Smoking Hot

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Not the longest chapter, but I'm satisfied with it. Sorry for the long wait I'm in Portugal rn 🇵🇹

Yoongi felt annoyed, no, more than that. He was pissed off. Apparently the maknaes joined forces against him and were pinning him down to the couch, leaving no room for escape. He just wanted some alone time to think about what have been happening these days but it seemed right down impossible at the moment.

The little fuckers even claimed that they just wanted to cuddle, but Yoongi wasn't stupid. Considering what has been going on lately he knew there were some hidden intentions behind those sweet smiles of them.

After being manhandled into sitting in Jimin's lap he tried and struggled to get off, but both Tae and Jungkook at his sides were persistent and forced him to stay right there.

"Alright you demons I give up," He finally said, relaxing into Jimin's arms putting his hands up to show that he wouldn't fight anymore. "What could you possibly want from me?"

"We just wanted to distract you a bit, you seemed stressed." Jimin said as he nuzzled Yoongi's neck. Tae and Jungkook looked away, knowing they were at fault for that.

"We just wanted to give you a bit of love hyung." Jungkook said innocently, giving his best puppy eyes to his hyung.

"If you love me let me go." Yoongi sighed tiredly, Jungkook got flashbacks of his emo phase right before he was interrupted by the door opening.

There was Jin, snacking on some chips while eyeing them strangely.

"Hyung I would greatly appreciate your help right now." Yoongi said plainly, giving him an blank look, he just received one back.

"Are you still wearing the turtleneck from yesterday?" He asked instead, walking to the table to grab the keys.

"Hyung plea-"

"Well I'm glad to see y'all playing together," He said like a true mother would. "I'm going out shopping. While I'm out don't forget to check on Hoseok, he's still sick and will need a bit of assistance. I think Namjoon is busy doing stuff inside his room so don't bother him," He eyed the maknaes while saying that. "Don't destroy anything, byee."

Yoongi felt almost betrayed, how could his hyung do this against him? Leave him at the mercy of the three demons? He must have had some funny expression on his face considering how baffled he felt.

"He left you.. And it's just us now..." Jimin whispered against Yoongi's ear, causing him to shiver. But not the good type of shiver, more like an afraid one.

"Wanna play a fun game hyung?" The maknae asked, his voice deeper than usual as he gently caressed Yoongi's cheek. The older knew they were all just 'playing' and 'joking', but as they were getting closer to him he began to worry that the were really planning to do something not so innocent.

"I believe that's called rape." He joked, he was sweating a bit and his shoulders were tense. He really wasn't in the mood for this but the others didn't seem to grasp that yet, they just chuckled at the joke and continued with their doings.

He really lost his shit when he felt someone's hand crawl inside his shirt. "O-Okay stop, this isn't funny." After a stunned silence the two on the sides backed away and Jimin released his grip around him. It took some seconds for Yoongi to get up from Jimin's lap and face the three of them face to face. He gave them all an unamused expression, making them slightly flinch.

Instead of giving them an angry rant or anything like that he just left the room without saying anything. He knows that the would understand by themselves and go apologize for their actions. They're adult after all, so they should start acting like ones.

As he walked around he decided to pay Namjoon a visit, to see what he was doing. Then he was going to check on Hoseok and pass the time with him, the poor guy must be dying of boredom inside his room.

He opened the door to Namjoon's room and the first thing he noticed was that it felt really hot, making him more sweaty than he already was. In the middle of the room was Namjoon, sitting on a chair too busy with the phone to even notice him.

"Occupied huh?" He said, trying to catch a glance on what Namjoon was doing. Strangely his phone screen was black. The leader jumped in surprise before looking at him astonished and then at the door that was closing by itself. He sprinted towards the door, trying to reach it before it closed. But it was too late, the door closed and a strong 'click' was heard.

"Fuck.. " Namjoon muttered, his fingers running through his hair.

Yoongi raised a brow, and sat down at the chair. "What is it?" He asked, doing a little spin.

"I umm," He began, wiping a bit of sweat on his forehead. "I somehow broke the door and it can't open from within.."


"Just, how." He got up from the chair and tried to open the door, but it remained closed. "Uuh use your phone to call the others." He said, reaching inside his own pockets trying to find his phone before remembering he left it in the kitchen to charge.

He faced Namjoon again, trying to cling on the small hope he had left but it was all ruined when he was showed that Namjoon's phone had no battery left.

"We are so screwed."

"Just don't panic and everything will be alright." Namjoon tried to convince Yoongi, and maybe even himself.



