Lamb Skewers And Jealousy

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THIS, THIS IS AN I C O N I C CHAPTER (At least for me lmao)

The next day was slow, and Yoongi never felt more bored, normally with their busy schedules he couldn't have any time for himself. But now that they had this two weeks off he decided to spend more time with the members. Sure things yesterday ended up being a bit more,, ‘surprising’ but that was probably a one time thing and surely wouldn't happen again.

"JUNGKOOK! Can you come over here?” He shouted as loud as possible, after some silent seconds a confused Jungkook peaked through the door. When he noticed that the hyung was alone he sat down next to him.

"What is it?” He responded. Yoongi grabbed his hand and guided him to the entrance of the house.
“Let's go out. Only you and I.” He replied while putting on his jacket.
“Like a date?” The youngest couldn't help but ask, grin on his face. Yoongi rolled his eyes, but didn't deny anything.

"Hyung where are we going?” Jungkook asked. Both of them were covered in clothing, in order to not be recognized by their fans or media.

"Not sure, I just needed some fresh air. Also to get away from Jin.” He sighed at the end, Jungkook laughed at that. Jin was being really clingy this morning, and while Yoongi liked the attention sometimes, it could also piss him off easily.

"Let's eat. Do you want something?” The older decided after eyeing a near restaurant.
"Excuse me?"
"Lamb Skewer sounds good right now."

After sitting down and ordering they talked about meaningless things before their food came. Jungkook didn't waste time to take a good bite from his food, but Yoongi stared at him with a smile on his face.
It's been a while since the two of them were alone, eating Lamb Skewers.
Just enjoying each other's company.
Right after finishing half his plate Jungkook noticed Yoongi's stare.

“Open your mouth~”

Yoongi stared at his maknae, who was offering him a stick of the delicious meat. Said maknae had a grin on his face as he waited for Yoongi to take a bite from the stick. The rapper shrugged and leaned forward.

He opened his tiny mouth and managed to fit inside his mouth almost the entire stick before biting down. After leaning back into his chair to properly chew all the meat he looked at Jungkook again. He looked,, excited? He had a weird look on his eyes.

"Such a good boy you are~”

Yoongi almost choked on Lamb Skewer.

“What?” He hoped he heard wrong, but he just received a grin, making him look away in embarrassment.

In the end Yoongi didn't eat his whole plate, claiming that he wasn't that hungry in the first place. Jungkook, sweet sweet Jungkook of course then ate Yoongi's Lamb Skewers because he wasn't going to waste any of that godly meat.

Both were walking around in a deserted park, Jungkook humming along a song stuck on his head and Yoongi just enjoying the weather and view. Both were holding hands as they appreciated each others company, suddenly Jungkook stopped on his tracks, making Yoongi stop too.

“Jungkook?” Yoongi asked.
“I have an idea of we can do now.” He said.
“What is it?” Jungkook didn't respond, just winked and said.
“It's a surprise.”


"Ah..! It hurts..” Yoongi muttered, pulling away sweaty strays of hair from his face.

Jungkook grunted in response, his brows furrowed and eyes closed, just as sweaty or even more so than the fragile male.

"Oh God, I think I'm going to break in half, why did I agree on this..” Whined Yoongi again, his legs trembling not being able to support Yoongi's weight at the moment

"Hyung I'm trying to concentrate stop wailing." Jungkook finally shouted, frown on his face along with a slight blush. With the last push-up done he sat up again.

"Well, I wouldn't be ‘wailing’ so much if someone didn't basically force me to do the same routine as him.”

Jungkook rolled his eyes at the dramatization of his hyung, finding it silly. Until he glanced at his hyung again, who was resting in the gym floor trembling a bit and trying to control his breathing. Pushing all the dirty thoughts away he sat down in front of him and asked.

"Does it hurt somewhere? Maybe we should have stretched more..”
"Legs mostly, and don't blame yourself, it's mostly my fault thinking I could follow your daily routine.”

Jungkook scoffed before looking around, surprisingly the gym was empty except them two and some background music. He looked at Yoongi again.

"I can give you a massage to ease the pain, if you want to.” He asked politely, Yoongi just nodded.

Opening his legs, Yoongi looked away, cheeks red from the embarrassment. And Jungkook mentally slapped himself and in a mantra whispered to himself, ‘No dirty thoughts no dirty thoughts no dirty thoughts no dirty thoughts no dirty thoughts-’

Thing just got more awkward when Yoongi failed to hold back a moan when Jungkook massaged a sensitive part.

