A Jim Diagnosis

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Dr. Schneeplestein hovered by one of the cots in the sick ward. "How are you feeling zhis morning?"

The zombie shifted in the bed, letting out a groan. His purple hair fell down into his bleak white eyes as he looked over the doctor, no one really sure exactly how much vision he had left. "Owwwwww." He groaned, pointing to his stomach.

"Your stomach hurts?" The doctor asked.

"Owwww." Robbie grunted, pointing to his arm.

Dr. Schneeplestein sighed, nodding. "And your arm."

Robbie then pointed down towards his leg, without sitting up enough to touch it. "Owww."

"And your leg?" The doctor rose an eyebrow.

"Owwww..." Robbie groaned, tapping a finger against his head.

Dr. Schneeplestein tapped his foot impatiently. "Dose everyzing hurt?" Robbie was silent a moment, letting his arm fall to his side as he watched the doctor. Then he let out a huff, nodding his head. "And... is zhis NEW pain Robbie? Or has it alvays hurt?" Robbie stared blankly for several minutes until the doctor became frustrated. "Did it hurt before you vere sick?" Robbie grunted, shrugging his shoulders and Dr. Schneeplestein let out a deep sigh as he turned. "Vhat's ze school girl's name?"

"Yandereplier?" Dr. Iplier chuckled. "He's a boy. He just wears-"

"I don't care." Dr. Schneeplestein waved his hand, turning to the cot behind him. "Yandereiplier?"

"I care." Yandere muttered. "You're a jerk. I want Senpai."

Dr. Schneeplestein sighed, looking up at Dr. Iplier. "Vhat is a senpai and vhere do ve get it?"

"Not a what, a who!" Dr. Iplier called. He was on the other side of the room, taking the Host's blood pressure.

"Vhat?" Dr. Schneeplestein growled.

"No! Who!" Dr. Iplier smiled.

Shaking his head, Dr. Schneeplestein grunted. "Vho is it zhen?"

"I dunno." Dr. Iplier shrugged. "He never tells us."

"Vhat is a senpai?!" Dr. Schneeplestein half shouted.

Yandereiplier covered his ears, shaking his head. "You're so loud!"

"He is a Septic." Dr. Iplier sighed.

"Answer my question!" Dr. Schneeplestein muttered.

"The Host..." The Host paused, shifting a little on the couch. "The Host was sick of this conversation and informed the good doctor that a Senpai was Yandere's idol of affection. The one he has a crush on."

Yandereiplier uncovered his ears. "It's not a crush! I LOVE Senpai." He crossed his arms. "And he'll love me... eventually."

"And who is zhis crush?" Dr. Schneeplestein asked.

Yandere wrinkled up his nose, shaking his head. "I'm not telling you."

Rolling his eyes, the doctor grumbled to himself, "Scheisse.". Then he sighed, taking a deep breath. "Fine. Do you feel ze pain?" Yandere shrugged. "Ve cannot help if you do not let us."

Dr. Iplier made his way over, leaning against the cot. "Yan?" Yandereiplier turned his head away, shaking it. "Senpai would want you to tell us if you're in pain, so we can help you."

Yandereiplier slowly looked back towards him, tilting his head. "He would?"

"He would. You're dying. He wouldn't want you to die though, would he?" Dr. Iplier smiled.

"No... we can't be together if I die." Yandere muttered, thinking it over. "Just those little bitches who want to take him from me. They're the only ones who should die. They think I don't notice them looking at him too long and-"

"Yan!" Dr. Iplier cleared his throat. "Yandere... just tell us if you've been feeling pain since you got sick."

Yandereiplier shook his head. "It doesn't hurt. I just feel... stiff. Like moving is kind of hard, and I'm really tired. All the time. I just want to sleep... and dream of Senpai."

Dr. Schneeplestein turned back to Robbie. "Does it hurt? Or it feels stiff?"

Robbie looked up at the doctor, then groaned. "Owww."

"It hurts?" The doctor asked.

"Oww." Robbie grunted.

Dr. Schneeplestein took his glasses off, hanging them off his scrub pocket before rubbing his face with his hands. "I need ze break."

"So take one." Dr. Iplier nodded. "They're all... mostly stable."

Dr. Schneeplestein huffed. "Vhat? And leave YOU in charge?"

Dr. Iplier rose an eyebrow. "You haven't BEEN in charge. We're doing this together, whether you like it not. Now take a break before you-"

"Don't say die!" Dr. Schneeplestein shouted.

Dr. Iplier tilted his head and smirked. "Before you expire."

The good doctor narrowed his eyes, glaring at the man. "I hate you, you know zhat?"

Dr. Iplier tapped his pen against his clipboard and then jotted something down. "Hate towards colleague."

"Vhat?" Dr. Schneeplestein grunted.

"Taking notes. We're watching for potential symptoms, remember?" Dr. Iplier smirked.

"I am not sick, you little-" Dr. Schneeplestein began before he was cut off.

