Hospital, Sweet Hospital

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When he heard the knock at the door, followed by a few barks from Chica and Henry, Mark made his way to the door. "Calm down." He hushed the dogs, before opening the door. "Hey." He grinned.

"Hi." Jack forced a small smile, shifting the weight of his bag. "Can we come in?"

Mark glanced over Jack's shoulder at the group of men and nodded, pulling the door open. "How was the flight?"

"Long." Jack yawned, carrying his bag in and set it down before he immediately started petting Chica and Henry. Chica wagged her tail before running off and excitedly dashed around the room. Henry let out a confused bark before running after her. "They're so good."

"Mhm." Mark smiled, his attention shifting to the egos as they trickled in. Dr. Schneeplestein was the last in, assisting another ego who was wearing one of his surgical masks. Mark hesitated, watching this ego carefully in confusion. Purple hair fell down over his face, his eyes a sickening white with dark bags under them. With a groan, the man leaned into the doctor, who seemed to be helping him along. Slowly Mark made his way over to Jack. "Which one is that?"

"Robbie?" Jack turned to watch as the doctor released the man who immediately slumped against a wall and slid down to sit on the floor. "Robbie the zombie..."

"You have a zombie?" Mark rose an eyebrow. "I didn't know you-"

"Not really." Jack cut him off, scratching the back of his neck. "It's... complicated. It was a thumbnail, you know? Just a thumbnail for zombie mode in PUB G. I never even considered him a real ego, and I was honestly really surprised when he first showed up. We don't really decide these things though, do we..."

Mark shook his head. "No. We don't. They do. A thumbnail though? That's a new one."

"Right?" Jack chuckled. "Anyway, he doesn't cause as much trouble as you would expect. Not nearly as much as Anti or Schneep anyway so... it's fine."

"So that's why he looks so rough? He's a zombie?" Mark asked.

Jack frowned, slowly shaking his head. "No... I mean, that's why Schneep gave him a mask. We hoped covering up his rotting mouth would draw less attention... but he's really not been feeling well. I didn't even know zombies could get sick."

Mark nodded, looking over the rest of them. "Dr. Iplier rented a house."

"He has that much money?" Jack rose an eyebrow.

Mark chuckled. "Let me rephrase. I rented a house that Dr. Iplier found."

Jack smiled. "That makes sense."

"Anyway, he turned it into a make-shift hospital. We're going to keep all the egos there. He turned the different rooms into different wards. I think he was thinking of separating them by level of illness just in case it is a contagious thing... but I don't understand how it would have spread across an ocean." Mark shrugged. "They might need our help preparing meals and getting supplies. It's these times when I wish Chef Iplier had showed up at some point."

Jack laughed, patting Mark's shoulder. "That's what you need. MORE of them."

Chuckling Mark turned. "How have you been by the way?"

Jack shrugged, then hugged him. "Right, we didn't do the whole... hello thing. I mean, I've seen you more recently than I usually have when we eventually get together."

Mark patted his back before the hug broke, and nodded. "And I feel like we've done better at keeping in touch."

"Yeah, you HAVE to talk to me, I'm your business partner." Jack smirked.

"You make it sound like we're not friends." Mark pouted.

Jack smiled. "I'm hoping that if I razz you about not answering messages enough... you'll get better."

Mark shook his head. "I won't."

Jack laughed, his laugh quieting as he heard another voice. "Hey Sean." Amy smiled as she entered the room, walking over to give him a hug.

"Hi!" Jack grinned, as the hug ended. "Sorry about invading the place with..." He gestured to the egos who had settled themselves in the room for now. "Them."

"It's alright." Amy smiled. "Mark's show up often enough, I'm pretty used to it."

Mark nodded. "Some of them too often."

Amy giggled. "He kind of regrets the Jims."

Jack gasped, turning to him. "No! Not the Jims!" He laughed. "How fast does that get old?"

"Fast!" Mark groaned. "Last week they did a story on if dogs secretly use the toilet like people when no one's home, and I found them hiding in my shower."

Jack tried to hold in his laughter. "Isn't your... shower... glass?"

"Yup!" Mark sighed.

Jack burst into laughter. "That's fantastic."

Mark shook his head and Amy rubbed his back. "We don't know how they got in the house either."

Dr. Schneeplestein cleared his throat, stepping up to the little congregation. "Not to be a bozher, but on ze matter of vhy ve are here... zhere is a hospital set up? I am not sure Robbie vill be valking forever... his energy is draining quite quickly and it can be difficult for him to communicate exactly how he is feeling... he does not talk much."

Mark nodded. "I'll call Dr. Iplier. We'll drive you guys over there and get you set up. Sean, just leave your stuff there for now. We can set you up in the spare room when we get back."

