Beaches And Kisses

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This is probably my favorite chapter rn, hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

Yoongi was casually brushing his teeth while internally panicking. Jungkook fucking confessed to him like it was the most normal thing to do, just some hours after the fucker left some big ass hickeys on his neck.

He sighed, he couldn't even response because Jungkook already said goodnight and left the room,leaving him all confused. Maybe he was joking..?

"Hyung? Are you going to bed?" A deep voice asked, making Yoongi flinch. He turned around and there was Tae. Staring at him with his usual blank expression.

"Don't scare your hyung like that!" He scolded because of the surprise. "But yeah, why?"

Taehyung shrugged, his eyes wandering through the room until they landed back on Yoongi. "Nothing I just.. Why are you wearing that turtleneck?"

"Don't question your hyung brat."

Ignoring the last statement Tae stepped a bit closer and rested his hand on the counter. Yoongi both hated and loved how much Tae had grown, he went from being this little overly excited child to this mature man in front of him. His voice, somehow, got sexier as time passed and it shocked Yoongi every time.

"What I really wanted to ask was.. Do you want to go out on a date with me?"

Yoongi almost choked. But managed to finish brushing his teeth while thinking of what to say, meanwhile Tae was waiting for his response. Smirk on his face and weird glint in his eyes.

"Tae, ummm. Do you know what a date even means..?" He asked, somehow finding the courage to look at the taller man in the eyes.

"Of course I do hyung," He laughed, moving his hand up to wipe away a bit of cream left on Yoongi's lips. "That's why I want to have my first real one with you."

With a final wink he said goodnight and left.

"Wait what."

First Jin, then Jungkook and now Taehyung. What's next, the whole fucking group is just, gay for him???

And then he also have to worry about the goddam hickeys in his neck. Thankfully turtleneck sweater exist but the excuse isn't going to last very long.

Feeling a headache coming he walked to the kitchen for a glass of cold water. The coldness was refreshing and it helped him clear his mind a little, but he still felt confused over the events of this past few days. He's sure that something happened at that party and he meant to ask Jin about it. But got,, sidetracked.

Deciding to go to sleep and procrastinate his problems for tomorrow, he went to his room and changed clothes to pyjamas. He usually slept in underwear, but it was getting colder and he didn't want to get sick.

He felt somewhat weird when he looked at himself in the mirror and noticed the hickeys. They were strangely pretty, adorning his skin in beautiful shades of purple. Maybe it's just his tired mind thinking bullshit, but he liked the way they looked.

Things got worse when he was already in bed, snuggling his blanket and waiting for sweet dreams when someone peaked through his door. And without even giving some type of excuse, laid down next to Yoongi and began to cuddle him. It was completely dark so both of them couldn't see anything, but Yoongi just knew who it was. Especially when two hands reached down to his ass.

"Hyung, I'm trying to sleep. Not fuck." Yoongi hissed at the dark.
"Sorry." The voice whispered back, not a hint if regret in his voice.


The chirping of birds woke him up from his dream-less sleep, and soon realized the position he was in. What he thought was just a really comfy pillow is in fact Jin's chest. A hand was slowly petting his hair, almost making him fall asleep again.

"Morning grandpa, did you sleep well?" Jin asked, his voice a bit ruspy from just waking up and other hand resting on Yoongi's waist.

"Mhm, I tried hyung. But it was a bit hard when you kept grabbing my ass."
Jin couldn't help but blush and let Yoongi free from his grip. Fearing that his hyung would catch a glance of the hickeys before he got to leave he snatched the blanket and surrounded himself with it like a turtle. Jin stared at him with a questioning glance, but didn't think too much of it as Yoongi left the bedroom.

Deciding to grab a cup of coffee and start his morning routine Yoongi glanced at the clock. It was 10:12, way too early for him but he didn't want to return to his room as he was already awake.

Still completely surrounded by the enormous blanket he entered the kitchen to serve himself some delicious coffee, just the smell of the beans made him smile. He couldn't understand how Taehyung wasn't a fan of the beverage. But a sudden rush of cold air interrupted him from his thoughts, someone took the blanket off of him.

"Good morning hyung." A mischievous voice said.
Yoongi couldn't help but roll his eyes as he tried to take the blanket back.
"Morning Jungkook." The youngest smiled at him before he noticed the hickeys and his eyes widened.

"Wah... I did that?" He asked, his hand gently caressing the bruised skin. Yoongi flinched at the sudden touch, but let him continue brush his neck. "It doesn't look bad in you." Jungkook joked farther, earning a smack in the arm by a blushing yet pissed off Yoongi.

