The tree: Part 1

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I'm going to credit theschuylerlams for inspiring this one- I thought of it after seeing fam art for their book so it's only fair to credit them for the original Tree!Connor, yes, let's make that a thing now, so Heere we go.

"P-please?" Evan beamed.

Connor groaned, "Evan, I don't want to sign up for the musical- like I said, I'm completely content with being part of stage arts."

"Why not on stage then?"

"Because the stage arts people are in the dark and very," Connor wiggled his fingers in the air above Evan, "Mysterious."

Evan snorted and rolled his eyes with a smile before fiddling with the hem of his shirt, "I just don't want to be alone on stage..."

"Which is why I'll be right there behind it to give you a thumbs up." Connor smirked and gave a lazy thumbs up.

Evan sighed, looking at the theatre doors in front of the two boys, standing in the foyer that led to it, "I-if you don't want to do it then that's fine, I guess...but a-at least watch the auditions? I know I'll do bad and stuff but like- I mean, I don't want you to see me mess up- wh-which I will, but I want support and-"

"Come on," Connor opened the door, "After you." He grinned with sarcasm.

Evan gave a meaningful smile and a determined nod before entering the theatre, Connor following behind him at a slower pace, looking around at the theatre before his eyes landed on the group of students in the first two rows, whispering and chatting as the judges, the director and stage manager as well as the guest director, were seated at a table in front of the sea of chairs, facing the stage.

Connor nearly bumped into Evan when the other boy halted in the middle of the isle they were going down, turning to Connor and shaking his head, "I-I can't do this- I just can't-" Evan squeaked, "There are so m-many p-people a-and-"

Connor slipped his hand subtly into Evan's and gave him a reassuring squeeze, "I'll stand right on over in this isle, and you can look at me and I'll make like...really weird faces- so you won't be nervous, okay? Plus, a musical takes about...this many people- so you're bound to get some part at the very least."

Evan nodded as a light blush collected at his cheeks when he looked down at the hand Connor held, but he looked more sure of himself now.

"Alright!" The director called, everyone slowly hushing as they look to him, Evan running quickly to his seat, grabbing Connor's wrist and tugging him along to two seats in the third row.

Connor smiled before realizing others were around and he resumed to an edgy look, having to keep up his reputation best he could.

"I want you all lined up in order of who you're trying out for, those of you trying out for Dorothy go first, then those for the scarecrow, then the..."

The list went on as Connor followed Evan for his part, standing behind him as there was already someone on stage auditioning.

Connor looked down when he noticed Evan picking at skin on the edges of his finger nails, causing them to almost bleed, prompting Connor to put a hand over Evan's, "Hey, Stop, you'll do amazing."

Evan sighed shakily, "I don't know...I g-guess m-maybe...but-"

"No buts, you'll make the best scarescrow there is."

"M-more like scaredcrow right now..." Evan nervously smiled.

Connor chuckled, "Hey, auditions are only a minute or two long, you'll do fine regardless of anything."

"I-if you think so..."

"Evan Hansen!"

Evan flinched when the director called his name before he nodded and scrambled onto stage.

Connor put his arms to his sides and watched Evan as he cleared his throat.

"Go ahead." The director sighed as if the kids who had gone before him were already too much work.

Evan nodded and looked forward, "There's change coming...once and for makes the front page and, man, you is major news...tomorrow, they'll see what we are, and sure as a star, we ain't come this far to lose.."

Connor was reminded of the gigantic crush he held on Evan the moment his sweet, sweet voice began to sing...he had never heard anything so smooth...this was going to be the best musical adaptation of The Wizard of Oz ever.

"Once and for all there'll be blood on the wall if they doubt us...they think they're running this town but this town will shut down without us..."

Connor was melting.

"Ten thousand kids in the square."

"Ten thousand kids in the square!" The group of auditions chanted back.

Huh. Wonder what this musical is...Evan mentioned something about Newsies...never heard of it...

"T-ten thousand fists in the air!" Evan grinned on stage at the support.

"Ten thousand fists in the air!"

"Joe, you is gonna play fair once and for all..." Evan dragged the note out perfectly, "Once and for all..."

"Once and for all..."

"Once and for all..."

"Once and for all..."

Evan skipped to the end verse, "Once and for a—ll." He hit the note clearly and absolutely perfect.

Connor was falling hard for this kid.

The judges were astounded when Evan finished before they began to violently clap.

"Excellent work!" The director cheered along with the crowd.

Evan shyly murmured a thank you and ambled off the stage, bounding up to Connor who had made his way over to the exit and hugging him tight, Connor responded by patting Evan on the head and ruffling his hair.

"Results are posted online in an hour!" Evan squeaked.

"Let's go get ice cream to celebrate you totally nailing that you twink." Connor grinned.

Evan giggled and took a step back to nod up at Connor, "Sounds like a plan."


And hour had passed and Evan was staring at his phone for the Facebook notification that would tell him if he'd gotten in or not, he had half his ice cream finished where he and Connor sat in the air-conditioned À Le Mode.

Connor was less nervous, "You definitely got in, Ev," A bite of ice cream, "Don't sweat it."

"Of course I'm sweating it, I- thEY'RE POSTED-" Evan screeched and unlocked his phone as quick as he possibly could, almost as quick as Connor was stealing some of his ice cream before leaning back.

Evan read over the list and beamed for a moment before his face went completely red and his expression dropped.

Connor frowned, "What's wrong?"

Evan quickly shook his head, blush very evident on his face as he was fidgeting slightly now with a very bright red skin tone.

"What happened?"


"Bullshit, show me that list."

Evan shook his head before Connor quickly grabbed the phone, causing Evan to yelp and quickly look away.

Connor quickly read over the casting call.

Alana Beck: Dorothy
Evan Hansen: Scarecrow
Jake Dillinger: Tinman

The call went on until Connor's eyes landed on something peculiar.

Connor Murphy: The Tree

[To be continued...]

Should I do a chapter on this thing where Connor and Evan get these??

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