Yoongi Sucks

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If you are reading this story solely for the smut beware. I suck.

Also sorry for the wait lol

The next day started slow, everyone felt relaxed, fully enjoying their vacation and each other's company. So accustomed to work they haven't been able to just relax and simply enjoy a good homemade meal.
But at last, the idea of vacation had finally started to sink in inside everyone's mind. And today was their first time in a long while that they were going to enjoy a good meal together prepared by Jin.

Hoseok, still terribly sick,was dragged to the table by Jin so he wouldn't die alone inside his room. To be safe he brought a mask, not wanting to infect the others.

The food was already served on the table, still too hot to eat. Out of nowhere Jin loudly coughed, interrupting the ongoing conversation while gaining everyone's attention. Hoseok was worried that he might have infected him, but Jin’s grin told otherwise.

“Everyone,” He started, raising from his chair and resting his hands on the table. “Thank you so much for coming here tonight. Especially you Hoseok.” The sick rapper raised one of his brows. “I know you are sick, so I'm happy you could come here to join us on this lovely meal.”

“You dragged me here...”

“I'm also glad that you brought the mask, who knows what could have happened. You could have Mac and sneezed all over the food.”

Three seconds of silence before a snort escaped Jimin’s mouth. Namjoon and Yoongi grunted simultaneously as Taehyung’s smile grew.

“That. Was horrible.” Jungkook said, trying to maintain a frown.

“Oi don't get saucy with me! I will tell jokes until I pasta way!”

Jin, too busy laughing at his own joke to serve the food that cooled down was really getting on Yoongi's nerves.
“Hyung, can you serve the food already, I'm hungry.”

Jin’s eyes sparkled with mischief as Yoongi remained clueless.
“Hi hungry, I'm Jin.”
“Hyung please I'm serious.”
“I thought you were hungry.”

This was too much, Jimin fell down his chair, Taehyung hid his face from second-hand embarrassment. Namjoon almost fell too as Hoseok and Jungkook laughed. Yoongi couldn't hide behind a glare anymore as his face grew red and a chuckle escaped his lips.

Once the laughter faded, which took a while for poor Jimin, they began eating the delicious pasta Jin made for them. All was good until out of nowhere Taehyung put his fork down and dramatically said.

“I can't do this anymore.”

They looked at him, suddenly his gaze landed on Namjoon, who was busy forcing pasta down his throat.


“Mhm?” With a mouth full of spaghetti, it is was hard to answer.

“In dna, I sing this one part that goes ‘The DNA in my blood is telling me. That it's you who I've been looking for.’ Right?”

Namjoon nodded, finally swallowing the goddamn pasta.
Taehyung’s hand slammed on the table.


Namjoon's eyes widened in horror as the others fell in another fit of laughter. Namjoon's and Taehyung’s expressions weren't helping either.

Yoongi felt his patience running thin by the non-stop jokes. But was quickly distracted when he felt a hand slam down his thigh. Of course this was Jimin, who had the habit on punching/hitting others while laughing.
He didn't think too much of it, until he noticed that the hand never left his thigh after the laughter died.

The meal thankfully returned to normal, but Yoongi couldn't help but to glance at the hand resting there. He almost dropped his fork when the hand squeezed his thigh. He looked up at the owner of said hand, but he just acted as if nothing was wrong.

“Yoongi Hyung?” Tae asked, making Yoongi slightly jump on his seat.

“Mmh urm yeah?” He answered back to Taehyung. Trying to look casual but failing.

“Are you getting sick? You have been wearing only turtlenecks lately and you are getting red..”
Yoongi didn't know how to respond, it was cute how Taehyung was concerned for him but the hand that was slowly moving to stroke his thigh was really distracting him.

“Did I infect you?” Hoseok asked alarmed, his eyes full of worry.

“Um you what? I'm going to my room, to rest. It's probably just stress.” He said while getting up, successfully ripping the hand off his thigh.

“I'll go with you hyung, you might need help.” Jimin said, placing his small hand on Yoongi's shoulder.

Horny brats ruining any chance of relaxation. Was all he could think as Jimin ‘helped’ him get inside his room. Also, was it just him or has Jimin grown taller?

The door closed after Jimin, they were all alone now and Yoongi couldn't help by to feel slightly intimidated, but also a bit turned on. Why who knows, certainly not him.

“We're now alone hyung.” Jimin said, slowly walking towards Yoongi, who unconsciously was backing away.

Jimin sighed, he looked, guilty?
“I want to say sorry. That time when Kookie, Tae and I kind of harassed you wasn't exactly fair. And I wanted to apologize.”

Oh he forgot about that. Now it was Yoongi's turn to sigh.
“Apology accepted. But really, was this the best way to get to talk to me in private. By rubbing my thigh?” Jimin smiled sheepishly.

“To be fair you have really nice thighs.” Now it was Yoongi's turn to smile.

