💫|I love you

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Guys this is a short story..........
It starts from the abhimanyu track when ragini is told that Laksh is dead and then reaches abhimanyu's house. He rejects to be Laksh.
"No you are Laksh. I can feel it. You are mine." Ragini is crying.

"Don't cross your limits. He is my husband. She is his daughter. See!! " Says Mansi.

"No ....This is not possible...Please Laksh come back to us Na. Already my all strength has gone just the way you left me! Just think Laksh what will I without you ?" Ragini wasCrying very hard.

"Abhimanyu give this dhongi lady some money. She has just come here for drama!!! Give her money." Says Mansi.

He takes out money and offers her.

Ragini is taken aback with this. Her unconditional love was compared with a rare amount of money. That Laksh for whom she did everything once again broke her heart.

"Now I understood....It's OK Laksh I know you are taking revenge on me. But this revenge is more more and more hurting than before. I will never return in your life. Never and ever...
I was stupid . I again fell easily in your trap. You just hate me Na? I am exiting your life!! But please dont say that you are not Laksh. Until I am there Laksh can never be dead.
Good bie!! Hope u never see my face.
I will go very far. Then you can return to your family. I love you..... "
She says with an emotionless face.

And turns back to exit.

She gets out of the house and stands in the middle of the road. She is crying , crying and crying. She has lost her life. For whom she even tried to kill her loving sister again failed to recognize her love. She is not able to tolerate this. She lose her senses and then comes a truck with speed and hits her so hard that she is seen lying in pool of blood.

Media is called as she is recognized as dil of great industrialist Dp Maheshwari and his wife Annapoorna. It goes live on all news channels. Here Swara switches on the TV for elders and is shocked to see Ragini lying in pool of blood.

She shouts " Rrraaaagggiiiinnnniiii!!!!"

She is stunned to see her sister like this. She panicks.

She calls Sanskaar.


"Hello Sanskaar , wherever you are just come fast....."

" Coming..." He says listening to her panicking voice.

Within minutes Sanskaar comes. He asks what happened but seeing everyone in tears watching TV and standing stunned , he goes towards the TV and is shocked seeing Ragini in that condition.

""Nooooooooooooo!!!! I have already lost my brother ....Now I cannot afford to lose Ragini. She is just like my little sister." Sanskaar is too crying...

"Let's go to her fast or circumstances can be really hard. " Says ramprasad.

All nod and sit in the car.

Here, Mishka {daughter of Abhimanyu} was with her dad.

"Papa lets watch some TV... I am getting bored." She pleaded .

He did not reply.


No reply. He was lost somewhere.

She shakes him and say "papa , say something!"

"What is your problem mishka? Why are you irritating me? Just do whatever you want to do!" He says in anger.

Mishka feels bad and says" This is just because of that bad aunty hai Na? She is so bad.. You never talked to me like this papa!! I will not talk to you.." She is crying.

Just then Abhi . Realizes what he did and says to her, " Princess! I am sorry. Don't you love your dad. Please forgive me."

" It's OK papa and I love you very much."

He smiles and says,"And yes don't say that aunty bad. She is not bad. She is the best."

"Why papa?"

"She loves her husband and family so much without expecting anything from them but just love and respect. She can do anything for her loved ones. She can never harm anyone unless it's about her love. Her life just revolves around me...uhm sorry her husband. " He has tears passing through her eyes .

He remembers......
How he showed fake love towards her..

{Yes guyzz he is Laksh.....}

He remembers how he rejected her and chose Swara..
He remembers how he betrayed her with Kavya but she still saved him.

Still her love never ended for him.

He remembers her crying face which he saw a while ago. He was so happy to see her. That hug gave his lifeless life again a life. Seeing endless love for him in her eyes made him go to cloud 9. But her words about never coming to him were making him feel insecure and very much nervous.

"Ragini you have waited for me 6 months . Now it's about 1 month. Please stay calm. Your Laksh will surely come to you. I love you ragini. Please stay calm......" He thinks.

"Papa again you lost somewhere. Acha That aunty is a good aunty."

"No beta. She is an angel in form of a human."

"Angel!!!! Papa I want to meet her but now I want to see TV please."

" OK but only for a while."

"Yes ...You are best papa."

Mishka turns on the TV. The first channel is of news. Laksh is lost in Ragini's thoughts.

"Dil of Maheshwaris is fighting for her life. Will she be able to survive the crash with a high speed truck......??
Doctors have clearly said that it's nearly impossible for her to live ... She was found lying in a pool of blood...
Her whole body was covered with blood. The truck driver ran from there!!!! Is it a murder or an accident?" A news reporter says.

Mishka is shocked to see Angel there.

"Papa see angel....Papa"

" Where mishka?"

"In TV!!"

"What!! What is this girl planning to do now??"

He looks towards the TV and the same lines are repeated by the news reporter. Seeing her love lying in that condition . His heart beat stops for a moment. Tears are rolling down from his face. He is not able to accept it..

"Rraaagggiinnnii!!!!!" Shouts he...

He jerks from the couch and immediately rushes to the hospital.

He sees doctor saying
"There are ways to save her. But it itself looks like she doesn't want to live. Already she has lose lots of blood . We need a blood donor.
Her blood group is O -ve . We need a donor . It is a very rare blood group to find."
"But doctor from us none is O-ve." Says swara.

"My laksh was of this blood group." Says ap cryingly.

Laksh listens everything .

He gets a sigh of relief.

"Ohk ohk we will go and check blood banks or will try to find a donor." Says swara and goes along with sanskaar.

Here everyone are sitting hopelessly outside ICU...

After a while swara and sanskaar come back with pains in their heart.

"Swara , Sanskaar we found a blood donor. He was so generous that without meeting us he just went away after donating blood. " Says sujata.

Swasan's face lit up.

"Mom you must know his name. We will personally go and thank him. He has done a great help to us. I thought god stopped making farishte but there are some." Says sanskaar.

"Abhimanyu Khanna!! We have his address too if you want you can take it from us." The doctor replied.

"Thank u doctor." Replied swara.

Next day.....
Swara and Sanskaar make a visit to Abhimanyu/Laksh's house.

" Hi Mrs. Khanna. "

"Hi , may I know who you are?"

"Uhmm....Actually your husband donated his blood to my sister last night who is fighting for her life as she met with a truck accident. So we came here to thank him... May we?? He has done a great oblidge on us."
Says swara.

"Ya sure come in. I'll call him." Mansi says.

"Thank u.." swasan says.

They go in. Mansi calls Abhimanyu.
He comes out saying," Yes say!"

"You donated blood yesterday and didn't bother to tell me about it."
Says Mansi.

"I forgot. Will u tell why you called me??" He says.

"There is someone for you." MANSI Says.

He comes out and is shocked to see Swasan sitting on the sofa. He has tears in his eyes seeing is brother and bhabhi after a long time but manages to maintain a stern look on his face.

Swasan looks towards him and are hell shocked.

"Yes he is my husband, Abhimanyu Khanna." Says mansi.

BOTH swasan mutter "Laksh"......
They are shocked to see him with another woman who is claiming him as his husband and he is looking them with stern face.

They are hell shocked.......

Screen freezes.

So how was it??
Just few shot more. It is a short story.....
I hope you guys liked it and I was able to express emotions well.

Rest you guyzz can only tell.
Waiting for your response......

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