It's All Jimin's Fault

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Another chapter, yay. Welp don't forget to vote and comment and stuff.

I'm alive y'all

Jimin closed the door after him, face red and palms sweaty. There was a blissful silence while he walked back to the dining room to finish eating. He was humming serendipity as opened the door, only to shudder in fear at the stares he received from the five other members.

“Uuhhh, is everything alright?” He asked, not daring to move any closer to them. “And where is Hoseok Hyung?”

Jungkook smiled the most passive aggressive smile you could think of as he chuckled. “If everything is ‘alright’ you say..” He crossed his arms, shoulders tense and his gaze cold. “We could hear you from across the house.”

Jimin sent him his ‘Woops i did bad’ smile as he backed away towards the door. “Before I die I just want to say,” Jimin started, getting closer to the door. “He's really good with his tongue.”

He ran as fast as he can, he was exhausted from before but the fear of dying was stronger, he could hear footsteps behind him and their voices scream his name in frustration. Just as he was about to cross the hall a hand caught the back of his shirt and dragged him all the way back to the dining room. Of course he tried to break free, but Jungkook’s strength is no joke.

“I'm only going to ask you once,” Jungkook said, walking around the room as his eyes never left Jimin, who was sitting on one of the chairs as the rest of the member surrounded him. “What did you do to my Yoongi?”

The other member stared at Jungkook, weirded out by the way he phrased that. Ignoring the concerned glances Jungkook stared at Jimin until the poor guy broke.

“If I told you you would break my nose, and I really don't want that.”

Jin touched Namjoon's shoulder to gain his attention and whispered. “We should break this up before anything bad happens, then we can have a proper conversation.” Of course Namjoon agreed with his hyung, the last thing he wanted to do right now was to see the others fight, and by the way Jungkook was glaring at Jimin it could happen at any time now.

Taehyung, who has been silent the whole time, suddenly started to speak, gaining the attention of the other members. “We should have a proper discussion, and discuss what has happened this last days instead of fighting over whatever Jimin did.”
He said it with such tranquility it was almost infectious, the other members almost instantly relaxed at his words. Jin couldn't help but feel proud of the man that Taehyung has become, he knows they are all technically ‘rivals’ now. But really, what chances has he against people like Taehyung, Namjoon and Ho-

“Hoseok.” Jin said out of a sudden, gaining all the attention to himself this time. “He got back to his bedroom cause he felt sick, should we go get him?”
The members looked at each other, their feelings mixed over that decision. Of course they loved Hobi, who doesn't. But no one here is going to lie and say that Hoseok isn't a threatening obstacle in order to gain Yoongi's affection.

“Let's.. Tell him later.” Namjoon decided, the other agreed with him, although Taehyung looked a bit troubled, thinking it was unfair. It was Hobi who came up with the stupid bet after all.
“Well then, we should all sit down and tell what we've been doing these couple last days in order to win the bet.” The Leader of the group continued, giving every member a long stare as he talked. The other grunted in response, not having much to say.

Soon they were all sitting down again around the table, there was no tension apart from Jungkook, who still looked quite pissed off.
“Well then,” Namjoon said, louder so that he could get everyone's attention properly. “Who wants to start?”

“I think Jimin hyung should start. He's the last one who was alone with Yoongi hyung after all.” Jungkook said with a small hint of amusement.

“ If it is frustrating you so much just leave the bet Jungkook,” Jimin finally responded seriously, frown on his pretty face. “It's really dumb to get jealous when everyone inside this room and Hobi hyung are fighting for the same person. Just get over it.”

Jungkook didn't respond as he looked away.
“Well then, if we are done screaming at each other. I think we should go from oldest to youngest. So Jin hyung begins explaining and Jungkook is last.” Taehyung offered, his voice small but eyes hopeful this reunion would end soon. Namjoon smiled at him, grateful for his calm words and then looked at Jin, who scratched his neck from all the sudden attention.