"Tensions in the big ego house are getting teenie tiny. Here we have the doctors, supposed to make everyone very Jim again, and instead, they too are fighting to be the edgiest!" Reporter Jim told the camera as they crept down the stairs.

"Jims..." Dr. Iplier groaned. "We told you to stay upstairs."

"We didn't want to be up there all alone! It's boring!" Jim pouted.

Dr. Iplier furrowed his brow. "You're not alone... you have Dark, Anti and Wilford."

Dr. Schneeplestein frowned. "You DO have zhem, do you not?"

"Nah. They went out." Jim pouted. "Said it was a 'no Jims allowed' trip." He turned back to the camera. "We will not stand for this injustice though Jims! The Jims will have their day in court!"

Dr. Iplier's eyes widened. "Went out?"

"Dark and Anti vent out... togezher?" Dr. Schneeplestein frowned.

"With Wilford." Dr. Iplier swallowed hard. "I... have to call Mark." He sighed.

"Vhat is zat buffoon going to do?" Dr. Schneeplestein muttered.

Dr. Iplier shrugged. "I don't know... but he has to do something! If they collapse out there..."

"Zhey vill be taken to ze normal hospital." Dr. Schneeplestein sighed. "And vhen zhey see Anti on monitoring equipment..."

"Why?" Dr. Iplier turned to look at him. "What does-"

"Not human. It is very not human. Do it! Call him!" Dr. Schneeplestein snapped.

As Dr. Iplier headed to the office to call Mark, Dr. Schneeplestein was quick to follow. Reporter Jim looked to camera Jim and then crouched down, rolling across the floor. "This is where we will find out whatever is wrong with everyone. It started here... with the green eyed stabber."

"My eyes..." Yandereiplier shifted in the bed. "Are brown."

Reporter Jim looked at camera Jim, shaking his head, then looked back to Yandereiplier. "Yes, of course." He crawled over, peaking up over the edge of the cot. "So, what is wrong with you?"

"I dunno." Yandere sighed. "I'm sick. I want Senpai!"

"Did Senpai make you sick? Is it a disease of nether bits?!" Reporter Jim gasped.

Yandere grunted. "What? No! I don't know. I just got sick."

Reporter Jim tilted his head. "Is it the type of sick where you miss your Senpai?"

"I always miss Senpai." Yandere frowned.

Robbie groaned, shifting in his bed. "Ah! The alive again man!" Jim awkwardly crawled under Yandere's cot, while the other Jim rolled around it. Reporter Jim stood up, leaning over Robbie's bed. "What made you sick?"

Robbie pointed to his chest. "Owww."

"That's it Jim!" Reporter Jim called out, turning to the camera. "It is achy breaky heart syndrome! Quick, let's tell the doctors!" He crawled low, scuttling around the cots and into the office.

"So vhat do ve do now?" Dr. Schneeplestein sighed.

Dr. Iplier shrugged. "Take care of everyone else and let Mark and Jack find them."

Dr. Schneeplestein grunted. "Zhey could not find ze back of zhere own hand!"

"Doctors!" Jim cleared his throat.

"Go back upstairs!" Both doctors screamed out in unison before looking at each other in shock.

"Jim and I have found the story for you! The egos are sad in the heart!" Reporter Jim proclaimed proudly.

Dr. Schneeplestein grunted. "No, zhey are really sick. Now go back upstairs before you catch it."

Reporter Jim shook his head. "Jims won't catch the sadness."

"Go back upstairs!" Dr. Schneeplestein snapped.

"The spooky doctor is mad Jim! Run!" Reporter Jim cried out, throwing himself to the floor and rolled out of the room, camera Jim scuttling after.

Dr. Iplier sighed. "They mean well..."

Dr. Schneeplestein rolled his eyes. "Zhey mean to rob me of my last shreds of sanity."

Crossing the room, Dr. Iplier pulled the door closed. "Well they're gone now. Sit down. Take a break."

Dr. Schneeplestein shook his head. "Ve have to get to bottom of zhis before zhey get even vorse."

"We're... not going to fix this today." Dr. Iplier leaned against the desk, yawning slightly. "Just take a break. You'll feel better if you do."

Dr. Schneeplestein sighed, eyeing Dr. Iplier for a moment before he gave in and decided to open up. "I am afraid zhat if I sit down, I vill never get up."

Dr. Iplier tiled his head. "Like you'll die?"

"Is everyzhing a joke to you?!" Dr. Schneeplestein growled.

"What? No..." Dr. Iplier sighed. "I was actually asking. Because it sounded like-"

"No." Dr. Schneeplestein yawned. "Vell... maybe. I don't know. I see zem in zhose make shift hospital beds..." He slowly shook his head. "It'll be us if ve're not careful."

Dr. Ipler smiled. "Not sitting down ever is going to get you there faster though, right?"

Dr. Schneeplestein sighed. "Logically, yes. But... it feels like if I just keep going... it von't catch me."