Taking the blanket back Yoongi went to looking like a turtle again, making Jungkook laugh at how cute he looked.

"Anyway, are you doing something today hyung?" The youngest asked as Yoongi finished to prepare his coffee.

"Yeah, I think Taehyung wanted to hang out with me today.." He said quietly, drinking his coffee slowly as it was still warm. Jungkook's brows furrowed but nodded anyway.

Yoongi glanced at the clock again, 11:24. He had finished his cup of coffee, put on a nice turtleneck sweater and was now resting on the couch. Reading a book he had been wanting to read for a long time but never got the time to do it. Jimin was at his side, resting his head in his shoulder while trying to take selfies. Suddenly an excited Taehyung appeared through the door.

"Hyung are you ready for our date?" He basically shouted, grin on his face that disappeared quickly when he noticed Jimin.

"A date..?" Jimin asked, moving a bit away of Yoongi to sit up straight.

Taehyung nodded excitedly before looking back at his beloved hyung. Yoongi sighed, he just couldn't say no to those eyes.

"Urm, sure Tae. I'll be ready in an hour or so." With those words said Taehyung smiled the most adorable smile you could imagine before giving a little heart sign and walking out of the room, probably to go get prepared.

"Wait. Are really going out on a date with him hyung?" Jimin asked almost astonished, Yoongi shrugged.

"He's the one calling it a date, not me. Besides it's not such a big deal if it is or not. We're just friends." I think.

Finally getting up to prepare for said date he walked to the bathroom, were he encountered Namjoon and was alerted that Hoseok is sick and that he is going to stay in bed until he recovers. The news made Yoongi a bit sad, he wanted to hang out with Hoseok. He was his best friend after all.

Now done and prepared for anything Yoongi walked around the house searching for Taehyung's room. Their new house was really big so it would take maybe ten minutes to find him, but he wasn't in the mood to use his phone.

"Taehyung? Are you there?" He asked, knocking on Tae's door. "I'm ready to go."

The door quickly opened, showing a surprised Taehyung. He was dressed nicely and all, but his hair was completely wild.

"I fell asleep..."

Yoongi sighed, but smiled nonetheless. He grabbed Taehyung's arm and dragged him outside.

"Let's get going sleepy head, you wouldn't want to be late to your own date." Yoongi said laughing, making Taehyung's heart flutter at the sight.


Instead of walking to their destination, Taehyung insisted on using the car to get there. He said that the place he wanted to show him was far away, so the best option was to use the car. Yoongi didn't really mind, the weather was getting cold and he didn't want to walk anyway.

Occupied with his phone and mindlessly talking with Taehyung who was driving Yoongi barely noticed when they arrived. It was actually Tae who shaked his shoulder to get him to look up from the phone. Once Yoongi saw were they were he couldn't help but smile a bit.

"The beach?" He found the decision odd, considering the cold weather.

Taehyung nodded as he opened the door for Yoongi to step out the car. "Yeah, it's nice this time of the year, there's barely people around."

He was right, the weather was tolerable as the sky was clear. The waves were passive and softly hitting the rocks, Yoongi could now understand now why Taehyung wanted to bring him here. He felt smitten by the peace this place radiated.

While he was busy contemplating Taehyung was panicking, he couldn't decide whether to grab Yoongi's hand or not. It was so strange, holding hands was something so normal between them, so why was he feeling nervous now? Deciding to just 'fuck it' he grabbed his hand, making Yoongi up look at him.

"Let's, walk around," He said, looking up at the sky suddenly finding it difficult to look at his hyung. Why was he getting so damn nervous? "The beach gets even prettier once you explore more." He mindlessly rambled, Yoongi smiled at his awkwardness and gripped his hand a bit tighter.

Again, the young man with deep voice was right. Yoongi couldn't believe that they haven't done any photoshoots here yet. Considering how beautiful the beach was, they were practically alone. With the exception of maybe some old couples resting on banks near the ocean.

After maybe fifteen minutes of walking around Yoongi suddenly stopped, making Taehyung stop too. When Tae gave him a questioning glance Yoongi just kept pulling on his hand pointing at some rocks just above the water.

"What? You want to sit on the rocks?" Tae asked. Yoongi nodded, an almost childish like curiosity radiating from him making Taehyung chuckle.

After reaching said rocks, trying to sit down without getting wet and failing miserably they looked up at the sky. At least Yoongi did, because Taehyung was busy staring at him with shining eyes. He felt entranced, his rosy pink lips, his blushy cheeks, his warm brown eyes that he felt he could just stare at for hours..