“So I'm starting..” He then coughed a bit and sat up straight. “Well, I don't really have much to say. Yoongi and I just shared my bed and slept together, but other than that.. “

“Hold up.” Jimin interrupted. “You two slept together? How many times?” Jin just sent him an irritated looked before he coughed a bit more.

“Firstly don't interrupt your hyung, and second I was about to answer your question. We've been sleeping together for a couple of days now. But nothing more happened.” He said holding up his hands in innocence.

“We believe you hyung.” Namjoon sighed. While it wasn't uncommon for them before to share bed, after these past revelations, it was something with a lot more significance than before. “Next one is umm, me.” He said, now frowning cause he really didn't want to say anything.

“ I just, we..” Namjoon struggled to speak, something that doesn't happen very often. “We kissed,” He managed to choke out, unable to look at anyone in the eyes. “and I took off his pants.”

After the weirded out looks he received he just sighed. “It's a long story.”
He sighed again before showing off his dimples with a small smile, remembering the hug he and Yoongi shared. It was not the best hug he has ever had, but the feelings behind it was what made it so special.

Jimin slammed down on his thighs. “Alright then, it's my turn now.” He said with confidence before realizing what he had to do now, his face went red. “Oh uh do I really have to explain? Y'all basically heard it all anyway.”

That sounded way better in his mind.

Jungkook was kinda like before, trying to remain calm but those words really got on his nerves. But Taehyung was even scarier, he was smiling politely, but his eyes screamed death. Luckily the hyung line didn't take it as bad, just sighed at his words. He swore he heard Namjoon whisper in a low voice ‘gotta try harder next time. ‘

“I'm sorry Jimin, but you know the rules.” Jungkook smiled again, cracking his fingers one by one. Jimin flinched at the sound.

“Wel he umm,, , he gave me a,,, blow,,, job?” His voice got smaller and smaller as he looked down. Face red and smiling from the embarrassment.

Seconds of silence before Taehyung of all people groaned in frustration, soon after Jungkook joined the groaning and the rest had to patiently wait for them to finish doing the dumbass.

“Are you two,, done?” Jin asked. Yes while Jimin’s answer was mildly infuriating that was no excuse to act like that in this ‘serious’ meeting.

“Yeah,,” Taehyung said with a final grunt, the frown on his face still there but at least he looked a lot more relaxed. Suddenly, his expression completely changed from annoyed to fondness. Like he was remembering something really cute or good.

“Yoongi and I, went on a date..” Was all he said before he hid his face behind his hands. Now acting embarrassed.

“Care to elaborate?” Namjoon asked, for some reason feeling awkward and slightly jealous at the sight, but he couldn't even understand why.

Realizing Taehyung wasn't going to he shifted his look to Jungkook, the last one standing.

Jungkook coughed a surprise cough as he looked down.
“Yoongi and I uhh had a sort of date I guess.” This made Taehyung look up. “Nothing much, we ate and uhh went to the gym yeah…”

“You went to the gym on a date?” Jimin snorted. This made Jungkook pout as his blush grew stronger.

“... I also left him hickeys.”

Chaos erupted across the room. Phrases like ‘that explains the goddam turtleneck’ and ‘I swear to God you horny rabbit’ ’were thrown across the room. Jungkook didn't know if he should feel nervous or extremely proud.

Namjoon released a heavy sigh, almost everyone had made great advances on Yoongi. Everyone but Hoseok.
He was glad in a way, because he knew just how close Yoongi and Hoseok are, who didn't? They are best friends.

“Well, we certainly have been busy these past days. But I think this is the best time to ask. If anyone wants to quit, it's now or never.” Namjoon spoke, gaining everyone's attention. They then looked at each other but nobody said anything.

Namjoon sighed again. “Well then. The bet will continue.”

“Jimin, where is Yoongi?” Jin asked.

“In the shower, and knowing him he'll stay there for another 20 minutes.” Jimin smiled. Without another word they got up and began to act like nothing happened.

Yoongi released a shaky sigh as he slowly walked away from his hiding place.

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