"Sit down." Dr. Iplier smirked. "Doctor's orders." Dr. Schneeplestein glared at him and Dr. Iplier chuckled, sitting down on one of the cots he had set up in the room. "I am too! Ok?"

Sighing heavily, Dr. Schneeplestein sat down on the other cot. It didn't take long for him to lay back, and in moments he was asleep. Dr. Iplier watched until he was sure the man was really out, and then he quietly got up and snuck out of the office, returning to taking the Host's vitals.

Meanwhile Mark was standing on his front steps. "I have no idea where they would be."

Amy sighed. "Would you just come back in and-"

"Dr. Iplier said they could just collapse somewhere! We have to find them before anyone else does. Dark isn't usually this reckless." Mark groaned.

"Anti is." Jack chuckled, then sighed. "Maybe he's following Anti?"

Mark shrugged. "And where would Anti go?"

Jack sighed. "I have no idea."

Amy wrapped her arms around one of Mark's, hugging it to her chest. "You need to relax."

"I can't." Mark looked at her.

Amy nodded. "You know you need to come up with a plan, you can't just run through the city, screaming out their names."

"She has a point." Jack nodded. "Coffee?"

Mark stared at the street for a moment, then slowly nodded. "Alright."

Amy gently tugged on his arm, pulling him back into the house. She led them into the kitchen, Chica and Henry quickly coming to greet them. Chica flopped at Jack's feet as he happily rubbed her belly. "Traitor." Mark smirked.

"It's the Irish charm." Jack winked.

"It's giving her a treat every time I turn around." Mark laughed. "I know you've been doing that."

Jack shook his head, but couldn't keep himself from laughing. Amy grinned. "Sean, what do you take in your coffee?"

"Just a couple of sugars. Oh, I could have gotten it myself!" Jack looked up at her.

"You're our guest." Amy smiled, setting mugs on the table.

"I could have gotten mine myself." Mark pointed out.

"You could have." Amy teased, kissing his cheek before sitting down beside him with her own mug.

Jack picked his mug up, looking it over and held it out. "One of yours?"

"Mhm." Amy smiled.

"Aren't they amazing!" Mark grinned, holding his out proudly before sipping the coffee.

Jack grinned, nodding his head as he took a sip of his. He let out a slight groan as his phone buzzed and he checked the message from Robin. Mark's eyes widened. "I'm such an idiot!" He grunted, grabbing his phone and quickly sent off a few texts.

Amy nodded, sipping her coffee, then slowly lowered the mug. "Have an... idea there?"

"One of them better respond." Mark muttered.

Jack glanced at Amy, then looked to Mark. "Do they ever?"

Mark sighed, shrugging his shoulders. "Wilford does sometimes, it depends on his mood, and Dark will when something is wrong." He intently stared down at his phone.

Jack took another sip of his coffee, before clearing his throat. "A watched phone won't-"

Mark's phone buzzed and he immediately grabbed it. "Wilford." He sighed, reading over the text as Amy giggled at the surprise on Jack's face. "He said Dr. Iplier promised him that he could go out... but that can't be right. Dr. Iplier is the one who said they were missing." He groaned, dialing the number and held it up to his ear. He was more than a little surprised when there wasn't a thumping bass in the back of Wilford's call. It was oddly quiet.

"Hello there boy, girl or configuration of being."

"Wilford, you know it's me, I just texted you." Mark groaned.

"What's your point?" Wilford hummed. "What kind of a being are you Mr. Mark-i-plier."

"I don't know what that means." Mark sighed. "Are Dark and Anti with you?"

Wilford was quiet a moment, then chuckled softly. "With me, following me, something like that."

"I want to speak to Dark." Mark demanded.

"Ah, ah, ah." Mark could hear crinkling on the other end and squirmed a bit in his chair. "You've got Warfstache, that's all anyone really needs, isn't it?"

Mark shifted. "What's that sound?"

Wilford chuckled. "The sound of a good time!"

"Where are you?!" Mark stood up, Amy and Jack both looking up at him.

"Hm..." Wilford's fingers could be heard drumming against the phone. "Out. You're not trying to ruin the fun, now are you?"

Mark closed his eyes, rubbing his face with his free hand. "Will, the doctor said you could-"

"Come out! He sure did." Wilford quickly cut him off.

"Actually, he said you could collapse! Just have an energy drop and fall to the ground. Please get back to the hospital." Mark sighed.

Wilford sighed. "Soon enough, old boy. Good chat." And with that, he hung up the phone.

Mark looked down at Amy. "I got nothing. Nothing!"

Amy shrugged her shoulders. "Maybe he really will go back on his own in a bit? Besides, if Dark and Anti are following him around, they won't let it get too crazy."

"Anti would." Jack muttered, and Mark pointed at him.

"Dark won't get caught." Amy reminded them. "He knows better. He knows it's HIS own safety on the line."

Slowly Mark sat down at the table again, nodding. "You're right. I'll... check in with Dr. Iplier in an hour or two. If they're not back by then... I guess I'll try calling again?"

Jack smiled, nodding slightly as he held his mug of coffee close.

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