Chapter 16- Call Me Sticky Shoes

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"So Carson." I said and stopped there to stare at him. We were at the table in the kitchen. I was snacking on a yogurt cup and Carson was drinking Gatorade while scrolling through his phone.

He looked up when I said his name. "What?"

I just brought my elbows up to the table and rested my chin on my crossed hands. Then I just stared even more because I knew it would make him nervous.

And it did.

"What'd I do this time?" he whined and then added, "are you about to jump me? Do I need to call dad for this?"

"No," I said camly, "no need for dad. No need for jumping, not unless you can answer my questions truthfully."

"Okay." He replied hesitantly and looked around nervously.

I got right to the point. "What do you think of Maylan?"

He just started at me for a long while and then blinked a few times fast before asking, "Who's Maylan?"

"Okay now you're getting jumped." And I got up from my chair as Carson ran away from me.

"Okay wait!" he said but all he did was throw a pillow at my legs and then he ran away again.

"Carson! Get back here and explain yourself!" I yelled after him. We were zig zagging through furniture and running through the halls.

He threw at basket in my path and this time yes, it did slow me down a little. Carson managed to run into the next room and by the time I got there he was nowhere to be found.

Little coward is hiding from me.

"Dad's not home! I could literally murder you right now and still have time to hide your body before he even gets here."

"You wouldn't." I heard a muffled voice from one of our kitchen cabinets. It was the only one we didn't have use for and was big enough to fit a grown man if they crouched real close to themselves.

This was exactly how I found him when I threw the cabinet door open.

"I just might." I said to him, "or maybe..." I got up right as Carson awkwardly threw himself out of the cabinet. I walked into the pantry and grabbed a bottle of syrup then made my way to the stairs.

"NO YOU'RE NOT PUTTING SYRUP INTO MY SHOES AGAIN. PLEASE I'LL SPEAK, I'LL SPEAK." And then he caught up to me and grabbed me by the arm before I could take the first step up the stairs and towards his room.

"So speak." I said and then he let go.

"Okay well. I like her," He said while rubbing the back of his neck, "I really like her. She's really pretty and really smart and she has this great laugh and I'm always making a fool of myself just to hear it-"

"You don't need her to make a fool of yourself." He stopped to glare at me and then I said, "sorry, continue."

"I don't know Ada, she just gets me. She just... makes me happy. And I just want to make her happy. That's my only intention, honest." He finished and brought his fingers up to his chest to cross his heart.

I don't think he realized his heart was left side but I still got the point.

And I tried to be mad but I couldn't be.

I had thought about how much I've seen Maylan smiling these past couple of days since Carson's been hanging out with us. She looked happier than ever.

She wasn't even this happy when her and Riley were on good terms.

"If she ends up hurt because of you Carson," and then I held up the bottle of syrup, "all of this ends up in every single pair of shoe you own."

He nodded along in agreement, "you can call me Sticky Shoes for the rest of my life." He suggested.

I put the bottle down in surrender and finally calmed myself.

"Just try to understand how weird this is for me. How would you like it if I dated one of your best friends?" I asked.

He just gave a goofy chuckle and said, "you wouldn't do that. You already have a boyfriend."

"Tristan isn't my boyfriend."

"Oh yeah? How'd you even know I was talking about Tristan?"

I opened my mouth to defend myself, but when I could think of nothing in response, I picked the bottle of syrup back up again and started for the top of the stairs.


I stopped so I could turn around and glare at him. My look faltered as I thought the situation over in my head. "You do really like her?"

"No doubt" he said without hesitation.

"Okay then," I nodded my head slowly and took a deep breath, "I can be okay with this."

"Really?" He asked and then threw himself on me in a bear hug, "I knew I could count on you sis."

"Yeah yeah." I replied and then shoved him off me.

✨Authors Note✨


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