(ch:2) Saiki-kun? Are you..okay?

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After that awkward moment in the library isle, Kusuo sat at one of the wooden tables, the Padded Chairs were less comfortable than he had remembered. The few books both had picked out were heavy. They were just resting a few inches away from the blank paper sheet Kusuo had infront of him. Shun was directly across the table, which wasn't really far away, considering that the tables barely were barely the size of a normal desk. "so.. Uh.. Kaidou-kun.." Kusuo was really nervous. He didn't want to speak at all, knowing that once he said something, he can't take it back. "Yes, Saiki-kun?" Shun's eyes flicked up to stare at the Pink haired boy who was still not doing anything. He remembered he couldn't use his powers, so he sat there, not knowing how to do the presentation for tomorrow. "did you forget your pens? You look like a lost puppy.." The sky-Blue haired male spoke as he wrote down the last word about the population of Japan. You see, they split up the work so that Kusuo would spend time in looking through the colonization of Japan, and whatnot, while Shun would simply do the origins of Japan including the people there. 

"actually.. Uh.. Nevermind.." Kusuo regretted now to have spoken to the Chunnibyou, his hands roaming over the desk to grab a pen, and a random book. 

"Saiki-kun? Are you.. okay? You're holding your book backwards.." Shun reached out to flip the book around, raising a brow in confusion as to why the male infront of him was so.. Confused? Was that the word that would describe him? Probably, because Kusuo was slowly trying to get used to a human lifestyle.  "good grief.. Already up to a good start.." the ex-psychic placed the hand in which he held his pen over his eyes, embarrassed already over what just had happened. 

"hey guys!" A sudden loud, and ear piercing noise came from a certain direction, thus, scaring Kusuo severely. He made a noise of despair again, covering his head as if the roof was about to collapse. "huh? Did I do something wrong?" 

That voice belonged to Kokomi Teruhashi, the popular girl. She seemed to be worried about Kusuo, but originally she came to the library to return the books she had been using. "Saiki-kun is not feeling well apparently.. His face is all red and he keeps stuttering.." said shun, his hands now going for the next book to read over the Summary of the books. Kusuo started to rise from his protective pose, looking up at the blue haired girl to see what she was up to. The weird cocktail of emotions that he felt earlier in that aisle didn't seem to be present when he looked at her, even though she was really pretty. Perhaps her rotten personality was so burned into his mind that he subconsciously started to despise her, just like how a bullied child would hate their bullies even if they're super pretty or popular. Kokomi could see Kusuos expression, his face showing a mix of confusion, pain, and fear. "he really looks sick.. Maybe it would be the best to send him home. Don't you t-" 

"NO!!......... no.. I'm perfectly fine. I just.. I'm tired! Yes. That.." Kusuo felt so out of character at that point. He was afraid. Afraid of the people around him. Humans truly were scary In so many fucked up ways. 

"just don't overwork yourself. Better be safe than sorry." said Kokomi, following her usual 'standards'. She tried to be perfect, and she truly was, but her inner self was so dark, that Kusuo already knew that she was probably having other things in mind. The female waved with a smile as she strutted away from them towards the  exit, and Kusuo started to have a small panic attack. He wanted to know what Kokomi thought, and what shun thought of her. Wait. Why did he even care about what shun thought of the popular girl? 

"Saiki-kun... If you'd like... We could borrow these books and study at your house instead.. Or at mine, but it would be logical to be at your place so that you can rest there right away.." 

Kusuo started to think about it a little, before he slowly nodded after a while. "But.. But.. My library card expired a few days ago.. So you have to borrow them with your card.." 

Abour six minutes later, Kusuo and Shun were both walking through the streets of their hometown, the books were evenly spread In bags, so shun carried two bags, and kusuo carried one, since he was starting to feel sick (that's what shun thought at least.) Kusuo had his phone out, doing something NOONE should do. 

Googling his symptoms. 

Heart racing, red face, stuttering, burning throat and chest.. He typed all of the symptoms into the search engine while they were walking to his house. He made sure to Google it all in English of course, so that shun would have a hard time reading whats on screen if he would dare to look at it. And, well.. Yes. Shun tried to look at Kusuos phone, since the pink haired male was so quiet all of the sudden, but it was a little hard for him since he was a little bit smaller than the ex-psychic. 