"Are you sure it's not a problem? I know this is sudden. I can call for a hotel room..." Jack offered.

Amy smiled, shaking her head. "It's no problem."

Jack flashed her a grin before he turned to help gather up his egos and get them back outside. Mark looked over the group, leaning his shoulder against Amy's. "Can you uh..."

"You need help moving them?" Amy smiled.

"Yeah." Mark chuckled. "Maybe we should have got the ubers to just take them straight to the new place."

Amy shrugged. "You both get kind of overwhelmed when you're dealing with the egos in these numbers." She pointed out, heading outside, with Mark on her heels.

Chica and Henry raced to the door and Mark frowned. "Stay! Be good. We'll be home soon." Chica let out a whine and Mark sighed. "I know, baby girl." He promised before pulling the door closed and locked it.

They piled the egos into two vehicles and drove the twenty minutes to the house that had been rented. As they were getting the egos out of the cars, the door opened and Dr. Iplier leaned in the doorway. "More patients. Great." He grumbled.

"You knew ve vere coming you imbecile." Dr. Schneeplestein grumbled.

Dr. Iplier grinned. "I did. Based on what you told me about everyone, and what I've observed, I've broken everyone down into wards."

"Zat sounds a little too complicated for a brain of your size." Dr. Schneeplestein muttered, helping Robbie.

Narrowing his eyes, Dr. Iplier leaned in the doorway. "He's dying."

Dr. Schneeplestein rolled his eyes. "Help me get him inside."

When they had everyone settled, Dr. Iplier gave Dr. Schneeplestein, as well as Mark, Jack and Amy, a tour of the 'facility'. The doctor cleared his throat as he lead them up the stairs. "So there were three bedrooms upstairs, which have been converted into ward one... for those not really showing symptoms, ward two for those mildly effected and ward three for those moderately effected." He shrugged. "Then the living room is the main sick ward for those really feeling the effects and I figured Schneep and I would stay in the office on the main floor."

"It's doctah-" Dr. Schneeplestein stopped. "I am meant to stay in ze room vith you? Vhat kind of a loonie bin is zhis?!"

Dr. Iplier shrugged. "It's a lot of people to crammed in one house." He opened a door, grinning. "Ward one."

Inside the room Darkiplier was sitting in an arm chair, glaring across the room at Antisepticeye who was thankfully distracted by Wilford who was asking questions about the glitch's knife. The Jim twins could barely be seen, filming from under a bed, though they could clearly be heard. "It is only a matter of time before the broken man and the static man fight for the right to be called the edgiest!"

Mark shook his head. "Uh... doctor? You put Dark and Anti together? WITH the Jims?"

Jack cringed. "Yeah... I'm not so sure that's a great idea."

"Anti has not been showing ze symptoms like ze rest. He may be glitching a tiny bit more but zat is it. If Dark and Vilford are not showing ze signs eizher... zhey may not be infected yet." Dr. Schneeplestein shrugged. "I hate to say zhis, I really do, but I agree vith doctah Iplier. Zhey need to be kept separate."

"And the Jims." Dr. Iplier nodded.

Dr. Schneeplestein huffed. "I suppose."

Mark sighed. "You're the ones who have to stay here with them. Just... try to keep them from killing each other, alright?"

"Sure, sure." Dr. Schneeplestein pulled the door closed before looking around. "Vard two?"

"Here!" Dr. Iplier walked down the hall a bit to open a second door into a smaller room. Perhaps one that looked like it would be for a small child. Google Blue and Google Red stood in one corner with Google Yellow and Google Green in another, while Chase Brody was slumped over in an arm chair and Jameson Jackson was laid out on a bed, staring at the ceiling. "It's quiet in here." Dr. Iplier mumbled.

Dr. Schneeplestein nodded. "Low energy for sure."

"Battery at 92 percent." Google Green announced.

Google Yellow leaned against the wall. "Systems running on battery saver."

Mark frowned. "Ok Google, turn off battery saver."

Google Blue's eyes flickered. "Unable to turn off battery saver. Systems running on lowest power settings."

Mark sighed. "That's weird."

Dr. Iplier shrugged. "Been like that a few days. I'm calling it robot fatigue. No matter how long they charge, they can't turn off battery saver, so their systems refuse to use the power, just running the most basic functions."

Jack narrowed his eyes. "Whatever this is... is effecting the robots the same way it is everyone else?"

"Oh, it gets weirder." Dr. Iplier laughed, pulling the door closed and walked down a small hallway to a third door. "Ward three." He opened the door and the others caught up to look inside.