"Hyung the walls are soundproof, there's no way they'll hear us."



Tired and sweaty they finally stopped screaming at each other, the have tried absolutely everything the room could offer them, but nothing worked. The worst part of all of this was that the room was getting hotter by the second and Yoongi knew that taking off the turtleneck sweater was a big no no for him.

"You should take that sweater off before you die of dehydration. It's only going to get hotter." Namjoon advised, a bit worried after seeing Yoongi's breath quicken. But his words seemed to get ignored as Yoongi just huffed and looked away. That annoyed the taller man. "Fine, do as you want. It's not my fault if you pass out or anything."

Twenty minutes passed very slowly, and Namjoon was right. It was getting insufferably hot in there, being the smart man that he is Namjoon already took off his jacket along with his socks. But Yoongi remained the same, too stubborn to take anything off.

"Yoongi I swear to god take at least your socks off, just your sight is annoying me." He said, his eye twitching. Yoongi rolled his eyes, but at least took his socks off.
"Are you kidding me?" Namjoon started again, his patience running low thanks to a certain someone.

Yoongi was struggling to breath, and he felt like he was going to pass out any second now. But his pride was bigger so stubbornly he kept the fucking sweater off.
"Well, if you really want to keep the sweater on, take off your pants then." Namjoon suggested, eyeing the sweating twink.

Yoongi glared at him offended. "I'm not taking my fucking pants off you pervert." He huffed, making Namjoon roll his eyes. "However, I can take them off if you also take off something." Yoongi said, feeling his heartbeat rise.

Namjoon eyes widened before he grinned, and began taking his shirt off in the most sexy way possible, at least he tried. With all the sweat it looked a bit awkward, but that didn't stop Yoongi from blushing. Namjoon had a good trained body that Yoongi could just stare at in admiration and something else.

"Your turn." Namjoon said, throwing the shirt to the corner of the room. Yoongi coughed and looked away as he began unbuttoning his pants. The problem was that the were really tight jeans, so they got stuck mid-thigh. Making Yoongi grunt displeased and embarrassed.

"... Need any help?" His leader asked, getting a bit closer to the panicked gay. Again Yoongi was avoiding eye contact and biting his lip. But finally leaned back on the chair he was resting on and raised his legs up. And Yoongi was right, the pants were really tight, or maybe he just had some thicc ass thighs. But Namjoon struggled before taking off said pants.

"... What happens in this room, stays in this room." Yoongi managed to say after seconds of silence with just the sound of their heavy breathibg. Namjoon nodded, throwing the pants aways and leaning forward to give Yoongi a peck on the lips. He just couldn't resist.

Yoongi stiffed, but quickly grabbed Namjoon's shoulders to drag him down and kiss him properly, which surprised Namjoon. The kiss wasn't long, but it was passionate. It felt like in a way Yoongi was saying thanks in his own unique way.

"HYUNG, ARE YOU IN THERE?" A voice could be heard from the other side of the room, interrupting their private moment. Seconds later the door opened, just in time for the two to separate, but not enough to cover themselves.

"... Why are you two half naked?" It was Jimin, who looked pretty confused.
"And why is it so warm here?" He asked again. Yoongi sighed and got up to get his pants.

"God of destruction here broke the door and we got stuck inside." He sighed, walking away to shower. "Thanks for opening the door." He said, giving Jimin a grateful smile. Once Yoongi was out of sight Jimin gave Namjoon the stare.

"Did you two fuck?"

Namjoon sighed.


After a good deserved shower, Yoongi noticed that the hickey were slowly fading away, somehow that made him a bit sad. He was starting to like how they looked on him.

Leaving the bathroom and going to the kitchen to retrieve his phone he encountered Namjoon again, who also looked showered.

"Another turtleneck hyung? What are you hiding, love bites?" Yoongi snorted at that, because it was true. But luckily Namjoon quickly changed conversation.


"Yeah Joonie?"

"Is this going to change our friendship?" He asked, no longer acting like a leader. But showing his true self, and right now he felt confused. Like a lost puppy.

Yoongi didn't know how to respond. "I... think so, yeah. But that doesn't mean it's a bad change. Just maybe a step to the right direction."

Namjoon smiled and awkwardly hugged Yoongi, who was maybe a head smaller. Moments like these Yoongi remembered why he loved hugging tall people, they are the best huggers.

I hope did a good job with this ship, it's so underrated it hurts my heart.
I deleted a lot of smutty scenes because I'm a weak bitch, but also because I think I was going too fast, what do you think?

Btw which ship do you want to see the next chapter?

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