(ch:3) Another day, another life.

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A soft yawn escaped kusuos lips when he opened his eyes, the blanket over his body barely even covering him, since he rolled it up to cuddle it at night. The alarm didn't go off today, and it was valentines day. Kusuo groaned under his breath rolling over to look at the time. A little bit of the fabric of his pj's was flopping up at his back, showing his skin, thus giving him a little cold shudder. A quick glance over his alarm clock told him that the alarm clock was about to ring in three... Two.. One.. 

Kusuo covered his ears as he groaned a second time. Luckily he had seen when the alarm clock was going off or else he wouldve gotten scared. The window was wide open, and a soft breeze was flowing into the room, making it harder for the ex-psychic to get up. Today he was going to ask shun more about love. He was so new to that topic that it was important for him to gather all of this new Information, of course, only in bite sized pieces. 

The pink haired male eventually got out of bed, got dressed, brushed his teeth and his hair, went downstairs, had breakfast, all of the normal things that Kusuo was used to on a daily basis. His father, complaining about the family trip with his wife only, just to get some soothing phrases from his wife. Normal things were happening. Saiki Kusuo was a human now. Nothing more than that. 

That delicious chocolate box with the most expensive pralines from Paris were now hidden in his bag that was now resting beside the door as he put on his shoes on the ground. The sun seemed to shine a lot too. What a nice spring day. The only things that were missing, were the Sakura trees, perhaps some sweet deliciacy and.. Seasonal Anime. "I'm leaving." Kusuo shouted into the house as he opened the door. "remember that we won't be home for two days, Ku-kun! I made you food already and placed it in the fridge so that you don't starve." Kurumi was the sweetest mother in the neighborhood. She was so scared that kusuo might die from starvation, but that was just an over reaction. Just because he didn't have his powers anymore, doesn't mean he's so stupid that he can't even make some fried eggs. 

The door got slammed shut. Kusuo wore his glasses again, but just because of safety reasons. His brother said, around lunchtime, his powers would return. So if he would take off those glasses... Who knows who would get petrified next. The Pink haired male looked through his green tinted glasses, only to see Shun who was awkwardly standing infront of his porch. Awkward silence filled the air. The tension was so thick that he swore he could cut it with a pair of scissors. Snip snip. Just like that. "why are you on my porch..?" 

"ha-.. Happy valentines day... Ku-kun.. ." Shun apparently heard the Nickname that kusuos mother had given him, grinning brightly while he immediately took out a box in blue gift wrapper. His eyes flicked up to meet kusuos, before he clenched them shut, handing it over to the boy.  Again, silence filled the air as the tension grew. Shun really wanted this moment to be over, but Kusuo couldn't possibly know that. The Pink haired male was a furiously blushing mess, eventually reaching up to take the box in his hand. The moment when shun could feel a bit of the weight leave, he assumed that kusuo had the box in his hand and opened his eyes again, shyly retracting his hand. Kusuo couldn't help but.... Smile. 

Yes. The most cruel person on the planet was.. Smiling at the boy infront of him. He didn't know if it was because of the chocolate he got, or the message behind it... Or if it was just the nickname 'ku-kun' which was only used by his mother. "Thanks, shun. I didn't wrap your gift, but.. I hope you like it. It's not homemade though.. " kusuos hand went for a quick dive into his bag as he finally started to walk, startling Shun a  little since it was so unexpected. His heart jolted.. Kusuo had.. Bought something for him? God. He was excited. It was exciting to know that kusuo even tried to please shun in a way, and just listening to those words, he could tell where kusuos feelings were heading. 

"NO WAY!!" Shun was starring at the expensive pralines for a second, feeling like his joy was overflowing in a certain way. He immediately tucked it into his bag, being a happy and blushy mess. Luckily, Noone was on the streets at that time, so they could speak freely without having fears of getting eavesdropped. "those are expensive! How did you know I loved those the most?" 