Jackieboy Man was laying on the floor with the Silver Shepherd laying beside him. Bim Trimmer was sitting in a chair with his head leaned against a window, staring outside and Ed Edgar was asleep in a large arm chair. Dr. Schneeplestein looked over the group before turning to Dr. Iplier. "They look ze same as the last room-"

Suddenly Jackieboy clutched at his chest, beginning to pant. The Silver Shepherd sleepily tilted his head, watching his fellow hero ego hyperventilating. Dr. Schneeplestein walked over. "Jackie, zhere is no reason for zhis. Ve have discussed it before. Medically you should not be-" Suddenly Jackieboy stopped, his body relaxing as his eyes closed, his chest not rising or falling at all now.

"These are the ones who are more tired, and experiencing the weird vitals more frequently and drastically." Dr. Iplier smiled.

Jack stiffened, then pushed his way into the room, staring at Jackieboy. "I don't think he's breathing at all now..."

"He's not." Dr. Schneeplestein muttered.

Jack's eyes widened and he looked up at the doctor. "Do something!"

The good doctor shrugged. "I am. I am vaiting."

"Do something else!" Jack whined.

Dr. Schneeplestein slowly shook his head. Jack dropped down to his knees, desperately trying to remember how CPR worked in moves, before Jackieboy's chest simply began to rise and fall on it's own again, as if nothing had happened. Dr. Schneeplestein cleared his throat. "Satisfied?"

Jack glared up at him. "No! He could have died!"

"I have been telling you zhis is serious! YOU did not vant to listen!" Dr. Schneeplestein growled, before he stormed out of the room.

Jack frowned, looking over to Mark, who sighed. Mark turned to Dr. Iplier. "Why didn't you tell us it was this bad?"

Dr. Iplier shrugged. "I told you it was getting worse. You didn't seem to care."

Mark cringed. "I care!" He looked over the men in the room. Bim had lifted his head from the window and looked over, slowly shaking his head. "I do." Mark sighed. "I care..."

Dr. Iplier walked into the room, grabbing Jack's arm and pulled him up. "Let them rest. They're dying, might as well be a peaceful death."

As Jack walked out of the room, he looked at Mark. "I can't tell if he's serious."

"I can't either anymore." Mark groaned.

Amy frowned. "He always says that..." She patted Mark's back gently. "It's his thing."

Mark slowly nodded, and they followed Dr. Iplier as he headed downstairs. Dr. Schneeplestein was already standing in the middle of the living room, looking around when they joined him. "The sick ward." Dr. Iplier announced and Schneep glanced over his shoulder at the man.

There were cots laid out across the room. Robbie the Zombie, Yandereiplier and King of the Squirrels were each tucked into a cot, seeming to be asleep. Bingiplier was held up by a metal stand against the wall, with several cables plugged into him. Against one wall was an old couch, Marvin the Magnificent was draped over one arm, staring at the floor and The Host was seated on the other end, head leaned back against the head rest, eyes covered by a bloody cloth as always.

Jack swallowed hard, looking around. "It's really bad, huh?"

Mark frowned. "It sure looks bad."

Dr. Schneeplestein clapped his hands, then turned to Dr. Iplier. "Ve have much vork to do."

"They're going to die anyway." Dr. Iplier pointed out.

Jack cringed. "You need some P.M.A."

Dr. Schneeplestein rolled his eyes. "Ve don't need you at zhis moment. You should all go back to zat one's-" He gestured to Mark, then turned to Jack. "- and get settled. Ve vill be in contact."

Frowning, Jack looked over the group in the living room again and sighed. "Are you sure you guys are up to this?"

"I am a doctah!" Dr. Schneeplestein snapped.

"We know..." Mark sighed. "But you're also egos. How are the two of you feeling?"

Dr. Iplier shrugged. "Tired but-"

"Ve are fine. Now go." The good doctor glared at Jack, until he shifted uncomfortably.

Slowly, Jack nodded, looking to Mark who shrugged, sighing heavily. They left in silence, Amy looking back around the room before following them. "Schneep seems upset." She pointed out once they were safely outside.

Jack groaned. "Yeah. I think he's mad at me because I didn't take this more seriously before. He just kept saying they were fatigued and low energy... I didn't realize..."

Mark sighed. "Dr. Iplier said they were dying a lot. I just assumed he was playing his bit. Now I'm wondering if he was really trying to get my attention." He ran his fingers through his hair. "Well, we can't go back and change anything. We'll just do better from here. Schneep'll calm down."

Jack shrugged. "You're right. They have the hospital set up now, and we'll check in more often."

Amy smiled. "I'm sure they'll do just fine. I mean, nothing has ever seemed to hurt them before."

The three of them headed back to Mark's place, getting Jack set up in the spare room while the doctors returned to caring for their patients.

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