Settling In

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Confined to ward two, Jameson Jackson was laying on his stomach in one of the beds, waving to Google Green, though it lacked his usual energetic nature. Google Green tilted his head slightly before performing a set of symbols with his hands, which Jameson watched intently in confusion. Chase Brody groaned, watching the encounter out of the corner of his eye. "Bro, he's not deaf, he's just mute... and he doesn't know sign language."

Google Green looked at Chase, then back to Jameson who smiled, shrugging his shoulders and nodded. "If he does not know sign language, then how do you communicate with him?"

Chase groaned loudly, throwing his head back. "It's basically charades, dude. Or if you get fed up with that... see if you can find a notepad. His hand writing is super legible, bro." Suddenly Chase sat up a little more, looking over the androids. "Hey, how do you know sign language?"

"I know everything." Google Blue responded.

Chase furrowed his brows. "Yeah? Then why can't you turn off power saving mode, dude?"

Google Blue's posture stiffened, his eyes flickering before they stabilized. "Unable to perform action."

Chase pushed himself up on his elbows. "That wasn't an action, man, it was a question."

"Unable to perform action." Google Blue repeated.

"Fine." Chase huffed, sinking down into his chair more.

"Unable to perform action."

"I said fine!" Chase glared over at the android, who's metallic body seemed to be glitching slightly. Jameson's eyes widened and he drew a finger across his throat before pulling the covers over his head.

"Unable to perform action. Unable to perform action. Unable to perform action."

Chase cleared his throat, pushing himself onto his feet and swayed a little before catching his balance. "Hey, uh, Google? Dude? I didn't mean to upset you, bro... or like... break you? It's ok. You know everything, alright man?"

"Unable to perform action. Unable to perform action." Google Blue repeated over and over again. As Chase glanced around, he realized that Google Green, Yellow and Red's eyes had all gone dark, their forms frozen still.

"Doctors!" Chase called, stumbling and fell against the door before he opened it. "Schneep! Dude?!"

Hearing the voice, Dr. Schneeplestein stormed upstairs. "How many times must I tell you not to call me-"

"I broke the robots, man. I'm real sorry." Chase cringed, holding onto the door for stability. "I was just asking a question, doctor bro, I promise."

"You vhat?" Dr. Schneeplestein sighed, stepping into the room.

"Unable to perform action. Unable to perform action. Unable to perform action. Unable to perform action."

The doctor narrowed his eyes, walking closer and knocked on Google Blue's chest. "Stop zat racket."

Dr. Iplier leaned in the doorway, looking around. "Ok Google, reboot!"

"Unable to-" Google Blue fell silent, his form glitching around a bit more. "Sh-sh-sh-uting down." His voice drained off at the end, and whirring sounds could be heard before his eyes also went dark.

Dr. Schneeplestein frowned, looking over his shoulder. "Zat seems risky. Vhat if he cannot boot up properly vith ze low power problems?"

Dr. Iplier shrugged. "What else were we going to do? He's-"

"Say dying and I zhrow you out ze vindow!" Dr. Schneeplestein growled, and Dr. Iplier threw his hands up.

Chase had stumbled back into the room and slumped back down into his chair. "I'm real sorry bros, I didn't mean to break him."

Jameson slowly uncovered his head, looking over Google Blue and frowned, pointing at the android. Dr. Iplier sighed. "It's not you... well... not only you. He's been malfunctioning more and more." He explained to Chase.

Suddenly the android's form shuttered, beginning to glitch as his eyes opened and flickered while they scanned the room. Dr. Iplier turned, watching Google Red and waited for him to boot up, but everyone other than Google Blue remained dark. "Google Red, boot." Dr. Iplier tried. Google Blue lifted his head, staring at the doctor. "Google Red, boot." He tried again.

"Not-not-not respond-ing." Google Blue answered.

Dr. Schneeplestein shook his head, walking over to the bed and motioned Jameson over. The mute sat up and scooted over in the bed. The doctor then took Google Blue by the shoulder and lead him over to sit him down beside Jameson. "How are you feeling?" Google Blue stared at him for several minutes until Dr. Schneeplestein grew impatient. "Vhat is ze command? Ok Google?"

