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you rolled back and forth trying to find comfort in the cold empty sheets. you decided to give up by this point and sat up in the bed.

'hmmm? maybe I can see if Matt is still awake ' you arose from you bed stretching out your arms then dragged you feet across the hall to the familiar Canadian's room.

you slowly pushed open the door and strolled in straight to his bed. "Matty " you whispered peering at the peaceful sleeping from under the covers.

"Matty" you tried again to only receive

"(F/N) do you have any fish" Kuma riggled from the sheets looking up at you "no I'm sorry Kuma maybe tomorrow" you smiled at the adorable bear as he reached out his arms as a sign to pick him up.

which caused you to smile wider and pick up the heavy polar bear. you sat on the bed beside matt causing him to stire a bit "Matt you awake?" you asked spotting his curl, that he told you to never ever touch no matter what. "Matt I'll touch your curl" you threatened "m-maple..." Matt's un framed eyes slowly opened then widened in shock.

"(f-F/N) what are you doing here" he questioned sleepily. "I couldn't get to sleep" you sighed.

"hmmm?" Matt hummed in thought as you petted Kuma's head. "how about I make you some pancakes" he questioned sitting up putting on his glasses up from his night stand. in till he mentioned it you didn't even realise how hungry you where you nodded you head as you felt the bed lift behind you "if its not to much trouble" you smiled looking back at him only to blush and turn away as you saw him only in his maple leaf covered boxers "a-ah s-sorry" he stuttered flinging a nightgown round himself he was originally going for.

you both walked down to the kitchen awkwardly you sat your self down at the table knowing if you asked to help he'd only say something along the lines of "i-I'm fine doing it by myself just sit down and relax" . You let out a sigh lying your head down on your arm "(f-f/n)" his voice quietly called you replied with a tired hum "could you feed kuma some fish?" he asked as the ploar bear clung to his leg for food. You stood form you seat at the table" come on kuma" you called he wondered over to you as you picked up his special bowl form the cupboard and opened the frige you picked out two fish and placed them in the bowl, you walked over to the table, kuma woddled after you and climbed up the chair next to you as you placed them infront of him.

You smiled at his adorablniess and buried you head back I'm your arms.

"(F/n) the pancakes are ready" Matt called but you didn't even raise your head in reply, you had fallen alseep. Matt let out a faint sight as he placed the freshly made pancakes in the frige knowing you'd want to eat them later. He gave a qouestioning glance towards you knowing fully well he couldn't leave you to sleep on the kitchen table. Kuma let out a yawn as he climbed slowly down his chair and padded his little paws to matt's bedroom. Matt let out a yawn himself and decided on what to do. He picked you up and took you upstairs.


You woke to the unformallier sense of warmth you shifted your body only to find you couldn't move. You reluctantly open one eye only to find none other then matt's face centimeters away from yours, it felt as if it had went up 10 degrees in that moment. His face was so cute and peaceful when he was sleeping, "Matt..." you called his name, though your words became muffled with sleep. You tried to escape his grip but his arms wouldn't even budge "Matty wake up" you put both hands infront of you trying to push away for some space. "(F/N)!" a familiar voice called as a polar bear head emerged from the covers between you both. "morning kuma" you smiled lightly.

Matt stirred a bit, you didn't mind you where sharing a bed as you had share a bed as children alot, it's just how close you where that made you uncomfortable. "Matt let me go" you whined you didn't expect and anwser but soon received one "no..." he breathed tiredly.

"Matt...?" You let out a small sigh slightly annoyed as his violet eyes slowly opened, they looked much sharper without his useual lenses and stared into yours tiredly. "not intill you agree to be mine" he mumbled averting his eyes as his cheeks where tinted pink. Kuma let out a giggle trying to stop by putting his paws over his mouth. You coulden't help but giggle with the bear causing matt to give you a wired look of confusion. "Of course matt I'll be yours... though I don't want you to let me go now" you giggled your cheeks truning pink aswell as a smile stretched across the Canadian's face as he pulled you close squishing the polar bear between you as you all laughed. "So what happened to those pancakes you promised me I don't think I ate them did I?" you qouestioned not really remmebering "there in the fridge maple" he smiled sweetly.

"At nicknames already huh matty, hmmm maple? I like it" you grinned.

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