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Sorry for the small absence, I'll try to be more active. This is really short and not one of the prompts, either way, I really hope you enjoy : )

😶  😶  😶  😶  😶  😶  😶  😶

Will was having a nice evening, the infirmary was slow today, so he got to chat with his siblings a lot, though he hadn't seen his boyfriend, Nico, all day, and he was slightly worried.

And near lunch, when he still hadn't seen him, he decided to ask around.

"Have you seen Nico?" He asked Percy.

"No," was his reply, "but he does go off into the woods when things get to be a bit overwhelming for him," Percy turned, and pointed to a small opening in the forest, "that's normally where he enters, and you just walk until you get to this small clearing, it's about fifteen minutes to get there though."

Will nodded his appreciation, and started off towards the entrance, and not longer than twenty minutes later, he saw the small clearing Percy had told him about.

He also saw his dark prince laying down in the middle, and if he listen close enough, heard the small sniffles.

Soon enough, he was close enough to also see the tears, as Nico lay, staring at the sky.

"Nico?" He asked quietly, walking over to him.

"What am I doing wrong?"was Nico quit response.

"Elaborate?" Will asked, laying down next to Nico, and looking up at the sky as well.

"What am I doing wrong?" Nico repeated, not caring about the tears falling, "why don't people at camp like me? And why doesn't the universe like me for that matter?"

"Meaning. . ?" Will prompted, frowning at the sky.

"Meaning why I can't just be the right gender," Nico said, frustrated, "and if that's not enough, I had to be gay? I'm technically straight, just trying to make things more fucking complicated by adding gender, and I'm just so fucking tired because I stayed up all night just thinking."

"Nico," Will says gently, reaching out for Nico's hand and rubbing small circles on it with his thumb as he continues to look at the sky,"I honestly don't care what anyone says, I don't care what the universe says, I don't care what your anatomy says. You my boyfriend. I'm in a gay relationship with my boyfriend and nothing will change that unless you say so, okay? And it's not your fault if people don't like you. It's there fault. They don't take enough time to try and get to know how wonderfully amazing and funny and talented you are. They don't take the time, so they're missing out on so much."

Nico took a deep breath, using his unoccupied hand to wipe at his eyes, then turn his head to look at Will, and Will turned his own head to look at Nico.

"Did you take your antidepressants last night?" Will asked in a soft voice, bringing Nico's hand up to kiss it. Nico nodded, and Will smiled at him.

"I love you," he said, almost whispering.

"Why?" Nico ask quitely.

"Because," Will replied, "you're Nico, and that's all I could really ask for." Nico smiled at him.

"I love you, too."


"Because you're Will," Nico responded, "you're my sunshine, and that's all I could ask for." Will's smile widened, and he leaned forward, gently closing the gap between them.


Oh my god that was good I think? I wrote this in less than an hour and I'm so tired, sorry for mistakes, much love <3



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