The first result was, of course, A  crush. Kusuo was scrolling through the results to figure out if he had a crush on shun, which was unthinkable at the time. He got the guts to ask his brother to get rid of these powers just because of Shun's overly excessive sexual fantasies, so.. Why should he even have a crush on him? 

"Saiki-kun?" Shun suddenly stood still in the middle of the street, causing kusuo to stop walking as well, turning a little to the side with a side step to look at the boy. Shun obviously knew English, because he wasn't as stupid as he liked to admit. He was actually really smart, all because of his mother who was and still is annoying about Shun's grades. So shun actually read everything he could, assuming that kusuo indeed had a crush. But.. On whom? It could be anyone technically.. Kusuo tilted his head to the side, again, nervous what was going to happen and what shun had planned to say. He didn't want this to end up like in some clichee anime where the protagonist gets a confession after school. Shun didn't say a word, just pointed up to a building on the side of the road, only for kusuo to realize that he just walked past his own house. 

"you actually.. Are sick, aren't you?" Shun started to get worried even more about kusuos behavior. Kusuo let out a small sigh before he spoke:"would you like a cup of water? Or tea?" Only a minute later, they entered Kusuo's house, taking off their shoes before they walked to the living room where they could work in peace. "do you guys have Capri-sun?" 

"so..all I have to do is.. Read the book... And then just.. Uh.. Write a summary, right?" the taller male sat down at the low table that most Japanese people owned. It was called a Kotatsu, and it was an elegant one, made with the finest wood. Okay. That was a lie. It was just an Ikea product. 

"Saiki-kun... Are you really okay?" The sky-blue haired male sat down with the Capri-sun bag in his hand and instantly placed the blanket-like sheets over his legs, taking out his things to start working on the project. "well.. No.. I'm not really okay.. But.. I don't know.. It's like I lost the grip of time... What day is it today?" 

"it's Thursday." said Shun, followed by a giggle. 

"n-no.. Not like that!.. I'm talking about the date!" 

"uh.. It's February the 13th I think.. Tomorrow its valentines day."  Shun said carefully, wanting to take advantage of the situation and ask Kusuo about his crush. "are you going to give chocolate to your crush?" he added on. 

"crush?" Kusuo paused for a second, thinking about how he didn't even know if he had a crush on the boy who sat next to him, that was... Uncomfortable for him. It was really uncomfortable in fact. "I don't know.. If I even have a crush.. It's weird to explain, but.. I think I would if I knew if it was a crush.." Kusuo immediately covered his mouth after he said that, his blush returning again, but this time being much worse than before. What was happening right now? The cocktail of emotions was back.. The.. The weird burning sensation in his throat returned as well. The chest pain that bothered him earlier too. Could it be? 


That's impossible. 

The taller male felt so helpless and.. Scared to say more words than necessary. He was being honest with shun, and that could lead to total destruction to his normal life. Being gay was illegal in Japan still. It was looked down upon. Not only that, but it was still illegal to date someone in general if you're a student. 'first the studies, then the relationships' or something like that.. 

"Saiki.." Shun felt just as helpless as Kusuo, but instead of being unsure about the guy he loved, he was confused in what the other wanted to say. The search results showed already that kusuo was having problems with feelings like affection and love. It might be that kusuo fell in love for the first time, so it would make sense that he overreacted today. 

"please.. Stop calling me Saiki. Call me by my first name." that was Kusuos first big step in becoming closer to the guy that could be his potential first love, his movements a bit nervous too since he was still new to these things. It was hard being a human. How could humans live like this for their entire pitiful lives? Shun beamed with happiness once he heard what the other had said, a grin plastered on his face right away. "alright then, Kusuo! Then you can call me... THE JET BLACK WING -" 


Hours have passed. The sky started to glow in pretty, orange, red, pink, purple and blue shades. Some of the golden sun rays were hitting the desk as they reached the end of the presentation. They rehearsed it twice too. All in all, Kusuo was really glad that Shun worked with him, since he had to somehow learn how to  do homework like a human being. Shun was a.. Nerd. Sorry, but that was what he was. His chunnibyou was cured temporarily while they were working, except for some unusual phrases and some stupid puns that actually made Kusuo giggle for once. 