He didn't. It was just a wild guess that he could like those. The ex-psychic didn't reply at all to Shun's words, his heart again pounding out of his heart almost. God.. Why did it.. Hurt so much? It felt so good but.. So bad at the same time.. No words have been exchanged at all. Kusuo looked to the side, away from shun. And the same thing did the sky-blue haired male. Both were awkwardly walking next to each other.  But again.. 

Shun was feeling extra brave today. 

He could feel the warmth of kusuo's hand, even if they weren't touching. They were so Close, yet so far.. Just a little bit more.. Come on! 

Shun's pinky Finger reached out a little to poke Kusuo's, his throat tightening as he was frightened for the end result of this experiment. But Kusuo embraced it, wrapping his own pinky finger around Shun's now. They were walking now like some kind of shy couple, holding.. Fingers? Was that even a term? Either way, kusuo felt like he was about to pass out, and so did shun. 

There was nothing that could ruin this moment of solitude and company. Yes. Both. They had each other, and that's all what truly mattered. With each other, they felt.. Safe. 

Only a few minutes of awkward walking later, Shun noticed a student from PK ACADEMY, knowing very well that if he would snitch they would both get expelled from there. Yes. The Japanese were still super strict about that, because it was.. Unnatural.. But that actually made him feel special, like he always pretended to be. Shun wanted to be the center of attention, so he would go to extremes just to get a bit of that. 

Kusuo noticed the student a few seconds later, before he had to let go of Shun's pinky with a frown. It was going great. He was getting... Excited in a way. A way that was... Different than anything he had felt ever before.

"so..uh..sa-I mean.. Ku-kun.." Shun almost said kusuo's last name, blushing fiercly when he had done that. This was not good. He was not used to calling kusuo by his first name.. Talking to each other on first name basis is an enormous step. You only call your closest friends or lovers like that. Or your parents. 

Kusuo was also feeling his own cheeks flush with heat, looking back at the petite boy next to him. Again, his heart was thumping in his chest. "...?" 

"...... I forgot.. Sorry.." he muttured to himself a bit later, giggling awkwardly to add some more awkwardness to the awkward situation. Shun felt like he was in a manga, or an anime, perhaps a really well written fanfic made by a stranger on the internet where he's the protagonist. *cough*

"Shun. I think it would be best if I would come clear to you.. I think i have-"   feelings for you. That's what the pink haired male wanted to say, quietly though of course, before again, he got scared by a pretty female that we all know (but not specifically loved). Kokomi. Kusuo flinched when he felt her hand on his shoulder, bumping slightly into Shun, their hands brushing against each other for a brief moment, making both of them blush. of course, the narcissistic female saw how they blushed, immediately assuming it was because of her beauty. "hey guys. What do you guys have planned for today?" she asked, hoping that Shun would be busy and that Kusuo would be free. She had a 'crush' on him, which was actually just something she told herself to justify that she was addicted to attention just like shun, but in a more cruel way. She wanted all of the men and women to love her, that not a single person would resist her beauty and faked personality, but Kusuo was exactly that. 

He hated to judge people because of their beauty. After all, he grew up with an xray vision that turned clothes into NOTHING after just seconds, only to see the skin dissapear, then the muscles, until the bones are left. He was used to that, but now that his powers were gone, he could now focus on the pretty people around him, but... Again, he didn't care. 

So she was obsessed with him. She tried to do anything to win his heart, so.. Today she held out her chocolate that was homemade too, indicating that it wasn't any plain old platonic chocolate. This was the expensive version, indicating that she wanted to be more than friends with kusuo, but Kusuo shook his head, afraid to hurt shun, and to give off the wrong impression. 

"Teruhashi..Chan.. I-" Shun said to himself almost, only to get interrupted by the female he just mentioned. "excuse you? Don't say 'chan' If you don't get the permission from me!" she got Salty all of the sudden, instantly draining the energy from Kusuo. For those who don't know why she got angry : 

In Japan, people tend to add certain words like "chan" or "San" to names. The most polite one is "San" which is gender neutral. Then the less polite ones "kun" which is for males, and for the girls and little children , it's "chan". Most of you know it, but not everyone does. 

