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You let out a muffled yawn, placing your pen down. You'd had enough of revision and homework for one day. It was only around 6:30pm but after a busy day you felt absolutely exhausted. Your friend opposite you raise a big bushy eyebrow in qouestion "tired?" he asked setting down his own pen on the coffee table. " uh huh" you yawned yet again covering your mouth with your hand. He rose to his feet "I'll go make you some tea, after all you need to hand all this in tomorrow" he sighed, you dropped your head on the table in annoyance. He was right after all, its not that you don't do homework on time or anything, it's just your doushe of a teacher gave you a pile of work to be done  for tomorrow because you have a mock at the end of the week . "Arthur why is our teacher such a doushe?" you sighed back at him "He's only trying to help you out" he reasoned " yeah I know but that doesn't mean he has to to set the work so late" you raised your head towards the brit.  He just shrugged and walked out the room towards the kitchen. Arthur was in the same group as you so also got the pile of work and as you where best friends you where easily able to convince him to help you even if there was some defiance on his part.

You slowly rose from your own position on the floor and stretched you numb limbs. You laid across the couch lazily resting you body while you waited. You decided to close your tired eyes and rest them for a bit too. "Hey (F/n)!  Wake up..."a voice sighed "huh?!" you jumped at the sudden noise. "you fell sleep you twit" Arthur scolded.

"it's not my fault I'm tired" you yawned "how long did you stay up last night then?" he qouestion a smirk gracing his lips. You puffed out you cheeks " Oh shut up, I was in a good book (fanfic ;))" you anwsered not directly answering him. "whatever you say love" he replies passing you a warm mug of tea "cheers". You both carried on working well intill you became frustrated that is "F### this s###!" you cursed not getting at all what the text ment. He seemed to drop his pen at your very words "What now?" he asked seeming quite annoyed "I don't get this bit" you pointed to a place you'd been having trouble with in the text. He shuffled other so he could see where you where pointing.

"That's easy..." he scoffed which earned him a glar from you. He flinched slightly "ok, it basically means you have to portray yourself as the person and what'd you do in the situation." he anwsered simply. When it put it simply it was way easier to understand "thanks" you smiled scribblings down your ideas. Soon enough you hand hurt and became sore form so much writing turning red at the thumb. You'd done most but a small pie still remain Arthur had finished quite a bit ago and was sat their with a book. He said the rest was a piece of cake and wouldn't tale you all to long but when your so tired it takes effort to keep your eyes open lets just say that even cake would be hard to finish. Soon enough you just laided you head apon you pieces of paper and just sat there, concentrating on my steady breaths. You heard a small sigh and foot steps approach you. "go on curl up on the sofa, I'll help you finish in the morning" he nudged at your shoulder. "No..... I need to get it done" you slurred. "get on the sofa and go to sleep" he said softly sending you more to sleep "no..." you huffed. Suddenly you were being picked up from your enbeded place on the floor. "noooooo....." you huffed lightly trying to half heartedly escape his grip which was hard espically with you eyes closed but as soon as you where placed onto the sofa it was hard to resist. Yet you still did "Arthur...." you moaned tiredly. "yes" he simply replied "I'm cold" you sighed. You liaded their for a while wondering if he'd reply but then you felt a warmth creep over you then a pillow was placed under you head "thanks" you stifled through a yawn he responded with a hum and that's when you fell asleep.

You slept for an hour straight but after that you just coulden't get comfortable you figgeted back and forth you sat up grabbing the pillow in your hand agitated and looked across the now dark room you where only able to see a hand infront of you "Arthur...." you called but their was no anwser, you looked around once more you vision getting better he was sat on the massive arm chair glasses on and book in hand he'd fallen asleep reading again. You shuffled over to him the coldness bitting at your skin, he must be freezing the fire must of went out. You took the glasses from his face and the book from husband making sure you folded the corner of the page before you closed it know Arthur would be in a mood if you lost his place. You took the blanket and sat next to him making sure the blanket covered both of you, you hug the pillow trying to get to sleep, he started fidgeting trying to take all the cover "eh...." he mumbled you didn't let him though, he gave up in the end and opened one emerald eye "god Damn cover... Ah (F-f/n)" he stuttered surprised "why are you here?" he asked "we where studying" did he really forget that easily "No I know that why are you right here?" he pouted "Oh you looked cold and I couldn't get to sleep" you anwsered slightly embrassed "Oh... Ok then thanks" he huffed relaxing. He shuffled about getting comfortable "aren't you going to bed now considering your awake and all?"

You wonder. "No because I'm happy here..." was that a smile "W-was that a smile? " you poked at his cheek not quite believing it. "No it was a bl###y thrown of course it was a smile..." he sighed "why?" he hardly ever smiled specially lately "because love, I'm sat with the girl of dreams in a lovely warm blanket and I wouldn't trad that for a bed any day" he spoke so smoothly yet his cheeks still burnt red and his eyes stare off avoiding your gaze. "what!?" you scoffed surprised "I love you,  you twit isn't it obvious" he crossed his arms. So I wasn't just imagining it "well spit it out tell me your rejection" he spoke sadly "love you too Artie" you smiled pulling him into a hug. He felt so stif but soon enough he hugged back you felt so comfortable you didn’t move you just lied together intill you drifted off into sleep.


You heard the chirping off birds and a sound of a phone vibrating.  You slowly opened you eyes to be met with some familiar catapliars,  so it wasn't a dream you let go of him and looked down at the phone that was going crazy on the coffee table. It was Arthur’s looks like he set an alarm "urh what's making that noise" he mumbled leaning past you and taking the phone he turned of the alarm.  Then turned to you "well love, let's ace that exam" he smiled you nodded smiling too "smiling suits you, you know" you informed a pink dusted his cheeks and he just let out a sigh "whatever you say love".

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