"So Hoseok’s not the only one with a liking to my thighs.”

Jungkook froze, eyes wide. And it took Yoongi two more seconds before realizing what he said, it sounded way more.. Bad than he intended.

"What?” Jungkook’s icy tone made Yoongi tremble under his touch.

"I mea-”

"He touched you?” He asked, velvety tone on his voice as he pushed Yoongi to the floor and crawled on top of him, giving the smaller less chances to escape. Jungkook pinned Yoongi's arms above his head, now there was no way out.

"Jungkook? What are you doing?” Jungkook eyes softened at that question before licking his lips. Making direct eye contact with the flustered male.

"You are mine, no one else should touch you.” He said like it was the most normal thing in the world.

Yoongi wasn't oblivious, he knows Jungkook was extremely jealous right now. And with no chance to escape from his touch and gaze he decided to play along. Just to see how far things would go.

"Oh, am I?" He asked, tilting his head to the side while smiling. Jungkook frowned, waiting for him to finish his sentence.
"If I'm yours, prove it."

That was enough to piss off the already jealous as fuck Jungkook, who grabbed chunks of Yoongi's hair and pushed back. Making Yoongi arch his neck along the hand, exposing his pale skin. Jungkook licked his lips again before heading straight in and attacking Yoongi, biting and sucking from the neck to the collarbone.

Knowing full well that that was going to leave enormous marks Yoongi struggled to hold back a big moan, shifting his hips under Jungkook. He was slowly growing more aroused. This wasn't good.

Jungkook wasn't thinking, he was just doing what his body told him to do. So many years of this desires he always tried to hide, were finally making sense.

Feeling like things were going to escalate from there, he separated from Yoongi to take off his shirt that was drenched in sweat. This is when Yoongi decided things were going too far. He knows he already lost Jungkook in lust paradise so it was almost useless to try to reason with him.

Finally with his free hands he grabbed Jungkook’s shoulders and shaked him as hard as he possibly could with the strength he had left.

"For fucks sake Jungkook, calm down.” He hated how those words came out in between soft breaths. But at least he managed to calm Jungkook down, who was staring with wide eyes. Slowly processing what just happened, it was hard because the only thing he could focus on was the purple marks growing all over Yoongi's neck and collar bone.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked in a whisper, making Yoongi sigh exhausted. First Jin and now this bullshit.

"Get up,” He said, patting Jungkook’s shoulder. ”It's time to go home.”

"But you haven't answered my question hyung.”

"... Let's talk when we're home, okay?”


The sky was turning dark once they reached home, Yoongi rushed to his room while the others interrogated Jungkook on what happened. While the maknae was telling his half-truths Yoongi came back from his room wearing a turtleneck.

After a quick dinner and some mindless talking everyone went to do their own business again. So Jungkook found this to be the best opportunity to apologize to his hyung.

"Yoongi hyung, we need to talk,” He said  “Privately.”

The second eldest sighed as he closed the book he was reading. Namjoon at his side eyed them curiously, but otherwise said nothing as he two males leaved the room to talk.

"What is it?” Yoongi asked, glancing at the closed door nervously.

"First of all, I want to apologize. I acted.. like an horny brat,” Yoongi snorted, making Jungkook blush. “It was immature of me and I promise that I will control myself.” He said, scratching the back of his head.

Yoongi crossed his arms and hummed a bit. “I'm glad that you apologized and all but…“ Jungkook gulped. 
“I'm still,, not over it. I'm disappointed that you took advantage of me that way. And then you had the nerve to ask me for a kiss.”
Jungkook felt sick with himself, he really fucked up.
“If you want a kiss. You'll have to earn it, you understand?” Jungkook nodded, agreeing with his conditions.

Yoongi frowned, he didn't like to see his maknae upset, but he knew it was for the best.
“Oh yeah hyung, I have a final question.” He said, playing with the hem of his shirt.
“What was that about Hoseok hyung..?”


Yoongi blushed and looked away. “I swear, it's nothing weird. It's just a thing I noticed with him, he likes to rest his hands on my thighs.
I mean he's touchy with everyone else anyway. So I don't find it strange.” He explained slowly, trying to find the right words to say.

“Oh okay that makes sense..” Jungkook muttered before chuckling. “I really overreacted then.”

“Why would you thought? Be jealous and ‘overreact’ I mean?” Yoongi asked this time, the maknae just looked at him like he just asked the stupidest question.

“Because I like you.”

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