Interesting Confessions And A Tired Yoongi

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"It has been an amazing experience today! We will see each other again soon!" At Namjoons last words the big concert room was filled with applauses and screams. The lights turned off as the worldwide famous group leaved the stage, euphoria still running through their veins.

As soon as they got to their private room they sat down, sweaty and exhausted.
"Wah, our last concert this year, it's almost unbelievable how we have manage to convince Sejin to give us two weeks free! " Jimin said, laughing slightly as he wiped sweat from his face. Without looking at him Yoongi quietly passed him a bottle of water. Jimin smiled pleased and couldn't help but think. 'Cute!'

A comfortable silence filled the room as they slowly gained some energy back.

Yoongi sat up and headed to an empty sofa, tired of being awake.
"Well I'm gonna take a nap-"
"Hyung not yet! We have to celebrate!"
Too tired to recognize the voice the exhausted rapper turned around and saw the three maknaes threatening him with terribly cute puppy eyes.

And who would say no to that? Certainly not Yoongi.

The regret was s t r o n g e

Before he could even blink he was (finally) back home, surrounded by his drunk friends singing or laughing. The music was way too loud for his exhausted heart and the shining lights were hurting his eyes.

Joonie and Tae were dancing, if it's already entertaining watching them dance sober just imagine them drunk.

Yoongi also realized that he was sitting on Hobi's lap, who was resting on the sofa. Jimin at his right and Jungkook on his left were jokingly criticizing Namjoon's and Tae's dancing.
Jin was nowhere in sight, probably eating inside the kitchen.

Hoseok's arms were hugging Yoongi's waist. It wasn't uncomfortable, on the contrary. He found it somewhat relaxing. What was uncomfortable was Hobi's loud laugh right next to his ear.

A small poke on his thigh made him jump internally, even if on the outside he just looked annoyed. Slightly squeezing his right thigh was Jimin's small hand. The small dancer just gave him an innocent smile.

Do this brats know the meaning of 'personal space'..?

Beginning to sweat uncomfortably because of the body warmth Hoseok was emitting, Yoongi turned his head to the youngest of the group. And slowly mouthed, 'help'

Jungkook just grinned, but didn't help much to Yoongi's displeasure.


Feeling an headache coming Yoongi gently removed himself from all arms touching him. He stood up, stretched his tired back and decided to go to the kitchen.
There was his only Hyung, eating a chicken sandwich like nothing else mattered.

"Want some?" Jin asked as he saw the small rapper enter the room.
"Nah." Yoongi sighed as he rubbed his eyes tiredly, he sat down next to his Hyung and rested his head on his shoulder.

Now done with that sandwich Jin dedicated all of his attention to his adorable little roommate. He looked quite tired.

"Are you okay? You look pale, well paler than usual."
Yoongi didn't respond directly, instead he just let his head fall on Jin's lap, then stretched out his limbs to his Hyung's neck, hugging it.
"Tired." He mumbled before falling asleep. His limbs falling down.

His heart almost stopped. At least that's how Jin felt at that moment. He had tried many times to stop this feelings from completely blooming, but Yoongi wasn't making it easy. Being all cute and teasing.

Jin glanced at Yoongi's slightly parted lips, and his face got maybe ten times warmer. As gently as he could, he picked up the sleeping beauty in a bride style and decided to go back to the living room. He didn't trust drunk himself enough to be alone with him.

He entered the living room and quickly everyone silenced, soon noticing their sleeping hyung on Jin's arms. Taehyung lowered the volume of the music.
"Is Yoongi alright?" Jimin asked first, he was the least drunk, and concerned enough to ask about the small rapper's health.

"He's fine, just tired. Jungkook, care to give me a hand?" With those words the maknae stood up and helped his poor hyung. Once Yoongi was resting on his arms he couldn't help but smile. His cute lips made him want to kiss the sleeping beauty that was Yoongi.
He decided to sit down on the couch again, this time with Yoongi on his lap.

"Yoongi looks so cute asleep!" Tae whispered loudly as he sat down next to Kookie, not caring to call his hyung on a formal matter.
"First of all shut up! And second, don't state the obvious Tae. He always does." Jin jokingly/not so jokingly corrected, of course Tae couldn't help but respond to that with a slight whine.
"Well yeah I just never noticed that Yoongi was so clingy when sleeping!"
The members stared in confusion at Yoongi and Jungkook. Soon realizing what TaeTae meant.

Yoongi was basically hugging Jungkook like a koala would do, his head happily nuzzling Jungkook's neck.

When Jungkook noticed the closeness, his cheeks blushed a warm red, but didn't really do anything to stop the nuzzling. He looked at his hyungs for help, but just got either judging stares or laughs.

Namjoon and Jin snickered at him, but lowkey wished they were him right now. Meanwhile Hoseok and the rest of the maknaes weren't even hiding their jealous glares. Highkey wishing for that to happen to them.

Once the laughter died down Namjoon sat down on the floor, scratching his chin because he hadn't shaved in a while. "It's weird. I know Yoongi isn't that cuddly when sleeping."

"Well, obviously he's like this only with me because I'm his favorite!" Jungkook exclaimed excited and somewhat proud of that fact. This hit a nerve on the other members, and soon an argument began.

