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The sheets you slept in left a cold longing for warmth. Was he even home yet? You asked yourself as you pulled away from the sheets. You stumbled from the bed with a yawn and head to his study if anything he'd be there. "Luddy you home?" you asked entering the study. A small old oil lamp was lit next to his working form, he was writting away and didn't seem to notice your qouestion "Luddy?" you repeated trying gain his attention. "Ja" he replied this time but didn't raise his head from his work. "Why don't you come to bed and sleep" you whined half asleep yourself. "I can't I need these finished by tomorrow" he sighed running his fingers through his messy hair that seemed half slicked back while the other half fell I'm his face. You strolled up to the desk and dragged a chair next to his and sat by him. He looked up and placed his pen down looking at you. "Go on to bed I won't take that long" he urged as you placed your head on his shoulder. "nien" you sighed closing your eyes. You could hear him let out an annoyed huff and felt something fall over your shoulders. You opened on eye to see it was his jacket that had been thrown over the back of his chair. Soon enough you heard the sound of a pen scratching on paper once more and every so often the sound of the papper being moved. "what are you working on?" you hummed, "taxes" he stated moving another piece of paper. "you do know the other 'countries' never work this hard right? Why can't you just get a break?" you qouestioned him getting slightly feed up with how rarely you would see him lately. He didn't reply, you knew fully well Ludwig loved his work and he'd normally try and work more when ever he was stressed. You wondered which it was. "Are you stressed Luddy?" you opened your drowsey eyes and watch him but never lifted your head from his shoulder. He seemed to tense. So you where right he was stressed but about what? You didn't think you'd done anything, maybe something was up with economy. He truned his head to you piercing blue eyes meeting with yours. "nien" he lied you gave him the really face. He truned away and straighten the piles of papers that sat infront of him. You sat up straight slightily annoyed he wasn't telling you what was bothering him normally he'd always tell you what's on his mind. He stood up with a sigh and looked over to you. "Come on let's go to bed" he smiled softly. "finally" you exaggerated slightly with a smile. Before you could even rise to your feet he had picked you up in his arms. You sank your head in his chest as he carried you back to bed. Drifting back into sleep once you where placed in the bed and string arms hugged your waist.

#next day#
You woke up to the lingering coldness again. Did he start working early or have aN urgent meeting again . You rubbed the sleep from your eyes and looked across you familiar room a note laid at the end of the bed with a beautiful wrapped box. Confusion laced you eyes as you picked up the note.

I hope you like what I got you, if you do please wear it to our special place. Meet you at 14:00pm

- Ludwig

You smiled at his simple note you placed  it to the side and you picked up the box and undid the silk ribbon and lifted the lid "Oh woah this is beautiful" he haden't gotten you the cliché dress but a beautiful pair of jeans and and a cotton flowing blouse with a square neck design. It looked super cute. You where always split between wearing (normal style) or a plain cute kinda style but cute was normally expensive, see through or Slaggy looking. You quickly got dressed in to them in a flurry of excitement. You then noticed a pair of beautiful boots sat at the end of the bed. looking at the clock you knew you were goanna be late if your u didn't hurry it was 1 o'clock already. -To be contuined if wanted- (not that good writting about Germany don't write about him often so I find it hard :/)

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