"What you staring at?" Yoongi asked as he stared back at Taehyung.

He smiled a whipped smile. "Something really pretty." Yoongi snorted and smacked Taehyung again for making him laugh.

"Oh god that was so cheesy.." He laughed even more, making Taehyung grin his famous boxy smile. "Now but really, I wanted to ask you for the reason of why the date." He said now more seriously, the grip on his hand still strong.

Tae snickered, making Yoongi frown because he couldn't understand what was so funny.
"The reason is simple hyung," He started, his deep voice pulling Yoongi in some sort of trance. "I'm pretty sure you can figure it out by yourself."

The breeze of the ocean and the chirping of the birds was the only music sounding as Yoongi stared at Taehyung in silent.

"You, like me that way?"

"Oh hyung," His gentle voice sounded pained as his hand squeezed the smaller one. "I like you so many ways you can't imagine. But I understand if you don't swing that way or that you want us to be just friends. I just felt like a needed to tell you before it got too late and things would never be the sam-"

"You talk too much shut up," Yoongi snapped before Tae continued with his rant. "I swing both ways, I thought you knew that," He added, jokingly rolling his eyes before grabbing both of Taehyung's hands and giving them a light squeeze. "And about the confession, I can't give you an answer now. But I'm not saying no, okay?"

Tae was horrible at hiding his emotions, at least in Yoongi's eyes. Surprise was written all over his face, he looked like he didn't even sink in all the words and was slowly processing it. His expression even made Yoongi laugh a bit, he looked adorable.

Taehyung couldn't contain himself anymore, not anymore. Yoongi's laugh and gummy smile it's what triggered him to just grab him and kiss him with such craving and longing. Years of pent-up love and adoration finally released with a single kiss,surprising both him and Yoongi.

But just as quickly as the kiss began it ended, leaving both members with breathless and wanting of more.

"I," Tae stuttered. "Oh god I'm sorry I should have asked befor-" His fingers gently stroked his own lips, wanting to remember the sweet taste left on them.

Now it was Taehyung's turn to be confused, as Yoongi began to quietly laugh, the blush spreading from his cheeks to the tip of his nose and ears. The rays of sunshine illuminating his porcelain skin and somehow making him even more beautiful in Taehyung's eyes.

"God you are such an idiot," He smiled again, this time a relaxed smile. "My idiot."


The door to their house opened in a bang, surprising both the members inside the house and those outside.

"I told you try to kick the door open, not try to break it!"
"It's not my fault I have such strong legs."
Yoongi snorted as both entered the living room, they looked a bit sweaty. Their bare faces shining a bit under the lights of the room. The members that were chilling in the living room looked at them strangely, but otherwise didn't really do anything as the duo headed to Yoongi's room.

"Oh, let me carry your jacket." Taehyung offered as Yoongi was taking it off.

"Oh such a gentleman~" And with that they joked and laughed all the way to Yoongi's room, leaving the other ones in a deeply confused state.

As the door closed behind him Taehyung dropped his confident facade to reveal a slightly nervous one. "So umm, did you enjoy it?" it wasn't like he had planned this date for weeks or anything, in fact it only took him maybe like thirty seconds but he still wanted to leave a good impression. Plus it was just his first date.

"Enjoy what, the kiss or the date?" He questioned. "Judging by your expression I'm going to guess both. Umm well I enjoyed the date a lot, it was fun." Honestly he didn't really know what to say, at first he wanted to scratch his neck but the turtleneck made it a bit difficult. Awkwardness filled the room were the two didn't know what to say.

As Taehyung was about to leave to go and over analyze every single interaction Yoongi grabbed the end of his shirt, stopping him from leaving.

"Yo-you, umm you forgot something." Tae furrowed his brows as he turned back, and before he could even think he received a quick peck on the lips.
"That's for being such a great guy today." Yoongi whispered, his hands resting on Taehyung's chest as he looked down at the floor. Suddenly finding his feet really interesting.

Gaining a boost of confidence, Taehyung gently lifted Yoongi's head up and kissed him again, a slow short kiss. To show his appreciation and love for the small man that completely changed him.

"Woah." Yoongi muttered, making Tae laugh silently.

"Is that a yes?" The young male asked.

"I'll .. think about it. But promise to keep what happened today a secret."

Taehyung smiled, a more gentle smile this time. "I promise hyung."

Lmao help I pulled an all-nighter today and watched the bbmas, worth it. Which is your favorite song in Tear? my fav song is definitely anpanman.

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