“Nice to look at yeah, but touching is another thing now.” Yoongi said, stepping a bit closer to Jimin. Without hesitation the dancer grabbed Yoongi's hips and brought his body closer to his. “Want to try?”

Jimin licked his lips, his eyes never leaving Yoongi’s. Maybe he wasn't thinking straight (because he wasn't) or maybe he was just getting caught in the moment, but there was no backing down now.

The kiss began and ended fast, wanting it done instead of building it up. Right after that kiss another one began, a little more deep than the previous one. And so on until Jimin pushed a breathless Yoongi to the bed, making him fall to his back.

“Woah...” Jimin breathed out after various seconds of them just staring at each other's eyes. Yoongi rolled his eyes as Jimin chuckled.

Jimin stood in front of Yoongi as the small twink sat up, he looked up to Jimin who smiled at him again. And without breaking eye contact Yoongi began to undo Jimin’s belt.

“Wow um are you sure you want to do this now?” Jimin asked, his shoulders tensing. This made Yoongi hesitate, was he going too fast? The others were surely waiting for Jimin to come back.

“Hey, hey look at me.” Jimin said, gently caressing Yoongi's cheek. “I won't force you to anything, we'll go as far as you want.”

Yoongi stared, not breaking eye contact as he completely undid Jimin’s belt and tossed it to the other side of the room, making his intention clear.

Yoongi certainly didn't know what he was doing, but was he going to back down? Hell no.
Was he going to regret this five minutes right after? Probably.
Did it excited him when he felt Jimin grow aroused? You bet he did.

Jimin whimpered as he looked away, his hand lightly covering his mouth. His other hand resting on Yoongi's hair, carefully grabbing it. Oh gosh this was really happening.

With the pants down and only a pair of underwear in his way Yoongi licked lips in both excitement and nervousness.
It's been years since the last time he did anything like this so he didn't want to fuck it up for himself and especially Jimin.

The boxers certainly weren't doing a good job hiding Jimin’s dick. Now completely aroused Yoongi could guess the length even with the underwear on.
Cameron Phillip wasn't joking with the statement ‘Jimin’s got a big dick’ because damn.

Another grunt escaped Jimin’s lips, making Yoongi realize he was taking too damn long just staring. He could hear his own heartbeat rise. He didn't waste any more time and pulled the boxers down. Oh fuck, how is that suppose to fit inside his mouth?

Carefully he grabbed it with one hand, making Jimin release another grunt. The grip on his hair tightened.
Slowly but surely, Yoongi began to stroke the member. He could feel the warmth inside his hand and he had no idea how to feel about it. He leaned forward, and kissed the tip. Again making Jimin release another erotic sound. Now this of course was making Yoongi himself hard, but he was focused on making Jimin come with his tongue technology.

After the kiss he grew confident enough to deepen the next kiss. His tongue curling around Jimin’s tip, teasing it a bit. But what he didn't expect was for Jimin to unintentionally swing his hips forward. He didn't think it was possible to get the whole dick inside his mouth, but he was boo boo the fool again.

Once released he backed away and almost coughed his heart out. It's been a long time since he gave anyone a blowjob so maybe his gag reflexes are back to haunt him.

“Oh gosh I'm sorry, it was accidental I swear.”
Yoongi chose to believe him. He just gave the ok sign, making Jimin chuckle.

“You,, you can do that again.” Yoongi said, wiping away some drool. “I like it.” He smiled, not showing signs of slowing down even after such a blow to the throat.

Jimin took another deep breath. “Ready or not…”

Let's say that Yoongi was lucky enough to lose that gag reflex, because if not it would have been a mess. It felt like Jimin changed into a whole new person, like he was relieving all his pent up frustration into Yoongi's throat. The rapper wasn't complaining though, while he loves some sweet vanilla stuff, Jimin was making him see stars. Or maybe it was just the lack of oxygen.

Yoongi was having a hard time keeping up with Jimin’s inconsistent rhythm, he barely had any control. He hand on the back of his head was forcing him to go faster and harder. Finally he got to breath as the hand pulled away, only a string of saliva connecting the mouth to the dick inside his mouth just two seconds ago.

“Are, you alright?” Jimin managed to say with difficulty, Yoongi nodded, saving his jaw energy for more dick sucking. “We should finish soon, the others are going to come check on us.”

Only managing to grunt in response, Yoongi used the last of his tongue technology to finish Jimin off. The dancer didn't last long, his grip on Yoongi's hair tightening as he released his breath in relief.

“Fuck..” He managed to say, flicking his hair back. Yoongi slapped him on the arm.

“Don't curse.” He said with a bit of difficulty, he backed to the end of the bed and rested against the wall. His face still dirty with cum. Jimin managed to smile as he fixed himself to go out again.

“Want me to get you some tissues hyung?” He asked as he began to leave the room. Yoongi grunted and shaked his head.

“I'm going to take a shower, make sure to tell the others I want some alone time now.” Jimin nodded at his words and winked.

“Roger that.”

Do you get the title of the chapter now aaayyyyyy

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