"Kusuo-kun. Do you have a crush, or do you not?" again, that topic bubbled up. It was Starting to get annoying now and kusuo was definitely ready to kick shun back out of the house because of that one single sentence that he didn't know how to reply to.  "I.. I don't know.. I was never in love, so I don't know if.. I actually... Uh.." nervousness came out of the pink haired male. What the hell was wrong with him? Being a human was.. Shaping him to become more.. Unique? Well he was already unique to begin with, but this was a whole new level! He was being shy for fucks sake! 

".. Kusuo.. Please be honest.." The sky-blue haired felt brave today. He reached out to place his hand above Kusuos, looking at his reaction to spot any changes. Kusuo turned into at least 50 shades of red before he looked over to the hand over his own. He didn't want to pull his hand away, but his heart was now beating out of his chest. ".. Do you... Have a crush on me?" 

That phrase made Kusuos heart drop. Cold sweat running down his neck when shun had said that. Was he really crushing on him? Impossible. It was literally just one day where they had spent time together without kusuo hearing his thoughts. What will he say now? He didn't know. He started to panic again, the corner of his lip twitching in fear of saying something wrong. If he would say no, shun would definitely be sad. He knew that. Shun had those nasty thoughts for months so it could be only realistic that he still had those today.  But.. If he would say yes, his normal peaceful life would've been ruined, so... All he could say was

"... Maybe.. I'm.. Not quite sure.." Kusuos wrist started to turn itself around to take Shun's hand in his own, his heart beating drastically whilst his eyes flicked over to glance over the boy. Shun was blushing just as much as Kusuo was. Shun's fingers were so slender.. And long in comparasion to his body, but his hand was still smaller than Kusuos. Shun moved his fingers a little, slowly wrapping themselves over kusuos softly. That was it. They were holding hands. It was a gentle hold too. Kusuo could feel his whole body heat up at that, almost feeling disgusted that this was happening, but.. He didn't hate it. He just hated the fact that he liked that. "I'll keep that in mind.." said shun. The books were already back in the bags and the presentation was neatly folded on the table. They were done for today, but.. They weren't done with each other. Kusuos heart was beating really hard by now, his throat tightening up as well, his hands slowly becoming a bit sweaty. But that was not the climax of what had happened that day. 

Shun was leaning in.,Slowly closing his eyes to approach the ex-psychic. Kusuo knew that move. That was when someone tried to kiss someone else, right? He couldn't just push him away like that.. Oh God.. He was getting closer.. Kusuo clenched his eyes shut, the grip on Shun's hand tightening due to the fear that crashed over his body. Until..

He felt the little peck on his cheek. 

The taller male opened his eyes again, his breath almost hitching when he saw Shun's shit eating grin. He had the urge to beat the shit out of his face so that he wouldn't scare him like that ever again, but he didn't want to get violent, so all he did was slowly let go of Shun's hand, standing back up onto his feet while his fingers were brushing over the tickling spot on his cheek. Shun's kiss turned Kusuo in a hot mess. "are you not supposed to be home at six?" The pink haired male finally spoke, only causing shun to gasp all of the sudden as he got up rather unpleasantly, hitting his knee against the Kotatsu hard, causing him to hunch over for a second. That was so unexpected, that kusuo couldn't help but giggle, trying to surpress it a little. This version of kusuo was much more relaxed, less serious, less annoyed by the things around him, but how much longer will that last? 

"Damnit! I have to go home or mom will kill me!" Shun sighed as he grabbed his things and started to tumble towards the hallway, putting the bags down at the entrance before he sat down at the little step to put on his shoes. "I'm sorry, Kusuo. I would've liked to have stayed longer.." Shun's heart was racing, not only because of his strict mother but also because of what just had happened. Kusuo made a reaction that looked like he didn't want shun to be nearby. The sky-blue haired boy felt so close to tearing up, until he felt a hand on his shoulder. He barely even put on a shoe, but he still looked up to see who that hand belonged to. He expected it to be kusuo, and he was actually right. 

