Chapter 17- Doodle of the Day

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Maylan met up with me first thing the next day and we walked to class together.

"I'm so sorry for trying to sneak around with your brother Ada. I really wanted to tell you, but Carson kept saying he would tell you himself, only he kept prolonging it."

"Don't worry about it Maylan, I forced it out of him yesterday."

"Is this weird? Because if you're not okay with it then I'm totally not okay with it."

"Honestly, it was a little weird at first, but I can be okay with it. It's not about me anyway. This is about you and your happiness. You deserve someone who genuinely makes you happy Maylan, that's what's important to me."

She pulled me to the side of the hallway and wrapped her arms around me in a tight hug, "Thank you Ada," and she sounded so relieved, "you do too by the way."

I pulled away from her with a smile and we resumed walking together in the crowded halls of the morning rush.

"How did it happen anyway?" I asked Maylan.

"Well. The day after he started sitting with us during lunch, we saw each other in the hallway and he asked to walk to me to class. I guess it just became an everyday thing after that and then we exchanged numbers. He's just been so sweet to me and he makes me laugh."

"Yeah I guess I'll give it to the little turd, he's good entertainment."

She laughed at that, "you're coming to the diner after detention right?"

"Yup. Tate and I will make sure Tristan comes too. See you later?"

"Yes ma'am." She said and we went our separate ways to the first class of the day.


Tristan had texted me during lunch today to let me know that he was in the library to finish an assignment, so I didn't get to see much of him until detention.

"Hi grumpy, how are your bruises today?" I asked Tristan as I sat down beside him. This suddenly gave me an idea of what to draw for the next hour in here.

"They're better I guess. I can actually sit down without wanting to die."

"Yay, progress!" and then I threw my hand out for a high five and he humored me by giving my hand a smack.

I got my notebook out as Mr. Pennded came in and the class at this point knew it meant no talking was allowed.

After his usual introduction, I felt a familiar pair of eyes on me so I looked over.

It was Walter. He had been radio silent with me since the party, but every now and then I would catch him glaring at me and Tristan from the other side of them room.

This side of Walter I could live with. This version was too stuck up and bitter to talk to me these days, so all I had to deal with were his harmless glares.

I stuck my middle finger out to him from under the desk so the teacher wouldn't see and he just rolled his eyes and looked away.

I went about my business, grabbed a pencil from my backpack, and began my doodle of the day.

I had drawn Tristan on my bedroom floor the night he woke me up at two in the morning. I made sure to draw my favorite pillow under him and an ice pack rested on his stomach through the blanket. I added myself in my bed not far from Tristan. I traced my smiley face where it belonged and of course for Tristan, his frowny face with pointed eyebrows.

Of course, this had been before we decided to sleep in the same bed, I just thought this scenario would look better as a doodle. I handed my drawing to him and he took a moment to inspect it.

Then he reached over to grab my pencil and I frowned at him wondering what he was doing.

He didn't let me see it at first, but I knew he had erased something and I heard the led tracing a small shape. He moved his arm from blocking my view and I saw the edit he made to my drawing.

He had erased the pointed eyebrows that I had originally put on every Tristan I had ever drawn, and unlike every Tristan I had ever drawn, this one now had a smile on his face.


Tate was the first one at the diner and he went ahead to order our milkshakes and table fries. Maylan and Leah had driven here together and Carson followed soon after them. I rode with Tristan and we were the last to slide in the booth with the rest of the group.

We had been sitting there messing around and talking the entire time.

"That's a hard disagree. Iron Man literally sacrificed himself to save the entire universe. He's clearly the best super hero." Carson was so passionate about this statement that it almost threw me off guard we were only talking about fictional superheroes.

"Okay but what if Captain America had sacrificed himself first? Would Iron Man still be your favorite?" Tate argued.


"Then your argument is invalid."

"Black Widow sacrificed herself too but she doesn't get half the credit Iron Man does, what's up with that?" Leah said.

"Exactly, Black Widow has always been my favorite." Maylan added.

Carson looked around pleading help with eyes, "What about you Tristan, you agree with me right? Iron Man is your favorite?"

"Nah man, girl power." and he held up a fist with his response.

I laughed at Caron's face and we continued talking back and forth.

Tristan leaned in close to my ear so he didn't interrupt the conversation around us, "I'm gonna go see about the check."

I nodded in response as he slid out of the booth and went to the front of the diner to find a waiter.

I had been engrossed in the conversation when movement distracted me from the cash register.

It was an older looking guy. He had come up to Tristan and gripped his shoulder while talking about something. At first I thought maybe he had a been a friend, but Tristan's face went hard.

He didn't look happy to see him at all, but the other guy sure seemed happy to see Tristan.

They talked for a moment longer and then the guy turned around and walked out of the diner.

When Tristan came back to the table his mood had significantly shifted and he went quiet, no longer contributing to the conversation.

We payed the check and I told Carson to wait up as I ran after Tristan who was just getting into his car.

"Tristan wait. Are you okay? Who was that guy?" I asked.

"Don't worry about it Adelaide." he said curtly. His tone sent chills through my body, and not in the good way. He rarely ever speaks to me as if he's mad at me and the fact that he's doing it now just upset me.

"Okay... well um, i'll just see you tomorrow then?"

But he didn't answer me. He just slammed his door shut behind him and drove off, his engine roaring after him.

and I watched as his car got smaller and smaller until it was out of sight.

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