Day Five: Kktato

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Requested by flufflypandas

I am really behind.

So I'm making these a little short sorry

I pulled out all the needed ingredients for the best goddamn brownies in the world. The brownies that will fucking own the bake sale for my school. I know Ian can make a good cake, but these brownies. Holy shit.

My close friend Kyle was sitting on the counter near me, a peanut butter spoon shoved in his mouth. I needed to keep him occupied so he didn't.

"Alright. You sit there," I poke his nose, "and I'll make the brownies."

"But isn'th this thupothed to be a group projeth," Kyle tried speaking. I nodded.

"Yeah. You're helping by not eating the batter."

"But it'th the betht part!"

"Shush child momma Tyler's baking."


Tyler pulled the brownies from the oven, letting the kitchen fill with the delicious smell of success. Kyle stood by in a pout, the batter spoon shoved into his mouth.

"Now. That's brownies. And enough to kick Ian's cake off the table," Tyler put the pan on the table, next glaring at Kyle, "now these aren't to be touched. Understand?"

Kyle nodded, pulling the spoon from his mouth, "totally momma Tyler!"


At the bake sale, Tyler made sure to put the brownies near Ian, looking at his cake. It was extravagant, but it probably didn't taste as good as Tyler's awesome brownies. Kyle was no where to be seen, which was ok.

"What ya bring Tyler," Adam rushed over, skidding slightly and stopping himself with his hands.

"The best goddamn brownies you'll ever taste," Tyler scoffed, seeing Adams mouth water.

"Can I take a peak?"

"Yeah sure go ahead."

Adam lifted the foil up, taking a moment before setting it back down, "Tyler this is dirt."

"What," Tyler, shocked, pulled back the foil. Sure enough, the brownies was replaced with dirt.


Yup yup short

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