"Hello." Google Blue responded, and Dr. Schneeplestein looked back to him.

"Zhere you are. How are you feeling?" The doctor asked again. Google Blue continued to stare at him until the doctor grunted in frustration. "Ok Google, how are you feeling!"

Google Blue's form glitched, his eyes flickering before he responded. "I am your Google Assistant. I can help with-"

"Ok Google, reboot!" Dr. Iplier called out.

"Stop zat!" Dr. Schneeplestein growled, watching as the android went dark again. "Is zhis medicine to you?!"

Dr. Iplier laughed, walking over. "What do you wanna do? Give him a shot? He's an android! He's pretty good at-"

"I am feeling-feeling a bit off. Power saving mode activated." Google Blue responded as he rebooted.

Dr. Iplier sighed. "That's better at least. Google Red, boot!" He smiled as the other android twitched and his eyes flickered to life.

"Red online." Google Blue muttered.

"Google Green, boot! Google Yellow, boot!" Dr. Iplier smiled.

"Green online. Yellow online." Google Blue added.

Dr. Schneeplestein slowly shook his head. "I cannot believe zat vorked."

Dr. Iplier shrugged. "Trust that I know the Ipliers, alright? They are MY patients, you know."

Meanwhile in ward three, Ed Edgar woke, clutching at his chest as he let out a cry of pain. "Zat is also one of yours!" Dr. Schneeplestein pointed out, racing to the next ward.

Dr. Iplier hung back a moment, watching as the Google units all completely came online, then followed after Dr. Schneeplestein, who had a stethoscope pressed to Ed's chest. "Tachycardia."

"Tacky hard on yee?" Ed coughed. "No, I think it's my chest, doc!"

Dr. Iplier smirked. "Your heart is beating too fast."

Ed pointed at Dr. Iplier. "That sounds right! Make it stop!"

"Zat's vhat I said you-" Dr. Schneeplestein clenched his hands into fists, then shook his head. "Try ze deep breaths." Ed immediately looked to Dr. Iplier who nodded, and then he began trying to take deep breaths. Dr. Schneeplestein glared over at the other doctor. "Vhy vould he trust YOUR opinion over mine?"

"I'm HIS doctor." Dr. Iplier shrugged.

As they calmed down Ed in ward three, back in ward two, Jameson sleepily leaned against Google Blue. "What does this mean?" The android questioned.

"I dunno bro, that he's tired? I'M tired, dude. So tired." Chase whined.

Google Blue looked to Jameson who's eyes were closed as he rested against the android. "He is very pale."

Chase nodded. "Yeah, dude."

"Is that not a bad sign?" Google Blue asked.

Chase slowly shook his head. "He's always that pale, I promise. Would I lie to you, bro?"

"All humans lie." Google Red pointed out.

"Dude. That's racist." Chase tilted his head. "I think it is anyway. It's against the human race. Right, bro?"

Google Green let out a soft whirring sound. "The definition of racism is-"

"No! No..." Chase groaned. "I didn't want THAT. You're so hard to have a conversation with... ro-bro."

Dr. Schneeplestein and Dr. Iplier watched as Ed went slack in his chair, eyes closing and head flopped back. Leaning in Dr. Schneeplestein listened to his chest once more, shaking his head. "Now he is bradycardic."

"Weird." Dr. Iplier sighed.

"Veird?" Dr. Schneeplestein growled. "Zat is all your have to say?"

Dr. Iplier shrugged. "Well I could say he's dying, but-"

"Shut up! Just shut up! I can't take you talking any longer!" Dr. Scheneplestein snapped.

Bim lifted his head from the window and looked over, frowning. "Two hundred... two hundred points to whoever... cures us."

Dr. Schneeplestein smirked. "A competition."

"Doctor... no." Jackieboy groaned, looking up from the floor. "You need to work together." He shifted a little, his eyes half lidded.

Dr. Iplier sighed. "I kind of agree with hero boy."

