Chapter 18- Delivered & Read

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Tristan hadn't responded to any of my texts that night. It's not like I flooded his phone with messages either, just two or three texts asking how he was. He read all of them.

I tried calling him once and it went straight to voicemail.

I thought maybe he just needed his space for the night, so I left it at that. I could just speak to him at school the next day if he let me.

Only he didn't. He didn't join the group in the cafeteria like he's been doing for the past couple of days. I knew he was here though, because I spotted him in the hallways earlier this morning.

"Do ya'll know where Tristan is?" I asked the table.

The only response I got were shrugged shoulders and a blank face from Carson.

"Maybe he went to library again." Maylan suggested.

"Maybe." I said disappointedly. I had already thought of that, but yesterday when he went, he let me know with a text message. Today, I received nothing.

I hated that I felt clingy, it's just that I knew whatever happened yesterday got Tristan really upset. That and the fact that he hasn't said a word to me since he snapped at me last night worried me more than I was comfortable with.

And part of me was afraid that he was going to ghost me again, just like in the sixth grade.

"Well no problem, you'll just see him later in detention, right?"

"Yeah if he goes, the way he's been avoiding me I doubt he'll actually show up."

"Why do you think he's avoiding you?" Leah asked.

I had a few theories, but I didn't share them out loud.

"I don't know, forget it." I asked and forced a smile on my face. "What's for lunch?"


I was wrong about Tristan not showing up in detention. He walked in right before the teacher did.

"Cutting it close Mr. Presley." The teacher said as he followed in after him.

Tristan didn't say anything to this. He looked at me from across the room for just a second.

Then he looked away and sat at the table in the very front corner of the classroom.

This didn't upset me though, it just pissed me off.

I bounced my leg up and down trying to calm myself down a little. I knew he could tell I was glaring daggers at the back of his head, but he didn't look back at me once.

I had managed to collect myself and gather my thoughts about the situation. I wouldn't let him walk away today without talking to me first, I don't care if I have to force it.

Mr. Pennded's voice broke the silence of the detention room after the hour was up, "Tristan, Adelaide, and Walter. Can't say it's been a pleasure. You're all finally free for the month of September. Don't let me see you here again for detention. You may go."

Tristan was the first one out of the door. I threw my backpack on one shoulder and followed out after him.

He was already so much farther away from me that I wasn't able to catch up to him until we were outside, heading towards the parking lot.

"Tristan." I said after him.

He didn't respond, he just kept walking.

"Tristan!" I said louder and picked up my pace until I was right behind him. I reached out and grabbed his arm, turning him around to face me.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I asked.

He looked around at the few parked cars around us. "Going home."

"You know what I mean smart ass. You've been avoiding me all day."

"I got busy." He said simply.

"Bullshit Tristan. Tell me what's really going on."

"I don't know what you want me to say."

"Does this have to do with that guy you were talking to yesterday? At the diner?" I asked making my tone slightly softer. I knew this is what it was about I just wanted to hear him say it.

He just stared at me, a hard expression taking over his facial features. His hair had gotten a bit longer over the last couple of weeks. It fell just a little bit over his forehead and waved around his ears. It looked messy, but not in a bad way. It looked like he had been running his hands through it, which I discovered he would do when he was nervous or stressed.

I waited for him to say something, but he didn't, so I continued, "Tristan, you're supposed to tell your friends what's going on with you. So that I can help you, so that I can be there for you."

He shook his head at this, "I was so stupid Adelaide. I wasn't thinking, I was just being reckless. I should have never talked to you in the first place."

His words made me feel a heavy weight in my chest. It was starting to get harder to be mad at him. My anger was slowly dying, and I could feel sadness creep in its place instead.

"But you did," I said, "you did talk to me eventually. And I don't regret that Tristan, I don't regret being friends with you. Not in the fifth grade and not now-"

"We're not friends Ada!" his voice rose when he said this and I tensed up, "We can't be. If you haven't noticed what I do isn't legal, you realize that right? The people I work with, the people I fight in the ring aren't good people. I don't live a safe life. It's better if you stay far away from me."

He turned to leave but I reached for him again, "Tristan." My voice cracked but I kept going, "don't do this again. Please, just stay."

He turned around and focused his gaze to my hands wrapped around his arm.

"Why?" he asked.

And it felt like the most pathetic thing I could have ever said, but I wanted him to understand my desperation in a way that only he could.

"Because I dare you, Tristan. I- ... I need my best friend back."

His eyes shifted up from my hands to gaze into my own then, and for the shortest moment I could see he was hurting too. Maybe almost as much as I was, but all he said was,

"This isn't the fifth grade anymore Ada." And I saw his face go hard again before he tore himself from my grip and walked away, leaving me alone as the first few tears escaped my eyes.

Comments may have been erased from this chapter due to some editing.

I'm getting lots of mixed feedback about the ending scene and ppl thinking what Adelaide said was embarrassing BUT IM NOT CHANGING THE MESSAGE IDC

Thanks for sticking with the story through all the cliche/cringe scenes though, I hope it's worth it in the end and I appreciate you guys :)❤️

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