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(I tried my best never really read or write about Japan so this is the first real time)

Turning over in your futon you tried to fine some comfort to sleep. Footsteps sounded outside your room;  you rose your head "Kiku ?" you qouestioned. No shadows showed through out the panning. You got up and slid open the door and looked out. A pure white moon shone in the black sky. Wondering around you soon came to Kiku's room. You quietly slid open the door in case he was still sleeping. No a single soul. Were was he then? "Kiku" you called as you shuffled through the halls. No anwser returned. "Kiku?" you tried again. Nothing. That's when you heard a small bark. Pochi? You headed to the sound to find a figure of a man staring at the glimmering moon. Pochi ran up to you and stopped at your feet, you  couldn't help but scoop the cute dog up into your arms. Stroking at the dogie's head you strolled up and took a seat next to Kiku. Glancing at him he wouldn't look away from that pure moon. Letting Pochi free you placed your hand over his causing him to finally break his trance. "(F/N)" he mumbled shocked, only just noticing you. "Are you okay?" you qouestioned turning your face to him. He was about to lie by nodding but he paused then replied with "I just had some trouble sleeping, a nightmare woke me" his voice was so small at the mention of nightmare. His eyes feel back on the moon. You knew it was hard to shake up Kiku. Netting your fingers with his you tried to comfort him you even wanted to lay your head on his shoulder but knew that was over stepping your boundaries "Would you like to speak about it if you don't I won't mind but if you do I'm always here to listen" you tried to not pressure him into either choice.

Again slience lingered. "Just having you here makes me feel better" he smiled lightly. Smiling at his cuteness. "Uh Kiku?" you questioned. He repleid with a "hai". What you were about to ask seemed so stupid "Can I lean on your shoulder?" his faced turned surprised then his cheeks seemed to turn a light shade of pink in the end though he gave a small nod. "Thank you" you smiled leaning your head on his comfy shoulder you let out a content sigh. You'd been dating for about 3 months. It had taken you so long to just to be able to hold his hand without him flinching or being surprised. His gaurd was always up and he loved his personal space. Even if he wasn't a person to show his affection through motion, his sweet words and smile was enough for you. "Kiku? Do you remember the first time I tried to hold your hand?" you asked almost giggling over the memory. His shoulders shook slightly as he chuckled. "Hai. I fell straight of the bench and you couldn't stop laughing" you glanced up at him; he was smiling lightly. "(F/N) without you I don't know what I would do, you're the only one who truly understands me" his head laid on top of yours. "Your way to sweet" you smiled burying yourself in his shoulder. After a few minutes of enjoying the sweet moment and watching the moon you piped up "Hey want to watch some anime?" you qouestioned. "Sounds good" he rose to his feet and held his hand out for you, you took it and he helped you up. Pochi had fallen asleep beside you both, so you  gentle picked him up and took him with you. Placing Pochi on his bed Kiku looked though all his animes he owned. "What would you like to watch?" he asked knowing you knew all the anime in that cabinet like the back of your hand. "Um how about you chose" you offered knowing you chose way to often. "You sure?" you nodded urging him to pick. Opening up a disc case he placed it into the dvd player. Patting the seat next to you happily he sat beside you. As soon as the title screen came on you smiled 'sprited away'. Your eyes started to drop slowly as you laided slightly over the table. Soon enough you were starting to struggle to stay awake.

"(F/N)" Kiku called looking at you. Yet you didn't move or budge. He knew straight away you'd fallen asleep. Pausing the movie he rose to his feet he opened up a cupboard and pulled our a quilt and gently placed it over you shoulders. Afraid to move you incase you woke up he decided to let you sleep there for a bit yet didn't want to leave you alone. Pressing play he turn the audio down slightly and decided to watch the rest of the movie then move you once it had finished.

"Urh" your bones ached. Stretching out your arms they clicked as you let out a small yawn. You'd fallen asleep at the table again. Turning your head you were greeted with the plesent surprise of your sleeping boyfriend. Peaceful as ever. Leaning down yiy couldn't help yourself but place a small kiss on his forehead. Laying down beside him you became comfortable ready to fall back to sleep . "(F/N)?" you opened your eyes to be meet with his beautiful brown ones. Blush laced his cheeks. "Watashi wa, anata o aishiteimasu" he smiled. "I love you more" you grinned you couldn't help but pull him into a hug. He was stif but soon placed his arms around you . Your stomach flutterd all you wanted was for this moment to never end.

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