"Jackieboy Man." Jackieboy corrected him.

"Like I was that far off." Dr. Iplier shrugged.

Luckily for everyone, the tension in the room was cut by the sound of a gunshot, elsewhere in the house. Dr. Iplier's eyes widened. "Ward one." He sighed, and ran out of the room, Dr. Schneeplestein the one to take his time, this time.

Wilford was standing on the bed, gun raised in the air as plaster from the ceiling rained down on his head. Reporter Jim looked up from under the bed, when Dr. Iplier appeared. "Doctor! Watch out! House shivers are happening!"

Dr. Iplier shook his head. "Wilford? Why?"

Wilford glanced at the doctor and tucked his gun away, casually brushing plaster from his shoulders. "Any proper fight needs a starting signal."

"Any what?" Dr. Iplier grunted, turning to find Dark and Anti glaring at each other. Anti's body twitched between realities, and Dark's disheveled appearance suggested that they had already been fighting. Dr. Iplier groaned, closing his eyes.

"I think the house shivers are over, Jim." Reporter Jim explained to his camera man. Wilford smirked then, jumping up and down on the bed a few times. "AFTER SHIVERS!" Jim cried out.

Dr. Schneeplestein stepped up beside Dr. Iplier, watching Wilford jumping and the Jims cowering under the bed. "Is zis... a symptom?"

Dr. Iplier opened his eyes. "Symptom?"

"I'm just asking if zhis is normal." Dr. Schneeplestein sighed.

"Oh, yes. Very." Dr. Iplier snapped his fingers. "Will! Stop it!"

Wilford stopped jumping, then gracefully stepped down off the bed, pulling his gun and laid it against Dr. Iplier's temple. "I don't have to take this shit from you! I'm-"

"Vilford Varfstache. Ve vere avare." Dr. Schneeplestein rolled his eyes. "Now put zat zhing avay before I get ze chemical restraint!"

Wilford leaned back, tapping the gun against his own temple while he thought. "That sounds kinky."

Dr. Iplier sighed. "Drugs Will, he's talking about sedatives."

"I'm down. Whatcha got?" Wilford grinned.

Dr. Schneeplestein groaned. "Zhis only proves ze need for my research into ze brain transplants."

Dr. Iplier's eyes widened as he glanced at the other doctor. "Your what?"

Suddenly their attention was drawn to the other end of the room, where Anti was hissing, desperately trying to dislodge his knife from the wall, before Dark popped up beside him, grabbing his shoulder and pulled him back, before throwing him against the other wall. His aura flared out around him, growing stronger by the second. Dr. Schneeplestein shook his head. "Ve need to separate them."

"We have no space!" Dr. Iplier put his hands on his hips. "Dark! Smarten up!"

Wilford giggled. "That won't go well."

Dark's attention turned to Dr. Iplier and he growled. "Excuse me? I care very little that you are calling this... rented house... YOUR hospital. I-" His speech was cut off by Anti shoving him back against the wall and leaping forward to grab for his knife again.

"Anti!" Dr. Schneeplestein made his way into the room, trying to pull the creature away from his still stuck knife. "Anti! Zhis is enough! Ve are here- oof." The doctor grunted as Anti elbowed him, with arms flailing, still attempting to grab for his weapon. "No!" The doctor growled, wrapping his arms around the glitch to physically restrain him. "Ve are here to stop you from getting sick! Do you understand?!"

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" Wilford cheered, clapping his hands.

"Will..." Dr. Iplier groaned.

Reporter Jim cleared his throat. "As the battle of edge wages on, a new challenge has found his way to the ring. One doctor Schneeplestein. He may be a bit spooky, but he is edgy enough?! Stay tuned..."

Dark smirked. "Thank you doctor." He grinned, taking the opportunity, with Anti pinned, to lay some hits into the glitch's abdomen.

"Ffff-uuck off!" Anti hissed, squirming to try and break free from the doctor, and the second he did, he lunged at Dark, who easily knocked him to the ground in his already off balance state.