"you should call me Teruhashi-San! You're rude!" the blue haired male crossed her arms. Now kusuo DEFINITELY didn't want her chocolate."I.. I-im sorry.. I slipped.."..

"you're pretty, but you're rotten from the inside." the pink haired male protected the smaller one by saying that, his hand now resting on shuns chest to keep him away from her. Shun was oddly sensitive, and kusuo knew that, so he expected shun to run away, which was actually what had happened right when he touched his chest. The sky blue haired male dashed off and rushed into the building. And Kokomi? She was smiling. She had kusuo for herself, or that's what she thought, until kusuo chased after him. 

The sky-blue haired male felt a huge pang of guilt in his chest, followed by jealousy. How could he even think that he had a chance with kusuo? Kokomi obviously liked him, and kusuo would probably want to be with her. That's the most normal thing, right? Kokomi gets what she wants, and Kusuo gets blinded by her beauty.. 

Little did shun know, that Kusuo wasn't normal. He was still an ex-psychic. A person who used to know everyone's secrets but pretended to not have heard them to keep himself in the background. Shun barely stopped infront of the lockers to take his shoes off, shoving them into the locker as fast as he could to take his other pair of shoes for indoors out, not even closing the locker properly before he ran with only his socks, and the shoes in his hand, through the hallways, until he eventually sat in the bathroom, in the corner, sobbing quietly to himself with thousands of emotions rushing through his body. He couldn't even tell which ones they were. Jealousy, anger, dissapointment, guilt. And most importantly.. 


He was afraid to loose Kusuo. Everything was going so well, and Kokomi just ruined it all. Their relationship was probably ruined already. All of these small things they did the day before.. Those gentle cheek kisses.. The moment kusuo opened his hand and intertwined his fingers with Shun's.. Were they really for nothing? Was it okay to love someone like him, even if he didn't get an answer to that? Well.. He fucked up. In a way.. But that's okay! There are plenty of fish in the sea.. Right? He could just.. Ask that one ex-delinquent in school..  Aren kuboyasu. That wouldn't hurt.. Right? They were friends. Right?? 

All of the sudden, the stall door got rammed into the Wall. Kusuo stood right in the little metal doorframe of the stall, seeing how Shun was cowering on the floor, tears streaming down his face, his socks all dirty from running without shoes. Shun didn't put on his shoes at all. They were just hanging by one finger each. Shun was all curled up, his messy hair looking even messier than before, and those red, swollen eyes made kusuos stomach churn. 


"go away!" the chunnibyou shouted at Kusuo, burying his face in his arms that were resting his knees. He didn't want to see kusuo, and he definitely didn't want kusuo to see him. At all. 

"Teruhashi-San is acting like a bitch. She didn't have a reason to snap like that." 

"I shouldn't be so sensitive over little things like these..." Shun knew that he overrracted, but he couldnt help it. He never had friends before he met kusuo and the others so he didn't know how to react to things like these. He was a nerd, a nerd that is yearning for attention, got attention, and hated that attention. 

"Shun. I don't care what you think. You are.. You are.." Kusuo didn't know how to put his words down. He had to be careful, or he could loose him. Again, every word felt like a bomb in his mouth. If the timing, or the word is wrong, it could blow up and ruin the hard work they put in this relationship ."... You are simply beautiful.." those were his own words. Something, he never thought would tell to anyone, except his precious coffee jellies when they're handmade. Kusuo reached his hand out for shun, and so, shun stared at it for a little while. He was hesitant. 

".... Do you still like me, ku-kun? Or am I a joke to you..?" the smaller male clenched his eyes shut for a second before he looked up to kusuo, his mouth was pressed against his own shoulder to muffle his words. 

