dream. A stupid, uneccesary wet dream that Shun had one day. Because of that, kusuo had to deal with him now. Shun was really not an easy guy. His sudden outbursts with the most weebish phrases and sudden poses entertained his closest friends. 

Shun.. What are you?

"Ehh? Why do you want my help all of the sudden?" Kusuke, Kusuos genius brother, had his hands stemmed on his hips over the labcoat that he was wearing when he said that, a cocky smirk was tugging the older boy's lips as he suddenly felt much more..superior  than before. His younger brother was always more popular than him, even though he had the intelligence of Albert Einstein and Elon musk combined. Kusuke was the smartest man on earth, but Kusuo had superpowers, thus making him the favourite child in the family. 

"I have seen things that I shouldn't have. Please get rid of my powers." The pink haired male was almost sounding like he was begging, but he would never consider himself superior towards his light blonde brother that helped him make the transmitters that looked like hairpins. 

" why should i? There is quite literally no need for me to listen to your pleads. I already did enough for you. Your power-surpressing transmitters for example.. " 

"Kusuke. Get rid of them." Kusuo was starting to get anxious. He really didn't want to face the sky-blue haired male every day and see what kind of profanities shun wanted to do with him. It's been over a month already, and it really really was straining his energy to pretend that he didn't see it at all. 

"Again. Give me one reason why I should help you." The light blonde male crossed his arms gleefully over his chest, pacing around the room to find materials to help his younger brother in need. "not that I need one, because I will help you anyways, but.. Tell me at least why? You normally hate to co-" 

"It's a private matter. But thanks that you're taking your time to help me." Kusuo was always a little cold and cruel, but Kusuke didn't mind. At all. 

On this day, Kusuo had lost the ability to read minds, float, ect. If  kusuo would've known it would've been that easy to ask him, he would've asked his brother earlier, but his pride had to suffer a little. The next day was definitely not an easy one. Kusuo felt uncomfortable at the silence that suddenly engulfed him. It was scary to him. So scary in fact, that he even thought about going home. It was like everyone turned into rocks! Noone was thinking, or.. Well he couldn't hear people thinking, and that fact, truly made Kusuo think twice about being a superior lifeform. Humans were actually incredibly scary. They could do whatever they wanted to without telling you beforehand. 

Okay. This was just ridiculous. Even at school, Saiki had problems to coexist with the other students. The silence in the classrooms drove him wild, and the silence when the teacher spoke was also incredibly exhausting and boring. 

Even LUNCH BREAK was exhausting for Kusuo. Kokomi Teruhashi, the prettiest and most popular girl at PK ACADEMY, was sitting next to Kusuo, thus giving him more attention if course, but this time, he didn't quite mind it. "Saiki-San?" She spoke all of the sudden, thus, scaring the ex-psychic. God. Why do people have to talk without warning beforehand? Normally people think before they speak, so Kusuo was never startled in his life. A long noise of whimpering and fear came out of his throat, his expression was priceless. "saiki..?" Kokomi asked again. The Pink haired male quickly regained his posture and looked at her. "y-yes?" he weakly said, using his vocal chords for the first time since forever. His look softened a little when he saw her pretty, flawless face. This was the first time he saw her face normally, not with his x-ray vision. It definitely was a prettier view than a bunch of muscles or bones that he would normally see. 

"Where are your glasses? Do you not need them anymore? " Kokomis voice was soft now, but it was still somehow irritating to him. Kusuo actually didn't know how to respond, so he just stared at her pretty face, slowly starting to admit that she was pretty, even though he didn't like her at All because of her inner self. 

"I don't." Kusuo kept his sentences nice and short, afraid that if he would say too much, it could potentially cause another world War. That's how it felt now. Every word felt like a bomb now. 

"what country do you have for project? I have Canada! Do you want to make a group project out of it?" her smile was incredibly kind, but Kusuo didn't fall for that. He actually hasn't picked a country, but just to be in any other group except Kokomi's, he had to say a random country. 

"I KNEW IT! ONLY SAIKI COULD'VE PICKED THE SAME COUNTRY AS I DID!" Shun kaidou, again, the guy that was mentioned at the beginning, was hyperactive when he found out that Kusuo joined his group which consisted of.. 

Him. Noone else. Apparently everyone was busy with third world countries, and Noone thought about picking Japan, just like Kusuo did. After school, both of them were forced to go to the school library, because the due date was the next day. Kusuo usually did everything with pictography and what not. His powers basically did his homework. This time, it was different. He actually had to read books and find them, pick them up and carry them. 

His long legs were making a step after the other, looking through the confusing titles. Everything seemed to have the same name. It was so hard for him to pick the book he needed to pick, so, out of laziness, he tried to use his clairvoyance, only to remember that his powers were gone. So he had to ask an employee for the books. They were at the top shelf too, so what did Kusuo do? 

He tried to pull the book out with the powers he didn't have anymore. So he stood there like a fucking idiot with his arm outstretched until Shun showed up. 

"what the hell are you doing? Just use a ladder!" he whispered, not wanting to get embarrassed by him. Shun had a few stacks of books in his hands already, walking to one of the tables to put his books down until suddenly he heard a loud tumble from the direction where Kusuo was standing.

Again,kusuo had forgotten that he was a normal human being now, so he just fell to the floor because he tried to float, and wasn't ready to fall over like he did in this scenario. 

Shun immediately dropped the books on the wooden table before he jogged over to the weak mess, surprised that Kusuo tripped. He never recalled a single moment where Kusuo made a mistake in his life, because he considered the pink haired male perfect. Shun reached out with both of his hands, wanting to help Kusuo up from the floor. Kusuo was hesitant. He hated to get helped by others, but it would be rude to leave Shun hanging, no? So he placed both of his hands in Shun's bandaged ones, looking up to stare into those beautiful hazel brown eyes. His heart suddenly started to skip a beat, the memories of Shun's thoughts suddenly flashing through his own mind. What did Shun think at the moment? Kusuo wondered. Why did he even care now? He didn't know. Time seemed to have stopped. Completly. 


Was this feeling mutual? 

To be continued.. 

This story was written for @sushiwhxre 

I hope you like it, Zach 🥺👉🏻👈🏻

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