"Heh, excuse me. I'm obviously his favorite." Said Jimin, frowning a bit because the offense was b i g.
Jungkook just sent him a smug smirk. "Oh please," He said, his hands traveling down to Yoongi's waist to hug him tighter. "Everyone's knows how close hyung and I are. No pun intended."

"You two, stop fighting like children and start acting like the adults you are," Jin said sternly. " Of course Yoongi and I are the closest, we've been roommates for a long time now. That's something you've probably forgotten."

Jimin and Jungkook gave murderous glares at Jin, who stuck his tongue out at them.

Namjoon ignored the growing bickering and instead focused entirely on his sleeping hyung. Mixing alcohol and hidden feelings was never a good idea, something Namjoon was going to learn the hard way. Because as his eyes were traveling up and down Yoongi's body he couldn't help but mutter.

"I never noticed how fuckable Yoongi is.."

Everyone silenced with those words. It wasn't much of a secret between the six that they had some type of feeling towards the small rapper. They just didn't want to acknowledge it, too afraid of losing him or his trust.

Without realizing it Jungkook hugged Yoongi just a bit too tight, making the latter release a soft moan.
Everyone awake inside the room visibly tensed as their cheeks grew warm. Jungkook, not wanting things to get more uncomfortable moved Yoongi to his side. The sleeping beauty was now resting peacefully between him and Jimin, completely unaware of the silent chaos that was happening.

"Namjoon... Care to explain what you meant?" Jin asked carefully to the still-drunk-but-a-little-sobered-up Joonie.
"Don't act as you don't know what I'm saying!" He said with a frown on his pretty face."Everyone here is thinking the same anyway. I'm just saying it out loud."

"Hyung that's enough!" Jimin almost screamed, feeling ashamed because he knew Namjoon was in the right here. Hoseok, who for now seemed the calmest. Gently grabbed Yoongi and made his sit on his lap. Better late than ever told his intoxicated brain to him. He usually didn't like drinking but some days he could make exceptions.

With Yoongi on his lap, it was hard to focus on anything else. His hands slowly traveled down to Yoongi's thighs and decided to let his hands rest there. Meanwhile, the discussion between the other members continued.

"Namjoon Hyung!" Tae said suddenly, serious expression on his face.
" Yeah, Tae?"
" You want to fuck Yoongi too then?" He without mercy, making the ones listening blush like strawberries. Namjoon somehow maintained a serious expression, nodding to what Tae said.

"Well duh, and I know you all lowkey want to do it too."

The rest didn't know how to respond to such an accusation. Because they knew it was true.

"Yeah and what? He's going to be mine anyway." Tae said simply. An almost predatory look on his eyes.

"Oh Tae, are you sure? I bet he doesn't want you. I will surely give him all the pleasure he needs." Jimin stated, not sure if it was him or the alcohol speaking. Probably both.

"Guys, ple-"

"Well I bet he doesn't want someone shorter than him. Sorry Jimin." Jungkook said in a teasing manner as he glared at him.

"Hey-" Again the quiet voice was interrupted, this time by Namjoon.
"If I'm honest, I know that he'll be having a better time with me. Especially with my deep ass voic-"

"HAVE YOU HEARD MY VOICE-" Tae shouted, losing his cool right before someone interrupted him

"Shut up! I have something important to say!" Hobi whispered/shouted. Quickly the discussion died. No one wanted an angry, drunk Hoseok. Just by remembering last time made some of them shudder. Anyway, when Hoseok saw that he caught everyone's attention he slowly said.

"I bet you all.."

"To win Yoongi's heart."

Silence filled the room as their intoxicated minds processed what he just said.

"Pardon?" The youngest asked, expressing everyone's confusion with that simple word.

"It's pretty simple. If Yoongi fall in love with you instead of another, you win. And to make it more exciting," He explained calmly, his hands now slightly squeezing Yoongi's thighs. "We only have this two free weeks we were just given."

"How long c-can we go when it comes to seducing?" Jimin asked, his cheeks slightly tinted red.
"As far as you want. As long as it's consented of course." Hoseok answered calmly, slight smirk on his face.

They couldn't deny such a challenge and they knew it. Without saying it out loud they accepted said dare. The reason? They'll discover it with time.

"Heckity heck, five abs and one peck!" Jin exclaimed with a surprised expression.

" What..?"
" What was that..?"

" It's something I say when I'm confused, so I'm not alone in my confusion. See, it works. Anyways, don't you think we maybe should talk about this tomorrow instead..? When we are more... sober?"

"You right, you right. We'll discuss this further tomorrow, if we still want to do this," Namjoon sighed.
"But promise. What we discussed between us stays between us."

As everyone promised each other to not tell anyone Hoseok passed Yoongi to Taehyung, and gave him the instruction to carry him to his bed. After all it was time for everyone to go to bed and rest.

Tae carried Yoongi to his dorm, and as gently as he could placed the sleeping beauty on his bed, Tae sat down next to him and couldn't help but sigh. God he was so in love, his heart fluttered as he caressed Yoongi's cheek.
"I really hope you are not listening... But good luck, these are going to be busy weeks." He chuckled softly.
Carefully he leaned forward and kissed Yoongi's nose, not wanting to take any more advantage he turned off the light and closed the door.

Yoongi slept with a gummy smile on his face.

Welp I'm going to be rewriting old chapters, random updates because I don't know if I have the time to follow a schedule. I'm not going to explain why I disappeared because I know most of you don't really care ✌️✌️✌️

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