Kusuo knew that Shun was upset. He didn't know how he knew it, but.. He somehow did. "Shun.." that was the first time shun had heard kusuo say his name. It sounded so.. Special. Different than anyone else who would say that.. The chunnibyou looked up into those beautiful purple eyes that were starring back at him, his tears threatening to fall out of the corner of his eye, until.. He felt a soft kiss on his cheek. 


Did kusuo really just kiss his cheek? 

Wild thoughts started to run through Shun's head, and Kusuo couldn't figure out what he thought anymore. His powers were gone, remember? "Kusuo..?" 

"have a safe trip back home. Please take care of yourself.." the pink-haired male finally started to be honest, rubbing Shun's shoulder almost in a caring, motherly way. Shun's tears dissappeared just as fast as they returned, replaced with a big smile and a cute hum in approval." I will. You don't have to worry about me! I'm the JET BLACK WING AFTER ALL!" He said through the smile, putting on the other shoe as fast as he could before he grabbed his bags. "w.. Well.. I'll see you tomorrow then.." Shun looked shyly to the ground as if the tiles were the most interesting things he's ever seen in his life. "Alright, Shun." Kusuo reached closer, placing a hand over Shun's head to brush over his messy locks. Gentle pets were placed on his head, and again, shun was a little puzzled. Kusuo was acting so strange today. But.. Shun didn't seem to mind at all honestly. 

"ehhhhhhhhh? You want your powers back?" Kusuke was again back in London, talking to kusuo through his phone while he was working on some high tech shit for space x probably, or... God knows what the hell he's doing. "but I worked so hard to get them fixed!! I could remove it temporarily, periodically, for a while.. But I have to figure out how to get them back. The quickest, and most effective but dangerous way would be to remove your transmitters.." 

"transmitter. Singular. I won't take my right one out. Not even as a joke." Kusuo started to get a little Salty. He just came out of the shower and had changed into pj's, his hair still dripping a little from the hot shower. 

"aww shucckkksss! I thought I could trick you to take it out ~" Kusuke laughed through the phone, irritating Kusuo a little more. You know... They had a little war for a while. The right transmitter was just there as a self destruct button basically. Kusuke developed it so that if it gets pulled out, everyone on the planet would find out who Saiki Kusuo was, including his powers and what-not. They've been playing a game of tag basically, and Kusuke was the one who has to try to chase his younger brother and take it out to win. Weird flex, but okay.

"anyways. I think I could fix it for you. In.. A few hours you should get your powers back."..  "how many hours??" Kusuo desperately wanted to know what shun was thinking the whole time. He was starting to grow sick of living like a human. "about.... Uh.. I think on lunch time it should be temporarily.. Uh.." 

"lunch time. Got it." and with that, Kusuo hung up rudely, throwing his phone onto the bed while he dried his hair off, sitting down on the bed while his eyes were focused on a box of chocolate that he bought from Paris. It was sitting there for a week because kusuo didn't know what to do with it now, but now he knew what he'll do. 

That chocolate was going to be Shun's. It was expensive, in heart shape and it was FRENCH. So this could be (that's what Kusuo hoped) the key to his heart. Tomorrow was valentines day after all. Wait. Why did he still try to conquer the boy? He didn't have a single reason to do so, but.. His instincts were screaming at him to claim him as his own, to spoil him every day and to breed him on a daily basis. 


Wait. Wh-

Meanwhile, at Shun's house, the teen was muffling into his pillow, regretting that he didn't kiss Kusuo like he wanted to. He figured that kusuo was also having feelings for him, so.. He should've risked it. Or.. Maybe kusuo was just pitying the boy? "I'M SUCH A FAILURE!" he screamed into his pillow. "I AGREE!" his younger sister, Sora, screeched back at him through the paper thin walls. "NO YOU!" Toki, the youngest of them all, screeched at sora now, causing a ruckus already. What a mess. He just wished that kusuo would teleport over and take him somewhere else. A date where they could kiss and cuddle, a place where Noone could judge him.. Where Noone could judge THEM. But teleportation doesn't exist.. Does it? 

Shun never wanted to be gay in the first place, knowing well that people in Japan would turn their backs on him just because of his preference. How will their relationship end? Who knows. 

"I wonder if he actually loves me back.." 

To be continued... 

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