"shun. Come on. Get up. I'm here for you, even if I don't want to admit it sometimes." Kusuo inched his hand closer to the other, causing shun to finally give in and take his hand to stand up. But instead of that usual awkward standing moment, Kusuo acted completly out of instinct

He pulled the boy closer to himself, his heart beating almost out of his chest while his arms started to wrap around the boy infront of him. Shun was simply a cuddly baby. Small, soft, and he smelled nice too. If he would have the guts to, he would've kissed him already, but.. Everything needs its pace. Everything has its time, and now, they just need each other. Shun wrapped his arms around kusuos body as well, his face buried now in his chest while he felt his throat tightening up, his tears swell up again. He truly loved this man. And he couldn't deny it. Kusuo was for him like.. An angel. Someone who is looking after him, even when he does bad things. He felt.. So safe around kusuo. He loved him. There was no doubt. 

There was no way he could stop loving him. 

... Right? 

At lunchtime, Kusuo was getting nervous again. He wore his glasses on his nose like always, waiting to feel any difference in his body. He was going to get his powers back soon, and so he tried to test every few minutes if they're back. Normally he would hear it with telepathy, but who knows if all of his powers would return. So he kept trying to bend a pencil with his mind, not paying attention at what was happening in the back of his class. Shun was giving Aren kuboyasu, the ex-delinquent, some chocolate as well. It was platonic chocolate, or.. That's what shun said at least. The purple haired male looked at the chocolate and couldn't help but laugh a little, his thin glass frames were adding a little bit of a nerd look to his whole appearance. "so, you're gay now?" Aren joked as he took the chocolate with a deep laugh, making shun blush in multiple shades of red. He didn't know what made him blush more. The fact that Aren suspected something that was probably true, or that handsome laugh. "I'm sorry shun. I didn't pack anything for you today, but if you'd like, we can go and uh.. I don't know. Eat together after class?" 

That's when Kusuos ears perked up, but he was silent for the moment he wanted to know if shun would agree with the significantly taller male. He didn't know what to think, or what to say, until he suddenly heard Shun stutter, hesitant to reply to the man next to him. That's when kusuo decided to step in. "Sorry. But you can't hang out with shun." he spoke with a determined voice. 

"uh.. What?" 

"ku-kun? What d-" 

"Shun and I are going on a date. It's valentines day after all." Kusuo slammed his hand onto Aren's desk, his eyes going narrow. If he would've gotten powers, he would've destroyed the desk just to scare him off. 

"huh? You and shun? On a date? That's weird.." Aren spoke as if he was some type of Homophobe. He couldn't imagine shun and kusuo dating. That was something he definitely wanted to forget, but was burned into his mind. "isn't that ille-" 

"I don't give a shit if it's illegal or not. Shun and I are going on a date. Periodt. You don't have the right to just shuffle our plans to your liking." Kusuo was getting Salty too, starting to dislike the purple haired male that now got up from his seat angrily. " the fuck did you just say? I'm not so selfish to NOT take others in considerations. But if you come to me with this attitude, then I won't consider you as a friend at all!" 

"who said that you're my friend, b a d   b o y." okay now they were arguing over shun, and Kusuo mocked the ex delinquent with that 'bad boy' thing. 

"..i-..i need some air.." Shun choked out a little. Two guys were practically fighting each other for HIM! He slowly got up, walked out of the classroom calmly before he shut the door, suddenly dashing off. 

You see, the doors had little windows in them, and so, Aren saw that Shun started to run. "shit. I took it too far.." he said, earning a glare from kusuo. Kusuo started to run too, wanting to chase after him, but Aren was also about to catch up. They were basically having a running contest. Shun wasn't really a fast runner, but Kusuo was, and so was Aren. Kusuo was even mean enough to push Aren against the wall while they ran, just to gain more time, of course, infuriating the man. 

Shun had arrived on the rooftop. His head was pounding and his chest was clenching in pain. He leaned against a wall that was placed there, slowly trying to regain his breath, only to see that the two were still fighting. They were acting like toddlers now, punching and kicking just to be the first one to ask shun if he was okay. The one who won this race, was Aren. He stood by the boy and asked "why the fuck is saiki-San so damn aggressive..?" 