Dr. Iplier cleared his throat. "Will, stop the fight and I'll let you out of the house for the evening."

Wilford smirked. "That sounds like you think I couldn't leave at any moment."

Dr. Iplier sighed. "With my blessing, which means no one to follow you and harass you to come home. Not even Dark will be on your case."

Drumming his fingers against his chin, Wilford thought, then grinned and crossed the room. He grabbed Dark's arm, pulling him back from Anti and cleared his throat. "Have you asked the doctors about Yan?"

Dark was still growling at Anti until the sentence registered. Slowly it stopped and he glanced at Wilford, before he sighed, looking to Dr. Iplier. "How IS Yandereiplier?" He asked, as Anti continued to struggle with Dr. Schneeplestein.

Dr. Iplier sighed. "Not good, but I don't know exactly, because we have to be here... with you, instead of there, treating him."

Dark glared at the doctor, clearly thinking this over. "Fine. Anti was never worth it anyway." He muttered and sat down on one of the beds.

"Not worth it? Not worth it?! What the fuck does that mean ya bloody cop light cunt!" Anti hissed, as he stopped struggling, Dr. Schneeplestein getting a better hold on him.

Dark smirked, straightening up his suit and then his hair. "I simply meant that you are not a worthy opponent or worth the time and energy it takes to beat you down."

"That's what I fucking thought you meant! I'll show you how worth it I am, you grey-scale bitch!" Anti snarled.

Wilford clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth, looking over Anti. "You know, if you got a gun, this would all be a lot easier."

"Wilford!" Dr. Iplier gasped. "Not helpful!"

Wilford shrugged. "You wanted me to distract them! I'm distracting them."

"Will, you are supposed to be on my side." Dark growled.

"I'm on MY side." Wilford smirked. "And MY side is mostly about having the most fun."

Dr. Iplier sighed, shaking his head. "Anti? Don't you care about Robbie? We have to go take care of him..."

Anti burst out into giggles, looking over at Dr. Iplier, or more accurately, looking through him. "Yeah, yeah. I'm very worried that the walking corpse has stopped walking."

Dr. Schneeplestein cleared his throat. "Jameson Jackson is getting more ill."

Anti's glitching momentarily became more intense, before he forced himself to calm. "Why would I care?"

"Chase is not feeling so hot eizher, and Jackieboy is going vhey down hill. Even I am tired. Give zhis a break. Let us find a cure for this, at least. I vill give you an out. Any of you could come down vith zhis at any time. If you let us find ze cure, zhen ve can cure you, or even prevent you from ever getting sick, yeah?"

Anti rolled his eyes. "Fine. I guess if it saves my ass, I'll try to get along with the stuffed suit."

"Zhank you." Dr. Schneeplestein nodded, finally releasing his hold on the glitch. Anti settled himself on the bed furthest from Dark.

Wilford grinned. "Alright. Party time!"

"You didn't help!" Dr. Iplier grunted. "You're staying here."

His eyes narrowing, Wilford glared at the doctor, then relaxed, grinning. "Sure thing, doc."

Dr. Iplier shifted, feeling uneasy, but was too overwhelmed to particularly care how easily the mad man had given in. When Dr. Schneeplestein left the room, Dr. Iplier followed him, neither saying another word. As Dr. Iplier closed the door, he turned back to find Dr. Schneeplestein leaned against the hallway wall, eyes closed. "Are you alright?"

"Just... tired." Dr. Schneeplestein nodded. "Wrestling vith Anti is not ze good past time."

Dr. Iplier sighed. "Do you need a break?"

"No. Ve really do need to check on ze sick vard. Zhey are in ze bad shape." Dr. Schneeplestein pushed himself up off the wall and headed back downstairs, Dr. Iplier hesitantly following.

As they started checking in with everyone in the sick ward, they quickly realized that they had quite the project ahead of them. Keeping everyone calm, and stable, while also trying to study the illness and it's progression and find a cure, was a lot to put on two doctors. Especially two doctors who were clearly starting to feel the effects of the illness themselves. Of course, neither were willing to admit that they were in over their heads either.

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