"I-I think he's just jealous.." Shun couldn't believe what was happening. Aren suddenly placed his hand against the wall, right next to Shun's face, causing the boy to blush severely again. No way. He couldn't believe it. Did.. Did he just fall for both of them? 

Does he truly love Aren just like he loves Kusuo?

Kusuo now ran after him, angry that Aren got so close to shun. "Hands. Off. My. Man." his voice was deep and threatening. "so what? Are you going to hold your breath until you faint?" Aren smirked, his hand slowly reaching further down to touch Shun's shoulder. 

"I'm going to slit your fucking throat, you degenerate piece of s-" Kusuo wanted to insult him more, but before he could, he witnessed something. Shun took one last breath before he tipped to the side and collided against the ground, passing out right away. Fainting Right infront of both of them. 

"great job, kusuo. You made him unconscious!" 

"Shut the fuck up, mullet man." Kusuo shot back. "go downstairs and call a teacher. I'll take care of shun." Kusuo added, crouching down to look for his pulse. He seemed to be stable but.. He was probably overwhelmed with all of this. Aren huffed but didn't say anything. All he knew was how to hurt people, not how to help them, so he agreed and headed downstairs. The second Aren dissapeared, kusuo brushed his hand over Shun's forehead, admiring his facial features. How cute. His nose was small but pointy. He wanted to kiss those eyelids.. His whole face. "god.. Shun... Why are you like this.." the pink haired male spoke, leaning down a little while he brushed a strand of hair off Shun's face. He pressed his lips on shuns forehead, again, feeling warm, and fuzzy, even if the boy wasn't awake. Would.. Would he see that face every morning if they would live in an apartment? 

A sudden rush of energy shot through kusuos body, the ground beneath him giving in slightly from the immense power that was filling Kusuo up like it used to. A sigh of relief hit him hard, but.. Something was wrong. He couldn't hear people's thoughts at all. But.. He had to test if his powers would work.. He carefully picked shun up from the ground, trying to teleport with him. "I just have to put him in my bed and leave him there. I'll explain it all to Mrs kaidou." he told himself. Shun's mom was.. Really strict, but if he explains it all, everything will be okay. 

And so, he teleported into his room, right away noticing how Shun shifted a little in his arms. He was uncomfortable in that position, needing a flat surface to sleep on. Only a few minutes later, shun was dressed in a Dinosaur onesie that kusuo bought for himself, admiring how cute it looked on the boy. If he would've picked the colour blue, if would've fit perfectly, but he bought a green one, matching his glasses. Shun was still unconscious, but Kusuo knew he was going to wake up in an hour or two. His powers would leave at around the same time too, that's what Kusuke said last time, so.. Here goes nothing. Kusuo admired shun, looking up and down with a soft blush when he saw that cute, sharp jawline, the messy hair that poked out of the hood of the onesie, those cute hands that were opened, slightly curled fingers right next to his shoulders. Shun was a dream guy for many people. Especially for people that love femininity in general. 

The pink haired male pressed soft kisses into Shun's palms, then his nose, eyeing those plump, inviting lips. He didn't want to kiss him, but he kinda did.. Would shun be mad if he would kiss him..? He didn't know. So.. Maybe risking it would be a nice option.. Right?? 

The psychic inched closer, his heart racing, his hands reaching for one of Shun's hands. He intertwined their fingers, and couldn't help but shudder when he felt Shun's lips brush over his own. A gentle peck was all that he could give him before he decided that it was too risky to kiss him more. One kiss was enough. It might was a bad one, but he liked it nonetheless. Kusuo sighed quietly and inched further down, only so that he could put his head on shuns chest. He could hear his steady heartbeat, the clock that was hovering over the foot ticked along to the heartbeat too. "...  shun.." he whispered to himself. 

"I love you, Shun." 


If you find any grammar or spelling mistakes, tell me and I'll remove them.

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